Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

28 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

You may commit XP to Enhance fp if you wish to force leap? Or you could just twirl that Inquisitor lightsaber over your head and hope you fly. 😛

Honestly, I'd be fine with either. I'm trying to keep the pace up in this game, and the XP for Enhance and the necessary upgrades are probably only a couple encounters away.

Looks at 0 exp

42 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

You can make 1 maneuver to reach the edge of the platform, but the AT-TE will still be at Medium range- it is presently still in the clutches of the LAAT/c, which has taken flight. Hale made a running leap to attack from short range with his whipcord.

What if I move twice with maneuver and action?

19 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Looks at 0 exp

I meant I would allow you to comit future XP if you wished to do so.

21 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

What if I move twice with maneuver and action?

The AT-TE is hovering, medium range away from the platform, still attached to the transport carrying it. There is open space between it and the platform. There are Force talents and powers which might achieve this, as well as some items and weapons, but basically you need to fly to get to it. I am open to ideas, and if you truly want to do the spinny saber thing, I suppose it has precedent.

Sorry for the delay: Initiative : 2eA 2 successes
a-s.png a-s.png

8 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Sorry for the delay: Initiative : 2eA 2 successes
a-s.png a-s.png

Den may act when ready. Basically the tank commander Sgt Fitzsimmons has been found to be a traitor, and was trying to train the AT-TE's main turret on the task force and sensor/comms array. The Hotshot fired first, and now the rest of the cav unit are hostile and have contacted the Intrepid for support.

Fitz is the only real target at the moment (other than the LAAT/c itself and the AT-TE it is holding); he has just slipped free of Hale's whipcord, putting your squad leader in a precarious position.

BTW Can we contact the ship to present our evidence that he is working with the Sorority?

1 hour ago, Rimsen said:

BTW Can we contact the ship to present our evidence that he is working with the Sorority?


12 hours ago, Shlambate said:

I don’t think flying was because of the saber and more because of the dark side force temple

The sidebar in DoR allows for it in conjunction with Enhance.

Don't have Enhance yet.

7 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Don't have Enhance yet.

If you do not wish to invest future earned xp, I’ll throw you another line. Flip a destiny point, and you can have some sort of ascension capability on your utility belt. Unfortunately setting the gear in place would require an action (Avg Ranged Light), but could place you on the AT-TE for next round.

If I recover and grab onto the leg or something, I can throw him a line with my whipcord thrower.

9 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

If I recover and grab onto the leg or something, I can throw him a line with my whipcord thrower.

The whipcord is probably going to be your best chance for catching yourself? Hale attacked from short range, so he is likely too far away to just grab the AT-TE or the ship. Latching onto the legs with the whipcord could work, though.

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

The whipcord is probably going to be your best chance for catching yourself? Hale attacked from short range, so he is likely too far away to just grab the AT-TE or the ship. Latching onto the legs with the whipcord could work, though.

I had pictured it as me hanging against the side of the AT-TE, so I might be able to grab onto the leg as I slide down. If I'm just hanging in mid-air then I guess I've got to use it to catch myself.

@Edgehawk , if Den moves a range band forward, what would the difficulty be to shoot the gunner?

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I had pictured it as me hanging against the side of the AT-TE, so I might be able to grab onto the leg as I slide down. If I'm just hanging in mid-air then I guess I've got to use it to catch myself.

I’m willing to go with your vision of it- the AT-TE is a pretty large machine. It would still be an Athletics or Coordination check then (Action) to catch yourself, but if successful you could then maneuver onto the AT-TE.

6 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , if Den moves a range band forward, what would the difficulty be to shoot the gunner?

Moving to the edge of the platform (1 maneuver) will place you at Medium range.

I’m fine with not getting to it this round, I’ll take it the slow way.

Edited by Shlambate

If I am not mistaken, everyone acted this round, right?

Still waiting on Luks.

Yes. @Rabobankrider , and also @Von3679 should now be finished with finals, and ready to resume?

Not pressuring anyone, just curious :)

Sorry for the delay: Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a--.png d-th-th.png d-th-th.png So that's 11 base damage, @Edgehawk what do you want to do with the setback?

Before I forget, this is against the gunner.

@Shlambate An option I failed to specify is the Varactyls. 2 maneuvers could have reached them last turn, and I would permit mounting as an Action in this instance (Avg Survival). This would place you in a position to Act now at the top of the round. The Varactyl could reach the tank, though that may seem an undesirable option under current circumstances.

: 1eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
p-a.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-th.png

He mounts it cause why not, how far can he get with the beastie?

So the AT-TE has fallen out of sight? What is the LAAT doing?

2 hours ago, Shlambate said:

He mounts it cause why not, how far can he get with the beastie?

Assuming this was your 2 Maneuvers (take 2 Strain) and Action for last round, now mounted, you may this turn:

  • land on the AT-TE (2 maneuvers) and ride it down as it plummets or...
  • leap from the platform and glide down at a slower rate (1 or 2 maneuvers) or...
  • land on the LAAT/c, which is still hovering at the moment.
1 hour ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

So the AT-TE has fallen out of sight? What is the LAAT doing?

It has detached, as of the end of last round. Some party members may still be able to interact with the AT-TE at the start of the current round, depending on individual actions taken. At present, the LAAT is still hovering, though I will be rolling Initiative for it.