[3.1 Update!] Dark Heresy (Warhammer 40,000) in Genesys

By Tom Cruise, in Genesys

Tried to give the autocarriage a lot of flavourful variants considering it's basically the generic civillian vehicle option. But naturally homebrew beyond what's in the book is encouraged.


It's a shame that 40k is locked with Cubicle 7 right now, because the work you've put into this could (nay, should) be bound in a hardcover supplement for Genesys.

I wish! I'm pretty keen to see where Wrath and Glory goes though, it's a functional enough system now but the sheer breadth of the content it's trying to cover in terms of player options means it's a lot shallower than I'd like. When they start doing splatbooks on specific factions, it'll be cool to see what they do with that.

On the note of splatbooks, one thing I've been considering doing lately is a little mini-splat focusing on Necromumda. Leafing through the various Necromunda rulebooks for the recent reboot, there's a ton of really interesting gear in there which would be a great fit for Dark Heresy. Also very keen to do a similar thing with the Mechanicus, although I'll probably wait until their new book comes out first to include all its cool stuff (robohorses!).

Edited by Tom Cruise

I'm actually prepping a W&G one-shot. For the moment we're sticking with your conversion, but I do want to take the new version of W&G for a spin. I really like their Faith & Faith Talents section. It's pretty minor, but it just adds so much flavor to the game.

As for splatbooks, Necromunda would be top choice. I think maybe giving someone a bonus depending on which House they belong to, would be a nice touch. Plus you've got a whole new setting to explore as well. It could probably even be an entire thing on it's own, instead of giving it the Dark Heresy tag.

Here's the air vehicles I'm planning on covering. Anything missed here that you'd like to see?

  • Aquila Lander
  • Arvus Lighter
  • Avenger Strike Fighter
  • Corvus Blackstar
  • Guncutter
  • Lightning Strike Fighter
  • Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter
  • Marauder Bomber
  • Thunderhawk
  • Valkyrie Assault Carrier
  • Vulture Gunship

Not a lot of civillian/industrial stuff in the flyer space unfortunately so it's largely military vessels.

1 hour ago, Tom Cruise said:

Here's the air vehicles I'm planning on covering. Anything missed here that you'd like to see?

  • Aquila Lander
  • Arvus Lighter
  • Avenger Strike Fighter
  • Corvus Blackstar
  • Guncutter
  • Lightning Strike Fighter
  • Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter
  • Marauder Bomber
  • Thunderhawk
  • Valkyrie Assault Carrier
  • Vulture Gunship

Not a lot of civillian/industrial stuff in the flyer space unfortunately so it's largely military vessels.

The preview looks fantastic and we've started a game using DH 3.0, so we'll be definitely utilizing this.

I have a question - since we will have a lot of dealings with voidships and cruisers and whatnot, would you be able to give some tips on creating your own vehicles for 40k? I have a bunch of old Rogue Trader splats and I'm not sure if you're basing your vehicle conversions off of DH 2e, and whether you can give me some pointers? Would be cool if we could give the option for non-military, more transport/voidship type stuff for this.

I've been looking to Only War, DH2e and Deathwatch for my vehicle stats, to use as a rough baseline. I've come up with some loose formulas for converting those stats, which might be some help -

  • Speed - Use cruising speed for calculations. Helpfully also means you can get an idea of what speed vehicles that *don't* have RPG stats should be.
    • Speed 1 = 1 – 15 kph
    • Speed 2 = 16 – 30 kph
    • Speed 3 = 31 kph – 60 kph
    • Speed 4 = 61 kph – 250 kph
    • Speed 5 = 251 kph – 2000 kph
    • Speed 6 = 2001 kph
  • Handling - The 40kRPGs have a "Manoeuvrability" trait which ranges from -30 to +20. So generally you can convert at a radio of +5 Manoeuvrability = +1 Handling.
  • Armour - Genesys doesn't have armour facings and I'm not really keen on adding them, so I try to get a rough average (I'm not actually calculating it) of all the facings on a vehicle and go from there.
    • Less than 10 = 0 Armour
    • 10 - 19 = 1 Armour
    • 20 - 34 = 2 Armour
    • 35 - 44 = 3 Armour
    • 45+ = 4 Armour
  • Hull Trauma Threshold - Vehicles in 40kRPGs have an Integrity rating, which is essentially hull trauma. The numbers are quite big though, so I've found multiplying the 40kRPG numbers by 0.45 gets you a good Genesys HTT rating.
  • System Strain Threshold - There's no real direct analogue for this, so I try to look at the fluff; is the vehicle known to be ultra-reliable? Does it have systems specifically designed to keep it working under duress? Is it known to have a more capable machine spirit? That kinda stuff justifies jacking up SST to me.

These are all guidelines at best - often using these formulas will get you wonky results you have to adjust a little, but it forms a good baseline.

If you have any suggestions for air vehicles you'd want included, feel free to post them! I'd be happy to consider adding to my list. Not trying to do anything too massive, but I'd love to have a few less militant options for players. Worth noting I'm specifically not doing voidships here, just fighters, shuttles, gunships, that kinda thing. Voidships will be their own book if I ever do them, they deserve full attention, and I'd want to give them some unique mechanics of their own.

Imperial Armour 1.0 is ready to go! Brace yourself for rampant typos and balance issues, this is very fresh 😛

I'll be putting out a small errata update to the Core Book over the next few days as well, which will apply some tweaks to personal scale weapons and how they interact with vehicles.


Edited by Tom Cruise

Cool stuff! Thank you for the great work!


Back at it again.

Starting to build out Deathwatch character creation. I've tweaked the Elite Advance to simplify it a bit, and I've added flaws to every chapter (not too happy with where Ultramarines are at, they're a tough one to assign a good gameplay flaw to).

Decided to include Primaris Marines as well.



This is putting other, official books to shame! 😮

I want to think Space Wolves are flawless!

5 hours ago, GrumpyBatman said:

I want to think Space Wolves are flawless!


Totally flawless, nothing to see here.


Here's an example of how the career writeups are looking now.

17 hours ago, Tom Cruise said:


Totally flawless, nothing to see here.

Definitely perfection!


Here's a link to the first pass on the Deathwatch character creation chapter. Let me know what you think!

The chapter flaws definitely need some revision, they're mostly direct ports from WanG at the moment and don't necessarily fit well.


Working on revising some of the Chapter Flaws.

Anyone got any good ideas for Iron Hands? Struggling to come up with something with interesting mechanics. Currently they get a penalty to social interaction checks with people outside their chapter and non-Mechanicus, but I'd like to add a little bit more.

In Deathwatch they got an even bigger social penalty that they could offset by buying up cybernetics, but I'm not sure if I want to use that; it means they get hit really badly at the start of a campaign, but after a few missions under their belt and a few cybernetics acquired, they can ignore the penalties entirely.

They also have a lot of fluff around hatred for anything weaker than them, so that might be an angle to turn into some interesting gameplay penalties.

Hey everyone, here's the work I've done on the Chambers Militant Armoury chapter so far.


What's done:

  • Rules for acquiring gear as Chambers Militant characters (they don't use typical Thrones or Influence).
  • All ranged weapons for Sororitas, Grey Knights and Deathwatch.
  • All melee weapons for Sororitas, Grey Knights and Deathwatch.
  • All armour and forcefields for Sororitas, Grey Knights and Deathwatch.
  • Armour attachments (I may add a few more of these so the formatting isn't finalised)

What's not done:

  • Ammunition rules, including custom ammo.
  • Grenades and explosives.
  • Weapon attachments.
  • General wargear.
  • Familiars and servitors.
  • Cybernetics.

Let me know if anything seems missing or incorrect!

Update: It's all done! Whole armoury chapter should be ready to go, let me know if you notice any glaring omissions.

Edited by Tom Cruise

Hey Tom,

I just came across this thread today for the first time and man what a treasure trove it is. After the unsatisfying cycle of the 2nd Edition of Dark Heresy, this project has pushed the whole brand into a positive orbit for me again. Much kudos for what you are doing here.

The work you have delivered looks very professional. Could you elaborate a little bit on how it came to be? Where you originally involved with FFG during DH?



I love your work! I am going to create a beginner game (like the star wars ones) for it to introduce Genesys and dark heresy to my group! If you have a character I'd like to honor your work by including it as a pregen or NPC. I will be creating tokens for the beginner game, so you'd get a drawn token out of it.

You can check out my art style here:


Keep up the good work!

Forgot to tag you @Tom Cruise ...

Also as a follow up question: have you thought about a supplement for space marines/death watch?

Would be super cool for warband campaigns to have them.

On 5/16/2020 at 1:27 PM, Tom Cruise said:

Anyone got any good ideas for Iron Hands?

According to good ol' Lexicanum:


some speculate that their extreme contempt for weakness in themselves and others may actually be due to an unidentified psychological flaw in their gene-seed. Being Space Marines, the Iron Hands already have superior physiologies, and the bionics which they embrace do little to improve on it. Thus, the Iron Hands may suffer from body dysmorphia.

So my first instinct would be to create a sort of 'downward spiral' situation for them. Prove you're the best - or grind yourself to dust trying. Basically I'm thinking something along the lines of:

If an Iron Hands character ends an encounter in a retreat or loss, or the encounter he participated in ends while he's unconscious, he decreases his strain threshold by 2. This reduction lasts until he installs a new piece of cybernetics (preferrably replacing an organ or body part connected to the reason he failed or fell unconscious). The effect is cumulative, and each piece of cybernetics cancels out only one instance of reduction.

And some "abuse control" for part 2:

Iron Hands characters cannot willingly uninstall cybernetic from their bodies. If a previously installed piece of cybernetics has been destroyed of forcefully removed from an Iron Hands character, he upgrades difficulty of all Presence and Willpower checks once until a new implant replaces the lost cybernetic .

Perhaps there's a more laconic way of formulating it, but it escapes me for now. Anyway, this way a character has to install a new augmetic to mitigate the effect of a given failure - eventually getting over his 'safe' augmetics limit and either reducing his strain threshold further and further as a form of damage control, or, well, trying harder not to fail at stuff anymore.

EDIT: Also, with the fresh announcements for 9e, I guess Assault Marine could be a career for both old marines and Primaris now 😄

Edited by LelouchVee