Hey there bobh,
Just downloaded your "construction utility" and I must say it looks quite impressive.
Looking forward to use it in our next game.
Hey there bobh,
Just downloaded your "construction utility" and I must say it looks quite impressive.
Looking forward to use it in our next game.
Meatpuppet said:
Hey there bobh,
Just downloaded your "construction utility" and I must say it looks quite impressive.
Looking forward to use it in our next game.
Thanks. I hope it makes things roll along quicker. Building and rebuilding a ship to your needs can take forever on paper.
Tell me if you notice any errors.
Also, I'ev started a Component Constest thread here:
To get some new components, your home brew components, into the RTSU enter please.
Update April 13 - New Version under way
* 'Blank Slate' suggested by Iku Rex on the Dark Reign Forums, none of the components save hard wired ones are selected in the build sheet.
* Implemented 'Augmented Retro Thrusters' in multiples so you can juice up Manouvrability.
* Implemented 'Reinforced Interior Bulkheads' in multiples.
* Implemented 'Barracks' in multiples.
* Implemented 'Luxury Passenger Quarters' multiples. Per FFG errata discussion penalty to morale for more than one lux qtr is cumulative.
* Fixed a labeling error 'nested SP$ ifs', other wise not visible - documentation
* implemented 'custom hull' addition allowing use of non-canon hulls in a single customizable slot that appears in the hull/calss chart
Still working on the framework for the additional home brew components, and a new character sheet look and feel.
version 1-31 is up
in addition
* added the 'CUSTOM' page for custom hulls and components
* implemented 'custom hull', allowing non-canon hulls in a single customizable slot that appears in the HULL CLASS down menu on the BUILD page
* added some info to the 'Enter Player Info' page
version 1-32 is up
Update April 15 - version 1-32 is up
* Implemented 'Main Cargo Hold' in multiples.
* Implemented 'custom' hull transport 'main cargo' capability
* Fixed error, 'Main Cargo Hold' not appearing on character sheet when Transport Class hull selected
* split cargo hold entries on character sheet so you can have more than one type of hold on a transport/vessel
* totally reworking calc of cargo bays
* Implemented 'Cargo Hold & Lighter Bay' in multiples.
* Implemented 'Compartmentalized Cargo Hold' in multiples.
I just found some rather glaring errors on the FIRESTORM frigate base statline in the utility, see HERE , so i'll have another version out fixing them before the end of the week (sunday). DOH!
version 1-33 is up
Update April 17
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate SPEED attribute should be base of 7 not 8 as the FIRESTORM in the core book has an 8 speed with a MODIFIED archeotech drive meaning base speed is 7, not 8.
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate DETECTION should be base of 15 not 13 as R-50 is installed in example ship in core rules, reducing base detection by 2. Base DETECTION set to 15.
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate HULL INTEGRITY should be base of 30 not 33 as Reinforced Bulkheads are installed in example ship in core rules, increasing HI to 33. Base HI set to 30.
* Fixed a bug in cargo hold power calc that subtracted two from power even if ship was not transport/possessed cargo hold
version 1-342 is up
* Fixed in 1-34. Custom Transport power calculation for main cargo holds was adding 2 to non transports even when custom class/hull wasn't selected.
* FIXED, Custom Vessels, even though they might not be cruiser class, were being equipped with 12 space/power warp drives
* Altered warp engine - allowing choice of strelov 1-4 on BUILD sheet rather than hard wiring it into the utility. This creates future support for >Cruiser size vessels. Conjectural engine sizes will be replaced if and when canon FFG designs become available.
* FIXED cargo holds not calculating space, SP$ and power requirements
* FIXED character sheet displaying illegal choice of cargo holds other than main cargo hold on transports
* altered void shields, implemented triple and quad void shields, reworked character sheet to reflect changes
note that the non canon engines and void shields are there for future custom ship support. i still need to add larger plasma drives and some other features for you to crank out a battleship heavy cruiser or grand cruiser.
Update April 21 - version 1-35 is up
Well i've been working on the utility for a few hours this week and here are the results.
Please knock this thing around and see if any of the new features produce errors. I never catch all the flaws. I want to thank BuckX for his 'Ships fo the Imperial navy' supplement and the conjectural components therein. i have used them as a stopgap until FFG implements canon components. Big ship Weapon and fighter decks are in the worsk.
bobh said:
version 1-33 is up
Update April 17
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate SPEED attribute should be base of 7 not 8 as the FIRESTORM in the core book has an 8 speed with a MODIFIED archeotech drive meaning base speed is 7, not 8.
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate DETECTION should be base of 15 not 13 as R-50 is installed in example ship in core rules, reducing base detection by 2. Base DETECTION set to 15.
* FIRESTORM Class Frigate HULL INTEGRITY should be base of 30 not 33 as Reinforced Bulkheads are installed in example ship in core rules, increasing HI to 33. Base HI set to 30.
* Fixed a bug in cargo hold power calc that subtracted two from power even if ship was not transport/possessed cargo hold
Remember, the Sabre also has the Ancient and Wise complication, which gives a -4 Hull Integrity so its base Hull Integrity should be 34, not 30; 34 -4 for A&W, +3 for RB. Also, taking that into consideration, the base maneuverability would technically only be +10, as the complication provides a +10 bonus. This would mean that Firestorms are the flying bricks of the frigate classes.
Per the Ships of the Gothic Sector component for GW's Battlefleet Gothic , the Firestorm has identical speed, maneuverability and turrets as the Sword class frigates, the hull from which the design is derived from. The only significant difference in that material is the reduction of its dorsal battery strength for the inclusion of the prow mounted lance. ShruG
There are a lot of discrepancies with the
when compared with other sources for its hull, and it seems some details of the ship were not entirely allocated to the final writeup. Hard to say though. Otherwise, the utility is quite handy and very well put together. Keep up the good work.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Thanks for the points about the FIRESTORM Class, I'll have to go back and fix that (again, /sigh).
And I appreciate the compliment, thank you.
Note: replaced 1-35 with 1-351, fixed a bug where the new drives werent adding or displaying power info.
Winners of the First RTSU Component Contest
Congrats for/to:
The Mimic Engine by BaronIveagh (look for them in v1-36)
Podded Components by Argus Van Het (Cargo & Barracks) (Look for them in v1-36)
Colonist Quarters
by Jenk
(in v1-351 and up)
Barracks Conversion into Colonist Quarters
by Jenk
(in v1-351 and up)
The next contest will start in one week, 1 May 2010.
So far I've accomplished on version 1-36:
Update April 23 to present - version 1-36 underway
* Added WEAPON: Dragon's Breath Lance Weapon (from LotE)
* Implemented Component: Excess Void Armour
* Implemented CUSTOM (conjectural) Component: Excess Void Armour >Cruiser Sized Class/Hulls at 0/4/2 power/space/sp$
* Changed Character Sheet Output to remove 'installed', 'selected' from component selection output. Example: 'No Plasma Drive Installed' now appears as 'No Plasma Drive'. Did this to clean up the CS and make the output appear cleaner and more consistent as I was using both installed and selected and it looked bad (to me).
* Changed Character Sheet Output to display Havoc Class Merchant Raider (Raider) as Havoc Class Merchant Raider.
* Implemented CUSTOM (conjectural) component : Guilded Hull for >Cruiser sized hulls at 0/3/2 power/space/sp$
* Implemented Augmented Retro Thrusters for >Cruiser sized Hulls at (Battlecruiser 6/0/2, Grand Cruiser, 7/0/2, Battleship 8/0/2) in CUSTOM ship slot
* Added Weapon: Starcannon Cluster Battery (5/3/3, note no SP$ was given in LotE so I assigned 3 SP$ per battery, this is conjecture)
The Second RTSU Component Contest is underway.
Please participate so we can make the RTSU (Rogue Trader Ship Utility) even better.
Version 1-36 is up on my MakeWarNotLove site and Dark Reign for download.
Update April 23 - 29 - version 1-36 is up
* Added WEAPON: Dragon's Breath Lance Weapon (from LotE)
* Implemented Component: Excess Void Armour
* Implemented CUSTOM (conjectural) Component: Excess Void Armour >Cruiser Sized Class/Hulls at 0/4/2 power/space/sp$
* Changed Character Sheet Output to remove 'installed', 'selected' from component selection output. Example: 'No Plasma Drive Installed' now appears as 'No Plasma Drive'. Did this to clean up the CS and make the output appear cleaner and more consistent as I was using both installed and selected and it looked bad (to me).
* Changed Character Sheet Output to display Havoc Class Merchant Raider (Raider) as Havoc Class Merchant Raider.
* Implemented CUSTOM (conjectural) component : Gilded Hull for >Cruiser sized hulls at 0/3/2 power/space/sp$
* Implemented Augmented Retro Thrusters for >Cruiser sized Hulls at (Battlecruiser 6/0/2, Grand Cruiser, 7/0/2, Battleship 8/0/2) in CUSTOM ship slot
* Added Weapon: Starcannon Cluster Battery (5/3/3, note no SP$ was given in LotE so I assigned 3 SP$ per battery, this is conjecture)
* Implemented: Podded Components (Barracks and Cargo Holds) by Argus Van het
* Implemented: The Mimic Engine by BaronIveagh
* FIXED minor bug - MLD Field, Ghost Field and Rune Caster were adding statline totals to ship when no hull/class was chosen, now they do not.
Please get back to me if you find any bugs or problems with the utility
Update April 30 - version 1-361 is up
Found another one, however small. The Command Bridge on the Cruiser should cost 3 power instead of 2, other than that everything is working for me now, thanks mate.
Thanks. Got that fixed ill have the new version up shortly.
I love this program. But i have some questions: I recently got the gm kit and Lure of the Expanse, and decided to put the ships in named books into this program and came up with some mistakes.....as follows
GM Kit: The Hand of Redemption (No rules for torps yet so ignored) Power available: 75, Used: 76. Hmmm?????
Lure of the Expanse:
Chains of Dusk: Space: 35, Used: 36. Hmmm???
Grace of Sopha: Power: 40, Used: 43. Hmmm???
Maxim's Gambit: Space: 40, Used: 41. Hmmm???
Nihontu: Space: 60, Used: 61, Power: 60: Used: 64. Hmmm???
Ordained Destiny: Space: 75, Used: 78. Hmmm???
So what gives???. Have the authors been following the rules at all? or have they just not bothered? i even checked the calculations with pencil, paper & calculator, and yet there they are, all with unexplained overspends!.
Or have they changed the starship templates without telling anyone?
Or better yet. Am I missing something????
Keep up the good work by the way!!!
Odd. I'll have to go check those ships and make sure i'm not off somewhere.
Thanks for the compliment
Ravion Lupus said:
I love this program. But i have some questions: I recently got the gm kit and Lure of the Expanse, and decided to put the ships in named books into this program and came up with some mistakes.....as follows
GM Kit: The Hand of Redemption (No rules for torps yet so ignored) Power available: 75, Used: 76. Hmmm?????
Lure of the Expanse:
Chains of Dusk: Space: 35, Used: 36. Hmmm???
Grace of Sopha: Power: 40, Used: 43. Hmmm???
Maxim's Gambit: Space: 40, Used: 41. Hmmm???
Nihontu: Space: 60, Used: 61, Power: 60: Used: 64. Hmmm???
Ordained Destiny: Space: 75, Used: 78. Hmmm???
So what gives???. Have the authors been following the rules at all? or have they just not bothered? i even checked the calculations with pencil, paper & calculator, and yet there they are, all with unexplained overspends!.
Or have they changed the starship templates without telling anyone?
Or better yet. Am I missing something????
Keep up the good work by the way!!!
I have found an error. I'll correct it and check your results.
The error i found fixed the 'off' amount for Maxim's Gambit. I'll check the other vessels.
Maxim's gambit
= Okay after change to the RTSU (will be version 1-37
Chains of Dusk , serious problems here. Detection +12 is equivalent of a M-100 Auger not the listed M-201. Listed Manoeuvrability of +28 is as if it did NOT have the Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay; the same CHLB makes the ship -1 SPACE, or +1 if you remove.
Grace of Sopha is 10 Hull Integrity (her description notes she is old and battle wron but noting her actual HI could be 50 would be nice) less than max and underpowered by 1. This seems to be an error in her construction.
version 1-37 is up
thanks for catching my math error Ravion Lupus !
Update May 13 - version 1-37
Um, sorry bobh, but you had the spelling right: it is Geller (as in Yuri Geller), not Gellar (as in Sarah Michelle Gellar). Common mistake, and one which always bugs me when I come across it.
Bobh, just been doing some changing of things, corrected a few of the ships by changing components. Still can't work out the nihontu though, without downgrading the plasma batteries.
Grace of sopha: Change Engine to a Jovian 2 (Don't know if it's possible, nothing says you can't), it then leaves 2 points of power left over.
Chains of Dusk: Downgrade quarters to Pressed crew quarters, Downgrade M201b auger to a M100 Auger. Spaces are then all square with 4 points of power left.
Ordained Destiny: Remove the Poncy Hull (Sorry, Gilded), Downgrade M201b Auger to M100 Auger, Downgrade Vitae Life Support to M1r Life Support. Spaces and Power are then all square. LOTE says Hull is 65, Manoeuvrability is 10, and Armour is 17, it supose to be Hull 20, Manoeuvrability is 12, and Armour is 20.
Lets just hope FFG pays attention to this thread and properly proof reads what they're writing, and gives us some erratta.
Alasseo said:
Um, sorry bobh, but you had the spelling right: it is Geller (as in Yuri Geller), not Gellar (as in Sarah Michelle Gellar). Common mistake, and one which always bugs me when I come across it.
Ha Thats hilarious, I changed it after noting the spelling was Gellar in all the ships i saw in Lure of the Expanse. O well I'll change it back.
Ravion Lupus said:
Bobh, just been doing some changing of things, corrected a few of the ships by changing components. Still can't work out the nihontu though, without downgrading the plasma batteries.
Grace of sopha: Change Engine to a Jovian 2 (Don't know if it's possible, nothing says you can't), it then leaves 2 points of power left over.
Chains of Dusk: Downgrade quarters to Pressed crew quarters, Downgrade M201b auger to a M100 Auger. Spaces are then all square with 4 points of power left.
Ordained Destiny: Remove the Poncy Hull (Sorry, Gilded), Downgrade M201b Auger to M100 Auger, Downgrade Vitae Life Support to M1r Life Support. Spaces and Power are then all square. LOTE says Hull is 65, Manoeuvrability is 10, and Armour is 17, it supose to be Hull 20, Manoeuvrability is 12, and Armour is 20.
Lets just hope FFG pays attention to this thread and properly proof reads what they're writing, and gives us some erratta.
The Lure ships definitely need some errata, not to mention they have no Past history or Machine Spirit Oddities but some of them actually use components that require PH and MSO. Sigh.