"Imps put out that bounty, and for no readily discernable reason? That doesn't sound like a righteous bounty." Navi looks disturbed. "Imp bounties of that sort are nothing but trouble and a stain on one's conscience. I have a really bad feeling about this."
Bounting Hunting Doesn't Pay IC Thread
It was Taquib the Champ who spoke up for Fitz. “Listen big stuff. With your reputation on Nar Shadda, your lucky someone even called you for work. And if this is your idea of trying to get some credits out of all of this, then I suggest you be a little more diplomatic about this situation. From my point of view you’re tying to bully this group into more credits. They just saved my **** with some amount of grace and don’t kill for the sake of killing so they deserve more respect than what you are showing. An even square of the bounty would be more than generous for you. But I’ll leave that up to deckard.”
Taquib stated to the Gotal.
Edited by SincereagapeHihkhic shrugs in response to the objection regarding the bounty. "Look, nine times out of ten, imp bounties deal with criminals, thieves, gangsters, dodgy people who peddle spice. At worse this one's probably going to be some rebel or terrorist sort. We'll probably be doing the galaxy a favour". Despite his current situation, Hihkhic still saw himself as a law enforcer, and currently they were living under imperial law.
As Taquib talks, Hihkhic twists around to face him, squaring up as the gotal bears his teeth. "Look, mate, I couldn't give a wamp-rat's hide about your opinion, or what you've heard about me. I got called out to the back end of nowhere to find this sorry lot claiming that with tail head was trying to kill them. So far I ain't heard a thing about me getting paid. As for my diplomacy, well that's right here" he would snap, patting the side of his jacket where the pistol sat. Now I don't mind an equal split, I'm not greedy, but if you're going to keep mouthing off because of something you've heard about me, or the way I talk, we're going to have a problem".
“Easy, buddy. Taq likes to talk, can rub ya the wrong way sometimes at first.. Stick around, you’ll get a fair shake.”
"Hai," Kurokage replies. "We should not be fighting among ourselves."
Hihkhic's posture visibly softens as he is placated by the former lawman, however his pride forces the scowl to remain on his face. Glancing around the others, he clears his throat awkwardly before speaking. "Alright then, now that is cleared up, planning. If this bounty is worth as much as it says it is, I doubt they're gonna go quietly, so we better be ready to fight. I say we don't give them much chance to fight back. If your conscious is really itching we can give them a shout to surrender and all that, but we better be ready to bring them down. Personally, I wouldn't be giving them a chance". He thought back to some of the raids he had taken part in, on spice dens and such. When he had been leading, the shouts for surrender and declaring them to be law enforcement usually happened simultaneous to the gunfire.
Jedi Master Tobar Ka-Teen knew they were coming. Bounty Hunters of all types were searching for him. It appeared that his time on Nar Shadda was coming to an end. It was decent while it lasted. He needed to get to Deadtown to find a cure for the poison. Sweat poured down his forehead. His body incredibly weakened. Respiration and heart heart easily above the Ithorian normal ranges.
Tobar approached the Turbolifts that descended into Deadtown. The neighborhood was a fairly quiet one. A laundry mat, a small cantina, a pawn shop, a large parking lot. The Ithorian would have to approach with caution.
Ambush Site - Turbolift Neighborhood
-The Bounty Hunters of the Zepto Raptor arrived early. There was no sign of the "Target." yet.
-The lighting in the area is poor.
-Inside of the laundry mat at the SE corner of the neighborhood a trio of Duros along with a woman and two children were waiting for their laundry to be completed.
-Stumbling out of the north entrance of the Cantina came a Rodian and a Pantoran female. The female had a light blue complexion to her skin and blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. She traced her finger along the Rodian's chest and smiled at him with a giggle. The Rodian wore a dark brimmed hat, military combat boots. cargo pants colored in urban camo, and a leather jacket. Across his chest was a bandolier lined with grenades. Strapped across his back was a Blaster-Carbine. He wrapped his arm around the Pantoran and drew her in close for a kiss.
-Trucking in from the South was an A-A5M Emergency Response Vehicle. The sirens are off. The bay/rear doors closed shut. The front windows along with the drivers/passenger windows are all tinted. It pulls into the parking lot/garage and pulls front into the empty parking spot directly across from where Hihkhic is hiding.
Perception Roll for B
0 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
Perception Roll for B
2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
Perception Roll for B
0 successes, 2 threat
Edited by Sincereagape
Hihkhic hunkers down behind the speeder opposite of the turbolift, taking a deep breath as he tries to shift from the drunken haze from his mind. He was going to need to be sharp for this, and he was more than a little out of practice. Glancing around, his brow furrows as he sees the Duros in the laundromat. Glancing back at the turbo-lift, then back to the family he sighs heavily as he pushes himself to his feet. "Come on, you've got to be kidding" he grumbles to himself.
Stomping over he bangs on the window of the building, holding arms out wide in frustration. "Oi? Who does their laundrey at this time? Get out of here!" he shouts through the glass. Holding his jacket open he shows them the pistol still holstered there to try and emphasise his point. This used to be so much easier with a badge to work with. Still, it may be enough.
He turns back and begins to stomp over to his spot when he hears the cry over the com from Kurokage. Freezing for a moment, Hihkhic sprints back to his spot and hunkers down behind the speeder again. Reaching for his own com he opens the channel. "What did I just hear? Have we lost someone already?" he snaps, frustrated that things were already going wrong.
Tobar Ka-Teen had a plan. The Ithorian sought to make his way down the staircase into the parking garage and then from there make it to the Turbolifts. In spite of the enemies surrounding him, stealth was hopefully on his side. Dressed in a grease stained reinforced mechanic suit and a satchel around his neck, Tobar Ka-Teen made it to the main street. He dared not push himself to hard due to the poison.
There was no immediate threat from what he could tell. Two lovers outside of a Cantina and a human male already at the staircase loitering. Suddenly a mound of dirt fell from the rooftops, then a large brick, then a loud scream, and then a THUD!
Unbelievable. Humans falling from the sky. A shorter "Oriental/Asian" human crashed into the Caucasian Human who was loitering on the staircase. Perhaps the force was on his side after all...
Tobar made his way up to the two humans who were staggered on the staircase. He brought out a lightsaber hilt forged of metal set from precious stones from the planet Chandrila. He did not ignite the weapon...at least not yet..
"There is no doubt you are here for me. Let me pass. This will be your only warning." The Ithorian said to Fitz Deckard and Kurokage.
In the parking garage/lot.
The driver and passenger door of the A-ASM Emergency Response Vehicle open. Out steps two pale skinned Gands dressed in dark robes. They remove Ancient Swords and Blasters from behind their armor. They start making their way towards the staircase in the north. One of them might have 'sensed' the movement of the Ithorian.
One of them taps the side of the "Ambulance" as they make their way north. Neither of them notice Hihkhic...yet.
Hihkhic listens to the footsteps of the acolytes, and allows himself a smile. He could remember many times when he'd been in shoot outs in places like this, there was nothing quite like it, especially when you were doing legally. Still, it was good to be back in the saddle, or at least off of the floor of the motel. Popping up from behind the speeder he was crouched behind, he would close one eye to take aim at his targets. At the last minute he lets out a loud whistle to alert his enemies to his presence. Taking a moment he flashes the pair a grin. With that he opens fire, green blaster bolts cutting through the air as he tries to deal with his targets before they can respond. Unfortunately he is still rusty and doesn't make the impact that he was hoping for. "Agh come on" he grunts to himself as he examines his work. "How about you two go on home! I'd hate to show you up here".
Combat Check : 1eP+1eA+1eB+1eD+2eS 1 success, 1 threat

Kurokage gets up and intercepts their target. “There are dark forces after your life,” he says. “If you want to live, come with us and we can protect you.”
Tobar Ka-Teen ignited a green lightsaber. The oriental male approached with a peace offering. Many factors went into the ithorian a mind. There were bounty hunters after him. The gank allies he had developed on the smugglers moon informed him of that. There was also the presence of an old foe. The acolytes of maul had taken advantage of one of his vices, women. Now tobar has dug his own hole by running around with bear sloth venom in his system.
At least this oriental male did not draw a weapon on him. Tobar would see what the other male he crashed upon would do.
the rodian on the street quickly drew his carbine a prized weapon taken off the dead body of a death trooper.
He grabbed the wrist of his “lover” and brought her into the cantina they had just exited from.
4 hours ago, Sincereagape said:Tobar Ka-Teen ignited a green lightsaber. The oriental male approached with a peace offering. Many factors went into the ithorian a mind. There were bounty hunters after him. The gank allies he had developed on the smugglers moon informed him of that. There was also the presence of an old foe. The acolytes of maul had taken advantage of one of his vices, women. Now tobar has dug his own hole by running around with bear sloth venom in his system.
At least this oriental male did not draw a weapon on him. Tobar would see what the other male he crashed upon would do.
the rodian on the street quickly drew his carbine a prized weapon taken off the dead body of a death trooper.
He grabbed the wrist of his “lover” and brought her into the cantina they had just exited from.
"Everyone stand down!" Kurokage calls to his allies. "We must protect this person, not fight him!"
The handheld signal in their hand began to glow. "Heh. The Rodian has given us the signal," the hooded figure grinned from beneath their hood. Skin flakes crackled from their lips when they smiled. "Head into the parking lot. The bounty is yours. I only want the artifact."
The truck speeder began to take off towards the parking lot where the first blaster shot had been fired. The driver and gunner of the vehicle were two veteran bounty hunters hired for the job. The acolytes and their thugs would be the distractions. The real threat was on their way.
Edited by Sincereagape"Kr'owk," Navi hisses quietly, "We need to get into the parking lot - there're no valid targets out here, and I can hear Hihkhic already shooting at someone!"
Kr'owk immediately sets the speeder in motion, turning the corner onto the down ramp and hurtling down it into the parking house. He does a fancy turn which results in the speeder stopping just south of the end of the ramp with its nose pointed northwards and the engine still idling.
Navi blinks once to re-orient herself and immediately locates the two Sith acolytes, one of them wounded. Force, Maul's sent more of them! That's something that we don't need. She then fires the light blaster cannon at the unwounded one - and misses, much to her chagrin. However, it was only a near miss and the shot dislodges a large amount of rubble from the near-by support pillar onto her target, staggering the Gand.
As if summoned by the shot, five Aqualish thugs pour out of the back of the ambulance.
Sithspit! I wonder if it'll be possible to run them over?
Edited by BellonaAdded combined Kr'owk/Navi actions, plus aqualish thugs.
Deckard, in no state to be entering combat, had been admiring the beautiful hilt in the Ithorian’s hand. When the green blade ignites, however, he stumbles back and turns away- right into the Aqualish hit squad disembarking from the ambulance. “Medics! Thank the emperor! This guy’s got a kriffing lightsaber!”
Upon jumping out of the ambulance, the Aqualish Thugs begin firing immediately. Seeing the Gotal just fire at one of their employers, they take aim. PEW PEW PEW
Firing at Hihkhic : 2eP+3eA+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
They then turn their attention at the human being. They look perplexed at the word Medics! They begin pointing at the direction Deckard is coming from and notice the green lightsaber. They begin to take aim for their next turns.
Tobar looks to Kurokage, the initial attempt to persuade Tobar from surrendering when off like a fart in church. However, Tobar could sense a sincerity about Kurokage's next attempt to offer him protection. Tobar beckons for Kurokage to follow him, as the Ithorian makes his way towards the Turbolifts. "Who are you young one? If you are not here to harm me, rather protect me?" He asks the Ninja.
Acolyte A turns towards Hihkhic and charges with a forward dash with Ancient Sword bearing down.
Attack on Hihkhic with Ancient Sword
1 success, 1 threat
@Rabobankrider (Hihkhic takes 6 damage, I haven't factored in soak. Disadvantage used to add a boost to your next roll.)
The Acolyte strikes and hit's the Gotal. Not sure how much damage he caused. The Gand Acolyte A slips on the wet surface and staggers back a moment.
Acolyte B heads toward Tobar Ka-Teen and executes a force leap.
Force Leap
1 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
The Acolyte successfully executes the force leap and lands right in front of Tobar and Kurokage.
"Ah! What is it with these nutters running around with swords? First that beardy one, and now you lot!" Hihkhic staggers back as he glances down at the tear in his coat from the attack, his face switching from surprise to anger. "Right, you wrinkly insect, I'm going to show you how an adult fights".
Still gripping his pistol he lunges forward with his shockglove on the other hand. He catches his target square in the face before grabbing him by the robes and hurling him against the side of the speeder. Now back in his element, the former marshal begins to lay into the acolyte, smashing his fist into the side of his torso and head. "I mean, who runs around the streets with a bleeding sword?" he grunts through gritted teeth. "In my day if we caught someone going around like this we'd have, well, done this I suppose".

Missed Boost Dice
1 success, 1 advantage
Does 10 base damage, 3 disadvantage reduced to 2 disadvantage
Edited by Rabobankrider
The Gand Acolyte slowly slides off the speeder door and slumps to the ground. His body motionless. Caught up in the "Excitement/Euphoria" of the attack, Hihkhic does not notice that the Aqualish Thugs have turned their attention towards him with blasters and brass knuckles ready to attack...
@Rabobankrider (Just enough to down the Acolyte. Using the 2 disadvantages to have the Thugs have a free maneuver and move within short range of Hihkhic)