Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

43 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Didn't take long for this to mirror the old PBP thread.

What do you mean? What other thread?

12 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

What do you mean? What other thread?

This is Tramp’s second or third attempt at getting his “closure” campaign for Korath rolling.

Edited by Nytwyng
33 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

This is Tramp’s second or third attempt at getting his “closure” campaign for Korath rolling.

@Tramp Graphics why did your others games end?

2 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

Trying to do research on the ship, which book are you getting its stats for hardpoints? I have never seen a ship like this in any books I own.

Again, I am not sure why if docking in anyway is an issue if its flying next to the frieghter? You said youself

That it CAN connect, so what is really the issue you have with a second ship?

Really meta gaming this. We know nothing about what they are going to find on Manaan so this is just gaming the dice system to force this interaction of "all skill checks". I could see if we knew there were going to be ghosts and had planned for ectoplasma.

This is probally better than expected. I was never expecting Teetoe to keep a single ship very long. Crash it, sell it, or scrap it and move on to the next opportunity. Would he change his daredevil attitude when he has finally something to fight for or will he only increase the difficulty of stunts until his end, is basically going to be his whole character arc.

The YZ-900 doesn't have official FFG stats, yet. The first official game stats for it were from WotC's D20 OCRB game and appeared in Star Wars Gamer #2 . That being said, Unofficial FFG stats for the stock YZ-900 can be found in the Shipyard of This is the Blog You;'re Looking For under Transports . The main issue with having a second ship is that, while a second ship can dock to the side of the YZ-900, doing so interferes with the operation of the cannons on that side of the ship. They're forward facing guns and the port and starboard airlocks are directly in front of them. When extended, they block the guns. as seen in this WIP pic:


On top of that, it can seriously affect the handling of the ship. The docking rings, and airlocks are primarily designed to allow ships to dock with larger vessels or space stations for the transfer of passengers or cargo, not for travel. Can they sometimes be used to haul certain types of starfighter? Sure. But, typically, it is not an ideal set up. However, some ships are specifically designed to do just that. However, a YZ-900 is not one of them.

As for trying to fit a hangar in the ship, that is out of the question, given the interior space and layout. The ship may be Sil 5, but it is on the small end of the scale, as seen in these pics:




The last pic has the opacity of the hull set to 25% to show off the two decks. I'm not sure if the X-Wing model is to scale (it seems a bit small, IMO), but the YT_1300 definitely is.

This is why, given a choice , I would rather keep everyone on the same ship rather than having multiple ships in the party. That and the Jedi Star is set up for training , and almost every moment during travel between planets and systems, will be spent training the students.

18 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

Ro'Ka is not going to reveal herself as force sensitive at a board room meeting. Its very personal to her and hasn't spoke of it since her brief training.

By all means brief Avalon on your misson.

The briefing isn't primarily for testing her Force sensitivity, though, It's primarily to compare notes, provide information to Ro'Ka, that she doesn't have, get information from her that Korath doesn't, and go over the mission parameters. This, in turn, removes one Setback from all checks due to known mission conditions for the duration of the mission to Manaan.

Also, Ro'Ka must be wondering why Korath was so accommodating in allowing her passage to Manaan.

3 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

Trying to do research on the ship, which book are you getting its stats for hardpoints? I have never seen a ship like this in any books I own.

It's a third party homebrew in the vein of USM, it think it's from "this is the blog you're looking for" if I remember correctly. Basically just look at the ship stats tramp posted, he gamed the system slightly but it's not hugely unreasonable, I've given my PC's far better ships before there was a RAW way to do so (now I can do so within RAW by massively retooling an ir-3f light frigate via the rules in fully operational) ... I like sil 5 ships with a base speed of 4 upgraded to speed 5 by adding high output turbines. Personally I wouldn't consider the "jedi star" as a viable long term option because it's base speed is 3... base speed of 4 or higher is a *requirement* for me for a long term ship. Initially tramp *tried* to put a gunnery droid brain per weapon system on it but after I pointed out that was against RAW he went with a single gunnery droid brain. But the point is that tramp's ship is pretty darn reasonable (especially/certainly for him) although he (for some reason I don't understand) views it as being THE elite awesome ship

Edited by EliasWindrider
42 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

@Tramp Graphics why did your others games end?

The other game initially ended because the GM at the time had to drop out, as did two of the other players, only leaving me and one other player who decided to take over as GM (we only had four players and a GM at the time). However, he made numerous continuity errors and there were some conflicts I'd rather not get into, and some questions regarding certain rules which we were waiting on Developer answers to. However, it was already established that we were simply going to finish off the session, and then, essentially "start over" anyway.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

It's a third party homebrew in the vein of USM, it think it's from "this is the blog you're looking for" if I remember correctly. Basically just look at the ship stats tramp posted, he gamed the system slightly but it's not hugely unreasonable, I've given my PC's far better ships before there was a RAW way to do so (now I can do so within RAW by massively retooling an ir-3f light frigate via the rules in fully operational) ... I like sil 5 ships with a base speed of 4 upgraded to speed 5 by adding high output turbines. Personally I wouldn't consider the "jedi star" as a viable long term option because it's base speed is 3... base speed of 4 or higher is a *requirement* for me for a long term ship. Initially tramp *tried to put a gunnery droid brain per weapon system on it but after I pointed out that was against RAW he went with a single gunnery droid brain.

By contrast, I don't consider Speed 4 as an "absolute necessity". Besides, with Supreme Full Throttle , I can, given enough time, get the ship up to Speed 5, which, given the size of the ship, is hard enough to handle. Remember, The difficulty of a Piloting check is determined by both is size and its speed (1/2 Silhouette (rounded up) plus the current Speed, the higher number determining the number of dice, the lower number upgrading that many dice to Red). So, a Sil 5 ship at Speed 5 is rolling against a Formidable check, upgraded three times. So I am quite happy with a Speed 3 ship.

17 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

given   a choice  

It is not really your call now that you bring it up. You are neither the characters player or a GM at this time. Remember when you said you didnt have enough experience to GM a game? I can see clearly now that you are not ready to make decisions like this for other players or the game.

34 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

It is not really your call now that you bring it up. You are neither the characters player or a GM at this time. Remember when you said you didnt have enough experience to GM a game? I can see clearly now that you are not ready to make decisions like this for other players or the game.

Very true. As I said, it is simply a preference given the theme of the campaign, and the "limitations" and purpose of this ship. It's why, even if I were to be able or inclined to add a Retrofitted Hangar, it would really only be suitable for Speeder bikes. The rules may say a Sil 5 ship could hold a Sil 3 starfighter, but that assumes a capital ship the size of a Corellian Corvette, not a two deck medium transport the length of a 747 jumbo jet . At least you're not trying to fit an Aihwa on the ship. Simply put, the Jedi Star is not a carrier , it's a mobile Jedi Academy in the vein of the Crucible and Master Arca Jeth's Sungem . In fact, the Sungem was the inspiration for the Jedi Star .

Regardless, That's really a bridge that doesn't need to be crossed until we get there. I'd rather not derail the thread anymore for now.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Regardless  , That's really a bridge that doesn't need to be crossed until we get there. I'd rather not derail the thread anymore for now.

Yes, I believe you and Avalon were in a board room meeting and Ro'Ka was asleep in the bridge.

28 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

Yes, I believe you and Avalon were in a board room meeting and Ro'Ka was asleep in the bridge.

Actually, Avalon is in the lounge stuffing his face. Korath just jostled Ro’Ka’s chair in an attempt to wake her up and request that she join him in the library/briefing room to discuss the mission. Also, if she wants to sleep afterwards, there are plenty of passenger cabins in the back on the lower deck and crew quarters amidship. She doesn’t need to sleep in the cockpit.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Very true. As I said, it is simply a preference given the theme of the campaign, and the "limitations" and purpose of this ship. It's why, even if I were to be able or inclined to add a Retrofitted Hangar, it would really only be suitable for Speeder bikes. The rules may say a Sil 5 ship could hold a Sil 3 starfighter, but that assumes a capital ship the size of a Corellian Corvette, not a two deck medium transport the length of a 747 jumbo jet . At least you're not trying to fit an Aihwa on the ship. Simply put, the Jedi Star is not a carrier , it's a mobile Jedi Academy in the vein of the Crucible and Master Arca Jeth's Sungem . In fact, the Sungem was the inspiration for the Jedi Star .

Regardless, That's really a bridge that doesn't need to be crossed until we get there. I'd rather not derail the thread anymore for now.

The "hanger" attachment can be implemented as a docking clamp ala the ghost/phantom(s) in rebels... it does not have to mean a volume inside the ship. There is absolutely no reason a way to dock a sil 3 starship that minimally impares the jedi star can't be added and even if your preference is not to that's no reason a for example kst-100 couldn't remain docked with the jedi star as is at all times except combat and planetary landing. You might think that it is inconvenient for Korath but that's infinitely better than @CathyKitten being forced to abandon her character concept.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The "hanger" attachment can be implemented as a docking clamp ala the ghost/phantom(s) in rebels... it does not have to mean a volume inside the ship. There is absolutely no reason a way to dock a sil 3 starship that minimally impares the jedi star can't be added and even if your preference is not to that's no reason a for example kst-100 couldn't remain docked with the jedi star as is at all times except combat and planetary landing. You might think that it is inconvenient for Korath but that's infinitely better than @CathyKitten being forced to abandon her character concept.

Either way, she doesn't need to abandon anything. No matter what, there will likely be plenty opportunities to make full use of that spec, if not immediately, then later on.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
53 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually, Avalon is in the lounge stuffing his face. Korath just jostled Ro’Ka’s chair in an attempt to wake her up and request that she join him in the library/briefing room to discuss the mission. Also, if she wants to sleep afterwards, there are plenty of passenger cabins in the back on the lower deck and crew quarters amidship. She doesn’t need to sleep in the cockpit.

You're engaging in coercive/bullying behaviour again Mike, the lady has said "no" repeatedly and "no" means "no, and stop asking" it doesn't mean "keep asking until you wear her down so much that she relents just to shut you up."

4 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You're engaging in coercive/bullying behaviour again Mike, the lady has said "no" repeatedly and "no" means "no, and stop asking" it doesn't mean "keep asking until you wear her down so much that she relents just to shut you up."

No, I am simply stating the last thing the character’s actually did in the last IC post.

The last thing Korath did in the IC thread was attempt to wake her up, while Avalon stuffed his face back in the lounge.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

Either way, she doesn't need to abandon anything. No matter what, there will likely be plenty opportunities to aply that

Her concept is starfighter ace, not gunner, whenever there is starship combat she wants to be at the control of a sil 3 ship. Plenty does not accurately describe/apply to half of all starship combats.

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

No, I am simply stating the last thing the character’s actually did in the last IC post.

That you don't comprehend that your natural method of communication is arguing/debating does not make it any less coercive/bullying. The fact that you keep coming back to this, not letting it drop and moving along is coercive/bullying behavior.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Her concept is starfighter ace, not gunner, whenever there is starship combat she wants to be at the control of a sil 3 ship. Plenty does not accurately describe/apply to half of all starship combats.

Yes, and even @Rabobankrider said she would get chances to pilot starfighters, no matter what, as the campaign progressed.

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

That you don't comprehend that your natural method of communication is arguing/debating does not make it any less coercive/bullying. The fact that you keep coming back to this, not letting it drop and moving along is coercive/bullying behavior.

I only came back to it because it has been several days and what she thought Korath was currently doing at the moment is not what has been posted. it’s called summarizing .

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Yes, and even @Rabobankrider said she would get chances to pilot starfighters, no matter what, as the campaign progressed.

It's her schtick, her go to, her usual, "chances" are infrequent opportunities. It's like saying Korath has a chance of being a jedi instead of Korath is a Jedi.

7 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I only came back to it because it has been several days and what she thought Korath was currently doing at the moment is not what has been posted. it’s called summarizing .

It's only been "several days" because you haven't moved on.

While I know you don't intend to be coercive/bullying, why don't we ask her how she feels about your behaviour?

@CathyKitten do you feel that tramp is pressuring you to change your stated course of action?

BTW this is how you get him to stop.

Edited by EliasWindrider
15 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually, Avalon is in the lounge stuffing his face. Korath just jostled Ro’Ka’s chair in an attempt to wake her up and request that she join him in the library/briefing room to discuss the mission. Also, if she wants to sleep afterwards, there are plenty of passenger cabins in the back on the lower deck and crew quarters amidship. She doesn’t need to sleep in the cockpit.

"I don't   think so, I need you awake and aware in case of trouble. We also need to talk after we get into hyperspace. So stay  awake."

"Follow  me,” he says, standing up. “We have much to  discus  s  .  

I think me and you have very different opinions on what "request" means. If you refuse to move on I will roll a check against you. Whats Korath's discipline?

5 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

"I don't   think so, I need you awake and aware in case of trouble. We also need to talk after we get into hyperspace. So stay  awake."

"Follow  me,” he says, standing up. “We have much to  discus  s  .  

I think me and you have very different opinions on what "request" means. If you refuse to move on I will roll a check against you. Whats Korath's discipline?

Three Yellow.

Also, when I said that our characters do have things that need to be gone over, I'm not being facetious. Korath has information Ro'Ka does actually need to know, and vice-versa, information that is very relevant to the mission at hand and the ongoing story. Fir instance, there was a lot more information from Seventy Seven that wasn't sold to Ro'Ka's boss, some of which Ro'Ka needs to know.

Threaten : 1eP+1eA+3eC+7eF 1 success, 2 threat, 4 Light Side, 4 Dark Side
p-s-s.png a-a.png c--.png c-th-th.png c-f-th.png f-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls.png

2 successes

Ok, I am going to settle this whole ship thing:

@Tramp Graphics , there will be a second ship joining the party, it's gonna happen, it's not going to change or disappear any time soon. As the gm I have a responsibility to try and provide players with stuff they will have fun doing, wile I have fun crating the scenario etc for them. If @CathyKitten wants to be a ship thief pinching ships here and there, I'm going to provide opportunities for that, in the same way I will provide you with opportunities to investigate the force and try to rebuild the jedi.

Now, in terms of transporting the fighter/smaller craft when needed we have a couple of options. The options listed are all possible, partly because the rules say they are, partly because the gm says they will work. Either way, they are possible, and one of them is going to have to be selected.

  • Retcon the use of hard points for your astromech dock/bay/whatever, and replace it with a hanger/docking clamp/something similar. Again, despite whatever is said about dimensions etc etc, it is possible and would work.
  • Allow the ship to dock with yours for transporting/hyperspace. Yes it'll cover some of your guns, but to be honest, for a jedi ship that thing is already very heavily armed, and having a second ship will help in combat.

Another option (if @CathyKitten is interested), is perhaps you could let Teetoe pilot the Jedi Star with Korath as co-pilot/navigator. Teetoe does have a higher rank in space piloting, while Korath makes for an excellent navigator with the skills he has. If you want to avoid a second ship, maybe this would be an agreeable option.

If not however then you are going to have to choose one of the first two options. I don't care which, so long as one of them is selected.

Now, I am going to continue with the ic thread, and for convenience I will be splitting it into two parts. The first will be covering Manaan and the Corellia System. The second will cover Dantooine and possibly the other planets.

@Lotr_Nerd , I've still not heard anything from you regarding starting planet etc. If you're still in this, please let me know.

@Tramp Graphics , the success of @CathyKitten 's coercion would have you feel that her warning was genuine.

Also @Tramp Graphics , if the information you are meaning is @Jonas Shaaf 's character being on your list of known jedi, it's highly unlikely that he'd be on it due to him disappearing before Order 66.

Also guys lets try and avoid pvp to start with, it's not going to help progress this thing at all.

Teetoe would love to fly the Star!