Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Val is attempting to Charm Den.

6 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Val is attempting to Charm Den.

Make an Average Charm check with a Setback: 2eA+2eP+1eB+2eD+1eS

The results will help inform Den’s response to your efforts.

http:// Charm Check : 2eA+2eP+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat a-s-s.png a--.png p-s.png p-a.png b-s.png d-f-th.png d-th.png s-f.png

@CloudyLemonade92 Okay. So @Rabobankrider Den thinks Val is a charming fellow, and is perhaps even inclined to liking him on some level, despite the circumstances. For the Threat, maybe Den is not sure he likes the whole playing with the pommel thing, interprets it as a threat?

I’ll let @rabo decide what he makes of your words and actions, but they should be flavored by your successful effort to charm him.

2 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

@CloudyLemonade92 Okay. So @Rabobankrider Den thinks Val is a charming fellow, and is perhaps even inclined to liking him on some level, despite the circumstances. For the Threat, maybe Den is not sure he likes the whole playing with the pommel thing, interprets it as a threat?

I’ll let @rabo decide what he makes of your words and actions, but they should be flavored by your successful effort to charm him.

Awesome! 😄 👍🏻

@Rabobankrider I just narrated the results of your provocation, since your your stated goal was to be captured and taken into custody. It seemed like a reasonable result, which Den could achieve by not fighting back too hard; and I didn’t want to bog things down with initiative and combat rolls for one player, when combat wasn’t really the goal.

Even with friends Den isn't the most civil, so I feel the ic tracks about right 😛

@Edgehawk Briar's comment about things in common was intended to be a reference to the coded message that Venlana said earlier.

So I am a bit lost in the track. How many are with Den? Only the Zeltron and the 2 weequay is at the back of the bay? Something about 2 crimson guards? Or the weequays are the crimson guards?

Sorry, it was probably written somewhere, I just missed it.

3 hours ago, Rimsen said:

So I am a bit lost in the track. How many are with Den? Only the Zeltron and the 2 weequay is at the back of the bay? Something about 2 crimson guards? Or the weequays are the crimson guards?

Sorry, it was probably written somewhere, I just missed it.

The 2 crimson guards initially took Den into custody, but are with Venlana at the negotiations, at present. Venlana called a Zeltron (new PC) out of her yacht, to escort Den aft to the transport where the other troopers were being held. The 2 new Weequay guards (not the 2 you guys took out, and stuffed into the transport) are staying at their post, just outside the base of the stairwell- no direct line-of-sight into the aft bay, but they would likely hear any commotion.

@Shlambate @Rimsen @Rabobankrider @CloudyLemonade92 You are all in the aft bay now, along with the 8 troopers that were freed. Val and Den just entered. @Imperial Stormtrooper Briar is approaching the stairwell near the aft bay, with Venlana. @P-47 Thunderbolt Hale can stick with Briar, or remain with the shuttle in the hangar. @bsmith23 Make a Vigilance check versus 1eD+3eC when you board the Phantom.

If we can roleplay the scene in the aft bay, without rolling initiative and killing our new player, that would be awesome. 🙂


*flips Destiny Point*

I've got a bad feeling about this...

Vigilance : 1eA+1eP+1eD+3eC 5 failures, 2 advantage, 1 Despair
a-a.png p-a-a.png d-f-th.png c-f-f.png c-d.png c-f.png

...yep, this is going swimmingly. I'm proud to be a part of it!

5 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Vigilance : 1eA+1eP+1eD+3eC 5 failures, 2 advantage, 1 Despair
a-a.png p-a-a.png d-f-th.png c-f-f.png c-d.png c-f.png

...yep, this is going swimmingly. I'm proud to be a part of it!

Yowch. That's a lot of Failure. At least you got some Advantage. The Defel trips and falls on his face, but accidentally stabs you in the leg?

5 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

@Shlambate @Rimsen @Rabobankrider @CloudyLemonade92 You are all in the aft bay now, along with the 8 troopers that were freed. Val and Den just entered. @Imperial Stormtrooper Briar is approaching the stairwell near the aft bay, with Venlana. @P-47 Thunderbolt Hale can stick with Briar, or remain with the shuttle in the hangar. @bsmith23 Make a Vigilance check versus 1eD+3eC when you board the Phantom.

If we can roleplay the scene in the aft bay, without rolling initiative and killing our new player, that would be awesome. 🙂

I took the liberty and set the scene, hope no one minds it :) Also my statement was meant as an obvious threat, but I intend to solve it silently.

Edited by Rimsen

Got it. My reply is up, Val is hoping you get the codeword. :P

37 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Got it. My reply is up, Val is hoping you get the codeword. :P

@Rimsen @Shlambate Either of you might recognize “Ubiquitous” as one of several code words used to identify covert imperial assets in the field. The other two code words are “Mendacious” and “Polyglottal.” Using one of them, and receiving the third in response, would go a long way toward defusing this situation. Actually trying to use them in context is not necessary.

Also, as a note, in case anyone gets the wrong idea. The uncolored italics are all in Val's head, he's not literally doing those things. :d

16 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

...yep, this is going swimmingly. I'm proud to be a part of it!

Try to hold on to this enthusiasm. I’m afraid the results of your spectacular roll will not be immediately apparent.

2 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Try to hold on to this enthusiasm. I’m afraid the results of your spectacular roll will not be immediately apparent.

Great. So the audience is shouting at the screen "Don’t go in there!" and I'm all like herp de durr...

Edited by bsmith23

The showdown in the aft bay will require some sort of response from either @Shlambate , @Rimsen , or @Rabobankrider - to either further defuse the situation, or escalate it. If the door remains open, and/or a noisy confrontation occurs, then Venlana and @Imperial Stormtrooper (and their respective guards, including @P-47 Thunderbolt ); also the 2 guards posted outside, and countless others if an alarm is raised.

@bsmith23 Ral is able to comply with the Inquisitor’s orders, and position the Phantom off the stern of the destroyer (and the light cruiser lurking beneath it).

Ok just got back from birthday celebrations. What options are open to me? @Edgehawk

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Ok just got back from birthday celebrations. What options are open to me? @Edgehawk

The Zeltron (new PC) has put his hands out, and essentially declared himself as an imperial; Den’s binders proved to be just for show, and he is now free.

Having someone close the door might be a good first step, toward avoiding further piratical entanglements at this time.

Ok can I close the door then. Also where is the guns and engines on this puppy?

21 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Ok can I close the door then. Also where is the guns and engines on this puppy?

Engineering is on the main deck directly above you, though some components may be found in the crawl space between decks.

Main cannons are dorsal, so Upper Deck, 2 fore/ 1 aft. Ion cannons port and starboard amidships on the main deck.

edit: @Shlambate You may close the door, or order a trooper to do it.

Edited by Edgehawk
50 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Ok can I close the door then. Also where is the guns and engines on this puppy?

I directed a trooper to the door, in the preparation of the arrivals. I signaled to him to close the door after the Zeltron and Den steps in.