PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Clone minion group 1 (6):
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Auto-Fire shoot at B1e: Shooting at the B1s : 3eP+2eA+2eB+1eD 5 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png a-a-a.png a-s-s.png b--.png b--.png d-th.png

Forgot a die: forgot a die : 1eD 0 successes, 1 threat

That's 14 damage with Pierce 1 and 3 hits, so that's 11*3=33, 33>30=all droids down.

Clone minion group 2 (4):
Maneuver: Move to Medium range of B1b
Action: Shoot them (no Auto-fire): Shooting at the B1s : 3eP+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png p-a.png d--.png d-f.png

That's 12 damage with Pierce 1, so that's 9+5=14, 14>10=all droids down

@RuusMarev , they left the annoying officer for Jorin to deal with... :D
Jorin's up!


("I'm not the commander, h-he's the commander." *clone shoots* "Oh well, guess I'm the commander now.")

Map updated.

@EliasWindrider , may I just narrate the demise of the droids out on the platform? They don't stand a chance and they won't get to go before being eliminated, so it'd just be a waste of time and effort to roll for it.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

("I'm not the commander, h-he's the commander." *clone shoots* "Oh well, guess I'm the commander now.")

I would like to point out, as someone who very much likes the B1.... This is one of my favorites :D (the highlight of all three animated, and lego series.. )

Just now, RuusMarev said:

I would like to point out, as someone who very much likes the B1.... This is one of my favorites :D (the highlight of all three animated, and lego series.. )

Mine too. It's B1 gold. :D

54 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@RuusMarev , they left the annoying officer for Jorin to deal with... :D
Jorin's up!

Range? (I'm guessing close?)

1 hour ago, RuusMarev said:

Range? (I'm guessing close?)

Short range.

9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Not especially, considering most Lightsaber trees give a comparable talent.

Niman-disciple (success only) + ataru striker (advantage only) each with a way way to engage the opponent do not constitute a majority of lightsaber forms. Shien lets you add failures to incoming attacks.

13 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Niman-disciple (success only) + ataru striker (advantage only) each with a way way to engage the opponent do not constitute a majority of lightsaber forms. Shien lets you add failures to incoming attacks.

My mistake. I thought they had a niche plus add Success and/or Advantage.

Makashi is +10 to crits
Ataru is Advantage
Niman is Success

Soresu draws fire to the character
Shien adds Failure to subsequent attacks

4 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , may I just narrate the demise of the droids out on the platform? They don't stand a chance and they won't get to go before being eliminated, so it'd just be a waste of time and effort to roll for it.


9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Initiative order:

  1. Mireska - 8s2a
  2. Camouflage - 4s2a
  3. Chee'Okee - 4s1a
  4. Varactyl Squad - 3s3a1T
  5. Sgt. Poe (5 wounds, crit) - 3s1a
  6. Sgt. Raven - 3s1a
  7. Ker'see - 2s1a
  8. Sergeant-1 - 2s1a
  9. Clone minion group 1 (6) - 2s1a
  10. Clone minion group 2 (4, 4 wounds) - 2s
  11. Clone minion group 4 (6) - 2s
  12. Jorin - 1s4a1T
  13. Clone minion group 3 (2, 2 wounds) - 1s2a
  14. Sergeant-2 - 1s1a
  15. Sergeant 3 - 1s1a
  16. Clone minion group 5 (6) - 1s1a
  17. Clone minion group 6 (6) - 1s1a
  18. Clone minion group 7 (6) - 1s1a
  19. *B1 Supervisor-1 - 1s1a
  20. Sergeant-4 - 1s
  21. Clone minion group 8 (6) - 1s
  22. Clone minion group 9 (6) - 1s
  23. Sergeant-5 - 2a
  24. *B2a (2, 7 wounds, Disoriented, +1 Difficulty) - 2a
  25. B1b (4, 1 wound, Disoriented) - 2a
  26. Clone minion group 10 (6) - 1a
  27. Clone minion group 11 (6) - 1a
  28. Sergeant-6 - 1a
  29. B1 Supervisor-2 - 1a
  30. B1e (6) - 1a
  31. *B1f (6, Disoriented) - 1a

Since so many clones go before the droids on the landing platform, I'm going to just eliminate the LP droids (marked with a *) without rolling for it as it would be a waste of time and effort. @EliasWindrider , will you sign off on that?

I'll still go for the ones in the courtyard, as those droids may get a chance to go and we still have a PC (Jorin) who has yet to act in this round.

@SuperWookie , sorry you didn't get to do much first encounter.

Signed off on


Maneuver to pickup lightsaber,

Jorin Saber throw, vs Droid supervisor : 1eA+4eP+3eF+2eD 6 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
a-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s.png p-s-a.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png d--.png d-th.png

not that it matters, but +1 success from Personalized Design.. Pretty sure that droid is scrapped.

Light side to hit, light side to return it, 2 Advantage for a second hit, and 14 damage with Breach 1, yeah, 28 damage and an auto-crit ought to do it.

And technically it's an Easy shot since you're making a Ranged attack with Lightsaber, meaning you have 1 additional Advantage since that last die doesn't count.

No kill like overkill. :D

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

No kill like overkill. :D

Jorin's future mantra... :D :D

also; P for Plenty...

How is Jorin adding the Force to attack? I am not seeing the ability on his character sheet.

Just asking as I am still learning the FFG system (Also trying to figure out whom to buff in the future).

16 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Light side to hit, light side to return it, 2 Advantage for a second hit, and 14 damage with Breach 1, yeah, 28 damage and an auto-crit ought to do it.

And technically it's an Easy shot since you're making a Ranged attack with Lightsaber, meaning you have 1 additional Advantage since that last die doesn't count.

No kill like overkill. :D

Where's the second hit coming from?

7 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

How is Jorin adding the Force to attack? I am not seeing the ability on his character sheet.

Just asking as I am still learning the FFG system (Also trying to figure out whom to buff in the future).

Saber Throw, you add force dice and use the light pips to activate the throw (1 pip) , and return it to you (1 light pip)

Oh duh. My bad reading comprehension. Sorry. I was just thinking to myself "Dang, they all add Force to their attacks... my buffing character isn't going to have any work to do" lol

Edited by SuperWookie
15 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Where's the second hit coming from?

Linked from the double-bladed saber. Doesn't it apply?

Camouflage has used a stimpack on both himself and Varactyl Squad, bringing wounds for both down to 0.

Strain Recover: Strain Recovery (Cool) : 2eP+1eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s.png p-a.png a-s-s.png

Recovers 3 Strain.

It occurs to me that we should probably either have a Clone Captain NPC or Camouflage should be promoted to Captain in short order,* that way he can more fully operate in Captain Rex's role since there will be situations (like this one) where having more than a platoon available makes sense and having a clone CO on the ground would be appropriate.

Anything larger than a company would be a clone commander's role, and that doesn't really fit Camo as it's too much behind the lines. I think it would also be good to name the unit and pin some particulars down for the sake of NPCs like Poe and Raven, while providing a framework for adding new ones.

*Or just in time for the next instance of a similar situation.

12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Camouflage has used a stimpack on both himself and Varactyl Squad, bringing wounds for both down to 0.

Strain Recover: Strain Recovery (Cool) : 2eP+1eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s.png p-a.png a-s-s.png

Recovers 3 Strain.

It occurs to me that we should probably either have a Clone Captain NPC or Camouflage should be promoted to Captain in short order,* that way he can more fully operate in Captain Rex's role since there will be situations (like this one) where having more than a platoon available makes sense and having a clone CO on the ground would be appropriate.

Anything larger than a company would be a clone commander's role, and that doesn't really fit Camo as it's too much behind the lines. I think it would also be good to name the unit and pin some particulars down for the sake of NPCs like Poe and Raven, while providing a framework for adding new ones.

*Or just in time for the next instance of a similar situation.

I've been thinking on that for a while.. I figured Camouflage would be promoted either sometime soon, or when Jorin 'graduated' to Knight (not sure when that would be.. is it based on age or skill?)

Once Jorin gets Knight, and is comfortable with his commander status (Or Camouflage could get promoted to help facilitate Jorin's mentor-ship) I was thinking of Poe and.. Raven? oh I see what you did.. <_< anyway, they could be assigned to Jorin under whatever Company Name, so-in-so Battalion.. (probably a Recon company given Camo and Jorin's skill set. Kind of thinking a Star Wars equivalent to Cav(alry) Scout; light mechanized, possible sniper teams)

@EliasWindrider If you approve of this, I figured this Recon unit would be assigned AT-RT's, Jetpacks, BARC-Speeders, (and possible access for Sniper rifles.. unless that overlaps too much with Ker'see.)

(And since we would very likely be with the rest of the group, a separate transport ship would be unnecessary.)

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

I've been thinking on that for a while.. I figured Camouflage would be promoted either sometime soon, or when Jorin 'graduated' to Knight (not sure when that would be.. is it based on age or skill?)

It's based on passing the trials, so more about skill.

2 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

@EliasWindrider If you approve of this, I figured this Recon unit would be assigned AT-RT's, Jetpacks, BARC-Speeders, (and possible access for Sniper rifles.. unless that overlaps too much with Ker'see.)

(And since we would very likely be with the rest of the group, a separate transport ship would be unnecessary.)

I can work on figuring out just how that would be structured.

One story idea is that much of Camo's company got wiped out, including its original Captain. Because of that, he's promoted and they start shuffling it around and restructuring it. So Varactyl Platoon would have been a "rifle platoon" part of it, and then there'd be a sniper contingent on the platoon level and a light cavalry contingent on the company level. I'll have to look into unit structure a bit more in order to figure out just how to build it up.

I've recently been researching how infantry units are structured, so this would be an interesting side branch of that.

2 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

... when Jorin 'graduated' to Knight (not sure when that would be.. is it based on age or skill? )


Both, I believe.

The Jedi shouldn't justify a Junior Padawan (roughly age 9 to 16/17 or species equivalent) being advanced to Knight and thereby by-passing the Senior Padawan stage. Young humans can be competent, clever, well-trained, etc., but there is still some very necessary physical and psychological growth to finish. Normally I would expect the (Senior) Padawan to Knight transition to be around human age 20-25.

All of which is why I was asking earlier if Jorin really was 13, or if he should be "advanced" to 16 so that he can narratively become a Knight without there being any issues about his age.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It's based on passing the trials, so more about skill.

I can work on figuring out just how that would be structured.

One story idea is that much of Camo's company got wiped out, including its original Captain. Because of that, he's promoted and they start shuffling it around and restructuring it. So Varactyl Platoon would have been a "rifle platoon" part of it, and then there'd be a sniper contingent on the platoon level and a light cavalry contingent on the company level. I'll have to look into unit structure a bit more in order to figure out just how to build it up.

I've recently been researching how infantry units are structured, so this would be an interesting side branch of that.

(wasn't my area but from what I remember...)

In the US, Infantry Companies should/probably has a reconnaissance platoon, with maybe 2 or more APC's (Armored Personnel Carriers) and some light trucks (HUMMV's)

Depending on how many Troops are with Camo and Jorin, I would think a mix of AT-RT and Barc maybe 6 of each? (or mission dependent)

2 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Both, I believe.

The Jedi shouldn't justify a Junior Padawan (roughly age 9 to 16/17 or species equivalent) being advanced to Knight and thereby by-passing the Senior Padawan stage. Young humans can be competent, clever, well-trained, etc., but there is still some very necessary physical and psychological growth to finish. Normally I would expect the (Senior) Padawan to Knight transition to be around human age 20-25.

All of which is why I was asking earlier if Jorin really was 13, or if he should be "advanced" to 16 so that he can narratively become a Knight without there being any issues about his age.

Probably should advance him in age so he is at least a competent experienced Padawan

Just now, Bellona said:

I assume that you've both checked out this page?


It includes some information on how it was organised.

And this link includes the named units which appeared in various versions of canon:


Yes, that'll be part of my research when I really get down into it.

I don't think they have much (if any) information on the structure of the recon units though. Looking at the Imperial Army might end up being more helpful as there were a couple RPG sourcebooks focused on the structure of the Imperial military.