Arkham Nights 2018 Dates

By Apedog, in Arkham Nights

Anyone know the dates for Arkham Nights 2018 and when tickets will be on sale?

October 19 & 20.

No word on when the tickets will be on sale. That's the reason I keep checking this forum. :)

It is usually the second weekend of October which would make it 12 and 13 this year. A friend of mine also asked at GenCon and was told by the person he spoke with that it would be the second weekend of October. Of course none of that really matters. Who knows what they will finally decide, or when they will decide to tell us. I am just hoping they give more than two weeks notice this year.

18 hours ago, LabanShrewsbury said:

It is usually the second weekend of October which would make it 12 and 13 this year. A friend of mine also asked at GenCon and was told by the person he spoke with that it would be the second weekend of October. Of course none of that really matters. Who knows what they will finally decide, or when they will decide to tell us. I am just hoping they give more than two weeks notice this year.

They did give us notice way ahead of time this year... they posted on their Facebook page a few months back that it was October 19th & 20th.

Edited by KBlumhardt

Thank you so much KBlumhardt! Nobody in my gaming group uses Facebook so we never would have known, and also as I said one of my friends was told by someone at the Fantasy Flight booth at GenCon that it would be the second weekend.

Now it is just the wait to see what they have planned, and what cool stuff we get with our admission besides The Nights Usurper!

I also just saw that Arkham Nights is on the Fantasy Flight Game Center calendar as well, but I am not seeing anything for Invocation. Is there any news regarding the dates for Invocation this year?

How much are tickets typically?

13 hours ago, ibnjames said:

How much are tickets typically?

They've traditionally been $25, but iirc they raised them to $35 last year.

Last year (2017) was actually $40.00. Here are the prices for the last three years...

2017 - $40.00

2016 - $30.00

2015 - $25.00

Tickets are $70.00


Thanks everyone. Got my tickets. See you soon. Excited.

I feel like I just failed a sanity check! I assumed there would be a price increase, but I never would have guessed it would be this much. I will buy a ticket, just like everyone else, but it really makes me sad that (in my option) Fantasy Flight continues to show that they do not care for their customers. When the event sells out they will feel justified in their pricing strategy, instead of seeing it for what it is which is taking advantage of their fan base. I hope that EVERYONE that agrees posts a comment saying as much. Even if you buy a ticket, if you think the price increase is excessive, say something. If not that is fine too. Hopefully see you all there.

It looks like they may be "bundling" Invocation and Arkham Nights this year. Is anybody else reading it that way?

I am also quite disappointed with this large price increase. I was really excited about attending my first Arkham Nights, but I'm not so sure I'll be going now. @Laban Shrewsbury 's listing of the price increases shows that this is a significant increase over previous years, and I'm also a bit outraged at this.

Does the price increase have anything to do with the swag? There's going to be a AH: LCG scenario included.

Also, what is Invocation? I'm going to attend this year but it's my first time so I'd like to know what I'm getting involved in, haha.

They have only had one Invocation event in the past. It is an event that smaller game stores have an option in participating in -- they purchase the Invocation event box and get people in their stores to sign up to participate. It is very similar to the organized play events that FFG (and other companies) does with their other games. The last one they had, they had new Ultimatum rules (you can find these in the downloads section for the game on FFG's AH:LCG page). They also game out a game mat and an alt art card for Daisy and her small investigator card (which was made of plastic for some reason). This time, Invocation is supposed to have a copy of the Eternal Slumber scenario that was run at GenCon this year. Everyone attending Invocation is supposed to get a copy of that scenario. Eternal Slumber is the first part of a two-part larger scenario (collectively called Guardians of the Abyss). The second part is going to be a giveaway at Arkham Nights. In theory that means that we will receive both decks at Arkham Nights.

Here is the link to the Eternal Slumber page, with details:

(side note) Really looking forward to the second part of the scenario. I was lucky enough to play the first part at GenCon, and it was a lot of fun -- though it seemed rather difficult. The potential rewards for successfully completing the first part was pretty sweet. Won't be posting spoilers though. :)

I think the price increase may be (or at least this is probably Fantasy Flight's justification) because of the combination of Invocation and Arkham Nights. Last year Invocation was $15.00, and Arkham Nights was $40.00 (which was a 33.3% increase over the previous year). Invocation this year should (I believe) include The Eternal Slumber deck, which means if the events are combined we will be receiving both The Eternal Slumber, and The Night's Usurper at the same time. At Invocation last year we received a Game Mat and a Daisy Walker alternate art card. I am guessing (and this is only speculation on my part) that this year the only Invocation "swag" will be the new deck. If that is the case I do not see a justification in raising the price for Invocation. As for Arkham Nights, the only "swag" that we are receiving this year that we did not get last year are the "preview" character cards for Arkham Horror Third Edition, and Elder Sign. So we are looking at an increase in ticket price this year of 25% over the previous year. If they continue this trend tickets will be close to $90.00 next year.

Check out these two links for more information regarding last year's Invocation and what to expect from this year's, as well as information regarding the two decks I mentioned above.

2017 Invocation link -

Ha! Apparently MGlas1 posted his reply as I was typing mine. Thanks for the information MGlas1. Hopefully see all of you at Arkham Nights this year!

19 minutes ago, MGlas1 said:

I was lucky enough to play the first part at GenCon, and it was a lot of fun -- though it seemed rather difficult.

Just out of curiosity, what made it difficult? Did you go into it with a 0 level character? Do you think it would be easier if you played it after playing Night of the Zealot to level up?

I went in with a level 19 character, which netted me, 3 weaknesses. I was lucky enough that they didn't come into play too much. I was playing with a Silas deck, and I am pretty sure I only had his signature weakness, and an enemy weakness pop up. Without getting into it too much, there are a certain number of tasks that you need to accomplish, but time is pretty tight. You know you have a deadline, and can only do so much. I recall Matthew Newman saying that no one has completed all of the tasks -- I think it is impossible to do so. Or maybe just very, very difficult. There were some pretty nasty enemies and treacheries. Lucked out that between myself and the three other random people that I played with, we had a very balanced group. We had my Silas deck, a Daisy deck, and Akachi deck, and a Mark (I think) deck. Daisy was our primary clue-getter. Mark and Akachi were both in charge of murdering things. Silas did pretty well at getting clues, but also able to evade a lot and get stuff set up for the two murderers. The final battle (which I think might have been able to be avoided with some choices, though I don't remember all that well) was long and tough. We won it with a lucky pull on a hypnotic gaze card. It did take the full scheduled 4 hours to play. I think we were actually at 4.5 hours. A lot of fun though.

9 minutes ago, MGlas1 said:

I went in with a level 19 character, which netted me, 3 weaknesses.

I assume this means your deck had 19 XP worth of additional cards? My gaming group has not come up with a way to describe decks that have already been used in other scenarios. I suppose calling it a 19 XP deck works, though it is possible you earned XP that you have not spent.

I am looking forward to playing this scenario, though to be honest there is going to be so much new stuff to check out I am not sure I will play the Arkham Horror Card Game at all during Arkham Nights. I really want to play Arkham Horror Third Edition, and the new Mansions of Madness scenarios. The Arkham Horror Card Game may have to wait until after Arkham Nights is over.

Yeah, my gaming group doesn't really have a good name for it either. Here is the chart I used (from the rules reference book):
0-9 experience: 0 additional random basic weaknesses
10-19 experience: 1 additional random basic weakness
20-29 experience: 2 additional random basic weaknesses
30-39 experience: 3 additional random basic weaknesses
40-49 experience: 4 additional random basic weaknesses
A player cannot include 50 or more experience worth of cards in a standalone deck

The extra unlisted swag that seems to add to the cost is that it looks like we are getting shirts for this year. Getting my ticket it asked for shirt size, which hasn't happened since 2012 when they had shirts during that event too.