[3.1 Update!] Dark Heresy (Warhammer 40,000) in Genesys

By Tom Cruise, in Genesys

With regards to Training... it's a neat idea but I think I can see why you're not too happy with it. Would doing something such as adding/removing boost/setback dice be more in-line with what Genesys tries to accomplish? Maybe a success is one boost, a crit is 2 and three advantages are one boost? And maybe if we could use it as an expansion to any task related to what we trained with the advantages would be used up much faster. For example, if you train with your Ranged (Light) skill, you could use the boost to investigate the aftermath of a gunfight - seeing what the survivors were armed with, what weapons were used, what tactics the side employeed, etc. Likewise, if you you spent your training on tech-use (specifically repairing), you could use the boost when talking with Techpriests, or investigating machines, or even perception checks related to machines you were working with, etc.

Just an idea - I am not sure if that design would fit your vision.

Edited by QuirkyAI

I would still suggest a succesfull training added one reroll with that skill. Nice and simple.

The covers look awesome btw 😀

Just having the reroll does reduce the 'hassle' of having to keep track of how many free successes and advantages you have left. I'm still advocating giving it a difficulty though, if it's left at trivial, higher ranks will almost guarantee success. Real training should always indicate that you're pushing yourself to get better. So at least a hard check is in order, I think.

If you do a difficulty make a short sidebar with suggested usage of threat and advantages, triumps and despair. Try and make them non bookeeping :)

Hi, I was just looking at the updated adversary chapter from a couple pages back (13?), and the Deathwatch SM uses Ranged Light for his chainsword, just wanted to make sure that isn't an accident! Loving the ruleset, have run a couple one shots with my party and an going to run a full campaign once we have finished our SWRPG one in a couple weeks!

Thanks for all the hard work!
- Joe

Edited by ITacktixX

Whoops, that definitely should be Melee (Light). I've fixed that up.

I like the idea of simplifying training back to giving you a reroll, I might try to work something out around that.

I can see the logic behind wanting training to have a difficulty attached, but that does inherently ratchet up the mechanical complexity; it means negative symbols needs some concrete mechanics attached. And I agree that training involves pushing yourself but people also learn pretty massively from failure, or from just going through the motions and repeating stuff which is familiar, so I think you could make the argument for any difficulty pool here pretty comfortably from a fluff perspective. I'm more interested in what would be mechanically sound. I'll give it some thought.

Apologies for the relative silence in here, still chipping away at the book, just been a bit slow due to a pretty hectic work and personal life in the last couple of weeks.

Here's a couple of samples of the reworked psychic power chapter. I've decided to include the full rules text for powers in the Dark Heresy book here, rather than referencing the spells in the Genesys CRB. Playing a psyker currently is very intensive on flipping between books so I've tried to eliminate that as an issue. Also, rather than putting Narrative and Structured versions of powers in separate places, I've lumped them together which I think makes a lot more sense from a formatting perspective.



Six more pages to go for the Talents section! I notice that I'm frequently going back and forth in the document, so maybe it's best to wait after I've finished before you have a look at it again? :)

I hosted the old Edge of Darkness introductory adventure and I think it went pretty well. I prepared the example Genesys player characters from the Shatered Hope conversion.

Keep up the great work. I'm full of anticipation for the final 2.0.

On 9/5/2019 at 6:39 AM, Veruca said:

Six more pages to go for the Talents section! I notice that I'm frequently going back and forth in the document, so maybe it's best to wait after I've finished before you have a look at it again? :)

Yeah, I'll leave it until you're done, that seems like a sensible move. Don't want to make more work for you than you're already putting in! Thanks again by the way, really appreciate the effort.

Hoping to finish the psychic powers chapter for previewing tomorrow, should only take a couple of hours of work. Getting much closer to done!

7 hours ago, Tom Cruise said:

Thanks again by the way, really appreciate the effort.

No worries, I like to do it. I just hope at least half of it is useful. :P

Okay, I finally reached the end of the Talents chapter. I can't promise I found everything, but I hope I did. :P

Also, please let me know whether or not some of the feedback/comments are useless, or if you'd like to see other ways for me to make suggestions. I just write as I come across things, but looking at the amount of comments... maybe I go a bit overboard? I dunno, you be the judge.

Edit: if possible, could you maybe edit your first post with a link to each chapter? That's going to be easier for me to keep track of the chapters instead of having to sift through the comments and preview chapters. Thanks! :)

Edited by Veruca

Perfect! That's gonna be easier to keep track of things. :)

Hi there, me again!

Just getting my player set for our first session this Sunday and had a question about the Hot-Shot las clip and its interaction with the Variable rule. Can you still overcharge the weapon if firing from a Hot-Shot clip?

As I read it yes, but there is no reason not to do so. By that I mean there is no risk in doing so as the HS ammo overrides the risk of Variable, and neither interacts or scales with the other. Maybe have the weapon damaged by 2 steps on double threat, instead of 1?

Any input would be great - also may be worth slipping into the chapter. Cheers!

References below from Redesign Preview Chapter 5 PDF :

Pg 17 (102 of book):

Hot-Shot Charge: A crude imitation of the more refined Hellgun, hot-shot charges are amplified charge packs which deliver much more destructive bolts of energy, at the expense of ammo capacity and safety.

Modifiers: Weapons loaded with hot-shot charges increase their damage by 2, and gain Pierce 2. However, they run out of ammo on X, and XX may be spent to cause the weapon to suffer one level of damage.

A regular lasgun charge pack can be converted to a hot-shot charge with an Average Tech-Use check, taking five minutes.

Pg 5 (90 of book):

Variable: Many las weapons have a variable power setting, allowing them to fire higher powered bursts.

As an incidental once per turn, a weapon with this quality may be switched between high and low output settings.

Setting the weapon to high output increases the weapon’s damage by 1, but gives it the Scarce Ammo quality.

Hi Tom,

I've been using your work a lot, once again thank you for this. I'll start running your games using your current WIP files so my feedback will be sporadic based on what I come across during gameplay. Right now I've got:

Page 201 (Ganger Heavy). Under the flak vest it reads:


Flak Vest: Soak 2; Defense 1; Soak can be provided with called shot targeting head

Should that read, soak can be avoided (or words to that effect) with called shot targeting head? Maybe circumvented?

Thanks for all you do man

Edited by Gregor Eisenhorn

Shining the Emperor's Light back on this project. Would be a shame to have it be lost to the Warp.

Hey there, I'm still around, just haven't made much progress on this in a few weeks now due to a pretty busy personal life. Fully intend to get back into the swing of things soon, don't wanna give any particular ETA there because I'm very bad at keeping to those kinda time-frames when I set them :P

As soon as I have anything new to show off I'll be sure to put it here.

Glad to see you're still working on this project!

While we wait for an update, here is a question for you all. How would you feel about a talent that let psykers add their ranks in Discipline to the damage (after damage is calculated but before Soak) in an Attack power? Perhaps Tier 2 or 3. That would allow psykers to circumvent the need for a staff in order to deal good damage.

On 11/21/2019 at 11:49 AM, Tom Cruise said:

Hey there, I'm still around, just haven't made much progress on this in a few weeks now due to a pretty busy personal life. Fully intend to get back into the swing of things soon, don't wanna give any particular ETA there because I'm very bad at keeping to those kinda time-frames when I set them :P

As soon as I have anything new to show off I'll be sure to put it here.

Yeah, life tends to do that. :P Completely understandable. I just didn't see the topic on the first page anymore, and I didn't want to see it slip into oblivion. :D

I haven't been too busy with going proofreading the chapters either, on account of other things keeping me busy. When things pick back up here, I'll try to do the same!

7 hours ago, javiersac1 said:

Glad to see you're still working on this project!

While we wait for an update, here is a question for you all. How would you feel about a talent that let psykers add their ranks in Discipline to the damage (after damage is calculated but before Soak) in an Attack power? Perhaps Tier 2 or 3. That would allow psykers to circumvent the need for a staff in order to deal good damage.

One thing I think you'd want to think about there is how it'd stack with items like the staff and any future items which might buff attack damage. Don't want to let things get too over-the-top.

I think attack damage scalability is definitely a weak point of Genesys in general, so it's a good thing to address. Becomes even more noticable in this hack where a lot of weapons are VERY punchy.

On 11/23/2019 at 2:24 AM, Tom Cruise said:

One thing I think you'd want to think about there is how it'd stack with items like the staff and any future items which might buff attack damage. Don't want to let things get too over-the-top.

I think attack damage scalability is definitely a weak point of Genesys in general, so it's a good thing to address. Becomes even more noticable in this hack where a lot of weapons are VERY punchy.

you might want to check the Innate Focus talent in the new Expanded players guide might work for something like this.

This is some amazing quality work, @Tom Cruise ! I hope the new year gives you time and energy to finish the new edition! I recently got back into Warhammer, and seriously considering running this with some friends. I never played original DH, and it does look more complex than worth it, at least for a shorter one/two-shot kind of deal.

On the subject of lethality, is there any ideas of implementing optional "High lethal" critical tables like this one , which is based on DH2's critical tables? It does look just a bit too lethal for my tastes, I'm thinking of having the deadly/daunting effects on 11+ and thus have the pc's be able take one critical hit with a low risk of death, as long as the weapon doesn't have lethality.

Also, has anyone tried to run the Dark Pursuits scenario from the core rulebook? If so, what kind of adversaries did you use, and how did it work?

Kicking off a DH campaign with the 2ed update tomorrow. If we come across anything wonky, I'll let you know. ;)

It’s been awfully quiet. Hope all is well. Going to be starting a campaign with this as well soon.

I may take a stab at getting a roll20.net character sheet and dice roller set up for this version of the game, as personally most of my games these days are done using that tool. Of course I will be heavily borrowing from the Genesys one, which heavily borrows from the Star Wars one. I am a team of one though so it may take some time. I also intend to create a dice set symbol set around more dark heresy themes... unfortunately it looks like we may lose FFG RPG support in the near future.