Collapse of the Republic Spoilers

By kalidor2000, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On 6/28/2019 at 11:07 AM, Jareth Valar said:

If you are looking for the specs, then RLogue177 has done a great job of gathering them all up and including Rise of the Separatists HERE

Thank you for reminding me to look there - I don't always remember to check his thread for new stuff.

7 hours ago, Cassian Ordo said:

Anyone get the stats on the Beskad sword? Anything special about it?

It's main perk is that it has the Cortosis quality to reflect it's being made from beskar. It's also got Cumbersome 3, Sunder, and Vicious 3 qualities with a +3 damage bonus and crit rating of 2, making it a surprisingly effective melee weapon. Price is rather prohibitive (6500 credits) and it's heavy (Enc 4), so unless you're routinely facing foes with Sunder-based weapons it's not all that great for the cost.

On 6/29/2019 at 1:52 PM, Eoen said:

DC-12u, DC-15A, DC-17 hand blaster, DE-10, E-5, EE-3, GALAAR 15, WESTAR 35, Nightsister Energy Bow, Beskad, Crushgaunts, Kal, Duskblade, Basic Lightsaber, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Sabercane.

I heard DE-10, so what can she do?

5 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

It's main perk is that it has the Cortosis quality to reflect it's being made from beskar. It's also got Cumbersome 3, Sunder, and Vicious 3 qualities with a +3 damage bonus and crit rating of 2, making it a surprisingly effective melee weapon. Price is rather prohibitive (6500 credits) and it's heavy (Enc 4), so unless you're routinely facing foes with Sunder-based weapons it's not all that great for the cost.

Nice. Does it have a lot of hardpoints? My Death Watch Warrior Bounty Hunter might like that if he has to face any Inquisitors any time soon.

10 hours ago, AshleyFall said:

Munificent wouldn't be sil 6?

(Don't have Collapse yet so don't know if any of these are in the book, but 😞 )

There are the separatists shuttles, the Sheathipede- Class Transport Shuttle, Sheathipede -class Type-B escort shuttle and the Maxillipede shuttle used in the clone wars, think they would alll fit sil 3 but could possibly see them used as a starter player ship maybe if that's what you're going for.

They also used Gozanti Freighters and I know Rise of the Separatists mentions the Commerce Guild Corvette I don't have Rise of the Seps yet so I don't know if it's stated or not, but it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, would be weird to just say "hey here's this new ship no one has mentioned before but we aren't going to tell you about it!"

It's really rare and expensive but you could also try the Punworcca 116 -class interstellar sloop .

Anakin took a G9 Rigger -class light freighter from Ventress so it is very possible Separatists could have more.

YV-865 Aurore -class freighter .

Really, their ships are from all over the Galaxy, different manufacturers, different everything, long as it's in the range band you want and specifically not a Republic ship, the Separatists probably use them openly in some capacity or another.

9 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

The only Sheathipede FIG have given us is the basic model, and it appears in both Unlimited Power and Rise of the Separatists. It is Silhouette 4, and aside from not having weapons (but it has 2 hard points of you want to arm it), it is an excellent r little ship.

Aurora freighter is in Friends Like These and is basically an inferior Gozanti.

There’s also the Phantom II, a modified Sheathipede from Dawn of Rebellion , also listed at Sil 4.

10 hours ago, AshleyFall said:

Munificent wouldn't be sil 6?

(Don't have Collapse yet so don't know if any of these are in the book, but 😞 )

There are the separatists shuttles, the Sheathipede- Class Transport Shuttle, Sheathipede -class Type-B escort shuttle and the Maxillipede shuttle used in the clone wars, think they would alll fit sil 3 but could possibly see them used as a starter player ship maybe if that's what you're going for.

They also used Gozanti Freighters and I know Rise of the Separatists mentions the Commerce Guild Corvette I don't have Rise of the Seps yet so I don't know if it's stated or not, but it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, would be weird to just say "hey here's this new ship no one has mentioned before but we aren't going to tell you about it!"

It's really rare and expensive but you could also try the Punworcca 116 -class interstellar sloop .

Anakin took a G9 Rigger -class light freighter from Ventress so it is very possible Separatists could have more.

YV-865 Aurore -class freighter .

Really, their ships are from all over the Galaxy, different manufacturers, different everything, long as it's in the range band you want and specifically not a Republic ship, the Separatists probably use them openly in some capacity or another.

9 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

The only Sheathipede FIG have given us is the basic model, and it appears in both Unlimited Power and Rise of the Separatists. It is Silhouette 4, and aside from not having weapons (but it has 2 hard points of you want to arm it), it is an excellent r little ship.

Aurora freighter is in Friends Like These and is basically an inferior Gozanti.

There’s also the Phantom II, a modified Sheathipede from Dawn of Rebellion , also listed at Sil 4.

13 hours ago, AshleyFall said:

Munificent wouldn't be sil 6?

(Don't have Collapse yet so don't know if any of these are in the book, but 😞 )

There are the separatists shuttles, the Sheathipede- Class Transport Shuttle, Sheathipede -class Type-B escort shuttle and the Maxillipede shuttle used in the clone wars, think they would alll fit sil 3 but could possibly see them used as a starter player ship maybe if that's what you're going for.

They also used Gozanti Freighters and I know Rise of the Separatists mentions the Commerce Guild Corvette I don't have Rise of the Seps yet so I don't know if it's stated or not, but it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, would be weird to just say "hey here's this new ship no one has mentioned before but we aren't going to tell you about it!"

It's really rare and expensive but you could also try the Punworcca 116 -class interstellar sloop .

Anakin took a G9 Rigger -class light freighter from Ventress so it is very possible SI'll have to dig out my copy of Leparatists could have more.

YV-865 Aurore -class freighter .

Really, their ships are from all over the Galaxy, different manufacturers, different everything, long as it's in the range band you want and specifically not a Republic ship, the Separatists probably use them openly in some capacity or another.

I'll have to dig out my copy of Lead by Example to check but I'm pretty sure the modified Munificent subclass in that book was sil 7. Its certainly large enough. Much like IRL in Star Wars the term frigate is used for a wide variaty of ship sizes. There are light frigate classes that 100 meters long or less, and customs frigates that are even smaller. The Nebulon-Bs from the OT are 300 meters long while the two Rebel Assault Frigates classes are 700 meters and the Munificents over 800 meters long.

And the smaller of the two frigate classes we've seen so far in the ST was almost 500 meters long with the larger just under 550.

4 hours ago, RogueCorona said:

I'll have to dig out my copy of Lead by Example to check but I'm pretty sure the modified Munificent subclass in that book was sil 7. Its certainly large enough. Much like IRL in Star Wars the term frigate is used for a wide variaty of ship sizes. There are light frigate classes that 100 meters long or less, and customs frigates that are even smaller. The Nebulon-Bs from the OT are 300 meters long while the two Rebel Assault Frigates classes are 700 meters and the Munificents over 800 meters long.

And the smaller of the two frigate classes we've seen so far in the ST was almost 500 meters long with the larger just under 550.

Both Munificients have been Sil 7.

And all classes, like frigate and cruiser, mean very little in Star Wars. They've tried to explain that it stems from a reordering of the classification system, but it's still really just butt-pulls all around.

20 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

Both Munificients have been Sil 7.

And all classes, like frigate and cruiser, mean very little in Star Wars. They've tried to explain that it stems from a reordering of the classification system, but it's still really just butt-pulls all around.

Because Lucas slapped classes on ships that sound cool and dont relate to ship functions.

Actually many of the uses of frigates in the setting fit some historical uses for them. Convoy escort has long been a traditional role for frigates, and one of the World War II British frigate classes, which were the first modern frigates, specialized in Antiaircraft work though not as specialized as the Lancer from Star Wars. And frigates being used as the equilivant of Communications ships, which was as one of the intended roles of the Munificent class, occurred during the age of sail.

From what I've been able to see, it probably isn't.

But is the TX-130 Saber Tank stated?

It's been my favorite Clone Wars vehicle since the old Pandemic Battlefronts and the 2002 Star Wars the Clone Wars game

could we get the STAP stats spoiled?

21 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

could we get the STAP stats spoiled?

It was already. Look at my post on 6/29/2019 at 3:31 AM.

1 hour ago, Daeglan said:

could we get the STAP stats spoiled?

I wonder, can anyone spoil the stats of general grievous starfighter? Thanks.

1 hour ago, kalidor2000 said:

I wonder, can anyone spoil the stats of general grievous starfighter? Thanks.


Belbullab-22 Heavy Starfighter

Sil 3, Speed 4, Handling +1, Def 1/1, Armor 3, HTT 15, SST 12, Class 6 hyperdrive (yeah...), one pilot, close sensors, one week of consumables, 3 hard points, and light laser cannons with Linked 5. All of this for the price/rarity of 168,000/6.

I'm not all that impressed. It's tough and modifiable, but the hyperdrive is almost useless (you'll only get to class 3 even if you put in a hyperdrive generator and fully mod it) and the base weapons are not really that great (activating 5 instances of Linked is pretty unusual), and it's very expensive for what you get.

24 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:


Belbullab-22 Heavy Starfighter

Sil 3, Speed 4, Handling +1, Def 1/1, Armor 3, HTT 15, SST 12, Class 6 hyperdrive (yeah...), one pilot, close sensors, one week of consumables, 3 hard points, and light laser cannons with Linked 5. All of this for the price/rarity of 168,000/6.

I'm not all that impressed. It's tough and modifiable, but the hyperdrive is almost useless (you'll only get to class 3 even if you put in a hyperdrive generator and fully mod it) and the base weapons are not really that great (activating 5 instances of Linked is pretty unusual), and it's very expensive for what you get.

I had no idea Grievous needed consumables... and a week sure isn’t getting him very far!

59 minutes ago, Richardbuxton said:

I had no idea Grievous needed consumables... and a week sure isn’t getting him very far!

Consumables includes fuel for the reactors and drives.

21 hours ago, AshleyFall said:

From what I've been able to see, it probably isn't.

But is the TX-130    Saber  Tank  stated?

It's been my favorite Clone Wars vehicle since the old Pandemic Battlefronts and the 2002 Star Wars the Clone Wars game

The TX-130 Saber Tank is in Knights of Fate.

4 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

I had no idea Grievous needed consumables... and a week sure isn’t getting him very far!

9V Batteries for the glowing effects

5 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

I had no idea Grievous needed consumables... and a week sure isn’t getting him very far!

He's still got a sack of guts in the midst of his metallic chassis, as well as a brain packed into his metal skull.

The consumables is probably more akin to fuel for the ship itself. And while a x6 hyperdrive doesn't look all that impressive when compared to the Rebel Alliance's ships, it's worth remembering that this was an era where the Jedi's own starfighters were limited to using external hyperdrive rings to get around the galaxy, so Grievous' ship even having it's own hyperdrive was pretty significant. Granted, the Naboo fighters also had their own hyperdrives (x1) but we never saw those hyperdrives being used in the films.

2 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

He's still got a sack of guts in the midst of his metallic chassis, as well as a brain packed into his metal skull.

The consumables is probably more akin to fuel for the ship itself. And while a x6 hyperdrive doesn't look all that impressive when compared to the Rebel Alliance's ships, it's worth remembering that this was an era where the Jedi's own starfighters were limited to using external hyperdrive rings to get around the galaxy, so Grievous' ship even having it's own hyperdrive was pretty significant. Granted, the Naboo fighters also had their own hyperdrives (x1) but we never saw those hyperdrives being used in the films.

I thought the Naboo fighters just docked with the queens ship

8 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

I had no idea Grievous needed consumables... and a week sure isn’t getting him very far!

Well the fighter was built for general use, not his personal custom.

As for the x6 hyperdrive? Well real-world the purpose of carriers is using the fighters for force projection. So the intent of the designer is probably to keep the carrier clear of the fighting and have the fighters jump in. A few minutes in hyperspace at x1 would allow a carrier to keep well clear of the fighting, but not require massive range for the fighters. 2 minutes in hyperspace or 12 minutes in hyperspace isn't a huge deal in that perspective.

The fighter's hyperdrive was designed by the team behind the hyperdrives for the Class II Imperial Frigates. I love frigates but who in their right mind signs off on a class where the hyperdrive is so slow that any other warships in the fleet, and pretty much any civilian hyperdrive equipped vessels have to travel significantly slower then their flank speed in order to not leave it behind?

What are the stats for the Dorsal turret-mounted rapid-fire rotary laser cannon; Dorsal turret-mounted heavy laser cannon on the juggernaut.