Solo Discussion Thread [NON-SPOILERS!]

By Forresto, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic



Solo premieres tonight in the States.

Please keep the discussion respectful and civil. You can love the film you can hate the film, but don't attack eachother for opinions.

So is it good? I'm expecting a fun movie, but not top tier Star Wars.

I am in the Solo boycott group so we can get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW motivated story lines..

15 minutes ago, itzSteve said:

I am in the Solo boycott group so we can get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW motivated story lines..

Yeah, like that's gonna happen. And she's not a SJW, she's a cynical neoliberal.

I was cautiously optimistic about Solo, then I got a little worried after reading some of the early mixed reviews but now having watched it I can say Solo is a very enjoyable movie. Han, Chewie and Lando were great. The rest of the cast were decent to good. L3 not as annoying as I was expected here to be. Her personal agenda is a bit of an eye-roll but it doesn't become grating. Just like Rogue One, Solo is similarly made for the fans; the biggest plot reveal at the end of the movie only works if you've been keeping up with the tv series and published canon material.

Story overall is pretty simple and straightforward, which I think is a good thing as this acts a good palate cleanser after the heaviness (and divisiveness) of TLJ. Already I have to a few friends who hated TLJ say that they like Solo so much more. It just meets all their expectations of a Star Wars movie.

So for those who are on the fence about this, I recommend just going out to watch this. You might end up liking it:) 

Speaking to those who think they can force change in Lucasfilm by boycotting Solo, that's just dumb and immature. If Solo fails it should fail because it's a bad movie (which it is not), not because of some preconceived notion that it's out to promote an agenda you don't agree with. It's not like I even entirely agree with Lucasfilm's direction for SW under KK's leadership; they are pushing their so called "SJW" message a little too hard, but I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water, which the haters seem to want to do. All this hissy fit throwing is just making things worse and souring the experience of enjoying SW. Just move on with life if you don't like it anymore, its not politics (unless you wanna make it so).

20 minutes ago, Wraithdt said:

I was cautiously optimistic about Solo, then I got a little worried after reading some of the early mixed reviews but now having watched it I can say Solo is a very enjoyable movie. Han, Chewie and Lando were great. The rest of the cast were decent to good. L3 not as annoying as I was expected here to be. Her personal agenda is a bit of an eye-roll but it doesn't become grating. Just like Rogue One, Solo is similarly made for the fans; the biggest plot reveal at the end of the movie only works if you've been keeping up with the tv series and published canon material.

Story overall is pretty simple and straightforward, which I think is a good thing as this acts a good palate cleanser after the heaviness (and divisiveness) of TLJ. Already I have to a few friends who hated TLJ say that they like Solo so much more. It just meets all their expectations of a Star Wars movie.

So for those who are on the fence about this, I recommend just going out to watch this. You might end up liking it:) 

Speaking to those who think they can force change in Lucasfilm by boycotting Solo, that's just dumb and immature. If Solo fails it should fail because it's a bad movie (which it is not), not because of some preconceived notion that it's out to promote an agenda you don't agree with. It's not like I even entirely agree with Lucasfilm's direction for SW under KK's leadership; they are pushing their so called "SJW" message a little too hard, but I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water, which the haters seem to want to do. All this hissy fit throwing is just making things worse and souring the experience of enjoying SW. Just move on with life if you don't like it anymore, its not politics (unless you wanna make it so).

How did the actor do? Did he pull off “Han”? That’s what I’m most worried about as his few lines from the trailers fell completely flat for me

17 minutes ago, MandalorianMoose said:

How did the actor do? Did he pull off “Han”? That’s what I’m most worried about as his few lines from the trailers fell completely flat for me

I totally get what you mean. I had the same reaction from the trailers. To put it simply, for the duration of the film, he made me forget that Harrison Ford is Han. I mean he is, but so is Alden. Once you see his performance in context and in its entirety you'll get what I mean. It also helps that this movie is roughly a decade removed from ANH.

Edited by Wraithdt

It doesn't suck. It's better than the early trailers make out

Solo was OK. It’s a movie set in the Star Wars universe but at no time did I feel like I was getting a Star Wars experience.

If anything it made me want to watch Firefly again. Captain Renolds did a better Han impersonation.

I thought it was brilliant, and all of the actors were great. Alden's Han was really good, not the same as Ford's Han, but that works as he is playing a younger, less mature version. He plays the part well. Donald Glover steals the show in every scene he's in though, absolutely perfect. Harrelson, Bettany and Clarke played great supporting characters, and L3 was the light relief.

Definitely in the top 2 of the new Star Wars (along with Rogue One).

I will be recommending to everyone, star wars fan or not, to go see this film as I want more stuff like this and less like the abysmal Last Jedi.

I wasn't a fan at all. I enjoyed force awakens and forgive a lot about last jedi but I really couldn't stand this movie. There are two parts I enjoyed, but other than that I thought it was trash.

Well, the only thing I wanted to know was if Solo was for people that loved Rogue One or for the people that loved The Last Jedi. Since it was made for fans that loved Rogue One, I am going to watch this movie in theathers, otherwise, I wouldn't :3

17 hours ago, itzSteve said:

I am in the Solo boycott group so we can get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW motivated story lines..

Maybe while you're at it you can boycott these forums, too.

For those who have seen it: Was the Arrestor still featured? Did it show prominently in a scene?

19 minutes ago, JauntyChapeau said:

Maybe while you're at it you can boycott these forums, too.

This is very polemic, as I myself didn't liked what they did with The Last Jedi neither. I don't like this forced SJW neither and I hope Solo wasn't influenced by that, hope it is influenced by Rogue One and by original Star Wars trilogy story. Or is it too much to ask to have a normal Star Wars movie without all this real world crap stuff on my favourite fictional universe? There are many places for Disney to cover SJW and w/e they like, but leave Star Wars alone, althought I know that is not gonna happen with Rian Johnson in charge for the next trilogy. Very sad times for Star Wars :/

18 hours ago, itzSteve said:

I am in the Solo boycott group so we can get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW motivated story lines..

You're more likely to result in Disney stopping these one off side story movies in favor of main trilogy films as those are generating the most money. I think that would be a shame, because the side story films really have the most room to get creative.

36 minutes ago, Seabook said:

This is very polemic, as I myself didn't liked what they did with The Last Jedi neither. I don't like this forced SJW neither and I hope Solo wasn't influenced by that, hope it is influenced by Rogue One and by original Star Wars trilogy story. Or is it too much to ask to have a normal Star Wars movie without all this real world crap stuff on my favourite fictional universe? There are many places for Disney to cover SJW and w/e they like, but leave Star Wars alone, althought I know that is not gonna happen with Rian Johnson in charge for the next trilogy. Very sad times for Star Wars ?

I can’t think of a single Star Wars film that didn’t feature political undertones. The prequels are full of politics, the emperor was loosely based on **** Cheney, Anakin was based on G W. The empire was the Republican Party. This is all straight from George Lucas. Last Jedi has nothing on the prequels when it comes to politics unless you’re a trump flake.

Can we let go of the politics? I’m really not interested in SJW nor am I interested in someone else calling names (Trump flake- is that really necessary? So very tolerant...)

Let’s talk Solo: A Star Wars Story. How was the cinematography? Did it feel like a Star Wars film? Was it more in the feel/look if Rogue One or The Last Jedi? How was the music?

What is the actual "SJW crap" in the newer star wars movies? Maybe I'm out of the loop but is the mere presence of women or minorities an "agenda" to people?

21 hours ago, CommanderBurnham said:

Yeah, like that's gonna happen. And she's not a SJW, she's a cynical neoliberal.

alt right/red pill call everyone snowflakes or SJW, it's an otherisation tactic where they no longer have to respect or pay attention or justify their complaints to and about people.

pretty funny when you consider that they are the ones whining like special snowflakes.

pay attention next time one whinges about all modern music/art/anything being bad and the same and then imediatly blames not the capitalist forces that drive artists to do what the majority demands but the social marxist boogeyman. it's hilarious.

Edited by Geressen
4 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

For those who have seen it: Was the Arrestor still featured? Did it show prominently in a scene?

Not sure if that's spoilery or not so i made it tiny.

Literally not in the movie at all. It's in A poster that looks like a propaganda attempt by the empire next to an ISD. if you blink you'll miss it.

4 hours ago, JauntyChapeau said:

Maybe while you're at it you can boycott these forums, too.

If Kathleen Kennedy was in charge, I just might... ?

1 hour ago, duck_bird said:

What is the actual "SJW crap" in the newer star wars movies? Maybe I'm out of the loop but is the mere presence of women or minorities an "agenda" to people?

Maybe they don't like the fact that the first 3 Disney Star Wars films had female leads? :blink: Confused....

It was AWESOME!!!! I absolutely despised the last Jedi with how it handled old characters, plot holes, pointless storylines, cheesy 4th wall breaking marvel universe type jokes.

This had none of that. The actor nails “Young Han”- the story is well thought out and delivered excellently. I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat, got me in the feels, everything I wanted out of a Star Wars movie.

and it FELT like Star Wars.

I don’t know what kind of shape it was in before, but Ron Howard salvaged it and knocked it out of the park

17 hours ago, Thalomen said:

Can we let go of the politics? I’m really not interested in SJW nor am I interested in someone else calling names (Trump flake- is that really necessary? So very tolerant...)

Let’s talk Solo: A Star Wars Story. How was the cinematography? Did it feel like a Star Wars film? Was it more in the feel/look if Rogue One or The Last Jedi? How was the music?

One thing I think everyone can agree on with the Last Jedi and the Force Awakens is how good they looked, the cinematography was beyond most films.

Based off one viewing, which is hardly enough for analysis, Solo is definitely a different style thats not nearly as experimental. Its not poorly filmed at all, more akin to Rogue One, but its sort've basic. I think Ron Howard is a great person, a nice guy, and a good filmmaker but he's what my film professor taught us is the ideal director for studios, competent and consistent.

The movie shines though in how comfortable it is within the Star Wars universe, in a way I can't say i've rarely seen in the EU or New Canon books and comics. It feels like Star Wars, but there are times where it doesnt immediately because its such a different perspective on the universe, which is exactly what it should be.