Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Just now, Edgehawk said:

Ral is not certain of the extent to which the Phantom has been compromised, but with the Advantage, he discovers an unfamiliar dataspike in what’s left of the cockpit.

Cool. Ill pocket that for analysis later. Then I'll see about resetting her for flight. Maybe just move the 2nd seat forward into pilot position. Could be a modular design built in. Unless you have more grandiose plans for why I can't get her flight-ready 😄

Hmmmm... im not sure... I could pre spend xp to get my force leap all the way to max and hopefully then i could jump all the way onto the boat without suffering 2 strain...? Dou im also worried i’ll be stranded alone there XDDD. I also wanna get my move to be stronger so Veitra has more long range options hmmm...

5 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Cool. Ill pocket that for analysis later. Then I'll see about resetting her for flight. Maybe just move the 2nd seat forward into pilot position. Could be a modular design built in. Unless you have more grandiose plans for why I can't get her flight-ready 😄

Nah, that’s fine. The hatch blew with the ejection, but she’s flightworthy in atmosphere.

1 minute ago, Von3679 said:

Hmmmm... im not sure... I could pre spend xp to get my force leap all the way to max and hopefully then i could jump all the way onto the boat without suffering 2 strain...? Dou im also worried i’ll be stranded alone there XDDD. I also wanna get my move to be stronger so Veitra has more long range options hmmm...

decisions, decisions.. don’t worry. Hale might not be wild about Veitra, but he won’t leave you stranded.

13 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

decisions, decisions.. don’t worry. Hale might not be wild about Veitra, but he won’t leave you stranded.

...Are you sure about that?


(but yeah, he's not gonna just turn around because she showed up)

If i get all the force jump upgrades, would a medium range force jump maneuver be able to get me to the ship?

Edited by Von3679
7 hours ago, Von3679 said:

If i get all the force jump upgrades, would a medium range force jump maneuver be able to get me to the ship?

Yes, Medium range. Crispin has disappeared from view, replaced by two armed men in the open stern section. With the “leap as maneuver” upgrade, Veitra would be able to Engage (attack) this round. Boat crew are Adversary 1, Defense 1.

2 hours ago, Rimsen said:

Well, it didn't work.

Okay. Well, the suspect does not stop, but Evon is not far behind, if he continues to follow. Just take a Strain for the Threat.

Edited by Edgehawk

Hmmm. I guess i’ll commit xp for the jump then. I’ll reply tomorrow, gotta head to bed now!

Okay, so the beach scene is waiting on Veitra’s @Von3679 action, and the landing pad scene above is becoming somewhat intertwined with it (with Hawk @Barbaross41 retrieving his long rifle, Ral @bsmith23 in the Phantom, and the escape pod floating out over the water).

At present, the balcony hostage scene with Den @Rabobankrider and Drogos @Shlambate can move forward to the next round, as can the chase with Evon @Rimsen ; other characters can move to join these other scenes, but would not be able to reach them and participate int them in this upcoming round. So.. Feel free to proceed with the neck-punching, climbing and running (assuming Evon gives chase, it will be an Athletics or Coordination check vs 2eD+1eC to catch the fleeing suspect this round).

Edited by Edgehawk

Athletics : 1eP+3eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png a-s-a.png a-s.png a-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d--.png

I did it

Spending 30xp for all the force jump upgrades.

: 1eF 2 Light Side

Here is the force jump roll, it succeeds (yay XD)

Quick drawing my saber for a saber attack, what’s the difficulty? @Edgehawk

Athletics - chasing : 2eP+2eD+1eC 1 success, 1 threat
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d-th.png d-th.png c-f-f.png

I start to get tired xD

5 hours ago, Shlambate said:

I did it


5 hours ago, Von3679 said:

Quick drawing my saber for a saber attack, what’s the difficulty?

Crispin has withdrawn forward, but there are now two men positioned on the stern to repel boarders, with two more approaching (And, of course, there is at least one at the helm; the flak gun is unmanned). Adversary 1, Defense 1, so vs 1eD+1eC+1eS. They are wearing laminate armor and armed with carbines.

4 hours ago, Rimsen said:

start to get tired xD

For the Threat, Evon is Jostled (crowd threat chart in EV), and suffers 1 Strain for each Move maneuver performed.

Ok, thanks!

@P-47 Thunderbolt i dont think Veitra will be able to handle them all at once! XD. Requesting backup please! :P

: 1eD+1eC+1eS+1eA+2eP 1 failure, 3 advantage
d-f.png c-f-th.png s-f.png a-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png

.... 😕

@Edgehawk is it possible to get to that flak gun to “even the odds”? XD also is it possible to disarm? Or add 1eS to all the checks next targeting me?

If its possible to use the flak gun, i can use 2 advantage to force jump over to it and 1 advantage to recover strain.

54 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

@Edgehawk is it possible to get to that flak gun to “even the odds”? XD also is it possible to disarm? Or add 1eS to all the checks next targeting me? If its possible to use the flak gun, i can use 2 advantage to force jump over to it and 1 advantage to recover strain.

3 Advantage can disarm one of them, if you wish. Alternatively, the flak gun can be reached and used next round.

@Edgehawk what do I see at the top?

6 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

For the Threat, Evon is Jostled (crowd threat chart in EV), and suffers 1 Strain for each Move maneuver performed.

For how long? And did this Athletics check counts as a maneuver?

Edited by Rimsen
6 hours ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk what do I see at the top?

Gunman with a pistol, female Squamatan hostage with superficial head wound. Blood seems to be mostly from the gunman, who has a knife stuck in his side. Rifle and hooded cloak discarded on deck nearby.

6 hours ago, Rimsen said:

For how long? And did this Athletics check counts as a maneuver?

The jostled condition would last for the duration of the chase, and I believe chase checks count as Actions?

Hmmm. How far is Hale from Veitra and the enemies?

42 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

Hmmm. How far is Hale from Veitra and the enemies?

Hale is close to the boat, and will be able to board and act at the top of the round.

@Edgehawk Can Drogos take an action this round?

26 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk Can Drogos take an action this round?

I was letting Drogos reach the top with a Destiny flip, so you may take the additional Action instead, since you rolled for the check.

21 hours ago, Rimsen said:

For how long? And did this Athletics check counts as a maneuver?

For a Destiny flip, Evon can go ahead and take a shot. There is no real reason why the chase should eat up his whole turn. The suspect is still only Short range, though bystanders Upgrade once, and I am going to Upgrade checks to flip some destiny points back to you guys (so 2eC total, w/adversary 1).

8 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

I was letting Drogos reach the top with a Destiny flip, so you may take the additional Action instead, since you rolled for the check.

Cool he will attempt a force choke on the sniper.

Force Choke : 1eP+3eA+2eC+1eD+2eF 1 failure, 1 threat, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-s-a.png a--.png a--.png a-s.png c-th.png c-f-f.png d-f-th.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png

Well then