23.3.19 Hyperspace Tournament Game 4: Final Table!
Funny side note: I helped set up the tables in the beginning and intentionally put that mat on table 1, thinking I was not going to play there anyway. Of course not with that mindset, so I played twice on it...
4+1 v2.5
XUUU with Wedge
Funny side note 2: He had blue sqd scouts and predator on the sheet but played with trickshot and partisans all day. Same points and I was the first to notice
He's also a very good player, was our nr5 at the time. He played that list for a while now, even before Leia got cheaper if I remember that correctly. So yes, before Uwings and Leia were cool
Opponent's determining action and my target priority: Leia really makes the three Uwings work, so she's the first target again. However... Wedge is really, really dangerous for me. If there is any chance on taking him down I will!
Deployment : Two middle rocks are mine again. He setup in the NE corner, so I took SW again with the generics and SE with Lulo.
The gameplan for the first turns: This time go slowly because he, too, will be very slow.
How it went:
Turn 1-3: I think my approach worked pretty well, again a bit too fast in the middle. However, my mistake was to forget how quickly a Uwing melts against me. So I should have boosted with the guy between the rocks (see image) to make space for a left boost instead of right boost for the one behind. I didn't want to take too many shots, that's why I didn't boost and that sabotaged the engagement on turn 4.
Turn 4: Because I wasn't confident to melt a whole ship, I rather dodged. The two on the northern side went behind his ships. In every other game that would be a great move, but not against Uwings with Leia. I know, of course I knew then too, but I forgot in that moment.
From here on out it was a brawl! Turn 6 he blocked me. Wedge evaporated a 3 health focused generic at range 1, but in turn died himself. One Uwing died (the yellow guy?). It was a great game, very interesting and fun for both of us! The rest is in the conclusion.
The game ended a bit unstatisfying as I had thrown the game on several occasions.
For example turn 8 when I set my guy on the asteroid. I had a good idea, move 3 straight and bank. But then I thought, why not 2 straight and bank instead? But then I thought, why not 3 bank from the start? Now, I had dismissed the 3 bank in the beginning as that would land on the rock. But coming to it from a maneuver that fit, I failed to remember my conclusion from mere moments ago and made that stupid mistake.
For example turn 6 and 7 (and 8 if I hadn't set onto the rock) when I forgot to crackshot.
For example turn 9 when Lulo did the risky, not the safe, maneuver.
And most of all just before the very last turn. I counted up points, told him, and we knew we had just one more turn to play. I had announced that it was 132 to 120 and that I was ahead. We set dials. We moved. Then I had my shots first and I told him myself (!) that I would try to shoot the Leia carrier as this one needed only one more damage to go down to half points. I missed, he fired, didn't get any points. We shook hands. And then we realized. The Leia carrier wasn't at half points!
What happened? He used the large damage cards, and one of those on one Uwing had moved unintentionally over to the Leia carrier. So when I counted the points I took it as half. But I had known, as it was I who mentioned right after setting dials that I needed one more damage. Again and the third time in this game I had known but completely forgot it. And again I paid dearly!
We played out the alternative out of interest. My obvious maneuver was to move closer to that ship, which would have allowed me to arcdodge the front Uwing!
In the end I lost the final 109-120 because I wasn't attentive enough. As mentioned I had unfortunately made several grave mistakes. Every single instance of crackshot was, by coincidence, on the Uwing that needed that one more damage. And I had just forgotten! The points? I had forgotten! My realization that a 3 bank wouldn't fit and that was why I wanted to do straight+bank in the first place? Forgotten! The fact that circling around Uwings with Leia is completely pointless? Forgotten!
The better player won this game, but I was close!
Turn 1: this time I went slow
Turn 3 (he moves for turn 4 already):
Turn 4: I did not realize that Uwings with Leia can simply turn. Of course I knew, but I didn't realize.
Turn 6: He lost Wedge, I lost a generic. Good for me!