Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

22 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Average Check w/ 1 Setback to locate the AT-TE. Roll Survival for tracking via visual sensors, or Computers for sonar.

@P-47 Thunderbolt Hale may make an additional attempt at the Survival check from his vantage outside the sub.

Also, someone else aboard the sub may still make the Computers check.

Edit: The sub turret gunner would also be able to make a check.

Edited by Edgehawk
Turret check.

What's the difficulty? Boost/Setback?

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What's the difficulty? Boost/Setback?

Average Survival. Since you’ll be boots on the ground, or in the water at least, I’ll remove the Setback from your position outside of the sub.

I brainlocked and forgot to add the difficulty, I'll roll that separately: Survival : 2eA 2 successes
a-s.png a-s.png

forgot a die : 2eD 0 successes
d--.png d--.png

Oooo! Lucky...

Do I have a spare oxygen mask that I could use for any potential rescuees? Hook it up to an extra/my tank, give them some oxygen? Since I'm leaving my Z-6 (and other ranged weapons) I'd have the Encumbrance for it.

7 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Do I have a spare oxygen mask that I could use for any potential rescuees? Hook it up to an extra/my tank, give them some oxygen? Since I'm leaving my Z-6 (and other ranged weapons) I'd have the Encumbrance for it.


1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I brainlocked and forgot to add the difficulty, I'll roll that separately: Survival : 2eA 2 successes
a-s.png a-s.png

forgot a die : 2eD 0 successes
d--.png d--.png

Oooo! Lucky...

The water is over a hundred feet deep, but you find the bottom disturbed where the AT-TE must have landed. There may be a faint current present, as evidenced by the swaying of the aquatic vegetation present, and the vehicle’s tracks lead off in the direction of the current.

@Everyone: If your character has acted since your last post, or wishes to act, post-up in the IC. There’s still room in the sub. I’ll get something up tomorrow night or Wednesday.

Just occurred to me, if I'm in the scuba suit, I won't have any weapons. Can I say that I put my gauntlets on over the scuba suit? That would give me my blades and a tether.

17 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Just occurred to me, if I'm in the scuba suit, I won't have any weapons. Can I say that I put my gauntlets on over the scuba suit? That would give me my blades and a tether.

That’s fine.

@SithArissa If you want to take your walker down into the cenote, you can flip a destiny point for scuba gear, and I’ll hand wave the walker’s functioning underwater. Might add a single Setback to certain rolls, if I think it is warranted.

Cani doesn't care about survivors. I wasn't planning on going down.

@SithArissa Please roll Cool for initiative.

: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png a--.png

What range band (Personal/Planetary) are we from the AT-TE?

Since I don't have my comlink, I don't know what's happening on the surface, or in the sub. My intention is to swim up to the AT-TE and try to gain entry (peacefully).

34 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What range band (Personal/Planetary) are we from the AT-TE?

Since I don't have my comlink, I don't know what's happening on the surface, or in the sub. My intention is to swim up to the AT-TE and try to gain entry (peacefully).

Medium range (personal scale) and closing. Visibility is murky and you had to get pretty close to see it. Plus your sub is twice as fast as the heavy walker.

I'm gonna just swim right up to the front of the AT-TE and try to communicate with the pilot. I'm gonna stay along the side so that their front/rear guns can't target me. Do I have to make any checks, or do I just make it up there unopposed? If the former, I'll amend my IC post.

I'm also assuming that given its documented operations in vacuum that it has an airlock of some kind (so that might also need revision, I might be a little out over my skis on this one, sorry).

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
4 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm gonna just swim right up to the front of the AT-TE and try to communicate with the pilot. I'm gonna stay along the side so that their front/rear guns can't target me. Do I have to make any checks, or do I just make it up there unopposed? If the former, I'll amend my IC post.

I'm also assuming that given its documented operations in vacuum that it has an airlock of some kind (so that might also need revision, I might be a little out over my skis on this one, sorry).

While the AT-TE can function in vacuum, and seems to be fine underwater it does not have an airlock. The hatches are air/watertight, and can receive a docking tube, but are not functional airlocks in themselves.


Okay. How deep are we again? I'm trying to figure out how to get the squishy guys out of the tank without, well... squishing them.

34 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


Okay. How deep are we again? I'm trying to figure out how to get the squishy guys out of the tank without, well... squishing them.

It’s a bit over a hundred feet deep.

I'm sorry if this is getting tiresome.

I had a thought, rather than trying to hash it out and decide what to do, may I make a Knowledge (Warfare) check to see if Hale can get an idea as to how to evac the crew?

Specifically (this is a thought that just occurred to me), if he knows about the AT-RT lift. Since it is on the bottom of the AT-TE, unless there is somewhere for the air to escape from, they could lower that as a dive hatch (I think, I'm no diver).

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
16 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm sorry if this is getting tiresome.

I had a thought, rather than trying to hash it out and decide what to do, may I make a Knowledge (Warfare) check to see if Hale can get an idea as to how to evac the crew?

Specifically (this is a thought that just occurred to me), if he knows about the AT-RT lift. Since it is on the bottom of the AT-TE, unless there is somewhere for the air to escape from, they could lower that as a dive hatch (I think, I'm no diver).

You can go with that, and narrate them allowing you aboard that way. I will take it from there. Probably post tonight, or early tomorrow morning at latest.

17 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Specifically (this is a thought that just occurred to me), if he knows about the AT-RT lift. Since it is on the bottom of the AT-TE, unless there is somewhere for the air to escape from, they could lower that as a dive hatch (I think, I'm no diver).

And coming up face first to a barrel of blaster :D

On 10/31/2019 at 7:37 AM, SithArissa said:

: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png a--.png

Believe it or not, this suffices for you to have Initiative. You may proceed with your razing of the encampment.

21 hours ago, Rimsen said:

And coming up face first to a barrel of blaster :D

Awww... You gave her ideas. :(

Well, if worst comes to worst, I've still got my stabby things!