Solo Discussion Thread [NON-SPOILERS!]

By Forresto, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Before, I was going to watch Solo. But then, this post popped out and I saw someone saying to boycott Solo and because of Kathleen. Still, I asked myself why? Who is Kathleen? Until that day, I had no idea who she was, the only thing I knew was that I dislike A LOT The Last Jedi and I was blamming only Rian Johnson, not Kathleen Kennedy. Then, a friend of mine also said he will not watch Solo and he will boycott Disney Star Wars, I asked why and he was the one that enlighted me about SJW (I read about here on the forum, but again I had no idea what term means until he explained to me) and about Kaithleen. Those are just a few videos that he showed me and I started to see the big picture behind the scenes of Disney Star Wars, and why The Last Jedi is so bad as it is:

Take your own personal conclusions.

1 hour ago, Ginkapo said:

Please say you are American. It will make my day. :)

Maaaan, I don't want him.

4 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Take your own personal conclusions.

My conclusion is that you have no idea what you're talking about with regards to ANYTHING.

11 minutes ago, geek19 said:

My conclusion is that you have no idea what you're talking about with regards to ANYTHING.

Congratz, you proved me your ignorance for replying before watching. You are so infantile, how old are you? Wait... I don't want to know neither.

You are aware that Star Wars Armada is Disney Star Wars right? Just letting you know for your boycott.

34 minutes ago, Seabook said:


But that isn't what you are saying.

you're saying different things that make you look like an incel red-pill trumpet, but if you've re-evaluated how and what you are saying sure.

Edited by Geressen
3 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Congratz, you proved me your ignorance for replying before watching. You are so infantile, how old are you? Wait... I don't want to know neither.

All I need is him to call me "sheeple" and I get to call Bingo again, right?

11 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Congratz, you proved me your ignorance for replying before watching. You are so infantile, how old are you? Wait... I don't want to know neither.

Oh no, I watched- it just came across as more ignorant whining is all. I turned it off around the "Lando wants to **** a toaster" part- that pretty much sealed the immaturity coffin for me on that one

@Seabook You seem awfully upset about a thing you've apparently only known about for a few days.

Can you tell us in your *own* words what aspects of the new Star Wars movies upset you? Don't link someone else's video (and perhaps monitor where you get your entertainment from? That channel is NOTHING but anger about Star Wars and Black Panther ruining movies for white men...)

There was plenty in the new movies that I felt was dumb. Leia space-flying. The arcing shots and silly bombers, etc. But you seem to have really grabbed onto this notion of "SJW" stuff that bothers you.

Put it in your own words. Why does a diverse cast bug ya?

2 minutes ago, duck_bird said:

There was plenty in the new movies that I felt was dumb. Leia space-flying. The arcing shots and silly bombers, etc. But you seem to have really grabbed onto this notion of "SJW" stuff that bothers you.

Put it in your own words. Why does a diverse cast bug ya?

This! There were SO MANY REASONS to hate last jedi...

But this? This is the hill you choose to stand on?

Just now, Seabook said:

she defends minority and Star Wars shouldn't be a place for this.

so your problem with star wars is:

1:a woman put minorities in star wars

2:there should not be minorities in star wars


I think you are wrong.

38 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Take your own personal conclusions.

So I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and watch the videos so that I could try to understand where you were coming from...

I couldn't see the relevance of the first one and why you'd shared it, and in the second one, the person that wrote the letter that is quoted has completely misunderstood pansexuality, and therefore many in his audience will have too.

Being a pansexual does not mean 'trees and toasters turn you on' (to paraphrase), but rather that sex and gender do not come into the equation where romantic feelings are concerned.

I've always assumed that Lando was Pansexual, as Captain Kirk must be, and probably Starlord too. If you're sleeping with aliens, even if they look like a female humanoid, chances are their culture does not consider gender in the same way as ours, and their DNA and evolutionary journey is not a direct mirror of ours on Earth, and therefore are not genetically 'male' or 'female'.

And for the record, I hated the Last Jedi, but that was because of poor plot points, a feeling that they treated the characters with very little respect, and humour that works in Marvel films, but not so much in Star Wars films. I actually like Rey, Finn and Poe, I think they're great characters, but the film was terrible.

Boycotting Solo is a bad move in my opinion, simply because this is a good film again, that caters to the fans far more, but if it doesn't do well then Disney will assume the fans do not want more movies that do just so.

Edited by stpleco
3 minutes ago, duck_bird said:

@Seabook You seem awfully upset about a thing you've apparently only known about for a few days.

Can you tell us in your *own* words what aspects of the new Star Wars movies upset you? Don't link someone else's video (and perhaps monitor where you get your entertainment from? That channel is NOTHING but anger about Star Wars and Black Panther ruining movies for white men...)

There was plenty in the new movies that I felt was dumb. Leia space-flying. The arcing shots and silly bombers, etc. But you seem to have really grabbed onto this notion of "SJW" stuff that bothers you.

Put it in your own words. Why does a diverse cast bug ya?

Again, I have nothing against diversity on the cast. But how Kathleen is doing things is just not right?! What Kathleen is doing is just adding ppl that she likes. Or what Rian Johnson did with a bad written TLJ? Are you ok with that? Doesn't bug you he is free to write the next trilogy? And this with her approval. Also, why destroying the characters from original trilogy? Why we couldn't have other incredible storyes or characters like Mara Jade from Thrawn Trilogy?

20 minutes ago, stpleco said:

So I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and watch the videos so that I could try to understand where you were coming from...

I couldn't see the relevance of the first one and why you'd shared it, and in the second one, the person that wrote the letter that is quoted has completely misunderstood pansexuality, and therefore many in his audience will have too.

Being a pansexual does not mean 'trees and toasters turn you on' (to paraphrase), but rather that sex and gender do not come into the equation where romantic feelings are concerned.

I've always assumed that Lando was Pansexual, as Captain Kirk must be, and probably Starlord too. If you're sleeping with aliens, even if they look like a female humanoid, chances are their culture does not consider gender in the same way as ours, and their DNA and evolutionary journey is not a direct mirror of ours on Earth, and therefore are not genetically 'male' or 'female'.

And for the record, I hated the Last Jedi, but that was because of poor plot points, a feeling that they treated the characters with very little respect, and humour that works in Marvel films, but not so much in Star Wars films. I actually like Rey, Finn and Poe, I think they're great characters, but the film was terrible.

Boycotting Solo is a bad move in my opinion, simply because this is a good film again, that caters to the fans far more, but if it doesn't do well then Disney will assume the fans do not want more movies that do just so.

I liked The Force Awaken, and simply couldn't understand why they couldn't keep the story flowing normaly with Luke trainning Rey, instead of seeing what we saw on TLJ. I just saw no connections between TFA and TLJ. As for boycotting being a bad idea, just suggesting to Disney to remove Kathleen and Rian Johnson won't work, I am open for ideas.

Edited by Seabook

I just don't get it. Watched Solo this morning with my wife and we both loved it. It felt like Star Wars, I definitely got a young Solo vibe from Han. Lando was played so creepily perfectly by Glover he sounded exactly like Billy Dee a couple of times, and there were at least two strong female characters. Plus a cool bad guy.

15 minutes ago, MandalorianMoose said:

I turned it off around the "Lando wants to **** a toaster" part

Fancy that, apparently you and I had the exact same threshold for "yeah this is complete bollocks".

Yay another one for the ignore list!

12 minutes ago, Truthiness said:

Yay another one for the ignore list!

As a reminder, folks, you can add people to your ignore list by clicking on your profile picture/name in the upper right corner, at which point a drop down menu should present you with the "Ignored Users" link under "Settings." It explains how it works pretty well from there.



We get it, the movie is bad. If all the characters were heterosexual white males, the movie would still be just as bad. It's not some conspiracy by the SJWs. Honestly we much rather spend our time fighting for important things and being gay. Stop digging your hole deeper. Give me the repulsor-shovel.

Edited by CommanderBurnham
9 hours ago, Ginkapo said:

I havent seen the film yet. Lando is apparently sexually fluid...

I think that came from the screenwriter, but in the movie he’s not different from what we can imagine from ESB. Of course he oozes sexiness — he’s Lando Calrissian! Even if he’s not hitting on you he makes you feel like you want him to hit on you. His sexual preferences are not on display in the film.

8 minutes ago, Tayloraj100 said:

I think that came from the screenwriter, but in the movie he’s not different from what we can imagine from ESB. Of course he oozes sexiness — he’s Lando Calrissian! Even if he’s not hitting on you he makes you feel like you want him to hit on you. His sexual preferences are not on display in the film.

Also, Lando could totally be only romantically attracted to L337.

And can someone go upthread and edit an early post to explain that SJW means “Social Justice Warrior”? Because while I know what that is, in a discussion about this movie franchise I expect S to mean “star,” j to mean “jedi,” and w to mean “wars.” I was confused for most of this thread, I’m sorry to say.

(And, if it matters, while there is a single character with a social justice agenda, the film itself seems agnostic about it, and an argument could be made for that character trait being played for laughs.)