Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Well, I had suggested shields failing, but unless you have something else in mind?

Also, if the fighters come after me, I'd like to use Evasive Maneuvers to upgrade, or flip a DP to do so.

10 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Do you have something in mind for this, or should I make a narrative suggestion?

Okay, sorry. The Crit is fine, I just failed to register it as the spent Triumph. @bsmith23

Edited by Edgehawk

Cool, Den is going to set up in the turret, just in case the ships come closer.

On 2/11/2020 at 5:08 AM, Edgehawk said:

Initiative :

  • Pirate Queen 5s,3a,1t Adversary 2, Defense 1 (has already acted)
  • Agent Val Kaan @CloudyLemonade92 4s,4a
  • (4 stormtroopers-ranged)
  • Renegades’ Blood PQ flagship 4s,2a,1t Defense 2,1,1,0
  • Sorority Saboteurs x6
  • Queensguard (2x3) Adversary 1, Defense 1
  • Agent Briar Ostell @Imperial Stormtrooper 4s,2a
  • (4 stormtroopers-melee)
  • Crimson Guard (hangar) 4s,2a Adversary 1, Defense 1
  • Crimson Guard “Logan” 4s,1a Adversary 1, Defense 1
  • “Hettie” (the girl) 3s,3a Adversary 1
  • Fourth Brother Drogos @Shlambate 3s,2a
  • PQ’s astromech/fighter 3s,1a
  • IPD Intrepid 3s,0a,1t Defense 2,2,2,1
  • Lt. Ral Somar @bsmith23 2s,2a
  • Sgt.Major Garand Hale @P-47 Thunderbolt 2s,1a
  • (Banshee Squad)
  • Wpns.Sgt. Den Luks @Rabobankrider 2s,0a
  • Dr. Evon Taltron @Rimsen 1s,3a
  • Baroness Venlana Sipal 1s,2a Adversary 2
  • Cutlass-9 fighters (x2) 1s,2a
  • Pirate Queen (2nd Action) Adversary 2, Defense 1

@CloudyLemonade92 Val is up!

The light cruiser that has been lurking beneath is finally in play. Aft shields are down, thanks to Somar.

Edited by Edgehawk
Added Saboteurs and Queensguard

15/17 strain I’m still standing

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

15/17 strain I’m still standing

I'm at 13/13, so you'd better count your blessings. :D

Alright. So the PQ is in the same spot, correct? What's the difficulty for engaged Melee here?

Are the other hostages still in the way?

35 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Alright. So the PQ is in the same spot, correct? What's the difficulty for engaged Melee here?

Are the other hostages still in the way?

Adversary 2, hostages still Engaged, so 2 additional Upgrades; Defense 1.

PQ is Immobilized until end of turn, but not otherwise helpless.

Crit her in the face! Do it for the Empire.

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Adversary 2, hostages still Engaged, so 2 additional Upgrades; Defense 1.

PQ is Immobilized until end of turn, but not otherwise helpless.

So, Melee Dual Wield (3eD), upgraded for Adversary 2, then two further upgrades would be..


Edited by CloudyLemonade92

If that's correct. Then I'm gonna give it a go. Roughly 50/50 😬

So, Maneuver to Engaged, Aim (2 strain), Frenzied Attack to Upgrade, DP flip to Upgrade.

Main hand Cutlass. Here goes nothing @Edgehawk

http:// Dual Wield Melee : 3eC+1eD+1eS+4eP+1eB 0 successes c-f.png c-f-th.png c-f-f.png d--.png s-th.png p--.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png b--.png

I cry. :P I think that's the hardest combat check I've ever tried. And the most positive dice I've ever had too. Holy moly.

Edited by CloudyLemonade92

@Edgehawk Did Val completely whiff or did she do some fancy parrying? or did someone get in the way?

1 hour ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

@Edgehawk Did Val completely whiff or did she do some fancy parrying? or did someone get in the way?

Looks like the last Challenge die is what sealed the Failure, so you could narrate it as the hostages getting in the way. Really, you can narrate it however you wish, as far as I am concerned.

I’ll get a post up in the IC sometime tomorrow morning.

Briar @Imperial Stormtrooper you are up!

@Shlambate Drogos can probably go ahead and act as well, unless you intend to somehow interact with the fleeing fighter.

Trying to remember, did you share what type of ship the kid is in?

3 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Trying to remember, did you share what type of ship the kid is in?

There is a picture of it in Discord.

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

@Shlambate Drogos can probably go ahead and act as well, unless you intend to somehow interact with the fleeing fighter.

She is medium away from Drogos right could I get to Short and choke her again.

25 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Trying to remember, did you share what type of ship the kid is in?

It is another TIE prototype, though smaller and sleeker than the Phantom, and with only two wing panels. Ral has not actually seen it yet, but it is about to emerge from the front of the Intrepid.

24 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

There is a picture of it in Discord.

She is medium away from Drogos right could I get to Short and choke her again.

There is indeed a pic on Discord, where I find it much easier to share such media. As a narrative game, participation on Discord at this point is optional, but you may find some useful visuals posted there. There should be a link in the first post of this forum thread.

Drogos would be Long range at this point, as the ship is all the way forward, about to emerge into space. To get into range would require a force leap up into the launch tube above, which has just been explosively exposed to the vacuum of space. Also, if you are acting against the fleeing fighter, the girl's turn comes before yours in the lineup.

I meant the Queen

4 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

I meant the Queen

Oh... Of course!

Bind Discipline V Discipline : 1eP+3eA+1eC+3eD+2eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png a-a.png c--.png d-f-f.png d-th.png d-th.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

I will Spend Destiny to get access to damage and the gain oone strain while using the 1 advantage to heal 1 strain

That is 3 more damage through Soak

How much has she taken in total I know Drogos has done 8 Damage to her himself.

Where exactly are the boarders?

22 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

How much has she taken in total I know Drogos has done 8 Damage to her himself.

Val also inflicted 3 Wounds past soak... Crap! And an Agonizing Wound crit, meaning the PQ has actually suffered 3 crits, not two as I previously asserted. I'll let you keep the current crit (gives pq a Setback to next check), but also the additional +10 "discouraging wound," which will effectively flip your spent destiny point back to the players (the effect - not actually an additional fourth crit).

Evon also inflicted 1 Strain past soak, with the eye crit (and the PQ Strained herself in a Force Check despair).

So if I am correct this is 11 damage on the PQ

9 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Where exactly are the boarders?

Aft bay, where Drogos and Evon boarded from the Phantom.

Just now, Shlambate said:

So if I am correct this is 11 damage on the PQ
