PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Has the final battle happened or are we waiting for a go?

3 hours ago, MrTInce said:

Has the final battle happened or are we waiting for a go?

My understanding is that we're free to narrate the our individual Jedi character's involvement in the final battle, and that at a minimum we'll be holding the line (as opposed to losing ground).

Maybe we can also narrate taking a bit more territory before the relief fleet with Jedi general/clone army arrives?

It will probably take me a day or so to get something written for the narrative IC post.

Edited by Bellona

@EliasWindrider is there specific details needed, ie; numbers of droids, when the reinforcements arrive and in what vesicles? (each Jedi lead their own Clone unit, correct?)

2 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

@EliasWindrider is there specific details needed, ie; numbers of droids, when the reinforcements arrive and in what vesicles? (each Jedi lead their own Clone unit, correct?)

Just write something dramatic/impressive

Just a test roll to see what Ker'see could do against a Spider Droid.

Snipering a droid : 5eP+1eA+2eB+3eF+3eD 5 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png p-tr.png p-a.png p-a.png a-s-s.png b-a.png b-s.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png d-f.png d-th.png d--.png

21 (10 from weapon, 3 from Deadly Accuracy, 5 from successes and 3 from force dice) Damage with pierce 2 deals 16 damage exceeding it's wounds by 1.


I mentioned Jorin in my first narrative battle IC post, but in general enough terms that it shouldn't have an impact on your own IC post.

If it does cause a problem for your own IC post, then please let me know here (OOC) and I'll see about amending my IC post.

Alright ... I've done three IC posts of "narrative battle".

Hopefully that will be enough, as I've run out of time for today. If any changes are necessary, then please let me know. (But I can't do anything about them before either much later this evening [my time] or possibly tomorrow.)

On 10/10/2020 at 4:46 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I've narrated Camo's mission up to ~1.5 hours after he left. The remaining 16.5 hours to Syvris can be skipped, then I'll narrate them on to Teth.

@EliasWindrider , is it all going to be narrative on Teth, or will there be game mechanics involved?


54 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

All narrative.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

All narrative.

Then can I go ahead and work on posting that, or do I need to wait on the others at all?

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Then can I go ahead and work on posting that, or do I need to wait on the others at all?

Go ahead

I'll try to get a post up today.

@EliasWindrider , @Bellona , @MrTInce , @RuusMarev , should I go ahead and narrate the end of the battle on Christophsis and the transfer to Teth (Acclamator and all) so I can handle the entirety of Varactyl Squad's time on Teth to when they rendezvous in orbit, or does one of you want to cover it/have more to post before then? I need to know so I know when to stop my narration.

9 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'll try to get a post up today.

@EliasWindrider , @Bellona , @MrTInce , @RuusMarev , should I go ahead and narrate the end of the battle on Christophsis and the transfer to Teth (Acclamator and all) so I can handle the entirety of Varactyl Squad's time on Teth to when they rendezvous in orbit, or does one of you want to cover it/have more to post before then? I need to know so I know when to stop my narration.

Go for it. Unless the others object

I'm happy for you to go ahead. I'm not sure what else Ker'see could do other than snipe so can't see it being that interesting.

@EliasWindrider Aside from the conflict gained through force use do you think Ker'see has gained any other?

4 hours ago, MrTInce said:

I'm happy for you to go ahead. I'm not sure what else Ker'see could do other than snipe so can't see it being that interesting.

@EliasWindrider Aside from the conflict gained through force use do you think Ker'see has gained any other?

I will tell you on the spot whether you gain conflict and give you a chance to change your actions upon being informed of the consequences.

7 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'll try to get a post up today.

... should I go ahead and narrate the end of the battle on Christophsis and the transfer to Teth (Acclamator and all) so I can handle the entirety of Varactyl Squad's time on Teth to when they rendezvous in orbit ...

Fine by me!

I'm cool. :)

Okay, ~3,000 that time. :)

@Bellona , @RuusMarev , @MrTInce , if you have anything you want to add/change in the bits for your characters, let me know and I'll edit it in. My creative juices had all been burned off by that point and I was supplementing with aviation fuel.

That's probably why there was an excess of LAATs. <_<

*curses as the forum eats a post-in-writing*

Bookkeeping/administrivia for Mireska ...

End of session post-Christophis:

Post-Christophsis Conflict settlement : 1d10 1

Which means that her current Morality stays at 50.

And the travel time to Teth will be used for the agreed-upon hand-waved "re-set" of her new lightsabre to the qualities/attachments of her previous one (Fine-Tuned Emitter, Personalised Design, Damping Emitter, Magnetic Weapon Tether). IIRC, it was ruled that there was no time for any other form of crafting/attaching/modding.

New session pre-Teth:

Re-set all x/session abilities (e.g., Peerless Interception frequency, Heal power's resuscitation upgrade).

Teth: Destiny Pool : 1eF 2 Light Side

Things might be looking up ... :)

Edited by Bellona

So post session stuff.

Conflict was at one so rolling gets me: Conflict : 1d10 9

Plus 8 putting Ker'see at 66. It would seem shooting things is more morale than healing others...

Also one Darkside...

Destiny! : 1eF 1 Dark Side

I've never rolled Conflict before, what does Jorin need to do?

5 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I've never rolled Conflict before, what does Jorin need to do?

If he has accumulated any Conflict, then it needs to be settled.

Roll 1d10.

If the result is less than the Conflict, then his current Morality drops by the difference. E.g., Conflict 5, die result 3, current Morality drops by 2.

If the result is equal to the Conflict, then his current Morality does not change.

If the result is more than the Conflict, then his current Morality increases by the difference. E.g., Conflict 4, die result 7, current Morality increases by 3.

Ok... I dont think I've been told that Jorin has done anything to generate any conflict as of yet...

@EliasWindrider ?

But I can roll for Destiny:

Jorin Destiny of Teth : 1eF 1 Light Side

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side