Custom Great Old Ones

By ThorGrim2, in Fan Creations

Ok, well apparently I cannot share images from photo bucket here since it's coming back as a broken image sad.gif

The Message said:

Welcome to Blight central! Seriously though, those will be a massive pain. The final battle is quite awesome and unique. I think playing this version would make for a good time, tough as it looks.

I've already changed it slightly. Here's version 2.


I dealt out the Blights a few times and found that generally speaking, the ability to pick which ones to destroy WILL allow you to seriously diminish the threat, as in many cases you can ignore the Blights which refer to areas of the game which you may not be using. In any given game, there will probably be a few Blights which won't affect the investigators much anyway, so you only need to place a few seals in order to get rid of the serious threats - and obviously placing seals is something that the investigators are probably trying anyway.

The 'Rags and Tatters' ability is one of the best ideas I think I've ever had for an AO - but it strikes me as the sort of thing that might be 'broken' if there's a specific monster you can keep passing against or something. If anyone can think of some way in it's abusable, don't keep it to yourself.

There are only 10 yellow sign tokens you know... not nearly enough.

Also, why did you changed the real Hastur's attack from luck to lore??

kroen said:

There are only 10 yellow sign tokens you know... not nearly enough.

Also, why did you changed the real Hastur's attack from luck to lore??

Good point about the tokens. Two options: either I just let people work out a solution for themselves (make more Yellow Signs, use Brood tokens instead etc), OR I specify that there are only ten available, so the investigators can only buy themselves ten extra turns, no matter how good they are. That would be vicious.

I changed the attack from Luck to Lore because I wanted this version to be Magically Resistant as well as Physically. If his attack still required Luck, it would force investigators to set their tracks to low Lore, which disproportionately affects spellcasters. This way, the balance between Phys Weapons, Mag Weapons and Spells is preserved (or at least, the imbalance isn't made worse...)

2 Ancient Ones for those who like challenges:



Ouch! You're not wrong. They are both painful, although the final battles are a bit random - they could just decimate the group straight away and leave little chance of success.

Both strange, but interesting, and neither seems unbeatable (or easy).

I like the fact that Nug and Yeb devour cursed investigators, seing as those have to roll Sixes to trigger an attack and that wouldnt help the AO. However, they should bless regular investigators and not curse them. It would make them roll successes more frequently and not the other way around. I can picture investigators using clues to get failed rolls :P (I wonder if thats legal... cant quite remember, never bothered to check!)

Investigators that are blessed upon combat dont roll for it during the fight and keep it troughout.

With a -6 modifier, I think the guys can take the hits from blessed investigators without worrying too much, the benefit of seing them die out when it's the AOs attack should be higher.

Or that could be one of their particular plot cards.

"Nug and Yeb attack this turn as if all of the investigators were blessed" - As the twins attack in unison

"Nug and Yeb's start of battle ability activates again" - As the other twin awakens

"Nug and Yeb double their remaining doom tokens" - As the other twin reveals itself

I doubt Nug and Yeb would want to make life easier on the investigators by giving them an edge in the final battle!

I have a hard time figuring whether this AO is too weak or too strong... or maybe balanced?


Looks like your always gonna have to fight it in Final Combat... unless your get surges. find gate, etc

MrsGamura said:

Looks like your always gonna have to fight it in Final Combat... unless your get surges. find gate, etc

But for every seal with 5 clues you make you remove a doom token so unless you have a really bad luck with double doom mythos I think it's mangeable.

This is an easier AO than any of my past creationas but is still interesting to play against.


kroen said:

MrsGamura said:

Looks like your always gonna have to fight it in Final Combat... unless your get surges. find gate, etc

But for every seal with 5 clues you make you remove a doom token so unless you have a really bad luck with double doom mythos I think it's mangeable.

True but no one starts off with 5 clues... so you have the spend a few turns getting the clues and then another few exploring the Gate... so around 4-5 turns if everything goes your way.

Hey I got a idea why don't you plat agaisnt this AO and tell me what happens!

Hmm maybe I should up his doom track to 6 then

kroen said:

I have a hard time figuring whether this AO is too weak or too strong... or maybe balanced?


::Shrug:: as long as the AO isn't unbeatable, or easily beatable, it's balanced. I'd say this one's a bit tricky, but balanced regardless. But I'm not sure... The doom track is extremely low, so low that it might be a problem to get extra doom token sealing. I'd suggest you add one more to the doom track unless you playtest this a bit (personally, I suspect that 5 is not feasible).

Oh. It looks like you and Gamura already had this discussion.


And his Plot cards:


Vulthoom seems ok - a bit of a 'mixed bag' of abilities. It'd be nice if the cultists interacted with the rest of the abilities in some way.

Not sure about adding doom tokens instead of monsters when there's a surge - it seems like that would always be less interesting, and it might also make it too easy to keep monsters under control.


I love giant robots, and wanted to see if I could adapt something like that for Arkham Horror. I do need some help on this though, so any suggestions would be great. I'm not sure about the start of battle ability, or the attack, I think it might be too much. Let me know what you think!

I actually take more exception to the Technological Wonder ability: in eight player game, the GOO could very well start with 10+ doom tokens on first turn, just from start of game spells! That's just pointless. Remove the last sentence, and then it's actually workable.


Here are his plot cards

mechplot1.png mechplot2.png

mechplot3.png -Back-Side.png

You make a good point. I've never had an 8 player group, and we always pick our investigators, so that may be why I didn't think this would be a problem. I'll adjust it. :)


Here is an adjusted version of Mechanis. Also, where is everyone hosting their pics? I'm doing it on my comcast account and it's a real pain. Is there a better way to go? Any feedback on this guy and/or his plot cards would be great. Thanks!