PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

6 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

The battle seems to be well in hand, would it be a waste for my to make a Knowledge (Warfare) check to see if I can offer any strategic advice (as the character)? Otherwise I might simply buff up and Commit Sense on Chee'Okee in order to upgrade attacks against her, and then spend my second action to draw her lightsaber. I wouldn't be the first one to step out of the LAAT without taking a look at the battlefield as the clones exit.

Do what is right for you.

I guess I will just commit a Force die for Sense (Left tree, and I have the Strength upgrade for it), and draw her lightsaber. For flavor purposes, can I ignite only if fired upon? Or is igniting an incidental that can be taken?

32 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

I guess I will just commit a Force die for Sense (Left tree, and I have the Strength upgrade for it), and draw her lightsaber. For flavor purposes, can I ignite only if fired upon? Or is igniting an incidental that can be taken?

Igniting your lightsaber is an incidental. You could fluff it as igniting it just in time to ward off a shot.

Because there are so few droids left, you are probably better off not committing the Force die and just dismounting the LAAT. I've already fluffed the clones charging out of the gunship (even though mechanically that's their first Maneuver on their turn), so you could either be ahead or behind them, as you see fit.

I'll skip the Sense for the time being, per your suggestion. I think 3 ranks of range defense would suffice for now.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at B1a: Shooting at the B1s : 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eD 1 success, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s.png b-s.png d-f-f.png

Nice. 11 damage and a crit, so that's 12 wounds past soak for a total of 16, eliminating three droids.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at B1a: Shooting at the B1s : 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eD 2 successes, 1 Triumph
p--.png p-tr.png a-s-a.png b--.png d-th.png

He's at Medium range, so his first Maneuver should have been to move closer. Since -1 Difficulty is better than +1 Boost, I'll just retroactively adjust and remove the Boost.

That's 12 damage, so 8 wounds past Soak. Not quite enough to kill both, so crit with the Triumph to take out the second and eliminate the entire group.

@MrTInce /Ker'see is up.

Okey dokey. Ker'see from the Laat will quick draw her sniper for incidental. True Aim to fire at b1f at medium range.

Pew pew the droids : 5eP+1eA+2eB+3eF+2eD 4 successes, 5 advantage, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
p-s.png p-a-a.png p-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png b--.png b-s-a.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

So we have 13 base damage from the weapon plus 4 from successes and will bump it to 6 from force pips equaling 19 damage with pierce 2. Due to a rifle attachment I get a bonus success to that is 6 success. Will trigger a critical killing one of them with 3. Will use another two to take a free maneuver, will explain this later, and will use the last to pass a boost onto the next target.

Will drop rifle as incidental into the LAAT.

The free maneuver I will force leap into cover.

Force Leap : 3eF 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png

Easily enough.

If there is no problem I'll get an IC post up after tea.

For fun the crit would have been:

Crit for fun : 1d100+20 42

Bowled Over: Knocked prone, +1 strain

Edited by MrTInce

What are the Force die from on Ker'See's attack?

Just now, SuperWookie said:

What are the Force die from on Ker'See's attack?

A talent on the Hunter or Executioner tree, I think it's Intuitive Shot.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

A talent on the Hunter or Executioner tree, I think it's Intuitive Shot.

Oh wow, that's strong.


4s+2LS+1auto-success is 7 success, so 20 damage with Pierce 2 and a crit.

23 damage past Soak is enough to take down 4 droids, leaving 3 spillover wounds.

Updating the map soon.

Just now, SuperWookie said:

Oh wow, that's strong.

Not especially, considering most Lightsaber trees give a comparable talent.

Well, it is strong for being able to consistently hit. I am curious now whether Adversary ranks are good enough to overcome all the talent buffs.

1 minute ago, SuperWookie said:

Well, it is strong for being able to consistently hit. I am curious now whether Adversary ranks are good enough to overcome all the talent buffs.

Not even close. :D

"Able to consistently hit" is pretty much a given at this high a level. Ker'see has 6 Agility and 3 Ranged (Heavy) with True Aim 2, so the chance of missing even a Hard shot is slim to none.

Besides, "able to consistently hit" applies to Lightsabers as well.

RIP Darth Vader

Okay, I've updated the map (here's the link again).

I added the gunships and PCs, adjusting some stuff around.

Currently no one is engaged with the droids, it's just really tight for space.

Initiative order:

  1. Mireska - 8s2a
  2. Camouflage - 4s2a
  3. Chee'Okee - 4s1a
  4. Varactyl Squad - 3s3a1T
  5. Sgt. Poe (5 wounds, crit) - 3s1a
  6. Sgt. Raven - 3s1a
  7. Ker'see - 2s1a
  8. Sergeant-1 - 2s1a
  9. Clone minion group 1 (6) - 2s1a
  10. Clone minion group 2 (4, 4 wounds) - 2s
  11. Clone minion group 4 (6) - 2s
  12. Jorin - 1s4a1T
  13. Clone minion group 3 (2, 2 wounds) - 1s2a
  14. Sergeant-2 - 1s1a
  15. Sergeant 3 - 1s1a
  16. Clone minion group 5 (6) - 1s1a
  17. Clone minion group 6 (6) - 1s1a
  18. Clone minion group 7 (6) - 1s1a
  19. *B1 Supervisor-1 - 1s1a
  20. Sergeant-4 - 1s
  21. Clone minion group 8 (6) - 1s
  22. Clone minion group 9 (6) - 1s
  23. Sergeant-5 - 2a
  24. *B2a (2, 7 wounds, Disoriented, +1 Difficulty) - 2a
  25. B1b (4, 1 wound, Disoriented) - 2a
  26. Clone minion group 10 (6) - 1a
  27. Clone minion group 11 (6) - 1a
  28. Sergeant-6 - 1a
  29. B1 Supervisor-2 - 1a
  30. B1e (6) - 1a
  31. *B1f (6, Disoriented) - 1a

Since so many clones go before the droids on the landing platform, I'm going to just eliminate the LP droids (marked with a *) without rolling for it as it would be a waste of time and effort. @EliasWindrider , will you sign off on that?

I'll still go for the ones in the courtyard, as those droids may get a chance to go and we still have a PC (Jorin) who has yet to act in this round.

@SuperWookie , sorry you didn't get to do much first encounter.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@SuperWookie , sorry you didn't get to do much first encounter.

I had a moral victory.

Edited by SuperWookie
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


4s+2LS+1auto-success is 7 success, so 20 damage with Pierce 2 and a crit.

23 damage past Soak is enough to take down 4 droids, leaving 3 spillover wounds.

Updating the map soon.

Sorry that's meant to be auto advantage.

How many did I take out from the group?

1 hour ago, SuperWookie said:

RIP Darth Vader

Assuming Ker'see was shooting at RAW Vader from medium range I did a quick shot using true aim:

Shooting Vader : 5eP+1eA+3eB+3eF+3eC+1eS 5 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png b-a.png b-s.png b-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png c-f.png c-th.png c-f.png s-f.png

So with her bow as it's overall better she would be hitting with 17 damage with just successes. Add in two successes from light side and that's 19. Ker'see can flip a destiny to add her agility (6) to damage bringing that up to 25 with pierce 4.

Before using advantages let's have Vader reflect. So he would reduce the damage by 7 and then 3 from soak, bringing the damage to 15.

4 advantages would be a critical triggered twice so plus 10 to the roll. The bow has vicious 2 and Ker'see have lethal blows 2 totaling +50 to the roll.

So the crit is as follows:

Crit for fun : 1d100+50 115

Temporarily Lame: Cannot perform more than 1 maneuver per turn until injury is healed

So while Vader would be ready to kill her she'd get a good shot off on him first...

10 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

How many did I take out from the group?

4, as I said in my post. All the auto- success Advantage does is turn 3 spillover wounds into 2 spillover wounds.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

4, as I said in my post. All the auto- success Advantage does is turn 3 spillover wounds into 2 spillover wounds.

Sorry, must have missed that.

17 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Assuming Ker'see was shooting at RAW Vader from medium range I did a quick shot using true aim:

Shooting Vader : 5eP+1eA+3eB+3eF+3eC+1eS 5 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png b-a.png b-s.png b-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png c-f.png c-th.png c-f.png s-f.png

Was that with these stats for Vader? http://swa.stoogoff.com/#darth-vader

It says he has Adversary 4.

EDIT: He also has Durable 3: Subtract 30 from Critical Injury rolls made against the character.

Edited by SuperWookie

Yep. It was was upgraded 4 times at medium range.

Just now, SuperWookie said:

Was that with these stats for Vader? http://swa.stoogoff.com/#darth-vader

It says he has Adversary 4.

Ruus notices updates to IC and OC... checks OC first, as always...(scrolls, Scrolls...) Wait... Vader?? are we fighting Vader now?? dnag it Ezra Bridger, what did you do?!

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