The Complete Species Guide

By Yaccarus, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


About four years in the making, the Complete Species Guide is the ultimate source for species selection during character creation, featuring over 300 species and counting. Similar to FFG’s books, every species has stats, a picture, and information pertaining to their physiology, society, homeworld, and language. The CSG is incredibly comprehensive, including every official FFG species, every species from the Ultimate Alien Anthology, Unofficial Species Menagerie, Alien Anthology, Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens-Enemies and Allies, or the New Essential Guide to Alien Species, as well as many other species.
This document is under constant upgrading, from adding more species to changing stats to fixing typos. Anyone who reads it can help bring such issues to my attention, so please critique it if you find something you don’t like.
In the stats section, the stats are somewhat homebrewed. If FFG stats are available, they are used as a base. However, they are subject to change for many reasons. First, many of FFG’s stats are based on Canon, while the species are different in Legends, so this creates differences. Sometimes, I simply disagree and change it. Also, I tend to add more detail, including abilities that FFG deemed too minor. For non-FFG species, my first resort is GMAC (Great Movie Alien Compendium), as it provides pretty good stats. However, these tend to be tweaked as well. With all due respect, I find that the stats can overemphasize details sometimes. I often remove some of the abilities. If neither of the above resources are available, I create my own stats.
The CSG is intended to include the most reasonable stats possible for every sentient species that a player could think of. However, not every species is right for every game. The CSG places trust in the player to make sensible decisions and assumes the Game Master will veto game-ruining concepts. Taungs existing during the Galactic Civil War would create major contradictions with prior lore, but they could fit right in for a game set in the Pius Dea Era. Yuuzhan Vong would have a very hard time getting along with most parties, but a party of all Yuuzhan Vong could make for an incredibly interesting game. A min-maxed Gen’Dai Marauder would make most combat encounters completely unbalanced, but a Gen’Dai Scholar could make for an interesting character. There are many more examples of species that can only work in very particular scenarios, so be sensible in using the CSG.
The CSG can be used by accessing individual documents, as a single printer-friendly PDF, as a a single PDF with fancier graphics, or as a Dataset for Oggdude’s Character Generator. All of these variants can be found in my Google Drive folder here:

The Fancy Graphics Version can be downloaded here:

The Dataset can be downloaded here:

The Printer-Friendly PDF can be downloaded here:

Edited by Yaccarus

I like it, I didn’t realize this was merely the Brawn 3 listing so far, excited to see which ones you feature that aren’t in the Unofficial Species Menagerie.

Edited by Khazadune

I can give you a complete list if you’d like, or it can be a fun surprise. Agility 3 coming soon!

Can’t wait! I like the surprise element! Thanks for doing this.

Have you looked at the unofficial species menagerie?

I have no idea what the GMAC acronym stands for.

Great Movie Alien Compendium. An old (mostly abandoned) project of mine.

The goal with it was to provide a set of stats, but even more importantly, detailed design notes so GMs could adapt the species as desired. Changing them to fit your vision is indeed the intent, Yaccarus. :)

That is the GMAC.

As for USM, I have in fact seen it. However, I have a few issues. First, it includes no other information beyond stats, so I would need to Wookieepedia search the species anyway if I were creating a character. Second, it was created before FFG had many species, so the stats are really all over the place.

Gmac is the nickname of Graeme McDowell. One of the best European golfers at the moment.

19 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Gmac is the nickname of Graeme McDowell. One of the best European golfers at the moment.

If you want to play that game, then

Holy **** that’s a lot...

The Agility 3 portion is now complete!

10 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

As for USM, I have in fact seen it. However, I have a few issues. First, it includes no other information beyond stats, so I would need to Wookieepedia search the species anyway if I were creating a character. Second, it was created before FFG had many species, so the stats are really all over the place.

Plus, the USM is pretty out of date, as a number of the species have already been covered (one of the reasons we stopped updating it was that we'd be removing more species than we'd be adding) and most of those were written with only the EotE Beta rulebook to go by in terms of general guidelines, as well as the authors' intent to avoid creating power-gamer species that were inherently better than anything in the official rules; if a species was a superior option to playing a Human almost across the board no matter what career or spec you were playing, then it was deemed too powerful and needed to be toned down. There were still a couple that we could have done better (Chiss for instance), but it was what it was.

That and it was considered to be more of a temporary thing from the onset, providing an option for species that FFG hadn't gotten around to publishing stats for yet.

3 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

The Agility 3 portion is now complete!

Thanks for the link!

Edited by Khazadune

It’s time for the nerds! Intellect 3 species have been added.

Have you ideas for the stats for the ancient sith species?

I haven’t really done many of the Old Republic era games or read those comics, so they aren’t a species that I think of as notable. That being said, if there’s interest, I could add them in a future edit.

Were Miraluka, Sith, Echani, Arkanian, and Cathar on your list to add?

Edit: I see Echani and Arkanians are already in the guide.

Edited by SacredRebirth

Once I deal with the editting, I’ll ask for requests so I can create a complete list of who I should add. Sith is already on that list, and I have now added Miraluka and Cathar. As for the rest of the list, we’ll talk once the rest of the guide is out there. (Side note: fingers crossed I can get Cunning 3 out to you guys tonight)

29 minutes ago, Yaccarus said:

Once I deal with the editting, I’ll ask for requests so I can create a complete list of who I should add. Sith is already on that list, and I have now added Miraluka and Cathar. As for the rest of the list, we’ll talk once the rest of the guide is out there. (Side note: fingers crossed I can get Cunning 3 out to you guys tonight)

I’m crossing fingers, toes and my wife’s.

Cunning 3 has been added!

I get that this is a personal project, but I don't see any source attribution for the images you've used and you've now made it public. So, unless all those images were explicitly in the public domain, then you're probably violating someone's copyright.

This came up with the last user who created their version of the USM and threw in images from DeviantArt and other places without getting permission. They'd even ended up using art that the artist's had said "No" to being included in the USM (which is why they weren't in the USM).

26 minutes ago, Kallabecca said:

I get that this is a personal project, but I don't see any source attribution for the images you've used and you've now made it public. So, unless all those images were explicitly in the public domain, then you're probably violating someone's copyright.

This came up with the last user who created their version of the USM and threw in images from DeviantArt and other places without getting permission. They'd even ended up using art that the artist's had said "No" to being included in the USM (which is why they weren't in the USM).

Like with any copyright violation, the DMCA requires the copyright holder to contact the individual to request the change. As long as the creator is willing to do so, he is perfectly legal in what he has done. It might be more expedient and wiser to ask permission first, but it is not required.

With 27 species, this is as close as I’ll get to releasing one quarter portion. Willpower 3 is complete!

3 hours ago, Kallabecca said:

I get that this is a personal project, but I don't see any source attribution for the images you've used and you've now made it public. So, unless all those images were explicitly in the public domain, then you're probably violating someone's copyright.

This came up with the last user who created their version of the USM and threw in images from DeviantArt and other places without getting permission. They'd even ended up using art that the artist's had said "No" to being included in the USM (which is why they weren't in the USM).

IANAL, but I'm pretty sure that this whole project falls under fair use.

40 minutes ago, Ahrimon said:

IANAL, but I'm pretty sure that this whole project falls under fair use.

The art doesn’t. I moonlight as a DMCA agent for a digital artist and have a masters in Library and Information Science where I specialized in copyright and Fair Dealing provisions, granted from a Canadian perspective (which is more conducive to fair use provisions than the US). If he wants to take the art without asking permission than all an artist need do is to contact him and ask that the art be removed using a standard DMCA format. Which is fine for what this is. I imagine that only one or two of the artists’ would see this and care, at which point there is plenty of other art that exists, or, someone can come forward and offer their skills to insert a new piece in its place. I would still recommend that you either cite the source at the end, or that you reach out to the artist or both. But nothing compels him to do so outright. The DMCA is designed to allow for a means of remedying the issue outside of legal proceedings, and, a standard for proving in effect that the person contacting you actually owns the copyright to the piece of art.