Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Athletics : 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage
p-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png s-f.png

Nice so is he riding with me?

30 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Nice so is he riding with me?

@P-47 Thunderbolt Hale’s a strong guy, so once Drogo grabs him, he should be fine. Spend a maneuver clambering up onto the Varactyl, and you should be good to Act.

The varactyl would be able to just glide down, so we're fine, right?

Is the gunner (Fitzsimmons, right?) still in Short range?

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The varactyl would be able to just glide down, so we're fine, right?

Is the gunner (Fitzsimmons, right?) still in Short range?

Hm.. If you wish to act immediately with the whipcord (without aiming or maneuvering up onto the varactyl) you may do so. Otherwise the AT-TE is dropping away quickly from the gliding varactyl. You may still take maneuvers as normal during your turn, after your action.

edit to add: yes, the gunner on the outside of the AT-TE is Fitzsimmons.

Edited by Edgehawk

I would like to do so. Easy difficulty?

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I would like to do so. Easy difficulty?

Isn’t it considered a melee attack, just from Short and not Engaged? I believe it should be versus 1 Difficulty + 1 Challenge.

Okay. I wasn't sure if it applied since the skill used is Melee, but it isn't at Engaged range, so I wasn't sure.

Spider-Hale Strikes Again! : 1eP+3eA+1eC+1eD 1 success, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png c-f-f.png d-th.png

Oooo! Perfect! 1 Success (6 damage) and 2 Advantage to trigger Ensnare.

Since I'm now towing a full grown man while hanging onto Drogos, do I need to make a check to climb back up on the varactyl, or just 2 Maneuvers?

11 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Since I'm now towing a full grown man while hanging onto Drogos, do I need to make a check to climb back up on the varactyl, or just 2 Maneuvers?

Since you’re both Brawn 4, and have both already rolled this turn, just call it 2 maneuvers and take the strain for it.

Attacking the LAAT/c : 1eA+2eP+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s.png d-f.png d-f.png s-th.png

I'd like to spend the advantages on setback dice on attacks from the LAAT/c.

58 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

The hovering LAAT/c had no intention of just taking fire from the rogue stealth fighter. Opening up with both turrets, it unleashes a hail of laser fire upon the Phantom, which is obviously considerably worse for the exchange. When the firing stops, the pilot drops the carrier down deeper into the crater.


@bsmith23 I’m afraid both turrets struck true, delivering 9 points Hull trauma. A Hard Mechanics check can keep it together for a fairly controlled landing; it is equipped with an ejection system if it comes to that extreme. Edit to add: easy Crit for exceeding HT. Take 1 System Strain).

Shall I react now, or wait a while?

1 hour ago, bsmith23 said:

Shall I react now, or wait a while?

The check will be your Action next turn.

Edited by Edgehawk

I will make a Leadersgip check, that seems the most fitting, even if it's not my forté. I'm going to roll and narrate as soon as I'm home. Busy weekend :(

Edit: As expected, Evon can't really lean on his authority to speed up the bureaucracy of the mighty war machine....
Leadership - speeding up the Intrepid : 2eA+2eB+3eD 3 failures, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a.png b-s.png b-s.png d-f-f.png d-f-f.png d-f-th.png

Edit: advantages, may I use them to drop 2 strain? I addressed this in my IC post.

Edited by Rimsen

I will be mostly off the grid Thu-Sun, but should have some wifi access at times. I believe @Rabobankrider and @SithArissa have yet to act this turn?

@Rabobankrider The traitor is dangling at Medium range. He would be at Close range to you @SithArissa , but attacks would be Upgraded thrice due to proximity with the two PCs and the varactyl.

I was running for my walker not to the enemy.

On 10/6/2019 at 6:55 AM, Edgehawk said:

That will get you halfway there. Next turn it will take 2 Maneuvers to arrive and then mount the walker, but there is a quick-release (Incidental to separate from the shuttle), so you may then take immediate action with the walker.

You’re there! Assuming you are taking the 2 Maneuvers, you are now free to Act with the walker. @SithArissa

Edited by Edgehawk

I don't have the ability to mount as an incidental it will take my action. So that's my turn.

48 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

take 2 Maneuvers to arrive and then mount

4 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

I don't have the ability to mount as an incidental it will take my action. So that's my turn.

I apologize for the wording... I meant 2 Maneuvers total to both arrive and then mount.

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

I apologize for the wording... I meant 2 Maneuvers total to both arrive and then mount.

If I do a called shot on the enemy vehicle legs or something can I avoid harming other players?

Ah... unfortunately, that would require an additional (aim) maneuver. You have a clear shot at the LAAT if you wish to target it. Close range.

I'll just take the aim and shoot next turn.

@SithArissa Just to make sure it's clear, Garand Hale doesn't like Cani Patral. It's nothing against you, it's just the characters.

@P-47 Thunderbolt What is your survival?

2 Cunning, 1 Survival.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

2 Cunning, 1 Survival.

**** so we are equal, well you can give me boosts when I need to move next turn from assists then.

Hopefully two idiots simultaneously trying to give it orders doesn't confuse the thing :P .