The Circuit (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Zara affixes the new face shield to her helmet, thanks Zeke, and heads out.

"Cormil. Got a lead on Three Thunders. CorSec didn't impound it. Probably nabbed by the Booster Blues. I can try to help you sort this, if you like?"

3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Cormil. Got a lead on Three Thunders. CorSec didn't impound it. Probably nabbed by the Booster Blues. I can try to help you sort this, if you like?"

Cormil responds, " You're the best Zara! Help would be really awesome! Should I meet you somewhere?"

Sonnray nods approvingly. "See it done. I trust you to do it discreetly."

Dilhun nods slowly. "Of course sir, I will have the speeder ready for you in ten minutes". With that the bodyguard strides purposefully out of the room, leaving his employer to prepare for the day.

Making his way into the buildings foyer, Sonnray is reminded of the advantages of wealth. It truly was a beautiful building, and this sort of money buys a lot of smiling attendants and staff of the various politicians, businessmen's and trust children who lived there. The residents and staff were almost entirely human, and the staff could be easily identified by smart emerald coloured attire. The doorman nods respectfully to the man as he presses the button to let the glass door slide open, and Sonnray is able to emerge into the morning sun. There is the smell of exhaust in the air, but it is only faint. The most overpowering smell is of the various plants and flowers that dominate this sector, carefully maintained to keep up the aesthetic.

As he steps down the steps of the building, an elegant black landspeeder with golden trim draws to a halt in front of him. Even though the windows are tinted, it is obvious that Dilhun is driving. The kyuzo hops out to open the rear door for his employer, nodding as he does.

The journey to the garage wouldn't take long, but would give Sonnray a little time to his own thoughts. Eventually they would pull to a halt in a decidedly rougher part of town than what he was accustomed to. Kyuzo would turn around to look into the back of the speeder. "You best let me check inside first sir. These parts of the city can be a little, dicey".

"There's a scrapyard just outside the city I've been to with Kry a couple times. The Blues hang around there, or at least at the gambling shack nearby. Not sure if the yard is part of the operation or not. Meet me at the edge of town, and we'll go together."

3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

"There's a scrapyard just outside the city I've been to with Kry a couple times. The Blues hang around there, or at least at the gambling shack nearby. Not sure if the yard is part of the operation or not. Meet me at the edge of town, and we'll go together."

"Oh yeah, right away!" Cormil responds. Wow, I'm really going to owe Zara after this , he thinks.

Sonnray nods in assent. "I understand. Do what you must, Dilhun."

On 6/26/2019 at 6:12 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

"Almost was" , Lei Mie responds. "It cost me most of my credits, and a bit of "sweet talking", to get out of it."

" Did it now, and how did your bike fare?" Krydil says as he finishes the bagel he was working on, taking his coffee with him, " Let's go check it out, you leave her in the Garage?" He asks as he walks past her walking with purpose to where he believed the Bike to be.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

" Did it now, and how did your bike fare?" Krydil says as he finishes the bagel he was working on, taking his coffee with him, " Let's go check it out, you leave her in the Garage?" He asks as he walks past her walking with purpose to where he believed the Bike to be.

"Not too bad" , Lei Mie responds. "Blew my navigation system, but that's pretty much it."

As Krydil makes his way onto the garage floor, he hears the scrape of the front door sliding open and the raspy sound of the door buzzer sounding. Looking up her would see a tall green skinned alien march in, wrapped in formal black robes. The alien seems to be wearing some kind of rebreather, covering the lower portion of his face. He speaks clearly in a rather imposing voice as he moves further into the room. "Are you open for repairs?"

" Well I was about to repair this miss' bike, her Navigation is on the fritz, If you;d like to wait in line for repairs I can get to you after her." Krydil say pointing back to Lei Mei who was behind him. " Just bring your vehicle into the shop, I service anything in here." Krydil says as he makes his way to Lei mei's bike and starts to mess with the Navigation to see what the exact problem is. " Tell me girl what's ailing you." He says talking seemingly to the bike as he starts to run diagnostics.

Meeting up with Cormil at the edge of town, Zara is not quite sure how to proceed- not that she'd let it show.

"Wanna check the yard first? Or did you have a more direct approach in mind?"

Dilhun would shake his head, walking forwards as he digs a hand into his pocket. "My employer doesn't wait in line, mister," he leaves the sentence hanging for Krydill to finish. "I am sure that we can afford to be pushed to the front of the que" he would state as he goes to press a cred-stick into the mechanics hand. "I'll bring the speeder in". With that, he would turn on his heel and heads back out. Inspecting the cred-stick would show its contents to be 2,000 credits, more than generous for most mechanical jobs.

Hopping back into the speeder the boyguard would turn around to face his employer. "Well sir, if you wanted to meet the locals, you may be able to start here". With that he would bring the speeder slowly into the garage, onto one of the work pads. This was a first for the garage, to have a land-speeder of this appearance or general quality in for work. Mostly it was locals who were in something of a lower credit bracket.

As Zara and Cormill arrive at the scarp yard, they would see a familiar sight. Many first bikes were salvaged from around here, and it was a popular spot for those who saw themselves as salvagers, rummaging through the piles of scrap for the that which may be valuable.

The yard was made of a number of huge piles of scrap metal, ranging from small shards all the way to entire vehicles. In the organised chaos great lumbering cranes and loaders strode between the piles, crushing metal down or adding more to the tip. The noise was deafening, and the air smelt of rust and oil. Near by was a large shack that sat just outside of the chain link fence that ringed the yard. This is where the workers would rest and any admin that needed doing was carried out. It was also something of a hub for some of the seedier elements of the city, a place to play cards with the workers and find cheap scrap, among other things.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

The yard was made of a number of huge piles of scrap metal, ranging from small shards all the way to entire vehicles. In the organised chaos great lumbering cranes and loaders strode between the piles, crushing metal down or adding more to the tip. The noise was deafening, and the air smelt of rust and oil. Near by was a large shack that sat just outside of the chain link fence that ringed the yard. This is where the workers would rest and any admin that needed doing was carried out. It was also something of a hub for some of the seedier elements of the city, a place to play cards with the workers and find cheap scrap, among other things.

Cormil takes a nervous walk up one of the aisles with full vehicles. He leans over to Zara and says quietly, "I have a sinking feeling we're not going to find it parked here and that we're going to have to deal with them," tilting his head towards one of the groups of card players.

On 7/7/2019 at 7:09 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Dilhun would shake his head, walking forwards as he digs a hand into his pocket. "My employer doesn't wait in line, mister," he leaves the sentence hanging for Krydill to finish. "I am sure that we can afford to be pushed to the front of the que" he would state as he goes to press a cred-stick into the mechanics hand. "I'll bring the speeder in". With that, he would turn on his heel and heads back out. Inspecting the cred-stick would show its contents to be 2,000 credits, more than generous for most mechanical jobs.

Hopping back into the speeder the boyguard would turn around to face his employer. "Well sir, if you wanted to meet the locals, you may be able to start here". With that he would bring the speeder slowly into the garage, onto one of the work pads. This was a first for the garage, to have a land-speeder of this appearance or general quality in for work. Mostly it was locals who were in something of a lower credit bracket.

" Well Lei Two thousand Credits is hard to pass up, I'll deal with you after Richie Rich over here." Krydil says to Lei Mei, while the Bodyguard is out getting the Speeder. " So what seems to be the problem with the speeder here?" He says his attention focused on the vehicle before him bringing his tools closer to it so he could start to Diagnose it.

Edited by Shlambate

Exciting the sleek speeder, Dilhun would stand up straight. "It's the pitch gyro, the thing keeps leaning to one side and it needs recalibrating. I'm hoping you can get this job done today? My employer is a busy man, and I'd rather have his transport working as soon as possible" he states, gesturing to the back door of the speeder.

" I'll see what I can do." Krydil says as he gets under the speeder looking for the pitch Gyro.

Edited by Shlambate

Sonnray gives Krydil a smile. "I appreciate your professionalism. See, Dilhun? I told you that the folks in this part of town knew what they were about." As Krydil gets to work, Sonnray begins to question him. "Say, you seem to have quite a bit of experience. Where'd you learn your trade?"

Krydil answers still focused primarily on the task of fixing the Speeder. " I had an interest in machinery on my homworld of Cerea, where I started messing with my families many Farming tools nd repairing them and tying to improve them. Eventually i got bored of the farm life and moved here when I was very young." when he finds the pitch gyro he starts to analyze it to determine the cause of the problem. " I met a Hotshot wannabe racer girl and we have looked out for each other since I arrived on world, been fixing Zara's bikes since we were kids. So you could say the experience is hands on."

"I'm afraid you're right, Cormil. Unless you wrecked it before you ditched it, it doesn't look like we're going to find it here in the yard. Can't hurt to ask, I guess." Not too much, anyway...

Striding over to the shack, Zara squares her shoulders and enters. "Heya, fellas. Seem to have misplaced a flashfury, custom job. If it happens to turn up, I might have a proposition for you?"

Zara is not at all sure she should be taking such a direct approach, but she hopes a little swagger and bluster might catch them off their guard.

The shack was a cramped and dirty space, as you may expect from a place like this. There were untidy stacks of scrap here and there in the corners of the room, and the counter set near one wall is littered with bottles now empty. A wooden table is set in the middle of the room with some chairs around it. In the centre is a variety of credits, jewellery and various other items that seem to have replaced standard gambling chips. Sat around the outside are eight men, one of them in the overalls of the scrap yard. The others are dressed in ill fitting shirts or leather jackets. Most of them are openly carrying guns on their hips, and they look up in unison at the newcomers.

"Now how'd you go an loose a bike like that darlin'" one of the men would drawl as he leans back in the chair as he sets his cards down. "And what is it you're oferin' for it's return?" He glances at Cormil for a moment as he waits for the response.

"I know a guy with a fancy red speeder that I'd love to liberate from him. Don't have any interest in it myself, mind- just would like to see it taken off his hands. Worth a lot more than any swoop. Guy's a hothead, and it would be easy for me to distract him."

Sonnray regards Krydil curiously. "Interesting. Is that how it is here? You all look out for each other? Or are you and this racer girl more of an exception. And speaking of your racer, how good is she?"

Krydil spots the problem on the speeder and starts to work at it. He takes his time to work at it. " Zara, she is very good, she is definitely going places. Yes Zara and I have looked out for each other, but I don't know if that's how everyone does things i wouldn't be able to tall you."

Krydil fixes the problem in about half an hour. "Should be done and working better than before." He says getting out from under the speeder.

There is a ripple of laughter passes around the table at the suggestion as the others start to put down their cards to turn and face the others. "Now I know you aren't talking about law abiding citizens like us stealing a motor do you? Now, let's say that we do have this speeder on the site, which I'm not, why would we swap that out for a speeder which currently has an owner?"