Anyone want to help me compile an errata for the Lure ships?
Starship Construction Utility RTSU v1.41 Published
What the Bloomin Smeggin Smeg is PH and MSO??? Player Handouts? Multi Spectral Oscillations? Crikey man? I'm 32 years old Not 10??, I Don't Do Text Talk" ENGLISH MAN ENGLISH!!!!!!.
Puff Pant !! I'll calm down now. But....just no more teen text talk, i do not have a copy of the text talk translation manual at hand.
Anyway, how about i do what i did to the owner of Mongoose Publishing 2 years ago. i complained so much he gave in and sent me a load of free books. It won't be as bad as that with ffg, but i can PM FFG Sam Stewart once a week with the same request for erratta that'll he'll give in eventually??? LOL (i only do lol, by the way, oohh yeah btw!).
Wouldn't my suggestions as per reply 72 be enough in the meantime BOB? (I presume bob is actually your name, and not a character name, if so oohh how original lol)
By the way FFG, i'm unemployed with plenty of time on my hands! Hint, Hint. Oh possibility of a slight problem i'm in the UK, and i presume FFG are "USAAAAA!!!".
**** i can go on if i'm bored.
Ravion Lupus said:
By the way FFG, i'm unemployed with plenty of time on my hands! Hint, Hint. Oh possibility of a slight problem i'm in the UK, and i presume FFG are "USAAAAA!!!".
Yes, Ravion, FFG is indeed a Stateside company. I want to say based in Minnesota; at the least, that's where their event center is located. As to people with time on their hands due to lack of employment, I am in a similar boat currently (
Hint, hint
I'm pretty sure some of their writers are UK based.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Brother Praetus said:
Some of us are, yes (a minority, as far as I can tell), but that's freelancing rather than full-time work.
N0-1_H3r3 said:
Brother Praetus said:
Some of us are, yes (a minority, as far as I can tell), but that's freelancing rather than full-time work.
You were exactly who I was thinking of, N0-1; amongst a few others, but still top of my list.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Ravion Lupus said:
What the Bloomin Smeggin Smeg is PH and MSO??? Player Handouts? Multi Spectral Oscillations? Crikey man? I'm 32 years old Not 10??, I Don't Do Text Talk" ENGLISH MAN ENGLISH!!!!!!.
Puff Pant !! I'll calm down now. But....just no more teen text talk, i do not have a copy of the text talk translation manual at hand.
Anyway, how about i do what i did to the owner of Mongoose Publishing 2 years ago. i complained so much he gave in and sent me a load of free books. It won't be as bad as that with ffg, but i can PM FFG Sam Stewart once a week with the same request for erratta that'll he'll give in eventually??? LOL (i only do lol, by the way, oohh yeah btw!).
Wouldn't my suggestions as per reply 72 be enough in the meantime BOB? (I presume bob is actually your name, and not a character name, if so oohh how original lol)
By the way FFG, i'm unemployed with plenty of time on my hands! Hint, Hint. Oh possibility of a slight problem i'm in the UK, and i presume FFG are "USAAAAA!!!".
**** i can go on if i'm bored.
PH = Past history
MSO = Machine Spirit Oddity
My name is, in fact, Bob
And just a coincidence so is my Navigator player character: Bob, just Bob. I get the weirdest looks at the gaming table.
I am underemployed (a stay at home dad, longer hours than I've ever worked).
Thanks for the work already done
Well hello Bob, Just Bob! I'm Andy, Just Andy!. I've never used my actual name in a character in an rpg, ever and i've been rpging since 1992, The Palladium game by palladium games was the first.
Just to say i don't write up a game or pre-plan a campaign i've always had a few ideas and then wrote them down and winged the whole campaign and just added in my pre-written ideas at random intervals in the game. So in that regard i'll probably be useless as a writer freelance or not. Ever since i left school at 16 i've done nothing but Food Production, Warehousing, Logistics and Stores. Don't think that'll hold me in good stead if i send a CV to FFG with all that on?
I have a Noggin full of cool ideas, but no way to express them.
It would be great if FFG would get people like us to Proof read the books that they have, before sending them to the printers so it'll not require so much eratta later on. Say if they would send (for example!) Myself, bobh, brother pratus, and say, 9 others a pre-print run copy of "Into the storm", between 12 of us, "How many errors STATWISE. (not spelling mistakes or grammar errors as those are trivial) will us 12 find? on top of their in-house proof reading team and their normal editing process"
How about it FFG??? It'll save you a lot of time and effort!
I've been working on 1-37 and 38 lately and decided that I need to start on version 2. Version 1+ has been a real learning experience and the main thing it taught me is that I didn't build in enough space for future additions of certain things like hulls and that keeping it simple is also a function of keeping it well thought out.
I will certainly maintain version 1+ until version 2 is ready (after about four hours last night it is about 20% complete as I type this) and version 2 will incorporate everything from version 1+. Under the hood it will be cleaner and easier to understand for me as I add to the utility. Which, in the long run, will allow me to maintain it with minimal housekeeping.
Just a reminder, i'll be running the
2nd Component Contest
till the end of May. I need some more entries if you are all up to it
Update May 14 to June 2 - version 1-38 is ready for download
- * Brother Praetus mentioned the Firestorm base stats issues in the utility way back - finally got around to fixing them, manoeuvrability reduced to 10, Hull Integrity changed to 34 taking into account the PH-MSO of the vessel that I did not. Thanks Brother!
- * Changed back Gellar to Geller as LotE is WRONG about the spelling, I was just doubting myself too much. FIXED!
- * In adding Weapons of Battleship size from Ships of the Imperium 1.2 I noticed the author doubled power requirements for the weapons...but the Ryza power requirement is actually 8 not 7, so i changed power requirement for BB class Ryza to 16 in the excel sheet to make it more in line with the Core Rules (doubled from their actual power requirement).
- * Added all weapons from Ships of the Imperium version 1.2
- * Fixed: Weapon Slot 2,3,4 and 5 were not reporting addition of Star cannon Cluster Cannon Battery correctly.
- * Added THREE weapon slots for a total of EIGHT. This will accommodate nearly all large ships including Imperial Battleships.
- * Due to the large crew size of Battle Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Grand Cruisers and Battleships the Crew Quarters POWER, and SPACE requirements are doubled.
- * Life Sustainer POWER and SPACE increases by 1 from Cruiser Class for battlecruiser and up class vessels.
- * Fixed bug where >Cruiser class vessel Plasma Drive selection was not properly displayed on Character Sheet.
The 2nd Component Contest is at an end!
RTSU v1-39 will be out within a day.
Take a look at the winners (page three of the thread has them collated).
RTSU Version 1-39 is up and ready for use at MakeWarNotLove
Update June 4 to 6 - version 1-39 is up
- Added: Forbidden Lore (Xenos) modifiers appear on character sheet when Xeno tech chosen for ship
- Fixed Augmented Retro Thrusters Calculations for Custom Ship Hull
- Added a CUSTOM weapon slot as requested in the 2nd RTSU Custom Component Thread on FFG
- Added fluff about each CUSTOM Component to ENTER PLAYER INFO page
- Added FIVE Custom Components from the 2nd RTSU Component Contest.
Thanks again to all the contributors in the Component Contest for the following custom Components now integrated into the RTSU:
- Drop Pod Bays by Alasseo
- Manufactorium by Quicksilver (Archeotech)
- Fission Genarium by Konrad von Richtmark
- Kass Immaterium Navigation Cogitator or Kass INC by Jenk (Xenotech)
- Apothecarium by Konrad von Richtmark
Almost time to start another (the 3rd) Component Contest. Get those components dusted off!
Also: I've worked on a Random Ship Generator for a few days and will start a new thread for it shortly. The Hull/Class and Essential Components randomizer is complete and i'll publish a preview tonight or tomorrow.
When I open the spreadsheet in OpenOffice it complains about the spreadsheet containing macros. But the spreadsheet seems to work fine if I leave them disabled.
Do the macros do anything useful ?
I'm wondering if he's got Into the Storm yet for the new ship stats. And, I guess, offical pods.
I looked further into the Macros, all of them are like this
Rem Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBADocumentModule
Sub Sheet1
End Sub
The only difference between them is that Sheet1 is replaced with something else. Specifically it is Sheet1 to Sheet7 and ThisWorkbook, which is especially odd when there are only 4 visible sheets.
The Macros look like they do nothing, so why are they there ?
Dunno, but it seems no one has heard from him since June
Is there anyone else familiar enough with the techno-sorcery of spreadsheets to update it for Into the Storm
When it would be posible the ships and components from into the storm to be added?
If you an archeotech engine for your ship why must you a ship drive to get what power you have?
Where you can have the stats for the new weapon systems you have created?
Bilateralrope said:
Is there anyone else familiar enough with the techno-sorcery of spreadsheets to update it for Into the Storm
Doing so now. Couple of hours to get it all inserted.
Errant said:
Bilateralrope said:
Is there anyone else familiar enough with the techno-sorcery of spreadsheets to update it for Into the Storm
Doing so now. Couple of hours to get it all inserted.
Take a few days and you will still get it done before I can get hold of Into the Storm.
Errant said:
Bilateralrope said:
Is there anyone else familiar enough with the techno-sorcery of spreadsheets to update it for Into the Storm
Doing so now. Couple of hours to get it all inserted.
AWESOME! I know it will be exceptional, sir!
Any news on this yet??
from france
i am building a ship and i find this post so i folow the link but can't find the dowload link for the programe. is it possible to have a direct link to it? well maybe i can't find it because it 's 1h30 in the morning her and i am tired. sorry if i ask for something obvious.
Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:
Any news on this yet??
It's atrociously more convoluted than I anticipated. Hulls and components are in, but don't calculate power usage properly for some reason.
I wish I could help you but my knowledge of excel is limited to minor accounting situations. I could not even find a book on it!