Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

I went ahead and added the Destiny Pool.

I rolled my Coercion

Yowzah! That's a lot of Success...

*3 hours later* And then Fitz said... But I told him no, that wouldn't work, so he said...

Look he is good at what he does lol.

I’m still going to ask @Rimsen to make a roll. He is the Interrogator , after all, and some of the subjects may have different intelligence to offer.

7 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

@bsmith23 It will be an Hard Mechanics check to have the Phantom flightworthy, in order to use it when the party leaves the crater. Failure will mean repairs take longer, and it may not be immediately available (or at least not fully operational) for the upcoming scene. Cani can provide a skilled assist, so you may use her 4 Intelligence to form your dice pool.

@Rabobankrider @P-47 Thunderbolt Make an Average Vigilance check, if you are following orders and patrolling the platform.

Sorry, it's been a crazy week. Im gonna check and see if I want to send some other XP, then I'll roll for it tonight.

Is the site still down or am i just forgetting my login?

Edited by bsmith23
14 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

Is the site still down or am i just forgetting my login?

Edited 2 hours ago by bsmith23

It’s down. You may use in the interim.

Edited by Edgehawk

If you go to here and enter Reach of the Empire in the "Channel Name" box, you can use your own account name. I'm pretty sure that link will assume that you are Edgehawk.

I rolled initiative, 2 successes.

To clarify, the shaman is sitting on top of a youngling (oops :D ) the youngling is wearing the garb of the shaman? Where is the crater rim in relation to us? Range band?

Initiative (Vigilance/Cool are identical, but I've got Rapid Reaction): Ooo! Lucky. 4 Success. Since I'm a PC, tie breaker means I go first, right? If not, I'll use Rapid Reaction (1 Strain) to make it 5.

What check would I need to make to get up to where the kid is?

19 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What check would I need to make to get up to where the kid is?

Long range from you, but 2 Maneuvers would put you within striking distance of the rim, using your whipcord.

Okay, I'll run up to it.

Would I need to make a climbing check (next turn, I'd assume) to get up there? If so, I'd like to use my whipcord as Climbing Gear, reducing the difficulty by 1. I'm not going to attack this turn.

28 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay, I'll run up to it.

Would I need to make a climbing check (next turn, I'd assume) to get up there? If so, I'd like to use my whipcord as Climbing Gear, reducing the difficulty by 1. I'm not going to attack this turn.

If you burn strain for the 2nd maneuver, you could climb as your Action this turn. Climbing will be Hard Athletics (the wall is vertical), with a Boost and a Setback for the thick vines, which can both help and hinder.

Okay, if I use my Whipcord, that'll reduce the difficulty to Average (I'll add a die if I screwed that up): 1t. Ah, phooey. I got my foot stuck in a vine halfway up. (Ensnare 1?)

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay, if I use my Whipcord, that'll reduce the difficulty to Average (I'll add a die if I screwed that up): 1t. Ah, phooey. I got my foot stuck in a vine halfway up. (Ensnare 1?)

Yeah, that would be appropriate.

If I recall correctly it was 2 maneuvers to get down from the tower?

Can Briar see Hale from where she is on the tower, or is he hidden by the crater?

If I wanted to do the valuable facts action, how do you want that do work? Would you say that xenology could apply to all checks to interact with the Tusken, only some of them, or would it work in some other way?

@Imperial Stormtrooper Make an Average Warfare check as an out-of-turn incidental.

40 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

If I recall correctly it was 2 maneuvers to get down from the tower?

Can Briar see Hale from where she is on the tower, or is he hidden by the crater?

If I wanted to do the valuable facts action, how do you want that do work? Would you say that xenology could apply to all checks to interact with the Tusken, only some of them, or would it work in some other way?

Yes! 2 maneuvers.

Briar can see Hale, but the child has now fled behind cover ( EDIT: missed die cancelled an Advantage, so using 2 for a Boost next turn ).

You may use Valuable Facts to grant a Triumph to an ally, without restriction really. Use whatever Knowledge skill you deem appropriate.

Edited by Edgehawk
Missed difficulty

Since I rolled Coercion I presume I can’t be in this combat right?

Just now, Shlambate said:

Since I rolled Coercion I presume I can’t be in this combat right?

This is happening at the same time, at this point. When @Rimsen makes a check for the interrogation, I will post up a response.

2 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

@Imperial Stormtrooper Make an Average Warfare check as an out-of-turn incidental.

Don’t worry about rolling for this. Briar would know that the proximity sensor alert she received was not from the youngling. The distal sensors are placed several clicks out, and would only be triggered by larger and/or faster-moving objects.

Edited by Edgehawk
Just now, Edgehawk said:

The distal sensors are placed several clicks out, and would only be triggered larger and/or faster-moving objects.

O_O (and here I am, stuck to the side of a cliff) :D

Are there any distance optics in the comm tower? Either way I would like to make a perception check to look for what ever triggered the sensors.

On 12/6/2019 at 12:46 PM, Edgehawk said:

I’m still going to ask @Rimsen to make a roll. He is the Interrogator , after all, and some of the subjects may have different intelligence to offer.

@Rimsen Go ahead and roll for the interrogation when you have the opportunity. Base opposition for the Coercion check is: 1 Difficulty, 2 Challenge, 1 Boost. Orokos seems to be up again at this time.