On 5/22/2020 at 9:29 PM, MaxXIII said:I love your work! I am going to create a beginner game (like the star wars ones) for it to introduce Genesys and dark heresy to my group! If you have a character I'd like to honor your work by including it as a pregen or NPC. I will be creating tokens for the beginner game, so you'd get a drawn token out of it.
You can check out my art style here:
Keep up the good work!
I don't have any particular characters that I'm super attached to or anything, so there's not a lot I can add there. Awesome to hear you're working on a beginner adventure though, if you feel up to sharing please let the people in this thread know when you're done, it'd be a really handy resource.
On 5/23/2020 at 12:52 AM, MaxXIII said:Forgot to tag you @Tom Cruise ...
Also as a follow up question: have you thought about a supplement for space marines/death watch?
Would be super cool for warband campaigns to have them.
Scroll up a few posts 😛 It's very much in the works. Grey Knights too!
On 5/23/2020 at 7:53 PM, LelouchVee said:According to good ol' Lexicanum:
So my first instinct would be to create a sort of 'downward spiral' situation for them. Prove you're the best - or grind yourself to dust trying. Basically I'm thinking something along the lines of:
If an Iron Hands character ends an encounter in a retreat or loss, or the encounter he participated in ends while he's unconscious, he decreases his strain threshold by 2. This reduction lasts until he installs a new piece of cybernetics (preferrably replacing an organ or body part connected to the reason he failed or fell unconscious). The effect is cumulative, and each piece of cybernetics cancels out only one instance of reduction.
And some "abuse control" for part 2:
Iron Hands characters cannot willingly uninstall cybernetic from their bodies. If a previously installed piece of cybernetics has been destroyed of forcefully removed from an Iron Hands character, he upgrades difficulty of all Presence and Willpower checks once until a new implant replaces the lost cybernetic .
Perhaps there's a more laconic way of formulating it, but it escapes me for now. Anyway, this way a character has to install a new augmetic to mitigate the effect of a given failure - eventually getting over his 'safe' augmetics limit and either reducing his strain threshold further and further as a form of damage control, or, well, trying harder not to fail at stuff anymore.
EDIT: Also, with the fresh announcements for 9e, I guess Assault Marine could be a career for both old marines and Primaris now 😄
This is a pretty solid suggestion, although one thing I'm wary of is creating mechanics around needing to acquire cybernetics, as the way Chambers Militant characters acquire cybernetics is a lot more limited than the mechanics typical characters use. As Chambers Militant characters don't really have much in the way of a standard system to acquire gear (no money, all their gear is "on loan" from their parent organisation and can be swapped out between missions), I've moved to having them acquire cybernetics via a ranked talent (replacement limbs and etc for injuries are free though, naturally). So putting Iron Hands characters in the position of needing new cybernetics to offset their penalties feels pretty brutally punishing.
What I ended up going with was leaning into their tendency to judge others as harshly as they judge themselves, which often leads to them being aloof ***** who see everyone else as inferior (while also somehow seeing themselves as inferior, they seem like a healthy bunch!), so I went with this;
And on the note of 9e, one thing I had been thinking about is dumping the distinction between Primaris and Firstborn careers, and just having more generalist careers that address the common themes. Like, both have generic bolter-wielding troops (Tacticals and Intercessors), both have forces who focus on melee with light weapons (Assaults Marines and Assault Intercessors), both have heavy weapons troops (Hellblasters and Devestators), etc. Would be easy enough to make general careers, which would be more in line with what the core book does anyway.
One other thing I've been thinking about career wise, is that as it stands Apothecaries, Chaplains and Tech-Marines get some exclusive gear, and the other careers get nothing. I'm wondering if it'd be worth giving each career a nice little exclusive bonus to offset this (something equivalent to a Tier 2 or 3 talent, nothing too good). Normally I'm against this in Genesys as I like how open ended things are, but when some careers inherently have access to exclusive stuff due to the fluff, it might help to even the scales a bit.