Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

I only have 1 wound left, I may be in trouble 😛

@Edgehawk , Den doesn't want to mess around with the klantoonian so he's going to be looking for a way to deal with them quickly. Quick question, do the stairs fill the whole stairwell, or is it a narrow set that runs around the outside of the stairwell. If it's the second, would it be possible to try and throw this guy over the railing, and if so what would the check be?

If that's not possible, would it be possible to try and grab the axe?

The stairwell is freestanding, with a fire station-type pole in the center (with enough room to slide down, so enough space to throw someone down). @Rabobankrider

As a reminder, this is your action for last turn, so you haven’t heard the call for gunners over the intercom just yet (but you will have another turn coming up before you know it).

So after the Agent it is the Girl and two Guards then back to me correct?

10 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

So after the Agent it is the Girl and two Guards then back to me correct?

Indeed it is!

@Edgehawk , nice. In that case I will chuck the guy over the railing if possible

11 hours ago, Rimsen said:

@Edgehawk You could also have some of the hostages go after the "pirate" (evil smiley - don't how to do :( )

Why you! :D

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , nice. In that case I will chuck the guy over the railing if possible

The Klatooinian, or another pirate? They’re all part of the same minion group- that guy was just the most vocal of the bunch. You can make a normal brawl attack (no defense or adversary) if you want to chuck him/them over the side.

Will post my IC tonight.


Edited by CloudyLemonade92

@Edgehawk , sorry, I didn't realise he was part of the a minion group. In that case Den is going to rely on something a little more extreme, step back into the stairwell and roll his thermal around the door. I'll add the attack to my ic post from previously.

36 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Den is going to rely on something a little more extreme, step back into the stairwell and roll his thermal around the door.

Venlana had converted a few pirates to her cause, who were also squaring off with dogface and his friends, but the galaxy will not miss them.

What about Luks getting out of the blast range? (Thermal dets have a Blast range of Short)

24 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What about Luks getting out of the blast range? (Thermal dets have a Blast range of Short)

He has Strong Arm , so I assume he tossed it toward the far side of the lounge. Calculated correctly, it could get all the Pirates, while Den ducks out safely.

Well, Den did say he'd get the others later...

I did miss a difficulty dice though for strong arm though: Missed Difficulty Dice : 1eD 1 failure, 1 threat
d-f-th.png Well ****, that makes the check a net of 1 advantage. I don't know if the room is enclosed enough or not for blast to still be active or not, that's up to @Edgehawk .

On 2/11/2020 at 5:08 AM, Edgehawk said:
  • Fourth Brother Drogos @Shlambate 3s,2a
  • PQ’s astromech/fighter 3s,1a (Has Acted. Angling/Boosting shields)
  • Lt. Ral Somar @bsmith23 2s,2a
  • Sgt.Major Garand Hale @P-47 Thunderbolt 2s,1a
  • Wpns.Sgt. Den Luks @Rabobankrider 2s,0a
  • Dr. Evon Taltron @Rimsen 1s,3a
  • Baroness Venlana Sipal 1s,2a Adversary 2
  • Cutlass-9 fighters (x2) 1s,2a
  • Pirate Queen (2nd Action) Adversary 2, Defense 1
  • PQ (1st Action next round)

You are all up! Feel free to post in any order, as your availability permits.

The revolt is ineffectual, because the hostages are only rolling 2 greens (Brawl is not a skill for them) against the PQ. I narrated an imp getting elbowed, taking a couple wounds for the threat generated on the roll.

Crimson guards are providing close protection for Venlana, who is on her way toward the yacht.

The lounge is going to need a deep cleaning. And a new holoprojector. And a new table. And a new... well, you get it.

The girl missed the bay door, but advantage triggered the guided quality, which succeeded; won’t detonate until end of the round, though.

14 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well ****, that makes the check a net of 1 advantage. I don't know if the room is enclosed enough or not for blast to still be active or not, that's up to @Edgehawk .

You have placed me in the unenviable position of needing to narrate how you tossed a thermal detonator into a room.. and missed. 😜

Am I missing something? How would the blast work, with just the 1 Advantage? I would let you keep the initial roll, without strong arm, but require a Hard Coordination check to dive for the pole and slide down away from the blast (failure would likely put you down, at least for the duration of this encounter).

Into the room and out the window? 😛

Blast is a weird one when I've read it, if it's a narrow space a gm can have blast activated regardless of advantage, if it's more spaced out a player can choose to set it off with 2 advantage. I think it's really down to the spread of enemies and the size of the room.

Unfortunately, the crew lounge (medium range end to end) is probably too sizable to qualify for automatic blast. I suppose your strong arm must have overthrown it, and it rolled out into one of the far passageways.

With any grenade I home rule it for my Homegame that if a character is in engaged or pretty close, they get hit regardless.

If they are on the fringes of range. I get them to roll coordination checks.

2 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

If they are on the fringes of range. I get them to roll coordination checks.

The Coordination check is on offer, using the original successful check (without strong arm); failure would take @Rabobankrider out of the fight, however.

Hearing the detonation, Evon probably rushed the scene, looking for wounded comrades. An incidental comm check could tell him whether he is needed or not. I'll wait for you to sort out the effects of the explosion. If he is not need he goes after the PQ too.

Edited by Rimsen

@Rabobankrider After sleeping on it, I think the ceiling height (only 8’ or so) of the room would be sufficient to contain the explosion and activate Blast. Certainly more epic than using a thermal detonator, and not getting the minions. So good to go, without editing either of our posts, or making some crazy check to avoid the blast zone.

@Edgehawk Do I have the ability to use choke on the Queen this turn.

On 2/2/2020 at 9:15 AM, Edgehawk said:

Yes. Adversary 2 would not apply, but I would flip Destiny to Upgrade once, so opposing check would be 3eD+1eC.

Go for it! But use the above pool. I think you accidentally rolled against her Adversary rating last time.

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Go for it! But use the above pool. I think you accidentally rolled against her Adversary rating last time.

Bind Check (Discipline v Discipline) : 1eP+3eA+1eC+3eD+2eF 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 2 Dark Side
p-tr.png a-s.png a-a.png a-s-s.png c-f-f.png d-f.png d-th.png d-th.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

She’s not having a great day, I will spend a destiny flip the dark side and gain two strain

that’s also 2 damage