[3.1 Update!] Dark Heresy (Warhammer 40,000) in Genesys

By Tom Cruise, in Genesys

Looks amazing! Yeah, commenting directly will be easier... I kinda didn't think about that before. Whoops! 😀

Just a quick note; I remember there being some... disagreement... with using the term warband, back when the beta for 2nd edition was live. Are you going to keep that term? I notice that you've added tiers of play at the end, with Cells, Agents, and Warbands. Maybe it's a good idea to mix it up a bit in the text?

Edited by Veruca

I remember the disagreement well :P

I think the term works well enough to refer to a particular high level and capable party, which is why I've used it in that particular context. I might mix up the language a bit as I go through the other chapters.

I'm marking your comments as resolved as I fix them (in my InDesign master, fixes won't show until I upload a new PDF unfortunately), which makes them disappear, but you can set Google Docs to "Show inactive comments" if you want them back. Definitely appreciate the help!

Edited by Tom Cruise

Don't mention it, I'm happy to help where I can. :)

I'll go through the document when I find the time. Might take me a while, since I'm somewhat of a slow reader, but I'd like to think that's also a plus when proofreading. :D

Adversaries and Allies chapter is now done too. Featuring a few nice updates;

  • Shifting to a new one adversary per page format
  • Flavour text bulked out significantly, with a lot more room for handy GM advice
  • New section for servitor NPCs so they can all be found in one handy place, along with some slightly tweaked rules for handling servitors
  • Suggested psychic powers on every psychic NPC's profile
  • Some general balance/design tweaks to a lot of the profiles

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EDIT: Pushed out a new version of the Chapter 1 PDF, same link. Should have all the corrections suggested.

Edited by Tom Cruise

I see you've already corrected the mistakes I pointed out in Chapter X, I'll go through it again and see if I find more!

Going through the old Dark Hersy books, I was wondering what your thoughts are on adapting the possession rules for daemonic entities. They offer a nice alternative way of using daemons and warp entities instead of straight combat. I'm by no means an expert on FFG's 40k RPGs, but perhaps they could work like they do in the original Dark Heresy, with opposed Discipline checks over a series of rounds until a party reaches a certain number of successes?

Edited by javiersac1

Plan is to cover daemonic summoning, possession, daemonhosts, daemon weapons and all that sort of stuff in a future expansion. I want to give it the proper attention it deserves. That'll probably come alongside stats for a wider variety of daemons.

Big thanks for the proofreading by the way, it's a huge help.

Edited by Tom Cruise

You're killing it with these updates! I love how clean that design looks. If I can make a suggestion, though, it would be to either make the icons before the NPCs names a bit smaller, or to add an additional space between the icons and the names (or both). Purely visual, of course. :)

Chapter II - Skills is done. Pretty minor tweaks here, mostly just updating things to the new aesthetic, but figured it couldn't hurt to give you guys more to look at.

Seriously appreciate all the comments people are leaving on the other two PDFs by the way, it's a big help for my own editing.

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On 6/18/2019 at 5:50 AM, Veruca said:

You're killing it with these updates! I love how clean that design looks. If I can make a suggestion, though, it would be to either make the icons before the NPCs names a bit smaller, or to add an additional space between the icons and the names (or both). Purely visual, of course. :)

Will add some more space, it was bothering me a little too!

Edited by Tom Cruise

Just a quick question regarding the skills. What was the reasoning behind removing/replacing Piloting and Brawl? Was it lack of space on the character sheet? Or did it have something to do with talents?

Just curious, because during play with the previous edition, my group kinda agreed that it was weird to 'drive' a shuttle instead of piloting one. As for Brawl, they just like the sound of it more than Melee. 😛

As a designer I generally prefer condensed skill lists where possible, I've always disliked games with a million niche skills.

As for Drive, it came down to the fact that operating vehicles is a pretty minor part of your typical Dark Heresy campaign. If this was Deathwatch or Only War I could see the case for separated skills, but your average Acolyte Cell isn't gonna be driving or flying super often, and a lot of the time when they are it's gonna be pretty passive narrative stuff. So collapsing two already niche skills into one slightly more useful one made sense.

When it comes to the melee skills, ultimately I thought Brawl didn't seem super relevant in Dark Heresy. Carrying weapons is commonplace in 40k and brawlers don't feature much in the fiction discounting power fist users. So it made sense to me to collapse Brawl into the existing melee skills, and light made more sense to me than heavy.

Of course this is all opinion based, and it'd be very easy to houserule the skills back in without breaking anything too badly.

Makes perfect sense to me. 🙂

What made you go with Drive over Pilot or Operate Vehicle? Is it because most of the time, it will be actual driving instead of flying?

Also, are you going to pimp the character sheet as well?

No rush, of course, I doubt I could keep up with proof reading if you did. 😅

I'm glad I can help you in some way. I love Dark Heresy, and I love Genesys... So I just want to help you get this as close to perfect as possible. 😃

Yeah, seemed like Drive was the most common. I do like the term Operate, but it's already used for voidship scale stuff so I didn't want too much confusion.

I'll definitely tweak the character sheet once I've finished re-doing the book. Dunno if I'll redesign it too much but there's some tweaks I've been wanting to make for a while.

Chapter III - Talents is done. Again, no major content changes here, just updating things to the new format.

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Images are a bit low-res because Waifu2x is down right now so I can't get upscaling. Really should figure out how to compile it for myself one day.

Just finished proofreading the home worlds. After reading through the War Zone one, I realised that there's no skill for (military) strategies & tactics. Now, I'm also not a fan of splitting up Knowledge skills (I think 3 is perfect as is), but I was wondering if we could maybe put it under Scholastic Lore? If so, perhaps it's something that can be added to the description of that skill?

Yeah, I think Scholastic would make sense. I'll see if I can adjust the text to reflect that!

Sorry for the lack of updates, work has been hitting me pretty hard lately and I've been getting pretty absorbed by Total War: Warhammer 2 :P

Expect to see some updates over the weekend probably, I've got the Elite Advances chapter half done!

Haha, no worries. Better to take it a few steps at a time than get burned out on it. I haven't had the chance to continue proof reading either the last couple of days. 🙂

Our group is looking forward to playing this new version! Dis gon be gud, as they say. 😄


Felt like statting up some Abhumans and wanted to get the ideas on paper before moving on to other stuff. So here's some rules for playing as Beastmen, Ogryns, Ratlings and Squats.

Pretty rough, probably won't put them into a snazzy PDF until I'm done with the book update and the Chambers Militant expansion. I'm thinking I'll just throw them together in a little mini-expansion of their own with some original gear, talents and Elite Advances.


I decided I'd expand out the Elite Advances chapter a little by giving a few of the more significant ones some bonus talents they can access, kinda like how they were handled in DH2e. Didn't want to neuter blanks to the extent they were in DH2e though, so they're still quite powerful out of the gate. The talents are just some nice little utility boosts.

Okay, Elite Advances chapter is done!

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Can be commented on as per usual. Pretty much the same content as before but redesigned for the new layout, with some minor mechanical tweaks, and a few more major changes;

- Wyrd got the cut. Couldn't find a way to make it mechanically meaningful enough to keep. Wyrds can be represented pretty well by just dropping only one rank into a psychic discipline and role-playing accordingly.
- Added Gland Warriors, by popular demand (one dude on /tg/ asked for it)
- Added a set of basic talents for Untouchables to expand their options a little

Let me know if you have any suggestions for new Elite Advances you'd like to see, happy to expand the content, although some stuff might end up earmarked for a future release.

Edited by Tom Cruise

This is amazing, love the redesign and new layout! I admit, I am very glad to see Squads, Ratlings and Beastmen, been so long since I have seen them, heck many tend to forget they were ever a thing. They just know Ogryn nowadays.

I couldn't not include Squats. Plus, they're canon again now! Same with Beastmen, god bless Necromunda.

Not nearly done, but here's the first part of the Armoury chapter, primarily focusing on ranged weapons. Because I just can't help myself, I added some new goodies.

  • New Haywire weapon quality (Essentially Sunder for electronics but with some tweaks)
  • New low-tech weapons - Bolas, Bow, Flintlock Pistol, Musket and Sling
  • Plasma Caliver
  • Arc weapons

Figured I'd port some of the more Acolyte-friendly Adeptus Mechanicus armaments to the game. I'll probably do a full AdMech splat down the line with all the fancy Skitarii toys, but this at least adds a couple of nice new options.

The ammo rules have also been rewritten to use advantages always; weapons which previously required an action now just require 2 advantages. Not sure why I didn't do this in the first place, it makes a lot more sense.

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I think ranged weapons should be well covered now but if there is anything I've missed feel free to let me know.

Edited by Tom Cruise

Been a some busy days lately, but I'm still slowly making my way through character creation. Hoping to get it done soon, only a few more pages to go. :)

Awesome, really appreciate the work you've put into this! Will take a look at the comments you've left over the weekend and make the appropriate tweaks.

While I'm here, here's the current special ammo offerings. Anything not represented here that people would like to see? I've added in custom needler rounds and toxic fuel for the flamer, everything else is the same currently, although with some minor rules tweaks here and there.

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Edited by Tom Cruise

There we go, all done with Character Creation. Anything in particular you want me to go through next?