Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

: 1eF 1 Dark Side

Assuming I'm familiarizing with the TIE Phantom, Stay on Target pg 60?

43 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Assuming I'm familiarizing with the TIE Phantom, Stay on Target pg 60?

That's it. Consider it a prototype. I just added it to the ships on the first page of this thread.

Okay! That's everyone, two-by-two. Big change-up in the roster, which I wish everyone luck with.

@Rimsen The Empire is requisitioning a number of riding beasts from a local operation called Saleuquest Overland Adventures. You are to inspect the animals and ensure their fitness for duty.

@P-47 Thunderbolt Meet up with your new squad. You may want to accompany the doctor to secure the new imerial stable.

@bsmith23 @Shlambate You're there! Narrate how and where you wish to land, and meet up with the task force.

Did i miss any xp by any chance? I’m at total 130xp now.

and oof. We got an inquisitor and an emperor’s hand on the team :P. No one knows V is the emperor’s hand though :P

@Von3679 Veitra knows the Inquisitors are single minded Jedi hunters and killers. The Inquisitorius would not be involving itself in this mission if it did not have credible intelligence that there is force-sensitive involvement. With the increase in party size, I decided to allow another force spec.

10 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

Did i miss any xp by any chance? I’m at total 130xp now.

90 starting +10 morality +30 starting bonus +10 earned +20 earned +5 earned = 165!

You introduced me as a doctor. Is it known to the task force that i am part of Imperial Intelligence? Also who is the commanding officer i have been assigned to? I assume i have to report to someone on arriving

15 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

and oof. We got an inquisitor and an emperor’s hand on the team :P. No one knows V is the emperor’s hand though :P

Veitra knows that the Inquisitorius falls under the purview of Lord Vader, your Emperor's most trusted * known * enforcer.

6 minutes ago, Rimsen said:

You introduced me as a doctor. Is it known to the task force that i am part of Imperial Intelligence? Also who is the commanding officer i have been assigned to? I assume i have to report to someone on arriving

Nominally, you are serving aboard the Intrepid, but for "story reasons" I am having you seconded to the task force with the other PCs. The task force is a veritable shitshow with no clear chain of command. 😛 Task Force 75 was formed, and is under the authority of Colonel Wullf Yularen, who has a long history of service in naval intelligence and the ISB.

Edit to add: @Rimsen I will leave how much you wish to disclose about your character's unique skill set up to you. Briar @Imperial Stormtrooper is also ISB and will have been made aware that you are an ISB interrogator.

Edited by Edgehawk

If you are okay with it, I'd like to meet up with my new squad. How should I insert myself into the story? Where is my new squad, and what are they doing? I assume I've been briefed on who they are, so I won't need them to introduce themselves to me.

On 4/21/2019 at 9:51 AM, Edgehawk said:
  • "Griff" Engineering Sergeant
  • "Slowdive" Intelligence Sergeant
  • "Backbeat" Communications Sergeant
  • "Stark" Sgt. Castar Arkmeda, Combat Driver
  • Den Luks (PC)* Weapons Sergeant, Pilot & Medic

Griff and Backbeat are on the team's shuttle at the port. Slowdive and Dyson are at the Paradise Resort, just outside the port. Den Luks and Stark are in a conference room at the back of the resort. @P-47 Thunderbolt

Edited by Edgehawk

Okay, thanks. I think I'll head to the shuttle first to get my stuff situated (aka set my Z-6 down) and contact the squad members there.

Once the ship is secured we can meet up with rhe rest of the team.

So with that post are we at the resort?

14 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

Once the ship is secured we can meet up with rhe rest of the team.

8 hours ago, Shlambate said:

So with that post are we at the resort?

If @Imperial Stormtrooper @SithArissa @Von3679 and @Rabobankrider are satisfied with concluding the meeting in the conference room, I'd like to screenwipe to the next scene. The task force's shuttle can accommodate everyone, though the hotshot may wish to bring his own ride.

Yep, keep up the appearance of escort.

@Rimsen Roll Destiny! (1eF on orokos).

I'm fine with it.

Destiny roll : 1eF 2 Light Side

@Imperial Stormtrooper If Briar has anything else for the conference room scene, get it up in the next couple days. I'll be moving forward on Wednesday.

@Edgehawk Have we actually met up with the Intrepid yet, or has it just been the shuttle so far?

10 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

@Edgehawk Have we actually met up with the Intrepid yet, or has it just been the shuttle so far?

The task force went straight to Saleucami, and has not met up with the Intrepid yet. The Intrepid has just now entered Saleucami space, and is sending down a small shuttle with an ISB Interrogator and a new Squad Leader for the stormtrooper detachment.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Make a Hard Computers check with 1 Upgrade, 1 Boost (The first layer of security has already been breached) and 1 Setback (once opened, data is still encrypted). You may apply any skills relevant to computer use and/or code breaking.

Even with Codebreaker, Orokos still doesn't like me sometimes.

Datapad : 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a--.png a-s.png b-a.png c-f-th.png d-f-f.png

Could the 2 advantage let another attempt happen at some point later?

28 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Even with Codebreaker, Orokos still doesn't like me sometimes.

Datapad : 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a--.png a-s.png b-a.png c-f-th.png d-f-f.png

Could the 2 advantage let another attempt happen at some point later?

Cani has only slightly less computing skill could give it to her and two boosts if briar is willing to share the data pad. Or I'll help you again so you upgrade a green to another yellow.

Edited by SithArissa