Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Okay, so Briar can recover 3 Strain, and her Initiative slot will be 0s, 6a. I’m afraid the Advantages won’t really impact anything beyond that. @Imperial Stormtrooper

57 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Also, can anyone hit me up with a stimpack? 6/12 here...

Evon @Rimsen can help you out, before we enter structured time again.

@bsmith23 Also, the “ion weapon” the Inquisitor just tossed to you is Den’s T-7 ion disruptor rifle.

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

@bsmith23 Also, the “ion weapon” the Inquisitor just tossed to you is Den’s T-7 ion disruptor rifle.

Edited IC

3 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

Initiative Knowledge (Warfare) : 1eA+2eP 2 successes, 4 advantage
a-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png

Strain Recovery : 1eA+1eP 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-a.png p-s.png

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Also, can anyone hit me up with a stimpack? 6/12 here...

I can treat you when the 2 teams meet up again :)

Edited by Rimsen

@Shlambate Make an Average Vigilance check please.

Vigilance Average : 4eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat
a-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Ever Vigilant

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Vigilance Average : 4eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat
a-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png
Ever Vigilant

Okay, take a Strain for the Threat Mr Ever Vigilant. After climbing down, to cut his way into the sixth sublevel, he notices the floor at the bottom of lift shaft has been haphazardly welded. Not that Drogos is an engineer- but this is very obviously inferior workmanship, compared to the rest of the structure, possibly done in haste or without the proper tools.

Of course, there are also a couple dead death troopers and rebels here at the bottom, as well.

Wait we are moving on already? Has the agent recovered something from the servers or are they the exact same data.

48 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Wait we are moving on already? Has the agent recovered something from the servers or are they the exact same data.

Briar halted the shutdown/deletion of files, and retrieved what she could. The server stacks are more for running and operating systems and software. She can make an additional check @Imperial Stormtrooper : Formidable Computers with 4 Setbacks, to find a needle in the server stacks. Otherwise, that is a job that would take quite some time (hours, if not days), even for a team of techs.

@bsmith23 You can heal 5+2 minus the amount of stimpack you got today. :)

13 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Briar halted the shutdown/deletion of files, and retrieved what she could. The server stacks are more for running and operating systems and software. She can make an additional check @Imperial Stormtrooper : Formidable Computers with 4 Setbacks, to find a needle in the server stacks. Otherwise, that is a job that would take quite some time (hours, if not days), even for a team of techs.

Would codebreaker apply to this check?

1 hour ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Would codebreaker apply to this check?

Yes, go ahead and apply your talents (really, just go ahead and use them unless I specify not to).

Computers : 3eP+1eA+4eD+2eS 0 successes, 3 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d--.png d-f.png d-f-f.png s--.png s--.png

ooo, so close. I'll try Natural Programmer.

Computers : 3eP+1eA+4eD+2eS 3 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s-s.png p-tr.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th.png s-f.png s-th.png

Yay! What happens for the threat? Not sure what to do with the Triumph for this though.

Den Initiative : 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage
a--.png a-s-a.png

2 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Yay! What happens for the threat? Not sure what to do with the Triumph for this though.

Okay! A lot of the systems running are medical in nature, and appear to be tapping a lot of energy and resources from the clinic proper, in the resort above, and siphoning them down below. Farther below than just a couple levels, too, as Briar might already suspect from previously gathered intelligence. You may “bank” the Triumph if you wish.

Just to keep @Shlambate happy, the 3 Threat cause a migraine. Take 1 Strain and add 1 Setback to Briar’s next check.


@Edgehawk , I'm sorry, lately I've been lacking the bandwidth to keep up with games I'm not GMing, and am trying to catch up. I think I'll be able to pay more attention ongoing.

So there are three sublevels. The first is the barracks(?) where Hale chased the guy up the vent. The second is the one with a bunch of computers and is where the agent mined the data. The third is the server stacks.

Then at the bottom of the turbolift shaft, we have discovered that it appears to have been shoddily sealed, so we're now going to cut through the "floor" there.

Is that correct? Am I missing anything?

31 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Is that correct? Am I missing anything?

4th and 5th sublevels are empty living quarters and shared areas, showing signs of hasty abandonment. 6th level has not been breached, as yet- and upon closer inspection, the “bottom” may not be the bottom.

@Shlambate It is the bottom of the lift shaft itself, that shows signs of being shoddily welded. I have not described the interior of the 6th sublevel, following your breach.

59 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

@Shlambate It is the bottom of the lift shaft itself, that shows signs of being shoddily welded. I have not described the interior of the 6th sublevel, following your breach.


Can I grasp the idea what kind of medical facility was this? Infirmary, operational theatre, some clandestine laboratory?

42 minutes ago, Rimsen said:

Can I grasp the idea what kind of medical facility was this? Infirmary, operational theatre, some clandestine laboratory?

This looks like a standard infirmary reception room. If you are communicating with Briar, the systems and power requirements she detected above in the servers indicate a larger scale operation, more akin to a large-scale hospital or medcenter.