Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

For a Destiny flip, Evon can go ahead and take a shot. There is no real reason why the chase should eat up his whole turn. The suspect is still only Short range, though bystanders Upgrade once, and I am going to Upgrade checks to flip some destiny points back to you guys (so 2eC total, w/adversary 1).

I'll take this, and shoot the guy.

Pew - pew : 2eP+2eC 0 successes
p--.png p-s.png c--.png c-f.png

This is gonna show him! :D

i edit the IC post accordingly.

Edited by Rimsen

@Rabobankrider Make an Average social check (whichever), with a Boost, because the guy wants to believe you. I will flip to Upgrade, due to the precarious nature of a hostage situation, so vs 1eD+1eC.

Negotiation Check : 2eA+1eC+1eD 1 success, 4 threat
a--.png a-s.png c-th-th.png d-th-th.png

On 6/25/2020 at 10:12 AM, Edgehawk said:
On 6/24/2020 at 10:02 AM, Edgehawk said:
  • Briar 5s, 1a, 1t
  • Hale 5s
  • Crispin 4s, 1a, 1t (Adversary 2, Defense 1),
  • Fleeing Assassin 3s, 1a (Adversary 1)
  • Gunman w/hostage
  • Tactical watercraft 3s (Armor 1)
  • Boat crew x5 (Adversary 1, Defense 1)
  • Zyi in ejected pod 2s, 2a (Slicer, Adversary 2)
  • Den 2s, 1a (has acted)
  • Banshee Squad (securing prisoners)
  • Drogos 2s , 1 th, 1 tr (has acted)
  • Veitra 1s, 5a
  • Ral 1s, 3a
  • Evon 1s, 3a (has acted)
  • Hawk

Okay! I removed the beach minion groups from the initiative roster, as they are all down and/or being detained. I also noted some of you who have already acted this round, in certain scenes.

Hawk @Barbaross41 , you are up at the very bottom of the current round, with targets in the watercraft at Extreme range. Upgrade for Veitra’s presence, but Hale has not yet boarded, so vs 2eD+2eC+1eS (including Adversary 1, Defense 1; but not adjusted for your talents or weapon attachments).

Once Hawk takes his shot, Hale @P-47 Thunderbolt is up, and Briar @Imperial Stormtrooper . @Barbaross41 has been absent from the forum for nearly a week, so I will narrate his turn tomorrow, need be.

@Rabobankrider Make an Average Cool or Discipline check. Den is not sure if the gunman is going to toss his weapon aside or shoot.

Edited by Edgehawk
3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Okay! I removed the beach minion groups from the initiative roster, as they are all down and/or being detained. I also noted some of you who have already acted this round, in certain scenes.

Hawk @Barbaross41 , you are up at the very bottom of the current round, with targets in the watercraft at Extreme range. Upgrade for Veitra’s presence, but Hale has not yet boarded, so vs 2eD+2eC+1eS (including Adversary 1, Defense 1; but not adjusted for your talents or weapon attachments).

Once Hawk takes his shot, Hale @P-47 Thunderbolt is up, and Briar @Imperial Stormtrooper . @Barbaross41 has been absent from the forum for nearly a week, so I will narrate his turn tomorrow, need be.

He told me that he'd be gone for 7-8 days, 7 would be the third of July.

I had checked, and noted his absence from the forum since last Thursday, but wanted to give him the chance to post. I’ll go ahead and post his turn this time around, probably sometime today. Thanks @P-47 Thunderbolt for the heads up!

Apologies for the delay. Will disarm one of the opponents then. I’ll write up the ic post tomorrow. Can i disarm the nastier guy pls? XD

6 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

Apologies for the delay. Will disarm one of the opponents then. I’ll write up the ic post tomorrow. Can i disarm the nastier guy pls? XD

You might have bigger worries. I think the party’s new scout sniper almost just took you out.
Rifle @boat crew : 3eA+2eP+1eB+1eD+2eC 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
a-s.png a-a.png a-s-s.png p-s-s.png p--.png b--.png d--.png c-d.png c--.png


Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I thought Veitra went over to the turret?

Right! Okay, so Veitra is under cover at the turret... or maybe not? @Von3679 ? I don’t think your latest turn has been narrated in the IC, so can you clarify?

Edited by Edgehawk
1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

Right! Okay, so Veitra is under cover. I’ll narrate the Despair differently, and the Succesful attack wastes one of the boat targets, and then some.

I'm sorry for the confusion, but I think I made a mistake. Veitra used the Advantage to disarm rather than for a free maneuver. (2 Advantage=Maneuver+1 Advantage=Strain or 3 Advantage=disarm)


@Shlambate The balcony gunman’s sudden movement was with the pistol (he’s in no condition to run).

35 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

@Shlambate The balcony gunman’s sudden movement was with the pistol (he’s in no condition to run).

Fixed it so that he just stares him down.

Do I need to bring the Phantom down, police chopper style, for support?

1 minute ago, bsmith23 said:

Do I need to bring the Phantom down, police chopper style, for support?

Go for it!

4 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Go for it!

Allright, I'll signal my intent to the group and bring her down in an attempt to 'convince' the naughties to stand down.

1 hour ago, bsmith23 said:

Allright, I'll signal my intent to the group and bring her down in an attempt to 'convince' the naughties to stand down.

Hard Gunnery check. Success will at least cause the current helmsman to temporarily stand down or take evasive maneuvers. Extra Successes and/or Triumphs can extend or add to the results. I will flip Destiny to Upgrade the opposing roll to 2eD+1eC.

14 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Hard Gunnery check. Success will at least cause the current helmsman to temporarily stand down or take evasive maneuvers. Extra Successes and/or Triumphs can extend or add to the results. I will flip Destiny to Upgrade the opposing roll to 2eD+1eC.

Gunnery : 3eP+1eD+1eC 1 success, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s.png d--.png c-f-f.png

Can I use the advantages to activate the Fire Support talent ( After a successful vehicle combat check, next ally adds Boost to check)? I know it's more of an intimidation thing, but with Gunnery...

Apologies for the delay, was rlly busy tdy. Had sch then a army fitness test.

Fire support is fine @bsmith23 !


Maneuver: Move to engage Veitra and the goons
Action: Brawl: Brawl : 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s-s.png p-tr.png a--.png a-s-a.png c-f-th.png d-th.png s-f.png

6 Strain damage, and I'll take a Strain for the Threat.

Since they are a minion group (right?), a Triumph would take one out with a Crit.
However, I have a couple Bodyguard talents that I've been itching to use, and taking one out wouldn't do much since that would only bring their skill ranks down from 4 (5 members) to 3.
Triumph for a free Maneuver, 2 Strain for Bodyguard 2, and crossed fingers that they actually target Veitra so he didn't take a ton of strain for nothing. :P

Bodyguard 2 upgrades the difficulty of all combat checks target Veitra twice, until the start of Hale's next turn.

Waiting for GM confirmation of the correctness of the above before posting IC.

What are the ranges to everything from Briar at the moment? Also, is she aware of where everyone is at the moment or not?

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Waiting for GM confirmation of the correctness of the above before posting IC.

All looks good. You’re generally better at this than I am, anyway.

18 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

What are the ranges to everything from Briar at the moment? Also, is she aware of where everyone is at the moment or not?

Briar can be kept apprised of the various situations via comlink. At the moment, Briar is still Medium range from the boat, but any targets would be Upgraded with 2 Challenge dice for Veitra and Hale.

With the Difficult terrain, it will take some time to reach any of the other scenes, but she really should get out of the sun. ☀️ 😀

Edited by Edgehawk
4 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Briar can be kept apprised of the various situations via comlink. At the moment, Briar is still Medium range from the boat, but any targets would be Upgraded with 2 Challenge dice for Veitra and Hale.

The CRB is not entirely clear, but the use of words like "hits one of the individuals engaged with the target" suggests to me that it only upgrades the check once, period, not once per ally.

That said, it is a reasonable interpretation to say it's once per, so I accept your judgement on the matter regardless. 👍