PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Bellona , I don't see Ker'see or Chee'Okee on your list. Were we not supposed to roll Initiative?

2 hours ago, Bellona said:

Do you want to run the clone groups, or split them between the players?

Do you have any talents which require you to go first?

THTF is an Incidental and I'd use it on Jorin and Varactyl squad, so I only have to go before them.

The only other one is Scrap 'em! which is unlikely to be necessary.

One thing I could do is use a Maneuver to get into cover, then trigger Tactical Advance. Then if you get into cover and leave it, you'll still get the +2 Soak.

I'm willing to run the clones (and have plenty of experience running NPCs), but if any of the other players wish to run them, I am perfectly fine stepping aside.

1 hour ago, SuperWookie said:

@Bellona , I don't see Ker'see or Chee'Okee on your list. Were we not supposed to roll Initiative?

They can still roll initiative, but they aren't coming in for a couple rounds at least.

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:


Everyone gets to choose where they drop in, and they drop in on their turn in the initiative order and can't be attacked before their first turn.

The others are waiting for you to clear the landing zone/take out some SAMs/anti air.

What SAMs and AA? Are there any? Where are the enemies? At this point, we don't really know what's going on at all.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What SAMs and AA? Are there any? Where are the enemies? At this point, we don't really know what's going on at all.

Neareish the edge of the cliff... far enough apart that you can't take out more than one with the same explosion (at least not without an explosion small enough to not damage the monastery) say there's maybe 6 different sites evenly spread out around the perimeter-ish.

You could take over a SAM site and miss use it to shoot 3 others

Okay, so six SAM sites? Is there even room for that? Is it a single gun in each, or multiple?

And are you saying that each SAM site has three others in its line of fire, or that it only has enough ammo to take out three? And can it even do that if it's a Surface-to-Air Missile?

Perhaps a number of J-10 Proton Cannons would make more sense? They were commonly used as AA.

And where are the enemies in relation to the sites? Do we need to assign that ourselves? Do we not know? You really aren't giving us a lot of information here.

I'd suggest making it four AA guns, as that makes dispersing the enemies easier. I can sketch a mock-up of the area if you'd like, locating the AA and general positions of enemies.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay, so six SAM sites? Is there even room for that? Is it a single gun in each, or multiple?

And are you saying that each SAM site has three others in its line of fire, or that it only has enough ammo to take out three? And can it even do that if it's a Surface-to-Air Missile?

Perhaps a number of J-10 Proton Cannons would make more sense? They were commonly used as AA.

And where are the enemies in relation to the sites? Do we need to assign that ourselves? Do we not know? You really aren't giving us a lot of information here.

I'd suggest making it four AA guns, as that makes dispersing the enemies easier. I can sketch a mock-up of the area if you'd like, locating the AA and general positions of enemies.

Only 3 in line of sight. It's not suited to it but you can freehand/misuse it for that purpose.

I want to keep it at 6. Corners of a mostly regular hexagon around the perimeter of the cliff and the monastery is off center which is why certain sam sites aren't targetable by the others (behind the monastery)

Sure sketch something up.

Edited by EliasWindrider
19 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

@Bellona , I don't see Ker'see or Chee'Okee on your list. Were we not supposed to roll Initiative?

I was planning on adding you two when the LAATs land, which is supposed to be several rounds (or more?) after the drop team lands.

As far as I've understood, the drop team is supposed to blitz their way through the droids so that a large enough clear landing zone is created for the LAATs to land without being endangered by SAMs/similar weapons.

6 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

THTF is an Incidental and I'd use it on Jorin and Varactyl squad, so I only have to go before them.

The only other one is Scrap 'em! which is unlikely to be necessary.

One thing I could do is use a Maneuver to get into cover, then trigger Tactical Advance. Then if you get into cover and leave it, you'll still get the +2 Soak.

I'm willing to run the clones (and have plenty of experience running NPCs), but if any of the other players wish to run them, I am perfectly fine stepping aside.

Okay, then I suggest that Camo uses the first generic slot in round 1 (although Varactyl squad and Jorin each still get to use their free Triumph manoeuvre before that).

I'm fine with not running any clones in this combat. RL will be taking a lot of my attention today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday), so my lack of on-line presence would bog things down if I had to be responsible for clones too.

8 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Only 3 in line of sight. It's not suited to it but you can freehand/misuse it for that purpose.

I want to keep it at 6. Corners of a mostly regular hexagon around the perimeter of the cliff and the monastery is off center which is why certain sam sites aren't targetable by the others (behind the monastery)

Sure sketch something up.

Because of how the monastery is constructed, it would not be practical to place the SAM sites anywhere other than the courtyard or landing pad, as their field of fire would be significantly obstructed by the buildings. It is also impractical for the game as it is cut off from the courtyard and will have a section of the PCs acting through several rounds while the others sit back and wait.

My intention when proposing this plan was that we'd get two, maybe three rounds before our allies show up. Enough time to land, take out some droids, and if they had any AA (which I wasn't expecting given the movie) we'd take that out. With having to hunt down multiple SAM sites, it'll take several rounds, probably multiple weeks.

I'd also suggest changing them to the J-10s, as those were commonly used by the Separatists as AA and can simply be Light Flak Cannons. SAMs aren't commonly used in Star Wars. The only one mentioned for the Clone Wars era was experimental (prototype only) and never finished development. The other closest is the Hailfire droid's missiles. But there are very few vehicle-scale SAMs regardless of era.

I would suggest changing a couple of the B1 squads to be machine gunners up in towers on either side of the courtyard.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Because of how the monastery is constructed, it would not be practical to place the SAM sites anywhere other than the courtyard or landing pad, as their field of fire would be significantly obstructed by the buildings. It is also impractical for the game as it is cut off from the courtyard and will have a section of the PCs acting through several rounds while the others sit back and wait.

My intention when proposing this plan was that we'd get two, maybe three rounds before our allies show up. Enough time to land, take out some droids, and if they had any AA (which I wasn't expecting given the movie) we'd take that out. With having to hunt down multiple SAM sites, it'll take several rounds, probably multiple weeks.

I'd also suggest changing them to the J-10s, as those were commonly used by the Separatists as AA and can simply be Light Flak Cannons. SAMs aren't commonly used in Star Wars. The only one mentioned for the Clone Wars era was experimental (prototype only) and never finished development. The other closest is the Hailfire droid's missiles. But there are very few vehicle-scale SAMs regardless of era.

I would suggest changing a couple of the B1 squads to be machine gunners up in towers on either side of the courtyard.

Other than the b2 squads that's fine

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

Other than the b2 squads that's fine

So if I'm understanding you right, you're accepting my suggestions. Is it 6 or 4?

I assume you are referring to the machine gunners, but was B2 a typo, or were you just saying that the machine gunners have to be B1s?

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

So if I'm understanding you right, you're accepting my suggestions. Is it 6 or 4?

I assume you are referring to the machine gunners, but was B2 a typo, or were you just saying that the machine gunners have to be B1s?

Other than machining m.h e gunners, Yes, 4,

Typo (the touch screen on my phone seems off lately... ice been noticing the next key over is coming up more frequently

Also you don't have to kill all the droids.... if you take out the AA, and the droideekas and most of the b2's.... it should be safe enough for the laats to land.

Initiative order and participant roster:

  1. Mireska - 8s2a
  2. Camouflage - 4s2a
  3. Varactyl Squad - 3s3a1T
  4. Sgt. Poe - 3s1a
  5. Sgt. Raven - 3s1a
  6. Clone minion group 1 (6) - 2s1a
  7. Clone minion group 2 (5) - 2s
  8. Droideka A - 2s
  9. B1 minion group A (6) - 2s
  10. Jorin - 1s4a1T
  11. Clone miníon group 3 (5) - 1s2a
  12. B1 Supervisor A - 1s1a
  13. Droideka B - 1s
  14. Droideka C - 1s
  15. B2 minion group A (6) - 2a
  16. B2 minion group B (6) - 2a
  17. B1 minion group B (6) - 2a
  18. B1 minion group C (6) - 2a
  19. B1 minion group D (6) - 2a
  20. B1 Supervisor B - 1a
  21. B2 minion group C (6) - 1a
  22. B2 minion group D (6) - 1a
  23. B1 minion group E (6) - 1a
  24. B1 minion group F (6) - 1a
  25. B1 minion group G (6) - 1a
  26. B1 minion group H (6) - 1a
  27. Droideka D - 0s
  28. B1 minion group I (6) - 0s
  29. B1 minion group J (6) - 0s

Separatist forces:
4 B2 minion groups (24)
10 B1 minion groups (60)
2 B1 supervisor droids
4 Droidekas
4 J-1 Semi-Autonomous Proton Cannons

Republic forces:
3 Clone Trooper minion groups (16)
1 ARF Trooper minion group (4)
2 Clone Sergeants (Poe and Raven)
1 Clone ARC Lieutenant (Camouflage)
1 Jedi Commander (Jorin Cass)
1 Jedi General (Mireska Tanohdi)

Here's the map I threw together. Very basic and slapdash, but it should get the job done: Maps

Long range between the cannons on either side, Long range between the landing platform and the doors to the monastery, Medium between the edge of the landing platform and the entrance to the courtyard, Long between the entrance to the courtyard and the doors to the monastery proper.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
Added new link

Landing: Short range from B1b, B2d, Supervisor-2, Droideka-3, and the J-1.
Incidental: THTF (Destiny Point): The Harder They Fall : 2eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png d-f-th.png d-th.png
Camouflage, Jorin ( @RuusMarev ) and Varactyl Squad ignore 2 points of Defense when targeting droids and inflict an auto-crit on successful attacks that deal wounds or HT.
Maneuver: Take cover by the J-1 (moving to Engaged, still at Short from opponents)
Second Incidental: Tactical Advance (2 strain)
Third Incidental: All Guns Blazing (2 strain)
Fourth Incidental: Aim with Sorosuub True-Site System
Action: Shoot at B2d (Clanker Killer removes 2 Boost and adds 1s1a): Shooting at the B2s : 3eP+1eA+2eB+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png p--.png a-a.png b-s.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png

3s4a+First Among Brothers 2

Use 2 Advantage to hit with my second weapon, so that's 16 damage for the first hit and 13 damage for the second, so 29-12=17, and with two auto-crits that brings it to 4 SBDs eliminated.

With the remaining 2 Advantage, I'll take a second maneuver to mount the J-1. Then I'll take 2 Strain for Scrap 'Em! adding 2 Boost dice to allies equal twice leadership, so Varactyl Squad, Jorin, Mireska, and Sergeant Poe, I guess, though my suggestion is that we let Varactyl Squad be the one to take a shot at them because they can use Auto-Fire.

With First Among Brothers, I'll add a Boost to Varactyl Squad.

Jorin and Varactyl Squad auto-crit droids and ignore 2 points of Defense.
Eliminated 4 SBDs.
Upgrade the difficulty of all incoming attacks once (Tactical Evasion).
The next four allies add 2 Boost to attacks against B2d (suggest hold for Varactyl Squad).

@Bellona , do you have anything in particular you would like to do, or can Jorin ( @RuusMarev ) take Mireska's (well, I suppose it's Camo's, but Mireska's using it) slot and attack the droideka?

I'm going to go ahead and take Varactyl Squad's turn now since they are up before any hostile NPCs, and it makes it easier to wrap them into my narration without it feeling disjointed.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Varactyl Squad:
Free Maneuver: Aim
Action: Auto-fire shoot at the B2s: Auto-Fire : 3eP+1eA+3eB+2eD 5 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a-s.png b-a.png b-a.png b-s-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

Forgot a die (FAB): forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes

(Forgot a die (65's Advantage): forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes
And no change. That was unlucky.)

Nice. Could've done with another Advantage though. 14 damage with Pierce 1 and an auto-crit is enough to take out the remaining two B2s given preexisting wounds.
With 2 Advantage, they'll hit the B1bs. 14-(4-1)=11, plus an auto-crit, takes out three.

Second Maneuver: Take cover behind the J-1.

Remaining troops in this area:
B1b (3)
B1d (6)

I'm going to update the map and change how I'm posting the picture so I can update it more easily.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
15 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Action: Shoot at B2d (Clanker Killer removes 2 Boost and adds 1s1a): Shooting at the B2s : 3eP+1eA+2eB+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png p--.png a-a.png b-s.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png

3s4a+First Among Brothers 2

Use 2 Advantage to hit with my second weapon, so that's 16 damage for the first hit and 13 damage for the second, so 29-12=17, and with two auto-crits that brings it to 4 SBDs eliminated.

I actually forgot Design Flaw here. I'll pass on a Boost to next and recover a strain. I'll add that Boost into Varactyl Squad's roll.

New link, updated map: Map

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Landing: Short range from B1b, B2d, Supervisor-2, Droideka-3, and the J-1.
Incidental: THTF (Destiny Point): The Harder They Fall : 2eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png d-f-th.png d-th.png
Camouflage, Jorin ( @RuusMarev ) and Varactyl Squad ignore 2 points of Defense when targeting droids and inflict an auto-crit on successful attacks that deal wounds or HT.
Maneuver: Take cover by the J-1 (moving to Engaged, still at Short from opponents)
Second Incidental: Tactical Advance (2 strain)
Third Incidental: All Guns Blazing (2 strain)
Fourth Incidental: Aim with Sorosuub True-Site System
Action: Shoot at B2d (Clanker Killer removes 2 Boost and adds 1s1a): Shooting at the B2s : 3eP+1eA+2eB+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png p--.png a-a.png b-s.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png

3s4a+First Among Brothers 2

Use 2 Advantage to hit with my second weapon, so that's 16 damage for the first hit and 13 damage for the second, so 29-12=17, and with two auto-crits that brings it to 4 SBDs eliminated.

With the remaining 2 Advantage, I'll take a second maneuver to mount the J-1. Then I'll take 2 Strain for Scrap 'Em! adding 2 Boost dice to allies equal twice leadership, so Varactyl Squad, Jorin, Mireska, and Sergeant Poe, I guess, though my suggestion is that we let Varactyl Squad be the one to take a shot at them because they can use Auto-Fire.

With First Among Brothers, I'll add a Boost to Varactyl Squad.

Jorin and Varactyl Squad auto-crit droids and ignore 2 points of Defense.
Eliminated 4 SBDs.
Upgrade the difficulty of all incoming attacks once (Tactical Evasion).
The next four allies add 2 Boost to attacks against B2d (suggest hold for Varactyl Squad).

@Bellona , do you have anything in particular you would like to do, or can Jorin ( @RuusMarev ) take Mireska's (well, I suppose it's Camo's, but Mireska's using it) slot and attack the droideka?

I'm going to go ahead and take Varactyl Squad's turn now since they are up before any hostile NPCs, and it makes it easier to wrap them into my narration without it feeling disjointed.

There are multiple hits in 1 attack so only 1 auto crit.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

There are multiple hits in 1 attack so only 1 auto crit.

The book doesn't clarify whether it only allows 1 auto crit per attack or per hit, and it usually specifies "to one hit of a successful attack" if there is such a limitation (I am unaware of any time it doesn't).
When it says "spend A or T to add +10" it uses the singular, but that's a red herring since you don't add +10 to multiple crits simultaneously.

I always interpreted it as per hit, and that's how we've handled it before. If it isn't per hit, then it works like Point Blank which specifies "to one hit of a successful attack."

It's fairly ambiguous and doesn't specify any limitation (which, to me, means there isn't). Do you have a source on that, or is it just your interpretation?

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The book doesn't clarify whether it only allows 1 auto crit per attack or per hit, and it usually specifies "to one hit of a successful attack" if there is such a limitation (I am unaware of any time it doesn't).
When it says "spend A or T to add +10" it uses the singular, but that's a red herring since you don't add +10 to multiple crits simultaneously.

I always interpreted it as per hit, and that's how we've handled it before. If it isn't per hit, then it works like Point Blank which specifies "to one hit of a successful attack."

It's fairly ambiguous and doesn't specify any limitation (which, to me, means there isn't). Do you have a source on that, or is it just your interpretation?

It spells out a "combat check" rather than hit or attack... you roll the dice once you get to activate it once.

Beyond being obvious it's my ruling as GM, and I didn't realize you've been playing it differently until now.

Edited by EliasWindrider
46 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

It spells out a "combat check" rather than hit or attack... you roll the dice once you get to activate it once.

Beyond being obvious it's my ruling as GM, and I didn't realize you've been playing it differently until now.

Well I don't think it's obvious, and I think you are incorrect. If you had a corroborating source other than your own interpretation, it would help convince me. There is some ambiguity around it, and it would have helped if they had clarified intent in the rule.

I'll accept it, however. In that case, instead of passing on a Boost and recovering a strain with the 2 Advantage I'll trigger a crit on the second hit, so the roll has the same result.

Varactyl squad simply takes out 2 B1s instead of 3.

10 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Here's the map I threw together. Very basic and slapdash, but it should get the job done: Maps

Long range between the cannons on either side, Long range between the landing platform and the doors to the monastery, Medium between the edge of the landing platform and the entrance to the courtyard, Long between the entrance to the courtyard and the doors to the monastery proper.

I have some questions about the map. (It's late for me where I am, so I'm probably missing the obvious.)

Is the bottom section the landing pad, the right and left sections two raised areas behind a parapet of sorts, and B1 group E are standing right in front of the actual doors to the monastery?

Does "VC" stand for Varactyl squad?

What does "65" stand for?

Shouldn't the B2/SBD groups have "(4)" instead of "(6)"?

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

I have some questions about the map. (It's late for me where I am, so I'm probably missing the obvious.)

Is the bottom section the landing pad, the right and left sections two raised areas behind a parapet of sorts, and B1 group E are standing right in front of the actual doors to the monastery?

Does "VC" stand for Varactyl squad?

What does "65" stand for?

Shouldn't the B2/SBD groups have "(4)" instead of "(6)"?

The bottom is the landing pad, the right and left sections are not raised, and B1e is standing right in front of the doors to the monastery. The entire courtyard is level, but the pathway to the monastery is lined by columns.

"VC" was a typo, it should be "VS" and yes.

"65" is for A-65, Camouflage. I'm using red for Republic forces.

No, because it was four groups of 6 not four of 4.