Solo Discussion Thread [NON-SPOILERS!]

By Forresto, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

1 hour ago, Seabook said:

Meh... I changed my mind... after searching and learning more about Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, SJW etc, I decided to boycott too. Nothing against Solo... just can't tolerate those minority politic stuff throwed in my favourite far, far away galaxy. Kathleen Kennedy must retire from Star Wars by any means and by any cost. What she thinks and wants to do have nothing to do with Star Wars or with what George Lucas did. In one of her interviews WITH George Lucas, she said she would PROTECT the characters, but she only destroyed them for her own selfish ideals. The Force is more stronger on women? White man have no space? Tbh, I feel myself attacked by her. I must agree with the people that said that she is killing Star Wars. Gender/race/sexuality ideology... really? In Star Wars? Ridiculous and unacceptable...

? ? ?

of all the reasons to hate TLJ it’s because of equal rights? Because it’s not JUST white guys and one damsel in distress?

Dont get me wrong, I HATED last jedi, but not for any of the reasons you listed above (well, I agree she **** on the old characters but that didn’t have anything to do with SJW)- poor plot filled with holes, marvel movie type jokes, and bad, lazy writing are enough reasons to hate the film.

The fact that you feel “personally attacked” that people of color and women have lead roles is frankly quite pathetic.

“The little guy” struggling to survive (ESPECIALLY under the rule of the Empire) is a huge thing in Star Wars- it’s pretty much how the Rebellion started.

You are only hurting yourself by not seeing Solo- it’s a very well done film that transported me to my favorite galaxy from start to finish

Edited by MandalorianMoose
1 hour ago, Seabook said:

The Force is more stronger on women?

Correction. The force is stronger in one women at one point in time. Which stacks up pretty badly against Anakin, Yoda and Luke.

There was bound to be a female strong in the force at some point. In an infinite galaxy it was inevitable. Just as its actually quite unlikely to have so many white humanoids about. I personally think there is a lack of non humanoid characters in Star Wars films. CGI and make up are far beyond the limitations of the first trilogy at this point.

Now, shall we discuss Landos sexuality?

Spoiler apparently...

Edited by MandalorianMoose
9 minutes ago, MandalorianMoose said:


I havent seen the film yet. Lando is apparently sexually fluid...

Edited by Ginkapo

I mean...the anti-facism messages in the original star-wars films. The complete lack of female villains in the first 6 movies of any form. Star Wars has always been pretty hard pushing on the "powerful men that want to control everything are an issue" topic. Having more women characters that do things isn't a social justice issue, it's a broadening of perspective in a newer, more socially progressive world. Star Wars is run by a corporation, and they want to reach the greatest number of potential audience members, and guess what? White men aren't the only people out there. Having more mixing of gender, race, perspective, is only good for their wallets, and if that means letting my students see someone who looks like them in a movie, or thinks like them in a movie, I don't have a problem with that.

5 minutes ago, MandalorianMoose said:


Dude, check your spoilers

Edited by Alzer
1 minute ago, Alzer said:

Dude, check your spoilers

Meh, you see it coming from a mile away

2 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

I havent seen the film yet. Lando is apparently sexually fluid...

Doesn’t surprise me, the man OOZES sex...

1 minute ago, MandalorianMoose said:

Meh, you see it coming from a mile away

See it coming, and "Have Seen It" are different things.

Just now, Alzer said:

See it coming, and "Have Seen It" are different things.

Plus that was like, SUPER vague... if you can figure anything out from that that is most impressive

But anyway, let’s get back to the topic at hand, which is making fun of Seabook for feeling personally threatened by strong fictional female characters

10 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

Correction. The force is stronger in one women at one point in time. Which stacks up pretty badly against Anakin, Yoda and Luke.

There was bound to be a female strong in the force at some point. In an infinite galaxy it was inevitable. Just as its actually quite unlikely to have so many white humanoids about. I personally think there is a lack of non humanoid characters in Star Wars films. CGI and make up are far beyond the limitations of the first trilogy at this point.

Now, shall we discuss Landos sexuality?

See I think this boils down to the gamification of the force. It's not a leveling system. You dont train foe a year and unlock lift boulder.

You're either attuned to the force or youre not. Like music.

Man that Mozart, so overpowered writing a full opera by age 8 lol

To me as a huge fan of the film Amadeus, i've always seen Rey and Kylo are Mozart and salieri.

Some people are truly brilliant with little training and I do think if Rey was a man people would be far less critical.

What I do have an issue is lightsaber combat. I think her lack of training with a saber cheapens the idea of lightsaber combat but I can live with it in this singular instance and I hope we get a time jump by episode 9 that shows she's been training for a few years.

8 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

I havent seen the film yet. Lando is apparently sexually fluid...

Which makes sense in a galaxy full of aliens. If you're into anyone not human you would be, doesnt matter how uh, similar they are to human physiology.

This applies to so many Sci fi characters and has been accepted since the days of John Carter a century ago.

Lando and Captain Kirk are birds of a feather now and I think that's great.

2 hours ago, Seabook said:

Meh... I changed my mind... after searching and learning more about Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, SJW etc, I decided to boycott too. Nothing against Solo... just can't tolerate those minority politic stuff throwed in my favourite far, far away galaxy. Kathleen Kennedy must retire from Star Wars by any means and by any cost. What she thinks and wants to do have nothing to do with Star Wars or with what George Lucas did. In one of her interviews WITH George Lucas, she said she would PROTECT the characters, but she only destroyed them for her own selfish ideals. The Force is more stronger on women? White man have no space? Tbh, I feel myself attacked by her. I must agree with the people that said that she is killing Star Wars. Gender/race/sexuality ideology... really? In Star Wars? Ridiculous and unacceptable...

I guess you didn’t pay attention to every other Star Wars movie made then.

If you’re offended by women and minorities getting screen time in a movie, that says a lot more about you than it does sjw or Kathleen Kennedy.

Edited by ninclouse2000

It is way beyond that, I have nothing against setting women as overpowered Jedi, I even defended Rey myself and heck... would have loved to see Mara Jade. But lets face it... Kathleen only wants to change everything, she doesn't want to keep what George Lucas left behind, she only wants to do what she wants: women is the way of the Force, more women and less men working with her (she even wants a female director to run a Star Wars movie), more different races, colors or sexuality option (still bugs me a lot the idea of killing Han Solo on episode VII just to bring some weird idea about Leia with Holdo on episode VIII...) and now it seens I need to get worryed about Lando sexuality too... shouldn't they pick the best of the best to make Star Wars movies instead of worrying about if an actor/actress/director etc fills the personal requirements of what Kathleen wants?!

1 hour ago, MandalorianMoose said:

The fact that you feel “personally attacked” that people of color and women have lead roles is frankly quite pathetic.

Tell that to Poe Dameron, buddy.

7 minutes ago, Seabook said:

It is way beyond that, I have nothing against setting women as overpowered Jedi, I even defended Rey myself and heck... would have loved to see Mara Jade. But lets face it... Kathleen only wants to change everything, she doesn't want to keep what George Lucas left behind, she only wants to do what she wants: women is the way of the Force, more women and less men working with her (she even wants a female director to run a Star Wars movie), more different races, colors or sexuality option (still bugs me a lot the idea of killing Han Solo on episode VII just to bring some weird idea about Leia with Holdo on episode VIII...) and now it seens I need to get worryed about Lando sexuality too... shouldn't they pick the best of the best to make Star Wars movies instead of worrying about if an actor/actress/director etc fills the personal requirements of what Kathleen wants?!

Tell that to Poe Dameron, buddy.

I just.... where to begin?

How about here - (she even wants a female director to run a Star Wars movie)

The fact that you even said this is disgusting, and I think you will find it ruined what little credibility you had left with a good majority of people on this forum. Is it just unacceptable to you that a women would ever direct a Star Wars film? I’ll never wrap my head around that type of thinking, maybe you could elaborate on why....

and now it seens I need to get worryed about Lando sexuality too...

why would this be anything to "worry" about- does it have any effect on... anything?

Tell that to Poe Dameron, buddy.

lol wut?

Kathleen only wants to change everything, she doesn't want to keep what George Lucas left behind, she only wants to do what she wants:

The only film out of all the Disney era movies that has given me this vibe was TLJ, and I'd say that stemmed for from Rian Johnson than KK

Edited by MandalorianMoose
1 minute ago, MandalorianMoose said:

I just.... where to begin?

How about here - (she even wants a female director to run a Star Wars movie)

The fact that you even said this is disgusting, and I think you will find it ruined what little credibility you had left with a good majority of people on this forum.

Then I think you didn't understand my point: pick the director to make the best Star Wars movie ever, because of the quality that person have, doesn't matter the gender/color or w/e. Kathleen is to blame here, not me.

Just search Kathleen interviews, read the critics and you might end up reaching to the same conclusion as I just got now, cuz I knew nothing of this. There are better people out there and videos that can explain better than myself what Kathleen is doing. Probably Solo is 10x better than TLJ, and I might miss a good movie, but will be worth if somebody kick Kathleen away from Star Wars if the movies gets less people watching. Got no excitment to watch for the next trilogy neither. Best to go back and read to the expanded universe storyes. :/

Growing up, popular kids movies had few female characters. And those that did exist were often solely relegated to the love interest, damsel in distress, or cute/plucky sidekick.

My entire generation of women grew up able to relate to and empathize with male characters. It was pretty much all we had.

It amazes me that as soon as female characters have more than token "pretty girl the main character pursues" roles, so many young men get furious.

How can you honestly say you feel "attacked" by these new Star Wars movies? I honestly don't think they were great , but I enjoyed them. I really don't get how this can personally threaten you.

2 minutes ago, duck_bird said:

Growing up, popular kids movies had few female characters. And those that did exist were often solely relegated to the love interest, damsel in distress, or cute/plucky sidekick.

My entire generation of women grew up able to relate to and empathize with male characters. It was pretty much all we had.

It amazes me that as soon as female characters have more than token "pretty girl the main character pursues" roles, so many young men get furious.

How can you honestly say you feel "attacked" by these new Star Wars movies? I honestly don't think they were great , but I enjoyed them. I really don't get how this can personally threaten you.

Again, search and watch Kathleen interviews. As I said, I knew nothing about this until I started to search more about her. Trust me, she is not the best person to be on George Lucas place, she backstabed him. Or just do nothing if you think it is all marvelous and good :P

Lemme see, I got "the interviews and data are there, you just have to come to.your own conclusions", the "SJW" free space, statements that he supports female main characters/roles when his actions show he doesn't, fear of a fictional character having a sexuality different from heterosexual, and not understanding that Harrison Ford only came back to 7 when he was promised he could be killed not because Leia was going to be a lesbian (which again, non heterosexual gasp!)

I think that's a BINGO for me. Man, I really didn't think that last square was gonna be the one that did it! What do I win for this all, his fedora?

I don’t understand where the Leia is a lesbian thing came from, maybe I missed the make out scene when I went to the bathroom or something?

Or is it just possible that they are two female friends that have become close through idk, leading a rebellion against a tyrannical Empire and now Empire lite?

no...couldn’t be that.... must be SJW agenda

Ikr, had to search about that too, but that is what the main people behind the story wanted to be: Holdo and Leia being more than just friends. Again and for the last time, hold some minutes or a hour and search, or keep convinced by just what you watched on the movie.

23 minutes ago, geek19 said:

Lemme see, I got "the interviews and data are there, you just have to come to.your own conclusions", the "SJW" free space, statements that he supports female main characters/roles when his actions show he doesn't, fear of a fictional character having a sexuality different from heterosexual, and not understanding that Harrison Ford only came back to 7 when he was promised he could be killed not because Leia was going to be a lesbian (which again, non heterosexual gasp!)

I think that's a BINGO for me. Man, I really didn't think that last square was gonna be the one that did it! What do I win for this all, his fedora?

Yup, Star Wars is getting closer to a homosexual kiss, yay?

3 hours ago, Seabook said:

Meh... I changed my mind... after searching and learning more about Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, SJW etc, I decided to boycott too. Nothing against Solo... just can't tolerate those minority politic stuff throwed in my favourite far, far away galaxy. Kathleen Kennedy must retire from Star Wars by any means and by any cost. What she thinks and wants to do have nothing to do with Star Wars or with what George Lucas did. In one of her interviews WITH George Lucas, she said she would PROTECT the characters, but she only destroyed them for her own selfish ideals. The Force is more stronger on women? White man have no space? Tbh, I feel myself attacked by her. I must agree with the people that said that she is killing Star Wars. Gender/race/sexuality ideology... really? In Star Wars? Ridiculous and unacceptable...

"Arguing with fools is like playing chess with a pigeon. Even if you win, They will strut around like they won while deficating on the board." - unknown

4 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Yup, Star Wars is getting closer to a homosexual kiss, yay?

They have already had an incestial kiss. How'd you feel about that?

13 minutes ago, Seabook said:

Yup, Star Wars is getting closer to a homosexual kiss, yay?

There’s almost always a kiss, why does it matter if it’s a homo/hetero sexual one?

Side note- props to Rogue One for not cheapening it at the end there with a sappy kiss- it held more weight for me without it

Edited by MandalorianMoose

Plus, if anyone is gay in the new trilogy it’s the more than bro-love bromance between Poe and Finn.

Well, at least in my headcannon it is lol

Edited by MandalorianMoose