New Character Ideas

By XCcamel, in Imperial Assault Campaign

16 minutes ago, XCcamel said:

Subtrendy2, do you mean the actual mold has empty spaces for small figures? Because I think that would be awesome. It could bring the sarlaac pit in Jabba to life in a huge way, with weequay pirates taking potshots from their skiff...

Yeah, I was thinking like a 2x3 base, with spots for at least four figures on the skiff.

I think the tank could fulfill a similar role, though, and may be more thematic for Scarif, given the R1 connection :D

I like where the "transport" mechanic can go and what it can do for the game. Maybe the "loaded" figures can't attack using their dice pool, but can operate the vehicle's guns, and the transport is unable to attack without any figures riding in it?

Here's my take on it:


That is awesome!

Admiral Ackbar- a leader type like Jabba, more focused on supporting his troops than joining the combat. Maybe a special action that orders two friendly figures to move up to their speed. It could be called Trap Avoidment.

Quarian black market dealer- the other squid head species, mercenary, and is able to play a support role, like Jabba, but with less potent abilities, and maybe a weak blaster attack, blue and yellow.

2 minutes ago, XCcamel said:

Admiral Ackbar- a leader type like Jabba, more focused on supporting his troops than joining the combat. Maybe a special action that orders two friendly figures to move up to their speed. It could be called Trap Avoidment.

General Weiss has General's Orders, so no need for a new name to that ability.

1 hour ago, a1bert said:

General Weiss has General's Orders, so no need for a new name to that ability.

True, I just thought it would be funny to play off his immortal words from Return of the Jedi

On 2/28/2018 at 6:12 AM, GyldenDamgaard said:

Here's my take on it:


I like that!

I might also add- Crew needed: You must have at least one unit in a figure slot to perform a move action. You must have at least two units in figure slots to perform an attack action.

Perhaps there should also be an option for boarding and attacking figures inside, too. Imagine dropping a boss character inside- an extra 12 health for them, plus the ability to get a double move in outside of their activation could be pretty brutal.

Edited by subtrendy2

Just going to throw a campaign suggestion in here...

A capital ship campaign, with tiles representing the interior of rebel and imperial capital ships along with figures and heroes that are "Naval" based.

I've already suggested Naval Troopers for the empire and Rebels already have their Fleet Troopers.

Not sure what else would go within the "Naval" theme.

Edited by Indy_com
38 minutes ago, Indy_com said:

Just going to throw a campaign suggestion in here...

A capital ship campaign, with tiles representing the interior of rebel and imperial capital ships along with figures and heroes that are "Naval" based.

I've already suggested Naval Troopers for the empire and Rebels already have their Fleet Troopers.

Not sure what else would go within the "Naval" theme.

I've liked the idea of a Star Destroyer/Death Star campaign for a while, but I really like your idea of also having Rebel ship interiors- maybe on the inverse side of the Imperial ship tiles.

I could see something like that with a campaign- maybe this:


Imperial Naval Trooper (2 groups of 2) Imperial

Imperial Loader Droid (2 groups of 1) Imperial

"Occupier" tank (1 group of 1) Imperial

Corellian Hounds (3 groups of 1) Mercenary


Another hero with a companion- preferably an animal companion. Would also be cool if they could influence Imperial creatures

A "hacker" hero with the ability to interact with Imperial heavy weapons and vehicles. Maybe a Bothan?

A fleet trooper themed hero, who has an ability similar to Murne's "Company of Heroes" but applies only to non-unique allies


Wedge Antilles

Rebel Pilots


Grand Admiral Thrawn ( Imperial)

Ryuk and/or Hondo Onaka ( Mercenary ) While Ryuk works for Thrawn, I see him more as a hired gun than an Imperial

The coolest part is, I'd imagine that the new campaign could feature optional rules for integration with either X-Wing or Armada, possibly providing the option to have an experience with all three games linked together

4LOM and Zuckuss: a two figure pack, like to see them with synergistic abilities (i.e. while Zuckuss is on the board, 4-LOM gains [insert ability]) and a focus on their foresight abilities, when defending, force the attacker to reroll, while attacking, the defender is forced to reroll, etc.

I'd like to see a Bith, an iconic species that's been under represented thus far.

This may be a bridge too far, but in Last Jedi, Crait was an abandoned rebel base. What if it got a little spotlight, and be able to earn one of the crystal dog things as a companion.

trandoshan or nikto game hunter who can be earned as a villain. Hunter, leader,brawler. White, 8-9 threat, 2yellow1green. 8-11 hp

His first line of abilities: +1surge/evade/block, May reroll 1 any die


Power of the pack: Can only use your first line of abilities when within 3 spaces of a friendly HUNTER. Once/group/activation they have access to these too. When any of the abilities is used you gain 1?power token.

Advanced scattergun: You may spend power tokens during attacking to deal 1 damage to an enemy within 2 of target who you could attack. You may spend surges on these enemies too. Can use them any times/attack but only once/target.

Has surges: recover 1, +1 damage and bleed/weaken

Edited by NagyLaci
On 2018. 03. 01. at 3:13 PM, subtrendy2 said:

I like that!

I might also add- Crew needed: You must have at least one unit in a figure slot to perform a move action. You must have at least two units in figure slots to perform an attack action.

Perhaps there should also be an option for boarding and attacking figures inside, too. Imagine dropping a boss character inside- an extra 12 health for them, plus the ability to get a double move in outside of their activation could be pretty brutal.

Maybe characters with at least 2 higher cost than threat level can perform moves to move the entire carrier and attack from the inside but they can only do one of these/activation. They sort of become drivers or gunners.

If you shoot from inside, the target may become stunned to declare an attack aganist you(because you arent in cover then)

Boarded figures should be able to heal 3 as an action but woud also need an action to get out to an adjacent space.

Edited by NagyLaci
On 2018. 02. 06. at 5:58 PM, XCcamel said:

Onar's opposite- a low health hero, 8-10 health, but rolls two black dice, abilities give him and teammates rerolls, drop energy shields like Loku's tokens

Two black dice means that in early campaign it can entirely ignore imperial weaker figures like stormtroopers.

But a droideka hero built around rolling around, shielding then shooting like mad would be very cool.


1 strain:Move spaces up to your speed then gain a shield token and focus. When defending with a shield token roll 1 extra black die. After the attack resolves, if it missed you might attack the attacker for 2 strain. When declaring attack with shield token your targets choose of having+1 evade or interrupt to move 2.

Discard your shield token when you take damage or when you decide to do so.

2strain: attack two enemies within 3. Then they attack you as if they were one figure adding their dice and abilities together,even if they died. In dis case you roll the white die too.

On 2/26/2018 at 9:24 AM, XCcamel said:

Subtrendy2, do you mean the actual mold has empty spaces for small figures? Because I think that would be awesome. It could bring the sarlaac pit in Jabba to life in a huge way, with weequay pirates taking potshots from their skiff...

Right. Like a 3x2 model, with maybe 5 square spots for units to stand and 1 for a control panel or something.

On March 12, 2018 at 12:32 PM, NagyLaci said:

trandoshan or nikto game hunter who can be earned as a villain. Hunter, leader,brawler. White, 8-9 threat, 2yellow1green. 8-11 hp

His first line of abilities: +1surge/evade/block, May reroll 1 any die


Power of the pack: Can only use your first line of abilities when within 3 spaces of a friendly HUNTER. Once/group/activation they have access to these too. When any of the abilities is used you gain 1?power token.

Advanced scattergun: You may spend power tokens during attacking to deal 1 damage to an enemy within 2 of target who you could attack. You may spend surges on these enemies too. Can use them any times/attack but only once/target.

Has surges: recover 1, +1 damage and bleed/weaken

I like this idea, but I'd lean more towards the Nikto, as there are already two groups of trandoshan hunters and Bossk.

I really like the idea of the shotgun being able to use all its surge abilities against a nearby figure.

I could see a mini campaign about rescuing abducted people from a wildlife preserve that mercenaries are using to hunt people.

6 hours ago, XCcamel said:

I like this idea, but I'd lean more towards the Nikto, as there are already two groups of trandoshan hunters and Bossk.

I really like the idea of the shotgun being able to use all its surge abilities against a nearby figure.

I could see a mini campaign about rescuing abducted people from a wildlife preserve that mercenaries are using to hunt people.

An updated version is in the Homebrew characters thread. It would be possibly a good place for your ideas too as it is a widely read thread.

Ideas about the character itself are very welcome. There are few niktos in star wars and trandoshans die quite often(hunting wookies isn't good for health i guess).

My current idea is a weapon smuggler whose first line works with both hunters and smugglers and using them gives the power token to anybody of the clients(pack members in previous post),including him

Edited by NagyLaci

Kapcsolódó kép

IG-100 Magna Guard- Droid, guardian, brawler

Reach, Cleave 2,S:+2 damage

SS:stun,S:weaken,S:heal 2

Rampage: You may suffer 2 damage while attacking to become able to spend surges on your Cleave target and to use the same surge up to twice, but only once/target.

Bodyguard: At start of each round give a friendly Unique the master token or place it next to the board. When the Master is adjacent he gets +1surge/evade. (When he is defeated you activate instantly, then you are also defeated).When the Master suffers at least 3 damage you may move two spaces and attack the damage's source (with +1 surge). Then you choose of getting stunned and weakened or attacked by that enemy. Limited once/activations.

(When there are 2 or more enemies within 3 of the master you have assault)

(the master may be non-unique with at least 8 threat cost)

(tings in brackets may be better to ignore)

Cost :8


Defense: White and Black


Edited by NagyLaci

Created the magna guard using Bitterman's Imperial assault deployment card editor. Highly recommend it

Edited by NagyLaci
30 minutes ago, NagyLaci said:

5ab163354c52b_Kpkivgs2.PNG.9a8ea12b874f8e42a4097406561ddfb7.PNG Created using Bitterman's Imperial assault deployment card editor. Highly recommend it

Good. Lord.

Love it.

On 28/02/2018 at 7:12 AM, GyldenDamgaard said:

Here's my take on it:


Very cool! I love the tactical options and decisions that would arise from it ?

On 2/28/2018 at 12:12 PM, GyldenDamgaard said:

Here's my take on it:


I quite like this idea. How about a special action "Load/Unload" that allows it to "gather" friendly Imperial figures within 2 spaces and load them into figure slots, or drop them within 2 spaces, if they are already loaded?

I;d be tempted to make it higher speed, or give it some starting movement points as well. Massive figures are slower then small figures, so a transport that's slower than walking seems counter-intuitive :)

42 minutes ago, udat said:

I'd be tempted to make it higher speed, or give it some starting movement points as well. Massive figures are slower then small figures, so a transport that's slower than walking seems counter-intuitive :)

Oh perhaps Mobile, making them useful on maps with lots of difficult terrain.

2 minutes ago, subtrendy2 said:

Oh perhaps Mobile, making them useful on maps with lots of difficult terrain.

Don't massive figures already ignore difficult terrain?

3 hours ago, udat said:

Don't massive figures already ignore difficult terrain?

Actually not.

They ignore impassable and blocking terrain.

rrg, pg 11


When a large figure enters difficult terrain, it spends only one additional movement point, regardless of the number of spaces of difficult terrain that it occupies

So, they still have to spend the extra pt to enter difficult terrain, they just don't have to do it for every single space that enters.