Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

I don’t anticipate full-on fight-to-the-death encounters. The Imperial party decidedly has the upper hand. I did not want the rebels to be too underpowered, however.

I’m hoping for “Rebels” type encounters, where it is mostly cat-and-mouse, brief clashes and escapes. I also committed to running the smaller rebel party separately, with their own adventures, when not actively engaged with the imp party.

When the two PC parties are actively engaged with one another (for instance, once the Inquisitor cuts through the door), both parties will be using the RotE IC.

Oh, forgot Destiny: Destiny : 1eF 1 Light Side

45 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

I don’t anticipate full-on fight-to-the-death encounters. The Imperial party decidedly has the upper hand. I did not want the rebels to be too underpowered, however.

I’m hoping for “Rebels” type encounters, where it is mostly cat-and-mouse, brief clashes and escapes. I also committed to running the smaller rebel party separately, with their own adventures, when not actively engaged with the imp party.

When the two PC parties are actively engaged with one another (for instance, once the Inquisitor cuts through the door), both parties will be using the RotE IC.

Something I discovered when I've GMed (and as a player once I was looking for it), is that players often think that there is always a way to "win" a fight if they think hard enough most of the TPKs or near TPKs I've caused as a GM came when I thought "Clearly they'll realize they're overmatched and try to escape." but they thought they saw a way to win. I've also made the same mistake as a player once we TPKed when we all thought, "If we can just take out that one enemy we'll be fine."

That being said, the idea sounds interesting. If the two groups don't need to be synchronized after this fight, that would solve scheduling. Since the clearly stated the goal is running away from the Imperial party that might solve some of the problems, the problem is that in role playing characters accurately can sometimes lead to hurt feelings OOC if people aren't on the same page, or if they think they're just using it as an excuse to be a jerk. Then, at the end of the day everyone is beholden to the dice which seem to take joy in ruining people's days.

I'm ready to try it, it could go well, or it could go poorly. But, we won't know until we try.

52 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

I don’t anticipate full-on fight-to-the-death encounters.

Sad murderous Inquisitor Noises.

To the overall larger point of having dueling player parties I think rare confrontations can be good but we should not make this the focus of either game. What can be done to see each other's influence is that we have quests the influence each others campaign, so if say we get closer to catching the girl the Rebels can have a quest to make the trail to her all the more difficult, or say they aide in the creation of a smuggling ring in one adventure and we are tasked to investigate in the next and if we do good enough work we can dismantle it.

Oh, and one thing that concerns me is Den's disruptor. As GM and as player, I really don't like the Crippled and Maimed crits on PCs because they seriously, seriously reduce the ability of the character to act in the situation so I practically never use disruptors against PCs (except in extremely rare circumstances, and generally only as a threat).

With such a low crit, it is very likely to cripple the other characters quite quickly.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

With such a low crit, it is very likely to cripple the other characters quite quickly.

Sweats in wanting to have mass criticals with Force Crush(bind) Mastery

I’m all out of “likes” and “hahas” for the day, but I am reading your concerns.

@Edgehawk since they dropped the elevator should we all be in the same IC? Does this follow our structured time? Are these two separate instances? Do I get no chance to bind the lift to just stop it from falling?

Structured time follow the initiatives posted in this thread. I’m keeping ICs separate until parties come face to face.

There are a series of warning chirps and alarms prior to the lift dropping. I’ll say the lift does not actually drop until the end of this current round. Drogos can use Bind to attempt to control/slow its descent next round, prior to it abruptly stopping on its own.

@Edgehawk , I hate to be so negative, and I don't really mean to be, but I've put more of my thoughts in order regarding the situation.

Because the PCs are PCs, they lack the knowledge of the full picture and they lack the responsibilities that allow a GM to handle combat well. Once the two sides engage, the GM loses control over what happens almost completely. When a GM has control over the opposition, they are able to manipulate the circumstances to ensure that a good time is had by all, which can include ramping up the difficulty, pulling punches, making suboptimal strategic decisions, etc. Further, PCs may come up with clever ideas that could completely derail the other party, something that wouldn't happen with NPCs because the GM can simply choose not to do it without taking control away from a player. There are also situations where a party can have something happen that puts them in a bad situation for handling the challenge the GM is going to throw at them, leading the GM to tweak the encounter to allow them to better handle it. Again, this can't be done with two parties going head-to-head.

With team 1 vs. team 2, the GM loses that influence and stuff can quickly spiral out of control and jeopardize both the story and the game as a whole.

I'm keeping an open mind if this goes well (not "well for the Imperials " just "well"), but I'm not liking the odds of that outcome. At this point, the Imperials seem to be at several significant disadvantages (I can outline all the reasons why if you want me to), but it being "my team" at the disadvantage isn't what's driving my concern, it's merely a symptom/cause of some issues I see. Again, this isn't a threat or an attempt to coerce you into anything, but if we intend to continue with these encounters on anything approaching a regular basis, I'm going to pull out.

Alright, I'm sorry but I've really been struggling today and I don't think I'm going to be able to post IC. The creative block is stemming from things in real life, unrelated to the game (no need to worry about me though, I'm fine aside from my brain malfunctioning).

If you need me to post before I'm able to, @Edgehawk , you can go ahead and do it for me, in as much or as little detail as you find appropriate.

No worries @P-47 Thunderbolt .

Hale uses his one swole arm to hoist himself up the rope. @P-47 Thunderbolt @Edgehawk

Blown Lift Combat :

Okay. Anyone who has not Acted yet, please do so. Bon’Uss is dropping the lift as the final action of the round. All NPCs have acted, so remaining PCs may act without regard to their specific place in the lineup.

Griff, one of the Banshees, succumbed to an (Average) Critical hit. Immediate medical attention can save him, but he will be out for the duration of the encounter.

Can I leave the pew pews for the better pew pewers an assist anyone in need? If not, I'll take some shots.

The fallen trooper is in urgent need of care, so you could assist Doc, assuming he works on him. @bsmith23

22 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Can I leave the pew pews for the better pew pewers an assist anyone in need? If not, I'll take some shots.

Bring in the TIE Phantom

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Bring in the TIE Phantom

Meh, It’ll fit.

4 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Bring in the TIE Phantom

I wish. Be like the Rigger in Shadowrun, do everything from INSIDE the vehicle.

So, I'll help get him into a safe position, get some armor moved away, and pass equipment to doc...

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Meh, It’ll fit.

Wait, seriously? 😳

14 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Wait, seriously? 😳

No, not really. 🙂 Be a whole lot cooler if it did, though.

@Edgehawk , unless I can use the advantage to try to have Den catch himself falling or splatter a rebel on the way down I'll use the imperial valour stuff.

18 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , unless I can use the advantage to try to have Den catch himself falling or splatter a rebel on the way down I'll use the imperial valour stuff.

If you really want to roll the dice on this, you can take the fall. Make a Hard Athletics/Coordination check (w/ 2 Boosts for your Advantages). Success can have you sticking a landing on the level below where the rebels are. Advantages and/or Triumph can limit or nullify any damage from the fall. Failure will suck badly enough that I feel no need to Upgrade.

I'll stick with imperial valour then, probably more use fighting than after the fall

So Hale is back in the elevator? I'd probably treat him first and Griff second. But can't do both.

Also. Mechanically I should be able to treat the Maimed hard crit, although I don't feel it very appropriate to restore a hand with a medkit. What would you say if I try? Can I do anything for it atm?