The only caveat needs to be mixed weapon types.
You could treat it as Two-Weapon Combat, having to declare the primary weapon, and allowing 2 Advantage to trigger a hit from a different weapon.
The only caveat needs to be mixed weapon types.
You could treat it as Two-Weapon Combat, having to declare the primary weapon, and allowing 2 Advantage to trigger a hit from a different weapon.
Anyone here a talented artist?
I'd like someone to draw/design a ship for me... very similar to a consular. But sleeker/smoother wider at the wide parts the cockpit widens a bit kind of like hammer head like, and the salon pod replaced with a shuttle a little like the kst-100 minus the forward booms no fins and sleeker, thicker in the vertical dimension so cargo or small vehicles lower deck passenger upper deck.... maybe with a larger central tube like the original salon pod. A quad laser cannon below and behind the shuttles cockpit... that quad can fire even when attached. There are 4 twin light turbolasers on the wide (which is wider than in original consular) central part of the main ship, 2 top 2 bottom, 2 starboard 2 porter and the 3 engines in the back... the space between them provides room for the turbo lasers to shoot at a target directly behind them.
I can sort of see it in my head but when I put pencil to paper it doesn't look like it does in my head.
In terms of these rules it'd be a sil patrol ship with a sil3 modular pod. Probably a transport hull, speed 4... so a cross between an ir-3f (fad core) and a consular (aor core)... it is an fight adequately if needed but more of a party ship than a warship. It would be a good customs ship in terms of internal configuration but has a hyperdrive so a decent ship for piracy... a scaled down, faster, Corvette (multi role vessel)
I think that the shuttle would look like a cross between a vcx-100 (ghost) and kst-100.
The shuttle looks like a cross between these 3
And here's my own crude sketch
The 4 fins have medium or heavy lasers (best I can get) and fold onto the body (reverse of xwing fold) docking hatch is kind of like a YT-1300 docking hatch but is in the back.
It's somewhere in the 12 to 15 meter long range front to back
Edited by EliasWindrider
Why doesn't starwars have augmented reality HUDs on the transparisreel canopy that color code friend (green), foe (red), bystander (vehicles reading as not having weapons), unknown (yellow)... (actually color coded by threat) moving objects and large nearby stationary objects. When you look at a highlighted beyond visible range ship a zoomed in pop up window of what the ship looks like with a few relevant pieces of info like distance, relative velocity, shields and or weapons being powered up. When you're in combat mode why doesn't your turret point at the object that you're looking at, and then track that object until you give it permission to fire or clear it? Well that last bit could be how the gunnery droid brain works. I mean they have holograms which are more than sufficient for augmented reality.
Well. I'm no artist (though I wish I was), so I can't help you there.
As for no HUDs/Augmented Reality in Star Wars... well. It's 1970's space opera tech. 😏
Can you remind me what's on my to do list for these rules? I might be able to work on it tonight.
Edited by EliasWindriderhere's the latest and greatest... what did I forget to add
The Medical Bay rewrite looks good (except that in the first sentence it says "repair bay").
The Modifiable perk from the Frame table says it applies to Attachments. Does this include aftermarket Attachments?
I do have a question about Deceptive Advertising: As this can be applied to any vehicle, and the Silhouette alteration occurs after all Core Components (and technically any factory installed Attachments), does this mean the vehicle is considered a specific Sil for things such as Dedicated Bays and qualifying for weapons based on Sil, but afterwards has their Sil changed?
For instance: I build a Carrier (Sil 6). During the Frame step I select Elegant Design and Ambiguously Small Silhouette. It is now (during the Frame step) Sil 5.
After crafting the other core components, I install a Dedicated Hangar Bay. This grants 50 Sil-worth of subordinate craft, one of which can be Sil 4, the rest up to Sil 3.
Now during Assembly I select Deceptive Advertising. My Carrier is now Sil 4, and can carry another Sil 4 ship (and 15 vehicles of Sil 3).
Technically, this would allow a loophole where this Sil 4 Carrier can carry another Sil 4 Carrier, which itself can carry a Sil 4 Carrier....
I feel that this should be clarified, and that Dedicated Bays/Berths should be carefully weighed as to how they are affected by Deceptive Advertising.
The Hangar Bays in particular have been very powerful in general, and that they could benefit from only providing the non-carrier values (i.e.: eliminating the carrier column). After all, they do gain the benefit of reduced HP cost, which is already an "increase" to the capacity provided.
3 hours ago, salamar_dree said:The Medical Bay rewrite looks good (except that in the first sentence it says "repair bay").
The Modifiable perk from the Frame table says it applies to Attachments. Does this include aftermarket Attachments?
I do have a question about Deceptive Advertising: As this can be applied to any vehicle, and the Silhouette alteration occurs after all Core Components (and technically any factory installed Attachments), does this mean the vehicle is considered a specific Sil for things such as Dedicated Bays and qualifying for weapons based on Sil, but afterwards has their Sil changed?
For instance: I build a Carrier (Sil 6). During the Frame step I select Elegant Design and Ambiguously Small Silhouette. It is now (during the Frame step) Sil 5.
After crafting the other core components, I install a Dedicated Hangar Bay. This grants 50 Sil-worth of subordinate craft, one of which can be Sil 4, the rest up to Sil 3.
Now during Assembly I select Deceptive Advertising. My Carrier is now Sil 4, and can carry another Sil 4 ship (and 15 vehicles of Sil 3).
Technically, this would allow a loophole where this Sil 4 Carrier can carry another Sil 4 Carrier, which itself can carry a Sil 4 Carrier....
I feel that this should be clarified, and that Dedicated Bays/Berths should be carefully weighed as to how they are affected by Deceptive Advertising.
The Hangar Bays in particular have been very powerful in general, and that they could benefit from only providing the non-carrier values (i.e.: eliminating the carrier column). After all, they do gain the benefit of reduced HP cost, which is already an "increase" to the capacity provided.
Modifiable includes after market attachments.
Deceptive advertising which only applies to vehicles with ambiguously small or ambiguously large silhouettes... (which means multiple things will already be determined as the smaller of its "true" silhouette and "advertised" silhouette before it gets to deceptive advertising) is the last step, it applies after the pricing of manufacturing cost, after factory installed attachments. It doesn't change what's already on the ship but it "changes" what aftermarket attachments it can receive and potentially how it flies... e.g. going from sil 4 to sil 5 means a reduced set and number of pilot only maneuvers but it can get aftermarket light turbolasers. Going from sil 5 to sil 4 means it gets to keep factory installed turbolasers but can't get new ones added and gets an increased number and set of pilot only maneuvers. I should detail the interaction with modular pods...particularly flight characteristics of the mothership is affected as per the advertisind size of the mothership but a pod larger than the advertised size of the mothership affects handling of the mothership as if it were the same silhouette as the mothership.
In universe... the advertising doesn't "really" affect what a vehicle can do... it was designed as an edge case between two silhouettes and so intentionally mixes the performance characteristics of those 2 silhouettes... how well they designed it determines the edge case of the edge case, whether or not a proverbial straw breaks the cammels back in terms what the final ship can do... which determines how the executive COULD advertise it (narrative order of cause and mechanical effect is the reverse of whether or not deceptive advertising is applied).
I should put a restriction on hanger bays... ambiguously small causes hanger bays to be determined as one silhouette smaller. Thanks.
Edit: actually "the capacity contributed by each dedicated bay/berth is determined as if the vehicle is one silhouette smaller." will be added
Edited by EliasWindriderThe STAP Assault Platform has been added. It's a speeder bike frame with High Output Repulsor Coils.
This actually gives it an altitude of 150m vs. 75m RAW.
If you want to tweak that Attachment, maybe start it at 5× normal as the base level and add a few more Mods.
It also ended up w/ SST 4 instead of the 3 RAW, but that seems acceptable.
The Seltiss-2 Caravel isn't a speeder it's a Transport (spacecraft), it just comes without a Hyperdrive from the factory (although the fluff text mentions adding them aftermarket). As such, it should be bumped down on the list to the other Freighters/Transports.
1 minute ago, salamar_dree said:The STAP Assault Platform has been added. It's a speeder bike frame with High Output Repulsor Coils.
This actually gives it an altitude of 150m vs. 75m RAW.
If you want to tweak that Attachment, maybe start it at 5× normal as the base level and add a few more Mods.
It also ended up w/ SST 4 instead of the 3 RAW, but that seems acceptable.
The Seltiss-2 Caravel isn't a speeder it's a Transport (spacecraft), it just comes without a Hyperdrive from the factory (although the fluff text mentions adding them aftermarket). As such, it should be bumped down on the list to the other Freighters/Transports.
I thought I had bumped the caravel down (I had accidentally treated it as the luxury sail barge when I put it where I put it. But I thought that I went back and fixed that.... maybe I'm delusional).
Thanks for the x5 suggestion.
I'm thinking of adding "sensor droid brain with augmented reality hud" as 0 hp an attachment.
It'd be like the gunnery droid brain/pilot droid brain/navigation droid brain e.g. 0 hp grants 2 skill ranks in perception/computer checks related to using the vehicles sensors with 2 mods to increase the skill ranks by 1.
I found a typo in the Transport Hull:
"are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1."
Is attached to the "Base Modifiers" section when it's supposed to go with the "Special" section.
6 hours ago, salamar_dree said:I found a typo in the Transport Hull:
"are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1."
Is attached to the "Base Modifiers" section when it's supposed to go with the "Special" section.
I'll get it next time but here's what I got now
Slipped your HUD in there, I see.
It's a bit more Trek than Wars .
I wouldn't think that it would be very common, so maybe increase the price a bit. Maybe 9,000 credits.
And the increase Sensor range mod needs: "1 increase..."
Otherwise it's fine.
48 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:Slipped your HUD in there, I see.
It's a bit more Trek than Wars .
I wouldn't think that it would be very common, so maybe increase the price a bit. Maybe 9,000 credits.
And the increase Sensor range mod needs: "1 increase..."
Otherwise it's fine.
I copy pasted sensors. and missed deleting that. Of course I had my kids and wife interrupting me as I was trying to finish it up.
9K is fine.
Edited by EliasWindriderYou might have noticed I attributed you on the folding seats (under the attachment), and ambiguously small/large silhouettes (it's in the assembly section I think), @TheTubaTanker for weapon banks (under the attachment). I don't remember other specific mechanics being suggested by forum members but if anyone wants credit on a particular mechanic quote to me the post where you were the first one to suggest (I don't have the time or inclination to read through this whole thread start to finish to attribute mechanics).
To do
High output repulsor coils => 5x with an extra doubling mod
Transport hull move "are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1" from base modifiers to special section.
Page 2, first line of second to last paragraph ends in "a a" need to delete one of them.
Same paragraph "when sufficient..." sentence needs an "and/or" before despair.
Page 3 "The other Mass Production," => "The other, Mass Production,"
Page 3 last line of second column "vehicles" => "vehicle's.
Page 6 crafting table ambiguously small silhouette "bays berths" => "bays and berths"
Page 6 efficient construction, should "Price" have that capital P?
Page 7 space station, special first sentence after semicolon needs a subject, maybe split into 2 sentences. Also mobile platform to max speed 2 rather than 1.
Change page numbering to start from 0 rather than 1 so that the first interior page (not the cover) will be numbered 1.
Edited by EliasWindriderDoes someone want to put together a table of vehicle weapons on a miscellaneous tab of the spreadsheet? I plan to put the weapon table into the pdf... and the walker legs into the pdf... so the document could stand on its own (not being a complete listing of every attachment, i.e. not containing all aftermarket attachments but just enough to but factory standard vehicles without referring to another book)
Name, range, damage, critical, qualities, min silhouette, price (a torpedo launcher probably has a --- for damage because damage listed by torpedo, so need listing for torpedoes, concussion missiles, etc)
Where qualities is ion, limited ammo, tractor etc.
It's ok to include stuff not in the core books if that table contains all we need to know about it.
Going to replace sensor analyst droid brain with augmented reality HUD with
Droid AI holographic assistant with augmented reality HUD
Base is
Can make computers, perception, and vigilance checks at 2 skill ranks or provided skilled assistance on these checks.
Mods are
1 increase AI's ranks in computers by 1 Mod.
1 downgrade the difficulty of operator's pilot space or pilot planetary checks made to operate this vehicle by 1 Mod.
1 downgrade the difficulty of operator's knowledge warfare checks concerning the current vehicle combat by 1 Mod.
1 downgrade the difficulty of operator's mechanics and knowledge education checks to diagnose state of health and weak points of this vehicle or other large objects (e.g. vehicles, structures, asteroids) detected by this vehicle's sensors by 1 Mod.
1 downgrade the difficulty of operator's knowledge xenology checks regarding lifeforms (e.g. mynocks, purrgils, exogorths, sentients near a landing pad) detected by this vehicle's sensors by 1 Mod.
Probably zero hp and probably a 15 K credit cost
With a note that having an ai to talk to also allows characters to downgrade the difficulty of discipline checks made to reduce the effects of isolation (e.g. when stranded)
Admittedly this is more starship andromeda (another gene roddenberry creation) than trek or wars but wars does have the technology to pull this off.
Edited by EliasWindrider
I can do the weapons tab, I'll put it next to the master table tab when it's finished.
Regarding the piece of art... I hired @Tramp Graphics (who is a talent graphic artist with another day job because art doesn't pay the bills) to do some pencil sketch concept art and I'll decide where to go from there (water color vs inc vs scan and digital coloring)
Here's some of the concept art (2nd round) @Tramp Graphics did for me back in April 2018
And here's the final
I have added the vehicle weapons to the weapons table tab in the spreadsheet. It is as complete as I can make it, I am working on getting access to the Starships and Speeders book to finish it up.
I have added all weapons from all the books including ones that are only in stat blocks.
Red text is for things that were from stat blocks that don't have official listed prices, that I could find. I used @LMasterList gear spreadsheet for starters, so shout-out to his gear list here. "L's" Complete Item Master List (v9.5)
Here are some things that I think need at least a cursory look into stating out further, they're things that I ran into while compiling.
Anything that anyone else has noticed?