Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

15 xp everyone. Recover Strain if you have not already done so.

Recover all remaining strain, or roll to recover Strain? Also, clarification, I rolled a Triumph on my Discipline check, may I use it to recover 3 additional Strain?

12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Recover all remaining strain, or roll to recover Strain? Also, clarification, I rolled a Triumph on my Discipline check, may I use it to recover 3 additional Strain?

Roll to recover, for now. You may recover 3 with the Triumph.

Discipline : 4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
a-s.png a-s.png a-a-a.png a-a.png

2 strain heal

I'm gonna pick up Conditioned (15XP, C1).

Recover Strain : 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s-a.png a--.png
1 strain back.
I'm going to get Researcher and Valuable Facts with my xp.
@Edgehawk were there any other messages that Fitzsimmons sent to Porel in the tower?
Also are any of the Intrepid's forces landing, or did they just send the message?
22 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:
were there any other messages that Fitzsimmons sent to Porel in the tower?
Also are any of the Intrepid's forces landing, or did they just send the message?

It looks like messages were set to autodelete in one rotation, so Briar could only retrieve the most recent communication.

The Intrepid does not appear to be landing any forces, though the TIEs are still in the air.

While going back through my sheet, I realized that I overspent by 5XP (this is why I now keep overly detailed accounts of my characters' expenditures 😜 ). To remedy this, I dropped my 1 rank in Survival.

To clarify, we were dropped down to 5 Duty, I didn't spend 5 Duty to get an extra 5XP, right?

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
10 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

To clarify, we were dropped down to 5 Duty, I didn't spend 5 Duty to get an extra 5XP, right?

Exchanging Duty for XP was an option at the start, and also for new PCs. If your intention was to spend starting duty on xp, go ahead and keep it. I’m not going to change duty now, other than awarding some.

No, I think I just messed up and I'd rather have everything line up rather than having an asterisk beside it for ever ("I should have 5 less XP, I really should").

Similar (any football [the real football :P ] fans will get this) to last year's NFC championship game (that I'm still mad about).

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Took one more Grit and Fearsome

Scenes and sessions blur in PBPs, but I’m going to consider @Rabobankrider ’s combat victory fulfilled.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Briar’s Intelligence duty has been triggered.

What does that mean?

Woo! Combat victory!

@Rimsen If I hadn't seen your IC post before it was edited, I'd think "adding some flavor" was a pun. 😜

Also, the only guy who got shot is standing right in front of you. You need more ranks in Perception :D .

4 hours ago, Shlambate said:

What does that mean?

I awarded everyone 2 Duty each, rolled again for the game moving forward, and Briar’s Duty triggered. Mechanically... I’m thinking about boosting Strain instead of Wounds for this Duty (Intelligence), meaning Briar would receive +2 and everyone else would get +1. What do you guys think? This would of course be in lieu of any Wound threshold bonus.

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Woo! Combat victory!

Add an attachment/mod to your rifle or something, as a personal award. Maybe Hale can quietly submit you for a marksman medal after the heat dies down.

I will do small personal awards as we go, and a group reward will come with contribution rank. Duty is at 70 now.

The WT thing is supposed to be related to "bolstered confidence" or whatever, but I think the main reason for it was compatibility with EotE's Obligation system.

Strain threshold is fine. I don't think that it makes a whole lot of sense to vary it based on the Duty, but if you want to do it, I've got no issue. I'll go ahead and adjust my sheet.

Just now, Edgehawk said:

Maybe Hale can quietly submit you for a marksman medal after the heat dies down.

He'd do that.

Luvly, I'll take the telescopic optical sight if that's ok, it seemed appropriate.

So increase to strain threshold is what we're going with?

Also, I don't think I said at any point (so it didn't happen) that Briar changed into her ISB armor, but she'll do that now before the task force moves onto the next thing.

Oh, and was there anyone else in the AT-TE when it went underwater?

7 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Also, the only guy who got shot is standing right in front of you. You need more ranks in Perception :D .

In that case, treat my Choc-stick as a Stimpack. It heals 5+2 wounds, I have 2 ranks of stimpack spec. @Rabobankrider

@P-47 Thunderbolt Honestly, I just wanted to cheer up Luks after his incident. I haven't read back to the start, I remembered someone got shot, but didn't know who, hence the question. :)

Edited by Rimsen
Checking my supplies
6 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

So increase to strain threshold is what we're going with?

So far, Thunderbolt is the only one who has weighed in on the subject, and he was opposed to it. I am not generally a fan of house rules just for the heck of it, so I’m open to hearing other opinions. If the general consensus is to just go RAW, I’m fine with that.

6 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

I don't think I said at any point (so it didn't happen) that Briar changed into her ISB armor, but she'll do that now before the task force moves onto the next thing.


6 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Oh, and was there anyone else in the AT-TE when it went underwater?

Unknown, but it seems likely. It is also unknown whether or not they were in league with Fitzsimmons.

5 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

So far, Thunderbolt is the only one who has weighed in on the subject, and he was opposed to it. I am not generally a fan of house rules just for the heck of it, so I’m open to hearing other opinions. If the general consensus is to just go RAW, I’m fine with that.

"Opposed" is a bit of a strong word in this case, I would say "indifferent" I can go either way, honestly. Sticking with RAW is usually the safer bet though.

5 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Unknown, but it seems likely. It is also unknown whether or not they were in league with Fitzsimmons.

Poor devils...

I'm going to put 1 more rank on Coercion and keep 5 XP.
Thinking on the next move, probably will post tomorrow evening.