The Circuit (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

"Okay, it's dark, so it shouldn't be too difficult for a few of us to sneak up to the fence." Zara digs around in the back of the truck for cutting tools as she voices her plan. "We'll wait a bit and see if they're actually organized enough to have a perimeter patrol. If they do, we can wait for the next time around and gauge the interval. Either way, when our distraction arrives, we should be ready to move."

She considers. "Or maybe we should slip in now, and be ready to make our escape during the distraction?"

" I'm not the best at sneaking, So I'll keep the truck ready for a quick getaway in case we need it." Krydil says from the driver's seat. " Just try not to get in trouble with the Law or the Blues now, while getting away on a bike is easy this thing isnt exactly fast and agile especially while carrying a swoop."

On 9/1/2019 at 5:37 PM, Edgehawk said:

"Okay, it's dark, so it shouldn't be too difficult for a few of us to sneak up to the fence." Zara digs around in the back of the truck for cutting tools as she voices her plan. "We'll wait a bit and see if they're actually organized enough to have a perimeter patrol. If they do, we can wait for the next time around and gauge the interval. Either way, when our distraction arrives, we should be ready to move."

She considers. "Or maybe we should slip in now, and be ready to make our escape during the distraction?"

7 hours ago, Shlambate said:

" I'm not the best at sneaking, So I'll keep the truck ready for a quick getaway in case we need it." Krydil says from the driver's seat. " Just try not to get in trouble with the Law or the Blues now, while getting away on a bike is easy this thing isnt exactly fast and agile especially while carrying a swoop."

“You guys slip in,” Lei Mie says as she opens the door and steps out of the speeder. “It’s time for me to put on my ‘show’.”

On 9/2/2019 at 6:30 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

“You guys slip in,” Lei Mie says as she opens the door and steps out of the speeder. “It’s time for me to put on my ‘show’.”

Cormil rolls his eyes and whispers to Zara, "I'll follow your lead."

As Xara and Cormil make their way up towards the junkyard, they hear the dull grumble of the trucks engine as Krydil pulls off of the road. They are able to sneak their way up to the fence easy enough, using the shadows to mask their movements. Judging by the faint sound of music and voices, there are still at least some people in the shack, maybe even those they met earlier. Fortunately they do not seem to be interested in guarding the yard, no one is outside and all of the yard lights are switched off.

With a battered old fusion cutter, Zara is able to make quick work of the old chain link fence, but is unable to catch the metal as it falls away from the fence. It hits the ground with a surprisingly loud clatter, causing a short pause in noise from the shack.

However before they can be discovered, something fortunate (or unfortunate for some of the party), there is the sound of another engine and the flashing lights of a corsec vehicle. It looks like Ari was true to her word. As the cruiser crawls up the dirt track towards the yard, Zara and Cormil can clearly hear the sound of cursing and clattering, even with this distance from the shack.

Unfortunately instead of moving straight up towards the yard, it slows, and stops a little way from the truck. After a moment, a portly human clambers out of the passenger seat and moves towards the truck.

As Sonnray and Krydil sit silently in the truck, they hear the tramp of footsteps over the dirt and stones approaching the truck. Fortunatly, the work done on the windows of the truck protect the two from being spotted. They hear the first officer shout over to the second investigating the truck. "You see anything Grick?"

"Nah, looks like it's been dumped. Either that or it belongs to the yard".

"Alright, let's check out the shack. I tell you, the boss keeps wasting time on these kind of jobs, and I'm going to say something".

"No you won't, you never do. Come on". The group inside the truck hear the footsteps begin to move away towards the scrapyard. It looks like they had evaded Corsec once again. However now it was Zara and Cormil who were at risk. They continue to hear the shouting and clattering from inside the shack, followed by a dull bang as a door is flung open. From where they are crouched, they see the faint silhouette of several figures fleeing out of the back fo the shack, disappearing into the night. It looked like the way into the scrapyard was clear, but they still had the two officers to deal with. If they saw them breaking in, or the hole int he fence, that could be tricky to explain.

Zara cringes as the fencing drops to the ground, then quickly climbs through. Once Cormil is through, she carefully sets the fence back in place, but knows it won't stand close inspection.

Glancing around, she waits for her moment, then crouches as she softly pads deeper into the scrapyard. When she reaches cover, she stops to reassess the situation.

As Zara and Cormil sneak their way into the scrapyard, they see the beam of a light rove overhead as the officer abandons the truck and moves towards the site. The eerie silence that fills the air is tense with the risk of their actions. It may be easy enough for them to outrun corsec on speeders, but on foot could be a different matter. Not to forget that in recent years, almost all officers were armed, and more than happy to take a shot when they get the chance.

The pair begin to move between the huge stacks of ruined speeders and other vehicles, rusted and falling apart. Every so often they hear a creak of a crunching noise as the piles settle in on themselves. The place is an absolute maze, a mishmash of wreckage with no clear route, or even basic planning. Set near the centre is a huge yellow crane with two arms set onto it at different angles. One with a large magnet, the other with what looks like a viscous crushing claw. Everything is currently shut of, leaving the two in the shadowy darkness of the scrapyard.

For a moment it sounds like the officer had left, and then they hear his voice, muffled a little by the distance. "Yeah, looks like someone cut the fence, probably scavs again. Better get up here and take a look. The pair hear the wire of the fence rattle as the portly officer squeezes through the gap and into the yard.

Corsec Officer Perception : 2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 3 threat

a-s.png a--.png d-th.png d-th.png s-th.png Threat spent for future event

Zara curses silently. "Okay," she whispers, "We are not leaving here empty-handed. Let's split up, find your swoop. Once we have it, the two of us shouldn't have any trouble getting away."

She indicates the yard on the far side of the crane. "We'll start at the crane and work outward. I'll take that side. Let's go."

Zara slips off into the shadows of the scrapyard, for once grateful for her anonymity and lack of success as a racer; the grays and dull metallic colors of her suit blend perfectly here. She nearly laughs at the thought of sneaking around in some gaudily-colored circuit outfit, with sponsors plastered all over it... Okay, focus: if I were a stolen swoop, where would I be..?

13 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Zara curses silently. "Okay," she whispers, "We are not leaving here empty-handed. Let's split up, find your swoop. Once we have it, the two of us shouldn't have any trouble getting away."

She indicates the yard on the far side of the crane. "We'll start at the crane and work outward. I'll take that side. Let's go."

Cormil nods at Zara and heads to the close side of the crane. I really owe Zara for this thinks Cormil to himself. I should give her engine a real careful tuneup when I get back...

Creeping though the dark, the two slink of in different directions, flitting between rickety piles of speeder husks and other rust junk. As the go every so often they see the flash of a light sweep the scene as the corsec officers move through the yard. Muffled voices could be heard a little as they talk among themselves, seemingly not on edge despite the eerie surroundings. Scavengers were a common occurrence in these parts, and most had the sense to leave the site long before the officers arrived.

Zara is relatively unlucky in her search. There is no sign of the speeder, or any working vehicle for that matter? Maybe it isn't here after all, or perhaps it has been scrapped already, stripped for parts? However the search is not completely fruitless, trapped under a pile of other speeders, Zara spots the hull of an old blue bike with flaking blue paint. It is badly damaged, but there may be some parts that could be removed, with a little patience. It looks like it may have once been a racing speeder judging by the angle thrusters set near the centre, and the rusted chrome style buffer on the front.

Cormil however has a little more luck with his search. Set behind the crane is a mould covered tarpaulin that had been hastily thrown over something long underneath. Pulling the cloth aide, Cormil would feel a sense of relief as he sees his trust speeder bike revealed. The paint is a little scuffed down one side and there's a couple of dents here and there, but it looks like it still works. However it's not a perfect reunion, as the cloth lands where it was tossed, there is the sound of clattering metal, it must have knocked something over.

"What's that? Sounds like someone is here afterall" Cormil hears in the distance. "Hey! Whoever's there, you better come out now!"

No sign of the swoop, but no reason I shouldn't help myself to this sweet buffer! Zara tries to remove it with the pathetic little spanner from the under-the-seat kit, but the kriffing thing slips right off and she busts her knuckles hard. A loud clank echoes through the scrapyard, punctuated by an impressive string of vehement cursing, rather louder than intended: "Farkledfrekkinschutta..."

Got it , Cormil thinks to himself. I could fire up the engine and the guards would certainly pay attention to me. But I have to make sure that Zara realizes that she needs to run. Cormil comm's Zara and says quietly, "I've found the sppeder. In 30 seconds, I'm going to fire it up. Get ready to run."

"Fire it up now and head my way- I'll hop on, then take her up! Those CorSec Interceptors can't match our altitude. Copy that mystery van?"

Edited by Edgehawk
Linked Krydil into the comlink conversation.

Loud and clear, I’ll get the back doors open so you can drive on in. Zara be ready to take the drivers seat if we need to make a quick get away.” Krydil responds as he starts to get his Truck ready.

Zara does her best to swiftly navigate through the scrapyard, but she had been rather hoping the swoop could close most of the distance... There he is! And there they are. Schutta!

"Officers! Thank goodness you're here! Stop that thief!!" she ventures hopefully, while the realist in her quietly slips on her brass knuckles in the dark, and continues after the swoop.

Seeing Zara get caught by the officers outside Krydil decides it was time to act to make sure he and his friends would get out of there. Heading straight for the Officers speeder he popped the hood and went to work. He was a mechanic so he did what he did best, and "Fixed " the Speeder, if the cops were smart they would know how to undo it but they would need to find the problem first and even then it wouldn't be easy, Closing the hood when he finished he snuck back into his truck.

Cormil slams on the accelerator and the whine of the engine becomes fairly obvious through most of the scrapyard. Nervous as he is, Cormil's piloting is sloppy sideswiping a precariously stacked tower of debris as he nears the exit.

The officer who had confronted Zara as she had tried to make a break for it spun around at the roar of an engine very close. "Agh, go stop that!" he shouts at his partner. Nodding the second officer ducks into the wreckage and disappears from view as the sound of running towards the gate can be heard for a moment. As he watches his partner leave, the remaining officer is distracted for a moment. However he still stands between Zara and the gate.

As Cormil comes careening out from around the scrap piles of the yard, for a moment it looks like he has a clear run towards the gate. However just as things are looking up he sees the portly officer dive into his path with a pistol clutched in his hand. "Halt! You are under arrest! Halt!" However the speeder is already moving at speed, and the officer is forced to leap out of the way with a yelp, crashing into one of the piles of scrap. "I said halt! He shouts as he struggles to get back to his feet. Of course all of this commotion can be heard from by Krydil as he finishes his work on the officers speeders.

Zara sees her chance and makes a break for it, but quickly realizes the officer is more alert than she gave him credit for. Too late to turn back now... She runs hard for the opening in the fence, wishing she wasn’t wearing her racing suit. Hadn’t planned on escaping on foot! When she hears the officer’s warning, the voice is still too close, and she knows her gambit has failed. He can’t miss from this range. Slowly raising her hands above her head, she turns to face the officer.

Making a break for it! : 2eA+1eB+2eD 0 successes

a-a.png a-s-s.png b--.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

"Not so fast missy! You are under arrest for breaking, entering, erm, breaking and entering, running from an officer, just, just keep those hands in the air ok!" Taking a breath, the clearly rattled officer takes a few steps towards Zara. "Ok, who are you? What are you doing here? You don't look like a scav".

The brief interrogation is interrupted by a speeder truck barreling through the fence and heading straight for them. Zara would recognize Krydil’s driving anywhere, and promptly runs for her life.

“Look out!” she cries, but as the lorry looms closer, she has the distinct impression that she zigged when she should have zagged...

"You think I'll really fall for tha-" the officer starts before he hears the crash of metal behind him. Spinning to face the noise, his jaw drops as he is blinded by the headlights from the oncoming vehicle. There is a shrill scream from the officer as the pair are smashed into and hurled back into the wreckage of the yard. The officer crumples into the pile of scrap, and does not move after. Near by Cormil can hear the other struggling to get back to his feet to try and apprehend the team. Whatever they were going to do, they had to do it soon, a situation like this would only bring more officers to the scene.

After crashing his truck into the officers to daze them and free Zara he opens his door, "Come with me if you want to live!" Krydil would say a line from a movie he and Zara had watched a few weeks back as he gave up his drivers seat so Zara could get them all out of there, moving over to the back to get the speeder door open for Cormil and his bike he was ready to move.

Zara picks herself up, grateful for the crash suit she had been cursing just a short while before. Maybe should’ve worn the helmet, too... She spares the groaning officer a glance, then shouts out to his partner, “Officer down, Officer down.”

Jumping aboard the truck, she goes to punch it, but quickly realizes that they are in the absolute slowest getaway vehicle in the history of getaways. So she settles for punching Krydil. “What were you thinking?” (followed by), “And thanks.”

(Not really “attacking” him, just sort of swatting at him in frustration).

Edited by Edgehawk