Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

@P-47 Thunderbolt The good news is that there are rifle racks (standard heavy, not disruptors) flanking the door to the passage leading aft; the bad news is the power cells have been removed. The other good news is you have a couple weapons engineers anxious to help you.

@Edgehawk what does Drogos see around where he entered?

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk what does Drogos see around where he entered?

2 engineers in trooper armor, helmets removed. Looks like they removed a couple of the seats from the deck, to allow you guys ingress. 2 rifle racks flanking the closed hatch facing aft. Rungs leading up to a hatch overhead. Forward gunnery station.

So you would say he is with Hale?

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

So you would say he is with Hale?

I thought that was where you were headed?

No just making sure, So where are the thieves from here?

@Rabobankrider , I'd say the greater difficulty is breaking the glass in the first place, though the pay off could be worth it (unless you get shot by the front turrets).

@Edgehawk , when you say "standard heavy" what does that mean? Like a DLT-19 or T-21, or an E-11? Anything I need to do to acquire the power packs?

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

when you say "standard heavy" what does that mean? Like a DLT-19 or T-21, or an E-11? Anything I need to do to acquire the power packs?

Heavy Blaster Rifle, raw, or honestly whatever you think they should be (just not the disruptors). The power cells have been removed, and have presumably been taken aft with the traitors. An alternate power source may possibly be jury-rigged, in order to use the rifles.

@Edgehawk , any chance of grenades in here?

15 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@Edgehawk , any chance of grenades in here?

Since it’s not a PC check, you can flip a destiny point for them to power a rifle for you. They reroute some wiring from the forward cannons, so the rifle is tethered by its power cord, but the tether is long enough to take aft. Edit for clarity (the wiring is the tether, but there is enough to move about the vehicle).

You locate an ammo box in the deck, and find cartridges for the mass driver cannon, but the engineers seem leery about trying to fabricate grenades...

Edited by Edgehawk

Okay, *flip* thank you.

I won't bother with grenades, then.

Since the HBR has no stun setting, can we just say that incapacitating them doesn't count as killing them?

Isn't the "aimed shot" maneuver applicable here? You aim for stopping, not killing, taking 2 blacks and rack up the wounds?

Or, just kill them. They're traitors. For the Empire.

Dead Bodies don't give intel. I want them alive.

Sure they do. You never seen CSI: Naboo?

I guess I can respec to coroner

Edited by Rimsen

Today is getting away from me. If I don’t post later, I’ll get something up tomorrow.

Is the blaster ready to go?

15 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Is the blaster ready to go?

Good to go. Roll Cool Initiative (also @Shlambate ).

Anyone else acting at this time?

Any Boost for initiative? I'll add them in if so.

Initiative : 1eP+1eA 2 successes, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png a-s.png


Do I get a free maneuver with the Triumph?

Currently I can't think of a way, making myself useful in the sub yet. I'll wait until the guys are done with the "wetwork".

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Do I get a free maneuver with the Triumph?

Go ahead.

Okay. With my free maneuver, I'd like to basically jump into view and get ready to shoot 'em. Do I win initiative? (I'd like to post IC even if I don't, but I'd prefer to post it all at once if I did)