Imperial Era PBP, checking for interest.

By Von3679, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Hi everyone! I recently got the idea for a Imperial era pbp. Players will create characters who have just graduated from the Imperial academy(various academies allowed, based in what kind of character you wish to be) and will be starting their career in the Imperial army/navy/intelligence etc.

Players can play any species they wish to, though do note aliens might have discrimination from the NPCs(but it can be removed through PCs attaining noticeable achievements).

For specs and classes, feel free to choose anything from preferably the Age Of Rebellion, as this will be a more militaristic RPG, though you can definitely consider classes and specs from EOTE(subject to approval).

As everyone is going to be in the Imperial army, I would have to say no force users for now, though maybe in the future, PCs could be introduced as part of the Emperor’s Hand.

I’m hoping to give players more freedom in this RPG and I’m going to say it will be a more morally open game. This is because for this PBP, I am letting the player decide on alot of the things they wish to do. For eg, if the player becomes an admiral, they will just be given the task of taking over a planet and how they wish to do it, be it theough assaults or negotiation, will be completely up to them. Thus, players won’t be considered bad or good, but rather will be judged based on their actions.

I hope this game sounds interesting! If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me here! :)

Edited by player3333902

I would be interested in joining. I was thinking either some kind of spy or maybe a techie. If it's a combat campaign would they be acceptable or should there be a more soldier focus?

Sure! Sounds good.

so basically, players will all be on the same Star Destroyer and will work together kind of like how project work is done in school. Everyone will do their own part, working together to complete a goal. This campaign need not be as combat focused, depending on the type of character you make :)

Might like to try a character with the strategist (i think is the name) class.

Sure :)

So strategist class will probably mean imperial officer? And eventually maybe you’ll rise up to be a grand admiral :D

Nope its Analyst that was the one I was thinking. More Science/tech-y.

I think some kind of walker pilot or technician would be cool.

Edited by SithArissa

Ah okie. So maybe the bridge crew wld be an option too?

Is anyone else interested? :)

Could I play a squadron leader?

Yes, sure! :) though it will be earned through promotion.

Do we get an extra thousand credits for the Base Resource?

Just re-iterating my interest here.

3 hours ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

Do we get an extra thousand credits for the Base Resource?


And for stormtroopers, laminate armour, an e-11 blaster rifle and a thermal detonator is given. The armour is also vacuum sealed.

for other specs, do ask me about what kind of free equipment the enpire gives, as it’ll differ based on spec :)


1 hour ago, SithArissa said:


Fr urself...? XD I was thinking ur char wld be more of the comms operator or bridge operator or smth XDDD frm her looks and stats.

If ya read the thrawn legends trilogy books, kinda what Pellion(?) is to Thrawn. The second in command of the ship(eventually)?

19 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Fr urself...? XD I was thinking ur char wld be more of the comms operator or bridge operator or smth XDDD frm her looks and stats.

If ya read the thrawn legends trilogy books, kinda what Pellion(?) is to Thrawn. The second in command of the ship(eventually)?

I was thinking more to be like a mechanised infantry character. So a dropship pilot or a walker specialist.

9 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

I was thinking more to be like a mechanised infantry character. So a dropship pilot or a walker specialist.

Ahhhhhh. I c. Walker specialist as in engineer? Or researcher, developing new models?

1 minute ago, player3333902 said:

Ahhhhhh. I c. Walker specialist as in engineer? Or researcher, developing new models?

Hmmm theres a question. Perhaps a field researcher? I'm there to test new tech/models and report results back to R&D?

1 hour ago, SithArissa said:

Hmmm theres a question. Perhaps a field researcher? I'm there to test new tech/models and report results back to R&D?

Ooooh yeah sounds good. So you’ll stand there in the cockpit like Hux? XD just observing the battle and making notes on the vehicle

10 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Ooooh yeah sounds good. So you’ll stand there in the cockpit like Hux? XD just observing the battle and making notes on the vehicle

Bit more hands on but in essence.

Ah okie! Sure :)

so wld u be a pilot of the machine too? Or operating any part of it?

31 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Ah okie! Sure :)

so wld u be a pilot of the machine too? Or operating any part of it?

Need to be driving to get the best data.

14 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Need to be driving to get the best data.

Ok, sure! Maybe u cld get the pilot spec too if u wish to later on. I think it’ll help? As for the walker, I’ll give it to the destroyer everyone is on, so you don’t exactly own it, but when needed, you can use it. Is that ok?

37 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

Ok, sure! Maybe u cld get the pilot spec too if u wish to later on. I think it’ll help? As for the walker, I’ll give it to the destroyer everyone is on, so you don’t exactly own it, but when needed, you can use it. Is that ok?

All operation equipment is owned by Imperial Reclamations, understood sir.