Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

On 1/31/2020 at 1:42 PM, Edgehawk said:

Yes. If you and/or @P-47 Thunderbolt want to flip a dp, I’ll let you slide down the pole without a check next round, arriving in the hangar ready to Act. Don’t worry, I’ll be flipping them back very shortly.

So if I wanted to do this at the start of my next turn it would take two maneuvers, but I would still have an action?

12 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Edited by Edgehawk

Then I'll do that when my turn comes around.

On 2/1/2020 at 10:32 AM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

So, about the pole. I can take 2 maneuvers to get to it, and then slide down as an action, right? Does that put me in the thick of things?

@Imperial Stormtrooper This is how it was handled with Hale. This can be handled this current round, just edit it into your last post, and I’ll flip the point.

@bsmith23 you have your signal.

I'm grabbing 2 more ranks in Melee.

Marauder Tree :

A second Toughened. 2 ranks of Feral Strength. That's +2 dmg to Melee and Brawl checks. Then down to Lethal Blows, then to Enduring for +1 Soak.

That's 80 in total, but I had 5 left over from creation. :)

5 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

You can choose Rebel Killer or Pirate Killer. Rebels would include any organized seditious elements, Pirates any organized criminal elements.

I’m going to throw in Clanker Killer as a bonus, specifically limited to ID9 seeker droids.

Thanks. I guess I'll make it Pirate. I tend to purchase based on what my characters experience in story. I don't have the xps for Pirate yet, but can I take the ID9 deal now?

20 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

I don't have the xps for Pirate yet, but can I take the ID9 deal now?

Oh, okay. You’re picking up the tree, but not the CK talent yet? That’s fine. You can use it now in the special case of the ID9s, if you intend to pick the talent up next.

5 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

How far is that drop?

5 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Ha! Nothing I can’t hand-wave, apparently.

5 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:


Hey! Just realized this may have come across differently than intended, this being text-based and everything. The exclamation was at my own lapse, for not really thinking about how high the hangar deck would need to be, to accommodate the shuttle. The hand-wave comment was just that since I had already adjudicated it, I had inadvertently already hand-waved it.

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Hey! Just realized this may have come across differently than intended, this being text-based and everything. The exclamation was at my own lapse, for not really thinking about how high the hangar deck would need to be, to accommodate the shuttle. The hand-wave comment was just that since I had already adjudicated it, I had inadvertently already hand-waved it.

That makes more sense, thanks for the clarification :)

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Oh, okay. You’re picking up the tree, but not the CK talent yet? That’s fine. You can use it now in the special case of the ID9s, if you intend to pick the talent up next.

Yep it's on the horizon.

And for further clarification, upon thinking about it, I don’t really envision the hangar deck being super tall. The T-3c shuttle would need to have the wings and dorsal fin in a mostly horizontal configuration to fit, taking up most of a side where several TIEs would usually be berthed.

I didn't think the TIE would currently fit in. Now, is this where the action is taking place: can I see everything?

39 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

I didn't think the TIE would currently fit in. Now, is this where the action is taking place: can I see everything?

The Pirate Queen and girl are visible at the forward end of the hangar, as well as the imperial/ pirate conflict just outside the stairwell (aft end of the main hangar bay). Amidships, Drogos and environs are probably somewhat blocked by the ships on either side.

Edited by Edgehawk

You would also notice the queen floating a good two foot off the ground as she was being force choked

All right, on my next available turn I will pull the ship in as close as possible, drop the cloak, and attempt to demand a stand down.

6 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

All right, on my next available turn I will pull the ship in as close as possible, drop the cloak, and attempt to demand a stand down.

Your next available turn is right now! Ral has been Maneuvering around for a look inside the hangar, but has not Acted. Den @Rabobankrider is also up, before the next npc slot, followed by @Rimsen after.

Ok, so maneuver to deactivate then coming over speakers, coercion check maybe with a few boosts or upgrades for them staring down my barrels?

7 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Ok, so maneuver to deactivate then coming over speakers, coercion check maybe with a few boosts or upgrades for them staring down my barrels?

Coercion versus foes in the hangar... firing your cannons would certainly damage the imperial destroyer, and likely the imperial shuttle, not to mention friendly casualties.

Which open bay are you approaching (port/yacht or starboard/shuttle), and how close? Are you directing your coercion toward the pirate melee at the aft end of the hangar, or the Pirate Queen and girl at the fore end (they are long range apart).

Decloaking will also attract attention from the 2 cutlass-9 patrol fighters and the light cruiser.

Is there a chance he could blow up one of the support craft from the outside from hiding in stealth?

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Is there a chance he could blow up one of the support craft from the outside from hiding in stealth?

Ral @bsmith23 could attack one of the fighters, with a decent chance of blowing it to smithereens. Or the Coercion check could be directed against both fighters, to stand down.

On 2/2/2020 at 10:47 AM, Edgehawk said:

@Imperial Stormtrooper This is how it was handled with Hale. This can be handled this current round, just edit it into your last post, and I’ll flip the point.

Ok, I'll do that then. I'll edit the post soon

6 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Is there a chance he could blow up one of the support craft from the outside from hiding in stealth?

Weapons can't be fired while cloaked. I'll have to drop them and engage. I think I'm leaning towards taking them out, since no coerce ranks

Edited by bsmith23

Sorry for the delay, @Edgehawk I'll have Den run to engaged range and tackled the pirate with his knife (I lost track of the initiative order post so I'm guessing it's a standard check): Den Combat Check : 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 success, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png a-a.png a-s.png d-f.png d-th.png So that would be 5 damage before soak, but if they're a minion I would like to activate a crit. If you're ok with that I'll put up the ic post.

So what would be the difficulty to engage the ships?