Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Oh yeah XD. Added it in. Thanks

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Excal'ur Pendragon: Survivor of order 66, disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Operatives have been unable to locate Pendragon, but images were extracted from the temple of what he looked like at the time, see below.

Side note, operatives have heard rumours of jedi survivors fleeing to Dantooine due to historical relevance. It is possible that Pendragon is one of those survivors, [redacted] will investigate further.


Edited by Stormbourne
3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , just so there's no confusion, I'm going to write up the contents of the info that you stole on the pc's. If I've made errors or missed stuff out for peoples characters, @Tramp Graphics , @EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , @TheShard , @player3333902 let me know!

Operation Scorch:

[Redacted] has compiled a list on what is believed to be the large majority of remaining force users in the known galaxy. The majority of those on this list are survivors of order 66 and the following hunt under the former Darth Vader and the inquisition. Targets are to be apprehended if possible, and eliminated if not.

Korath Lorren: With additional input from [redacted], Lorren has been identified as a force user who has been under the tutelage of several masters, and was an apprentice at the Skywalker academy. Operatives have presumed him to have been killed during the academies destruction. The file on Lorren was going to be closed, but [redacted] has demanded that it remain open. Operatives will continue to hunt for him. [Redacted] has provided a physical description, see below.

Reesh Zarru: A Gand former imperial operative who was a part of [redacted]. Proved to be a talented hunter who was part of several successful operations under the old empire. Disappeared aftter the battle of Yavin, presumably to Gand where he could blend in.

Additional, a second analysis of old records suggests that Zarru was one of several force users who made a prison break during transportation to Mustafar.

Side note, operatives have noted that a large concentration of hunters have been arriving on Zygeria, including several Gand findsman. Although it is unlikely that one is Zarru, it is an opportunity to test the hypothesis regarding the high concentration of force users in the findsman community. No physical description due to the familiarity in the species.

Ysanna Culture: Although no specific individuals have been identified, researchers has speculated that the people of Ossus are decedents of the old jedi culture. This should be investigated further, and may require a task force being dispatched to Ossus.

Excal'ur Pendragon: Survivor of order 66, disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Operatives have been unable to locate Pendragon, but images were extracted from the temple of what he looked like at the time, see below.

Side note, operatives have heard rumours of jedi survivors fleeing to Dantooine due to historical relevance. It is possible that Pendragon is one of those survivors, [redacted] will investigate further.

Drez'n Bercilak: Drall member of a Corellian sect of Jedi known as the green knights. Survivor of order 66, after which he disappeared. It is suspected that he fled to Drall where he can blend in. Seems to be the last survivor of the sect, although the popularity of the knights means he most likely has non force users assisting him in hiding. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below of what he looked like at the time of order 66.

Akua Serendine: Miraluka survivor of order 66. Additional priority is assigned to this target as a member of the former and current rebellion. Will have additional contacts of interest as well as possible leads on other force users. Capture is imperative. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below.

@EliasWindrider , I think without a check what Elias is sensing there may be a bit much. I'm ok with you knowing about something big coming, that's fair enough, but knowing all the details regarding a force user planning on stealing ships is a bit specific. If you want to make a sense check you may be able to identify a force user near by.

@player3333902 , if you want to do a sense check as well, that will allow you to sense Elias. The same check can be used to poke who he senses.

Bit of an info dump there, but I think it'll help get things rolling.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I know you put in a rule about a players characters not being linked, but considering @EliasWindrider has said that they won't be connected during training etc, it shouldn't be a massive problem. If he was planing to teach himself it'd be one thing, but he's not.

Also @TheShard , I should have asked, if you're making a forsee check, which upgrades do you want to activate with your force powers? Just so I know what he should be seeing.

The rule wasn't put in there simply because of potential training nepotism. IT was also to encourage more role-play between characters, and limit the awkward issues with trying to hold conversations essentially with yourself. I've had that problem myself in games where there were so few players, I ended up playing four or five characters, all with interconnected relationships, and trying to role-play convincing dialogue and character interaction was nearly impossible. It was like reading a script. It wasn't organic and fluid because I already knew what each person would say. That's not role-play. By requiring a player's two characters to have no connection to one another, it encourages that player to make connections with the other players' characters, not just his or her teacher. Thus, if a player wanted to have his character married to another character (PC or NPC), or be the relative of another character, or be the close friend of another character, that character had to belong to a different player, or be an NPC, in order to establish closer ties between players rather than artificial scripted interactions by the same player talking to himself.

As for the Info dump, It's unlikely that the First Order would know about the Ysanna as a culture or much, if anything about Ossus, based upon the information in Nexus of Power . They would only know about Elias' character because of his connection to Korath (elias was one of Korath's students). Also, Korath wasn't really an apprentice at the Skywalker academy. While he spent a little time their honing his skills, he spent much of his time their as an itinerant teacher.

Well the book also says'the legend of Ossus is public', so if there's a world out there with a whole culture of force users, these guys will be looking. Clones and separatists were both also present on the planet, so there's a chance that buried somewhere there are official records of those events.

If you look at legends stuff as well the empire tracked Luke to Ossus, and the new order and jedi had begin excavations of the planet after that.

As for Korath being a teacher, that can be changed int he details above easy enough.

33 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well the book also says'the legend of Ossus is public', so if there's a world out there with a whole culture of force users, these guys will be looking. Clones and separatists were both also present on the planet, so there's a chance that buried somewhere there are official records of those events.

If you look at legends stuff as well the empire tracked Luke to Ossus, and the new order and jedi had begin excavations of the planet after that.

As for Korath being a teacher, that can be changed int he details above easy enough.

Yeah, the legend, is, but canonically , very few people know where it is, or how to get to it. What information that is "public knowledge" is its ancient history up to the destruction of the Cron Star cluster. At most, the Empire restricted hyperspace traffic to the Cron Drift in order to impede treasure hunters who might go looking for the planet and its "treasures", but they had no official stance on the veracity of whether it even existed or not. (Nexus of Power page 64). So canonically, the Empire never found Ossus. Anything about Jedi survivors of the devastation of Ossus, or their "possible" descendents, the Ysanna is not even rumor, but ancient legend , as far as the general populous is concerned, known only to maybe a handful of scholars, such as Antron Bach and Jedi. As for the Clones and Separatists being on Ossus, that was also only in the Legends continuity, specifically the Clone Wars video game published in 2002. Canonically, Ossus was long abandoned by that time.

Now, we can probably presume that Luke also found Ossus in the new canon as well, during his search for the First Jedi temple, or even before, after the fall of the Empire (and it is from Luke that Korath originally got the coordinates). but the Empire certainly never did.

It has no effect on my characters, but it really isn't something that the First Order would really know much about. Why do you think Korath was on Ossus for the past few years? It's a safe haven .

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Perhaps not as safe as he thought. Considering the star wars universe, ancient legends are something people do take notice of so it's likely the order will still be checking it out as part of their job. Plus official government stances and unofficial stuff can be very different, so some may well believe the legends. Also the bit about the clones is in the nexus book so I will be using it. As far as I'm concerned it's enough for it to appear in the report, which should make for some interesting missions.

9 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Perhaps not as safe as he thought. Considering the star wars universe, ancient legends are something people do take notice of so it's likely the order will still be checking it out as part of their job. Plus official government stances and unofficial stuff can be very different, so some may well believe the legends. Also the bit about the clones is in the nexus book so I will be using it. As far as I'm concerned it's enough for it to appear in the report, which should make for some interesting missions.

I’m simply saying that information on the Ysanna should best be limited to Elias, given that character’s connection to Korath, and less his heritage. I say this because if the Empire has known that Ossus really existed, and/or its coordinates, they would have strip mined it like they did Ilum, which, thankfully, is not the case.

Edited by Tramp Graphics


this is all i can think about when i see you masters name


3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , just so there's no confusion, I'm going to write up the contents of the info that you stole on the pc's. If I've made errors or missed stuff out for peoples characters, @Tramp Graphics , @EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , @TheShard , @player3333902 let me know!

Operation Scorch:

[Redacted] has compiled a list on what is believed to be the large majority of remaining force users in the known galaxy. The majority of those on this list are survivors of order 66 and the following hunt under the former Darth Vader and the inquisition. Targets are to be apprehended if possible, and eliminated if not.

Korath Lorren: With additional input from [redacted], Lorren has been identified as a force user who has been under the tutelage of several masters, and was an apprentice at the Skywalker academy. Operatives have presumed him to have been killed during the academies destruction. The file on Lorren was going to be closed, but [redacted] has demanded that it remain open. Operatives will continue to hunt for him. [Redacted] has provided a physical description, see below.

Reesh Zarru: A Gand former imperial operative who was a part of [redacted]. Proved to be a talented hunter who was part of several successful operations under the old empire. Disappeared aftter the battle of Yavin, presumably to Gand where he could blend in.

Additional, a second analysis of old records suggests that Zarru was one of several force users who made a prison break during transportation to Mustafar.

Side note, operatives have noted that a large concentration of hunters have been arriving on Zygeria, including several Gand findsman. Although it is unlikely that one is Zarru, it is an opportunity to test the hypothesis regarding the high concentration of force users in the findsman community. No physical description due to the familiarity in the species.

Ysanna Culture: Although no specific individuals have been identified, researchers has speculated that the people of Ossus are decedents of the old jedi culture. This should be investigated further, and may require a task force being dispatched to Ossus.

Excal'ur Pendragon: Survivor of order 66, disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Operatives have been unable to locate Pendragon, but images were extracted from the temple of what he looked like at the time, see below.

Side note, operatives have heard rumours of jedi survivors fleeing to Dantooine due to historical relevance. It is possible that Pendragon is one of those survivors, [redacted] will investigate further.

Drez'n Bercilak: Drall member of a Corellian sect of Jedi known as the green knights. Survivor of order 66, after which he disappeared. It is suspected that he fled to Drall where he can blend in. Seems to be the last survivor of the sect, although the popularity of the knights means he most likely has non force users assisting him in hiding. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below of what he looked like at the time of order 66.

Akua Serendine: Miraluka survivor of order 66. Additional priority is assigned to this target as a member of the former and current rebellion. Will have additional contacts of interest as well as possible leads on other force users. Capture is imperative. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below.

@EliasWindrider , I think without a check what Elias is sensing there may be a bit much. I'm ok with you knowing about something big coming, that's fair enough, but knowing all the details regarding a force user planning on stealing ships is a bit specific. If you want to make a sense check you may be able to identify a force user near by.

@player3333902 , if you want to do a sense check as well, that will allow you to sense Elias. The same check can be used to poke who he senses.

Bit of an info dump there, but I think it'll help get things rolling.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I know you put in a rule about a players characters not being linked, but considering @EliasWindrider has said that they won't be connected during training etc, it shouldn't be a massive problem. If he was planing to teach himself it'd be one thing, but he's not.

Also @TheShard , I should have asked, if you're making a forsee check, which upgrades do you want to activate with your force powers? Just so I know what he should be seeing.

Ok, sounds good. Thanks! I currently don't have the sense abikuty though. I can learn it as I hv 100 xp remaining.

37 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:


this is all i can think about when i see you masters name


XD. Tbh, based her off Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. Esp with the new KH3 news, it resparked my interest XD

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I think without a check what Elias is sensing there may be a bit much. I'm ok with you knowing about something big coming, that's fair enough, but knowing all the details regarding a force user planning on stealing ships is a bit specific. If you want to make a sense check you may be able to identify a force user near by.

@Rabobankrider In this case it's a hazy view of his *personal* future, *how* he's going to get off of Dantooine and "go from point A to B." I deliberately specified no identifiable info about the thief, and omitted Akua Serendin  e entirely because it didn't involve his personal future/travel plans, it's someone he would meet up with along the way but was essential info about where they go next. But I will dial it back in the future and run future premonitions (is there any other type ? ) by you in PMs.

What's the difficulty of the sense check? Given that he was contacted "prodded" by Akua Serendine, I think that's enough personal knowledge to roll a seek check to locate him, would that check involve... just force dice or should I throw in discipline (or another skill) against what difficulty?

@Tramp Graphics in the case of PBP it's WRITING a script not reading one so your prior awkward/unatural live play experience is not analogous to the current situation. Also @Rabobankrider is the GM, the First Order knows whatever he wants them to know and your head canon is irrelevant (or only as relevant as @Rabobankrider wants it to be, and he's ruled on that) that said

@Rabobankrider I like the current ruling, but I'm also ok with Elias' connection to Korath being what stirred up prodding into the old ysanna/ossus legends, which could make both "interpretations" more or less correct.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Destiny points for Elias Windrider

Destiny roll : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Destiny points for Chemdat Windrider

Destiny roll : 1eF 1 Dark Side

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider In this case it's a hazy view of his *personal* future , *how* he's going to get off of Dantooine and "go from point A to B." I deliberately specified no identifiable info about the thief, and omitted Akua Serendin  e entirely because it didn't involve his personal future/travel plans, it's someone he would meet up with along the way but was essential info about where they go next. But I will dial it back in the future and run future premonitions (is there any other type ? ) by you in PMs.

What's the difficulty of the sense check? Given that he was contacted "prodded" by Akua Serendine, I think that's enough personal knowledge to roll a seek check to locate him, would that check involve... just force dice or should I throw in discipline (or another skill) against what difficulty?

from IC thread

Sense roll for previous premonition, will add discipline check if desired

Sense : 4eF 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png

@Rabobankrider Foresee is the appropriate power (almost verbatim to what I previously), and I just bought it with my 5 previously unspent xp (mentor bonus reduces it from 10), so we'll repurpose the quoted sense for premonition roll into a foresee for premonition role, and the 5 lightside FP should more than cover the premonition. At your discretion that is.

@Rabobankrider if you allow it, can I increase akua's total xp to 2000? Since she has alot of experience actually, having gone through both the clone wars and the rebellion era.

On 6/24/2018 at 6:57 PM, player3333902 said:

@Rabobankrider Tino will start on corellia, while Akua will start on a First Order run planet, where she was snooping around until she received a call by Korrath? And theb she heads to get picked up by him? I do not mind outting Akua on the list of force users the FO knows abt, bcse she was a kind of big player during the Enpire era, so they are bound to know about her.

I would provably know of Tino... Drez'n would keep tabs on notible Corellian force sensitives.

@Tramp Graphics i would have also been a part of said academy, however i probably would have left to concentrate on a growing sense of threat and isolated myself around the Corellian system.

19 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , just so there's no confusion, I'm going to write up the contents of the info that you stole on the pc's. If I've made errors or missed stuff out for peoples characters, @Tramp Graphics , @EliasWindrider , @Stormbourne , @TheShard , @player3333902 let me know!

Operation Scorch:

[Redacted] has compiled a list on what is believed to be the large majority of remaining force users in the known galaxy. The majority of those on this list are survivors of order 66 and the following hunt under the former Darth Vader and the inquisition. Targets are to be apprehended if possible, and eliminated if not.

Korath Lorren: With additional input from [redacted], Lorren has been identified as a force user who has been under the tutelage of several masters, and was an apprentice at the Skywalker academy. Operatives have presumed him to have been killed during the academies destruction. The file on Lorren was going to be closed, but [redacted] has demanded that it remain open. Operatives will continue to hunt for him. [Redacted] has provided a physical description, see below.

Reesh Zarru: A Gand former imperial operative who was a part of [redacted]. Proved to be a talented hunter who was part of several successful operations under the old empire. Disappeared aftter the battle of Yavin, presumably to Gand where he could blend in.

Additional, a second analysis of old records suggests that Zarru was one of several force users who made a prison break during transportation to Mustafar.

Side note, operatives have noted that a large concentration of hunters have been arriving on Zygeria, including several Gand findsman. Although it is unlikely that one is Zarru, it is an opportunity to test the hypothesis regarding the high concentration of force users in the findsman community. No physical description due to the familiarity in the species.

Ysanna Culture: Although no specific individuals have been identified, researchers has speculated that the people of Ossus are decedents of the old jedi culture. This should be investigated further, and may require a task force being dispatched to Ossus.

Excal'ur Pendragon: Survivor of order 66, disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Operatives have been unable to locate Pendragon, but images were extracted from the temple of what he looked like at the time, see below.

Side note, operatives have heard rumours of jedi survivors fleeing to Dantooine due to historical relevance. It is possible that Pendragon is one of those survivors, [redacted] will investigate further.

Drez'n Bercilak: Drall member of a Corellian sect of Jedi known as the green knights. Survivor of order 66, after which he disappeared. It is suspected that he fled to Drall where he can blend in. Seems to be the last survivor of the sect, although the popularity of the knights means he most likely has non force users assisting him in hiding. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below of what he looked like at the time of order 66.

Akua Serendine: Miraluka survivor of order 66. Additional priority is assigned to this target as a member of the former and current rebellion. Will have additional contacts of interest as well as possible leads on other force users. Capture is imperative. Images extracted from the temple can be seen below.

@EliasWindrider , I think without a check what Elias is sensing there may be a bit much. I'm ok with you knowing about something big coming, that's fair enough, but knowing all the details regarding a force user planning on stealing ships is a bit specific. If you want to make a sense check you may be able to identify a force user near by.

@player3333902 , if you want to do a sense check as well, that will allow you to sense Elias. The same check can be used to poke who he senses.

Bit of an info dump there, but I think it'll help get things rolling.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I know you put in a rule about a players characters not being linked, but considering @EliasWindrider has said that they won't be connected during training etc, it shouldn't be a massive problem. If he was planing to teach himself it'd be one thing, but he's not.

Also @TheShard , I should have asked, if you're making a forsee check, which upgrades do you want to activate with your force powers? Just so I know what he should be seeing.

I changed the backstory a bit sense we setting this a bit later. I would have learned from a holocron. Not a padawan survivor. My great great great etc grandfather was a famous green jedi, but I'm technically not a part of the sect as its dead at the moment. I would have trained as a knight/older padawan at luke's academy after having been largely self taught but never fully committed to it. Peaced out when i felt the incoming dread of a new evil and focused on building something in the corellian system. So i might have had a small dojo or something that got forcefully disbanded, when i had to hide.

One of the apprentices might be an old apprentice of mine back when i was less skilled (provably shouldn't have been teaching)

Edited by TheShard

Also gm's choice on upgrades its mostly narrative use at this point.

@EliasWindrider , fair enough, the reason I hadn't based their knowledge on Elias is because I didn't know what kind of info was disclosed with his background in your previous game. If you're cool with him being the link that works fine for me.

Also those points should be fine for the premonition stuff yeah.

@player3333902 , I think that may be a bit much as most people are at 1500. On that note, I think we should actually have the masters match their xp to try and reduce the chance of sidekick characters (no one wants to be Robin).

@TheShard , that sounds ok if @Lotr_Nerd is alright with it yeah, I'll get your premonition stuff up for you when I have a chance to do the ic post. I'll also say in the case of your backstory you were simpyl ID'd as a member of Luke's academy, but the suspicions about you hiding would probably be the same, minus their knowing of you being an unofficial green knight.

@Stormbourne , @Tramp Graphics and @CathyKitten , you guys are still up for the Manaan post when you're ready.

On a separate thought I had the other day, if this campaign is taking place between episode 7 and 8, when they release episode 9 that could mess with the plot line if people are concerned about canon and all that. I'd recommend in that case the game is set a bit before episode 7 to give some more play time in that universe. I'd also say that we should include legends stuff when we want, because there's a lot of cool stuff that may make for a good session (kotor inspiration etc).

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , fair enough, the reason I hadn't based their knowledge on Elias is because I didn't know what kind of info was disclosed with his background in your previous game. If you're cool with him being the link that works fine for me.

Also those points should be fine for the premonition stuff yeah.

@player3333902 , I think that may be a bit much as most people are at 1500. On that note, I think we should actually have the masters match their xp to try and reduce the chance of sidekick characters (no one wants to be Robin).

@TheShard , that sounds ok if @Lotr_Nerd is alright with it yeah, I'll get your premonition stuff up for you when I have a chance to do the ic post. I'll also say in the case of your backstory you were simpyl ID'd as a member of Luke's academy, but the suspicions about you hiding would probably be the same, minus their knowing of you being an unofficial green knight.

@Stormbourne , @Tramp Graphics and @CathyKitten , you guys are still up for the Manaan post when you're ready.

On a separate thought I had the other day, if this campaign is taking place between episode 7 and 8, when they release episode 9 that could mess with the plot line if people are concerned about canon and all that. I'd recommend in that case the game is set a bit before episode 7 to give some more play time in that universe. I'd also say that we should include legends stuff when we want, because there's a lot of cool stuff that may make for a good session (kotor inspiration etc).

I still need to take time during the trip for research and briefings to prepare everyone for the mission. The library and databanks on board should have a lot of information and lore on Manaan, that should make the mission a lot easier, and properly briefing everyone on that information will also remove up to one setback from all checks we all make. Korath's Holocron (made by his original Master) may also have more recent lore on it, possibly including potential clues to the "brotherhood" which Jonas belonged to. I just need the difficulties for Knowledge Lore checks. and then to get everyone to meet in the library/briefing room to impart whatever I learn. It doesn't have to be role-played out, but it does need to at least be narrated.

Well a few days have passed since your trip, so if you ask the others to join you, they may be willing to take part in a quick briefing before the mission. Do consider the way you ask them though, because I still want to avoid you getting shot at this stage.

Checks to find something on the brotherhood will be a formidable lore check as they were veeeeeeeery secret.

What other information on Manaan would you be looking for?

18 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well a few days have passed since your trip, so if you ask the others to join you, they may be willing to take part in a quick briefing before the mission. Do consider the way you ask them though, because I still want to avoid you getting shot at this stage.

Checks to find something on the brotherhood will be a formidable lore check as they were veeeeeeeery secret.

What other information on Manaan would you be looking for?

Anything and everything . Any clues that might lead us to what we seek, any historical information that might be applicable, any potential "legal pitfalls" we might run into, Proper maps, etc. As for the Brotherhood, or even Jonas in particular, it is possible Master Oruk'Ken'Ryu (Korath's Master), may have known some of them and included information that might help. It's purely a gamble on my part as Korath wouldn't necessarily know everything Master Oruk did, nor everything about Master Oruk's associates during the Clone Wars, given that Master Oruk was really an "old school" ( as in pre-Ruusan Reformations ) Jedi, and himself didn't agree with all of the changes the Order went through following those events.

You could use the Approaching Knowledge chapter from Disciples of Harmony as a guide to establishing what Korath, or anyone else who wants to help, might be able to learn depending upon his rolls. The Library grants one automatic Success and one automatic Advantage to any Lore checks we make.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Maps of the cities is average core check, maps of possible ancient ruins and sights would be a daunting lore. The legal pitfalls for tomb robbery are pretty similar to most worlds, but again, Korath has not been told what Ro'Ka's mission on Manaan is. Literally all he knows is that he was asked to deliver the Gank in return for the info and fuel. You'll need to take that into account in your briefing, as you'll be briefing for a mission you don't know.

Considering the emphasis put on the brotherhoods secrecy, I doubt he'd know anything. Even if he knew the masters, he'd not know about them being a part of the brotherhood.


Knowledge Core Worlds : 2eA+1eP+2eD 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
a-s.png a-s.png p-tr.png d-f-th.png d-f.png

Knowledge Lore : 2eA+1eP+4eD 4 successes, 5 threat
a-s.png a-s-s.png p-s-s.png d-th-th.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th.png

(with one added Success and one added Advantage (which cancels out one Threat) from the Jedi Star's Library/Databanks.

Talk to Oruk's Holocron: Lore: Brotherhood/Jonas:

Knowledge Lore : 2eA+1eP+5eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s.png a-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d--.png d--.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

I'm basically asking for anything he might know that might potentially lead me to any potential Jedi hiding on Manaan.

What do I learn?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Np @Rabobankrider , still got 100 xp can invest in smth