Five A-Wings

By GreenDragoon, in X-Wing Battle Reports

23.3.19 Hyperspace Tournament Game 4: Final Table!

Funny side note: I helped set up the tables in the beginning and intentionally put that mat on table 1, thinking I was not going to play there anyway. Of course not with that mindset, so I played twice on it...

4+1 v2.5
XUUU with Wedge

Funny side note 2: He had blue sqd scouts and predator on the sheet but played with trickshot and partisans all day. Same points and I was the first to notice :D
He's also a very good player, was our nr5 at the time. He played that list for a while now, even before Leia got cheaper if I remember that correctly. So yes, before Uwings and Leia were cool :P

Opponent's determining action and my target priority: Leia really makes the three Uwings work, so she's the first target again. However... Wedge is really, really dangerous for me. If there is any chance on taking him down I will!

Deployment : Two middle rocks are mine again. He setup in the NE corner, so I took SW again with the generics and SE with Lulo.

The gameplan for the first turns: This time go slowly because he, too, will be very slow.

How it went:

Turn 1-3: I think my approach worked pretty well, again a bit too fast in the middle. However, my mistake was to forget how quickly a Uwing melts against me. So I should have boosted with the guy between the rocks (see image) to make space for a left boost instead of right boost for the one behind. I didn't want to take too many shots, that's why I didn't boost and that sabotaged the engagement on turn 4.

Turn 4: Because I wasn't confident to melt a whole ship, I rather dodged. The two on the northern side went behind his ships. In every other game that would be a great move, but not against Uwings with Leia. I know, of course I knew then too, but I forgot in that moment.

From here on out it was a brawl! Turn 6 he blocked me. Wedge evaporated a 3 health focused generic at range 1, but in turn died himself. One Uwing died (the yellow guy?). It was a great game, very interesting and fun for both of us! The rest is in the conclusion.


The game ended a bit unstatisfying as I had thrown the game on several occasions.
For example turn 8 when I set my guy on the asteroid. I had a good idea, move 3 straight and bank. But then I thought, why not 2 straight and bank instead? But then I thought, why not 3 bank from the start? Now, I had dismissed the 3 bank in the beginning as that would land on the rock. But coming to it from a maneuver that fit, I failed to remember my conclusion from mere moments ago and made that stupid mistake.
For example turn 6 and 7 (and 8 if I hadn't set onto the rock) when I forgot to crackshot.
For example turn 9 when Lulo did the risky, not the safe, maneuver.

And most of all just before the very last turn. I counted up points, told him, and we knew we had just one more turn to play. I had announced that it was 132 to 120 and that I was ahead. We set dials. We moved. Then I had my shots first and I told him myself (!) that I would try to shoot the Leia carrier as this one needed only one more damage to go down to half points. I missed, he fired, didn't get any points. We shook hands. And then we realized. The Leia carrier wasn't at half points!

What happened? He used the large damage cards, and one of those on one Uwing had moved unintentionally over to the Leia carrier. So when I counted the points I took it as half. But I had known, as it was I who mentioned right after setting dials that I needed one more damage. Again and the third time in this game I had known but completely forgot it. And again I paid dearly!

We played out the alternative out of interest. My obvious maneuver was to move closer to that ship, which would have allowed me to arcdodge the front Uwing!

In the end I lost the final 109-120 because I wasn't attentive enough. As mentioned I had unfortunately made several grave mistakes. Every single instance of crackshot was, by coincidence, on the Uwing that needed that one more damage. And I had just forgotten! The points? I had forgotten! My realization that a 3 bank wouldn't fit and that was why I wanted to do straight+bank in the first place? Forgotten! The fact that circling around Uwings with Leia is completely pointless? Forgotten!

The better player won this game, but I was close!

Turn 1: this time I went slow

Turn 3 (he moves for turn 4 already):

Turn 4: I did not realize that Uwings with Leia can simply turn. Of course I knew, but I didn't realize.

Turn 6: He lost Wedge, I lost a generic. Good for me!

Edited by GreenDragoon

After Adepticon I think I'm officially retiring my 5 RZ2s for the time being. Gonna be hitting Separatists hard in the foreseeable future. Good luck to all continuing to run it, I've definitely enjoyed my time with it going 27-5 overall in a few kit nights, Krayt Cup 4, Ohio hyperspace trial (Top 4) and Adepticon system open (Top 16). It has been easily my most successful list I've played with in 2nd Ed and will potentially fall back to it depending on Separatists results along with changes coming in July.

31 minutes ago, RStan said:

After Adepticon I think I'm officially retiring my 5 RZ2s for the time being. Gonna be hitting Separatists hard in the foreseeable future. Good luck to all continuing to run it, I've definitely enjoyed my time with it going 27-5 overall in a few kit nights, Krayt Cup 4, Ohio hyperspace trial (Top 4) and Adepticon system open (Top 16). It has been easily my most successful list I've played with in 2nd Ed and will potentially fall back to it depending on Separatists results along with changes coming in July.

Thanks for the inputs you offered along the way! It was definitely encouraging to see someone do as well as you did with the list :)

Wow I have not taken such a beating in a long time if ever!

The arrival of the Aethersprite with 3 force is the end of 5 Awings

What was the configuration they used?

Just now, cybu said:

What was the configuration they used?

Die Liste

Could you give some more description of the game and why you'd say that?

1 hour ago, Samurai33 said:

Could you give some more description of the game and why you'd say that?

2 dice shots against 3 force and regen and constant 4 dice shots with double modifiers even at range 2 or 3 due to the 7th fleet gunner is pretty tough to punch through

This thread, good stuff.

Hi Guys,

couple words from me. I turned my eyes on 5A after playing vs GreenDragoon in a league with 2X, i won the game but it was long and exhausting game. Dual arcs, 3 greens, linked actions, amazing abilities, sustained damage and heroic... Also my 2nd 'big' Xwing list was 5 A wing Cracks.

After month or so playing i managed to win 5 or 6 local game nights going 3-0 with highest MOV, one 2-1 (unstressed focused Lulo being blown by unmodded Nien r1 shot - 3 blanks into 3 blanks :D) and Top4 on my 1st Hyperspace (loosing to the winner by one rng 3 through a rock shot into 2hp Awing - 2 hits into 4 blanks 1 focus :P). I was playing into both Hyperspace and Extended lists and it is strong Tier 0 list, that plays very well into Leia Bunkers.

During Hyperspace i played:

- Separatists Maul Swarm (i misplayed this one, until then i played vs Kraken upgrade, this one had evade or strain one, and it changed everything, should've gone for Maul not droids)

- Krellix (/w tractor and qira) Seevor and 4 Z95s - good engage and Krellix was on 3 HP after 4 rng1 and 1 rng2 shots, then As just cleaned up

- 4 Ywings - Ion Turret, Vet Tur Gunner, Proton Bombs - range control and keeping ships off the bomb by constant disengagement , slowly chipping health off Ywings, even though it was hard game due to dial loosening up and Tallisan flying off board (3 bank instead of 3 straight)

- Vader Soontir Duchess - baiting Soontir into killbox and crippling him, made my life easier, chasing him i ran over Duchess, crippled vader and finished off Soontir, in the end it was Vader vs 4 awings

- Republic Combo Wombo Called Madagascar - Sinker (vet tail gunner, Hull up), Wolffe (Crackshot, Vet Tail Gunner, Perceptive Co-Pilot) and 3 cheapest Torrents - after chewing 2 torrents down I went in hard bumping Arcs and nuking Wolffe down, then it was Sinker and 1 torrent vs 3 As

- Leia Bunker - Wedge Thane Partisan Dutch with torps - Long dancing around the table, and after setting up I turned my piranhas loose with multiple 5straight focus boosts and 3 bank focus boosts in his face, bumping his squad taking down wedge and crippling thane. Then it was keeping close range and bumping.

- Top 8 game (it was amazing that we had 6 different factions in top cut, FO didn't make it but was really close) - Republic Brute Force - Sinker 2 Battalions and Mace in delta. From upper hand for me ( i took down Sinker loosing 2 shields, and burned down another one loosing greer) it went sideways where 2nd battalion and Mace almost took down rest of my Awings (Mace managed to one shot stressed focused lulo rng 1) but i managed to put my game face on again and clean up.

- Top 4 another Leia Bunker (Wedge [surprise!], Cassian - selfless, Leia [wow! novelty], Ten and Braylen - that was actually nice touch, both with Crackshots. He played it very well, game was really close, advantage changed like in a good thriller, all went down to 1 shot.

My list was:


Blue Squadron Recruit — RZ-2 A-Wing 32
Heroic 1
Advanced Optics 4
Ship Total: 37
Half Points: 19 Threshold: 2

Blue Squadron Recruit — RZ-2 A-Wing 32
Heroic 1
Advanced Optics 4
Ship Total: 37
Half Points: 19 Threshold: 2

Greer Sonnel — RZ-2 A-Wing 36
Heroic 1
Advanced Optics 4
Ship Total: 41
Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Tallissan Lintra — RZ-2 A-Wing 35
Heroic 1
Crack Shot 1
Advanced Optics 4
Ship Total: 41
Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

L’ulo L’ampar — RZ-2 A-Wing 38
Heroic 1
Crack Shot 1
Advanced Optics 4
Ship Total: 44
Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

I tried Zari and 3 crackshots, but upgrading PS by 1 and gaining basically 3 action Awing was massive efficiency improvement for my playstyle. I really enjoy this quasi-swarm, i tried many openings, and variety of ways you can play this list is overwhelming. Now time for UK SoS, then another Hyperspace Trial, i hope points won't change anytime soon, as i have a gut feeling Heroic will get hurt :P It procced for me about 20 times just during this Hyperspace Trial, 3 times changing 3 blanks into 3 evades, and once 4 blanks (LULO!!!!!) into 2Crit 2Hit situation obviously played a major role in the success of this roster, you can just let yourself to risk more often with such a failsafe in the sleeve.

Edited by kenoslaw
On 4/5/2019 at 1:49 PM, GreenDragoon said:

2 dice shots against 3 force and regen and constant 4 dice shots with double modifiers even at range 2 or 3 due to the 7th fleet gunner is pretty tough to punch through

I'm playing around with a few different lists now, but I do wonder if the version I ran with a couple of prockets is a version that could work (I haven't played with it in awhile but I hadn't lost).

18 minutes ago, AlexW said:

I'm playing around with a few different lists now, but I do wonder if the version I ran with a couple of prockets is a version that could work (I haven't played with it in awhile but I hadn't lost).

Maybe against that specific list, but I don't believe it fares better against the rest of the meta

My first attempt at the list is:

Greer, Zari and three Green Squadrons, all with Heroic and Advanced Optics.

I don't have enough results yet to have an opinion on a preferred combination of As, but so far this one has been fun as heck to fly.

On 4/9/2019 at 10:42 AM, kenoslaw said:

After  month or so playing i managed to win 5 or 6 local  game nights going 3-0 with highest MOV, one 2-1 (unstressed focused Lulo being blown by unmodded Nien r1 shot - 3 blanks into 3 blanks :D) and Top4 on my 1st Hyperspace (loosing to the winner by one rng 3 through a rock shot into 2hp Awing - 2 hits into 4 blanks 1 focus :P). I was playing into both Hyperspace and Extended lists and it is strong Tier 0  list, that plays very well into Leia Bunkers. 

Good luck in the System Open cut! I hope you'll make it all the way!

6-0 and first but won right now

6 hours ago, kenoslaw said:

6-0 and first but won right now

I just saw the result of the top8 game! But wow, 9-1 is really impressive! Congratulations on making top8!

On 12/23/2018 at 11:54 PM, GreenDragoon said:

Game at home vs wife, 20.12.18 (yes, this was before)


Opponent's deciding action and my target priority: The key ship is Whisper with Sloane, who has to be taken out as soon as possible. Those stresses are brutal! Try to evade shots of the strikers and get enough guns on Whisper to punch something through.

Deployment : I was first player. Asteroids were in a tight cluster in the NW field, one in the E (more to middle), one in the SW and one more SE (almost 2x2).
I set up in the finger four in the SW corner FileZilla UC Browser Rufus . Lulo was facing the squad right next to nr4. She set up the swarm in the NE corner, with Whisper facing the squad.

The gameplan for the first turns: Do the feigned flight, either long or short. Then split into teams of two, take rear shots and circle around to Whisper. Lulo is to flank and go for Whisper, too.

How it went: Abandoned thread plan. But to be fair, that was the first time I experienced Sloane. I know what she does, but I never suffered from it myself.
The first two turns went beautifully for me. She messed up a bit and had to circle around a rock, but stayed in close formation with Whisper behind. Lulo was racing up the western gutter. On the third turn I thought about splitting already, but saw that she would take a strange maneuver because an AA-straight would pass a rock and I'm sure she won't do that. Plus, I wanted to see what happens when I joust them. [picture 1 below]
4th turn: Now I went fast, split, and set up a nice killbox with the rear arcs, and she flew right in [picture 2]. And also, one Awing bumped. I thought I had dialed a 3hard left, but it was a 3bank and so I bumped. Lulo came in from behind, getting good shots at Whisper in turn three before, and now switched to a striker (why? Too juicy!). I blasted two strikers away and didn't lose a ship. Great start, right?
I don't know how she does it, but she just utterly destroyed me from here on out. The two triple stressed A-wings never recovered (remember the plan? Because I didn't) Lulo was now in her killbox, and I simply never got arc again.

I did not have shots.

A possible reason is that I underestimated the adaptive ailerons too much. Or I took the wrong decisions with turning my arcs. Whatever the specifics, I got my butt handed to me. Which is actually quite cool.

Pic 1: she already moved, I'm going to right after taking the picture. One second.


Pic 2: you can see the decloak at the start of the turn after shots.


It was against a very new player, and he brought RAC + Rexler. Needless to say that a Rexler who boosts to evade 2 range 3 shots losing his own in the process, and a RAC who doesn't use his cards (Tua) and thinks using the proton torpedo is his win condition (even though R1 shots are also 4 dice, and can have the free crit with Tua+ability, too!) does not make for the most difficult game.

Edited by HAILITY
14 hours ago, HAILITY said:

It was against a very new player, and he brought RAC + Rexler. Needless to say that a Rexler who boosts to evade 2 range 3 shots losing his own in the process, and a RAC who doesn't use his cards (Tua) and thinks using the proton torpedo is his win condition (even though R1 shots are also 4 dice, and can have the free crit with Tua+ability, too!) does not make for the most difficult game.

Yes, that is what I had written, but it is not related to the post you quoted. I'm confused

Here's what I've been playing around with. Fits my style and works quite well when focusing fire. I also find it interesting with each ship having the same point value, but L'ulo can also punch hard. With these lists, you really can't make any mistakes, because that can equal a melted ship in 1 turn. I like thinking in the Focus-boost/Focus-rotate mindset for most of the game. Focus on flying well and not on action strategy as much. Sometimes locking with L'ulo. Thoughts? Tweaks?

L'ulo L'ampar (38)
Heroic (1)
Crack Shot (1)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Green Squadron Expert (34)
Heroic (1)
Crack Shot (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Green Squadron Expert (34)
Heroic (1)
Crack Shot (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Green Squadron Expert (34)
Heroic (1)
Crack Shot (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Green Squadron Expert (34)
Heroic (1)
Crack Shot (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Edited by napolyphonic
1 hour ago, napolyphonic said:

Thoughts? Tweaks?

No tweaks, as that is the version 2.5 and the one from my last few games with the list. I really liked this version a lot.

Great! Now to practice...

Right so A-wings still work 😛

4 hours ago, kenoslaw said:

Right so A-wings still work 😛

Congratulations! This is really amazing!

It was honestly so much fun watching the finals. I'm going to play 5 As this week just because of what I saw. Very cool.

Is there a Video of the Finals?