Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

On 12/14/2019 at 7:20 PM, Edgehawk said:

@bsmith23 Phantom got harpooned! The airspeeder is tethered, and circling in toward you. You need to make a Hard Piloting check (vs Tractor 3) or suffer a collision (roll Crit).

@Rabobankrider Yours missed.

@P-47 Thunderbolt @Shlambate @Rimsen The girl runs back into the boulders, away from all of you.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Don’t forget you have a Triumph or Despair left to distribute during this encounter.

Pilot vs. Harpoon : 1eA+2eP+3eD 2 failures, 1 advantage
a-a.png p-a-a.png p-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Second Chances Talent on 2nd Proficiency Die

Second Chance talent : 1eP 1 success, 1 advantage

Net 1 failure, 1 advantage.

Vehicle Crit : 1d100 75: Power Fluctuations -The ship is besieged by random power surges and outages. The pilot cannot voluntarily inflict System Strain on the ship until the Critical Hit is repaired.

Could be worse, I guess. I'd like to claim the Advantage as a Boost die on my turn to have this guy become one with the Force.

Edit: Sorry, misread the description. Make it for my next attack. If not, then on the check to repair later.

Edited by bsmith23

@Edgehawk , would it be possible to use coercion to try and force the remaining T-47 to land?

33 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , would it be possible to use coercion to try and force the remaining T-47 to land?

Yes. It will only be opposed by 2 Difficulty. I’ll throw in a Boost, since it is the only speeder left, and its attack failed to touch you.

The girl is not really getting any farther away, in that last IC post. She has already acted/moved this turn. Just narrating the difficult terrain, and her facility at moving through it.

@Edgehawk , sorry for the delay all, it's a hectic time of year for retail. I'm going to try and sort a post tomorrow.

8 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , sorry for the delay all, it's a hectic time of year for retail. I'm going to try and sort a post tomorrow.

No worries. Happy hectic holidays!

I'd like to try to restrain him so good ol' Doc can stick 'im. What I'm thinking is Opposed Brawl check with Triumph or 2 Advantage to Ensnare. Does that work?

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'd like to try to restrain him so good ol' Doc can stick 'im. What I'm thinking is Opposed Brawl check with Triumph or 2 Advantage to Ensnare. Does that work?

That’s fine. Roll will be opposed by 2 Difficulty, 1 Challenge.

Okay, here goes: Pinning Fitzy : 2eP+2eA+1eC+2eD 5 successes, 1 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png c-th.png d--.png d-th.png

Aww... So close.

That deals 9 damage, and I'd like to pass on a Boost with the Advantage.

So yeah. That happened. Downed pilot located girl, called in for extraction, destiny point flipped for full stop ( “even the imps won’t fire on us with the girl aboard...”); and the girl runs. Sorry if this is growing tiresome.

@Shlambate @bsmith23 @Imperial Stormtrooper @Rimsen @Rabobankrider You are all up, in no particular order, with Fitz at the end of the turn.

So the sky is clear?

13 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

So the sky is clear?

Sky is clear. The last T-47 has been abandoned, and is now idling with the canopy open.

How close is he to me, and can I still sense the girl?

9 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

How close is he to me, and can I still sense the girl?

Not in any specific way, without any talents or powers to do so. You know she must still be relatively close. And you might have heard or seen the extraction-gone-wrong.

What would I need to discover her?

I take my maneuver to move close, 2 strain for aiming to a vulnerable spot between the armor plates. What's the difficulty to administer the drugs?

What is our distance away from the hovering speeder? Did we hear what they said?

On 12/15/2019 at 3:59 AM, Edgehawk said:

You can use your ranks in Medicine to Upgrade, but it will be a Brawl-based attack versus Adversary 1 and another Upgrade for Hale being engaged... finding an appropriate spot through a gap in his armor will require an Aimed shot, which will apply 1 Setback if you suffer the Strain to Aim twice next round (or 2 Setbacks if you only use 1 Aim maneuver)... Looks like 2 Proficiency vs. 2 Challenge + 1 Setback, maybe? edit: +1 Boost from @P-47 Thunderbolt

@Rimsen Fitz is actively struggling, and Hale hasn’t been able to pin him. I’m going to stick with the above assessment, but @Imperial Stormtrooper can add a Triumph if he wishes, from his Valuable Facts.

Edited by Edgehawk

And I passed on a Boost with the Advantage from my check.

Is it still perception to find the girl? If so taking out Fitz give us all more time to find Hettie.

Also be careful you don’t piss off her Trandoshan.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

What would I need to discover her?

With the commotion, you may have spotted where she went. It will be a tight squeeze for you to follow her into the fissure passage. Hard Coordination to follow. Hard Athletics to follow and track her from above, looking down into the fissure.

17 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

What is our distance away from the hovering speeder? Did we hear what they said?

Medium range, you might have heard parts of the exchange.

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Also be careful you don’t piss off her Trandoshan

yeah.. sometimes I recycle names.

Hard Athletics I can do

: 2eP+2eA+3eD 3 successes, 2 threat
p-s.png p-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png d-f-th.png

I used a Destiny point to boost the roll.

Okay. It is difficult terrain for both of you, so you are able to keep pace from above. Take 2 Strain for the Threat, maybe tripped on a vine, boulder hopping, nearly fell in into the fissure... something like that. @Shlambate