Traitor insanity cards have got to go.

By PinkTaco, in Mansions of Madness

How do you try to not go insane in some scenarios that give automatic horror with no test? We played one scenario (you investigate the town on 3 separate days, Innsmouth maybe?) and after each day you are given automatic horror (1, then 2, then 3 after each day). If you do not have a way to heal horror (not something you can control) then any investigator with 6 or less starting sanity WILL be insane at the end, guaranteed. If they then draw a traitor card, either they must play against the goal (NOT fun for my gaming group as we care about experiencing the story of the scenario) or they ignore the card and then what's the point?

Regardless, I don't claim that it's a broken mechanic and if you like it then great for you but my group HATES them as it ruins OUR idea of fun. I don't understand the desire to argue one idea of fun is somehow better and more pure than another. The OP hates the traitor cards and probably hopes that FFG will provide an official variant (a sentiment I agree with as I feel this game is almost perfect otherwise <- opinion in case that wasn't clear). I loathe traitor and semi-cooperative games but love almost everything else this game brings to the table. So, while I generally avoid houseruling games, I make an exception in this case as otherwise amazing gaming experiences can occasionally be ruined <-opinion warning.

On 8/16/2018 at 3:30 AM, Taear said:

Then why      h  ave the card? If you are going to ignore it, why have the card?  

You are not ignoring the card. You cannot ignore any card or rule in the game. The card gives you a choice between two options. Choosing one option over the other is not the same as ignoring the card. If that were the case, I could say I am ignoring the card if I choose to attempt to meet the new win conditions as given by the card, as apposed to losing. I am not ignoring the card because I did not choose the option to loose.

The reason for the card is to punish you for going insane.

If you have to take a 3 sanity hit with no way to prevent took too long and the game is just putting you out of your misery. I have never had something like that early or even mid part of the game. It is an Arkham game but one without a “doom track” you can see..but you know the app is keeping track. I have lost some games with “the investigation has gone on too long” and it is a loss with no insanity traitor happening. It is frustrating sometimes when you are so close but i still find it a blast to play even if that happens.

Playing it safe and killing all the monsters and taking turns to heal and searcb everything available is cool and you can be doing well that way too...till the Mythos event domes you for your last sanity. You can’t force the app to play in the fashion you want you have to play the way it wants. You can’t beat the Mythos and you need to take some risks in the game albeit calculated risks.

On 8/17/2018 at 5:03 PM, PickleTheHutt said:

How do you try to not go insane in some scenarios that give automatic horror with no test?

Being faster. You cannot search in every room. You must run. If you had played the first edition, the guardian was a player, and you couldn't waste time. Same with second edition.


If they then draw a traitor card, either they must play against the goal

Against the goal? Take 6 items, die when the objective is completed, you cannot speak, you must be wounded, nothing happens... There are a lot of cards where you must complete and additional requisite, not against the initial objective. That's because you are insane.

I hate to be that person, but is it possible that we let this forum die? It seems that it is just causing what is in my opinion trolling on some people's parts, and then it results in it being infuriating for those of us that enjoy it. Can we agree to not feed the troll?

13 hours ago, spoonman2084 said:

If you have to take a 3 sanity hit with no way to prevent took too long and the game is just putting you out of your misery. I have never had something like that early or even mid part of the game. It is an Arkham game but one without a “doom track” you can see..but you know the app is keeping track. I have lost some games with “the investigation has gone on too long” and it is a loss with no insanity traitor happening. It is frustrating sometimes when you are so close but i still find it a blast to play even if that happens.

Playing it safe and killing all the monsters and taking turns to heal and searcb everything available is cool and you can be doing well that way too...till the Mythos event domes you for your last sanity. You can’t force the app to play in the fashion you want you have to play the way it wants. You can’t beat the Mythos and you need to take some risks in the game albeit calculated risks.

No. In this particular scenario the investigation takes 3 days. At the end of day 3 you WILL have taken a total of 6 horror. There is no way to just "do it faster".

Regardless, as my previous post states, stop telling others how to have fun. I am not claiming it is broken, only not fun for MY group and we have modified the game to be more fun for US. Stop trying to argue a point that can not be argued and play the game how you want.

Edited by PickleTheHutt

On a related note, I have found that the deaths in Kingdom Death substantially impede my friends and I from winning. Does anyone with experience modifying the madness mechanism in MoM have a suggestion for a less-lethal character death mechanic?

1 hour ago, PickleTheHutt said:

Regardless  , as my previo  us post states, stop telling others how to have fu  n  .          

Please point out where anyone has suggested how another person should “have fun”. As a matter of fact, if you look at the title of this thread, PinkTaco seems to be the one telling people how to “fix” the game and make it “fun”.

The reason I originally posted on such an old thread was because it was obvious to me that the original poster, and a few others here, did not understand how the “traitor” cards work. As I have stated before, I wanted to be sure that if any new players searching for rule clarification online came across this forum, they would at least be able to make a decision about the game, and this mechanic, based on an accurate understanding of the rules, not the rantings of someone that has not actually taken the time to learn and play the game as intended.

you have brought up one scenario where each investigator would lose six sanity by the third turn. That is a perfect in game example of a situation where a player with six sanity would go insane without the ability to avoid losing any sanity. It is also based on fact. This thread is filled with inaccurate descriptions of how this game plays, and how this mechanic works. Saying that there are cards that “instantly” end the game is ridiculous. Saying that anybody here has suggested that one should “ignore” a card, or that any cards can or should be “ignored” is lazy.

Based on your posts I am not able to tell if you have based your opinion of this game mechanic on an accurate understanding of the rules. I think what you are confusing with a desire to tell people “how to have fun”, is a belief that if people play the game as intended they will still enjoy it.

Here is a question I have for you (PickleTheHutt) and everyone else that dislikes this aspect of the game (I would love for PinkTaco to answer it as well). Let us say that you are playing the game with three of your friends, and that after three and a half hours of playing, your investigator loses all of their sanity, and you draw the Pyromania sanity condition card. Let us also assume that instead of trying to accomplish the win condition as stated on the card, that you decide to not start fires, and help your friends complete the investigation. Let us finally assume that after playing for approximately thirty more minutes, the investigation is completed successfully, and that you are the only investigator that went “insane”. You have played a game with three friends for four hours, the investigation is completed successfully, but you do not get to say that you “won” along with your three friends. Are you saying that in this scenario you would not have fun, or that afterwards you would describe this gaming session as “not fun”? Obviously it is a matter of opinion if you would or would not, and nobody has the right to tell you that you are wrong for having your opinion. I do not think a single person here has made a comment that could be taken as them telling any other person how to “have fun”. I think many here (including myeslf) are confused by how the above scenario could be described by anyone as not being fun, but again that is an opinion. I do understand that being able to say that you have “won” is important to some people. I would think that “winning” the game as created would have much more value than “winning” it after modifying it to make it easier.

1 hour ago, AndrewTabletop said:

On   a related note, I have found that the deaths in Kingdom Death substantially impede my friends and I from winning. Does anyone with experience modifying the madness mechanism in MoM have a suggestion for a l  ess-lethal character death mechanic?  

I do not have any experience with Kingdom Death but I can tell you that my friends and I remove the “Chance” cards from Monopoly because some of them cause us to lose money which instantly ends the game!

(Not trying to make fun of anybody here, I just enjoyed this comment so much I had to join in! ? )

On 5/8/2018 at 1:41 PM, PinkTaco said:

In no way is it a good mechanic to magically end a 3 hour game randomly because some person pulled a traitor card and ends their movement on a space with someone on their turn.

I think you have misunderstood the cards. You don't end the game if someone completes what the card says. But if you complete the game, and at that stage, the insane investigator has managed to complete their goals, then they win.

It gives you an edge on "do I trust them now or don't I?" - do you go with their suggestion, which seems reasonable, or are they only saying it so they can win the game? You dont know.

But either way, the game doesn't end when they achieve a goal...

On 8/17/2018 at 4:03 PM, PickleTheHutt said:

How do you try to not go insane in some scenarios that give automatic horror with no test? We played one scenario (you investigate the town on 3 separate days, Innsmouth maybe?) and after each day you are given automatic horror (1, then 2, then 3 after each day). If you do not have a way to heal horror (not something you can control) then any investigator with 6 or less starting sanity WILL be insane at the end, guaranteed.

The game gives you ways to heal horror. Both in the equipment it will give you during the scenario, or in the cards themselves when you flip them. Not all the horror cards you are given are bad.