Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

5 hours ago, AdvocatXD said:

I did it!

MEDIC! (Average Medicine check) : 2eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

I also changed my IC post. :)

You didn’t kill me!

@Rabobankrider how much does this heal? Do we need to do each Crit as well?

Cool, that recovers 1 stain and 1 wound as it's a standard medical check. You guys need to invest in a surgery when you get a new base ?

So what's the plan for you guys next?

Well I’m still broken. There is only so many fights I can Tank in. Let’s get some stims those will help a ton.

Cool, if someone wants to do an easy streetwise check (with a boost if you've lived in the sector a long time) to find a chemist or similar, either to buy from or to rob. We can go from there and I will be sorting a post for @SithArissa soon.

Yeah, it'd be best to recover wounds first before dealing with the cache we got.

Streetwise [Doctor?] : 3eA+1eD 2 failures, 2 advantage
a--.png a-a.png a-a.png d-f-f.png

Guess Jace's memory is outdated, but with 2 advantage...maybe he's right about something with said chemist.

Perhaps you know a relatively safe area, so if you guys do find a place for medical supplies and choose knock over a chemist you're not going to end up worse off.

@Edgehawk , @BeingofMortis , @AdvocatXD or @Shlambate you guys want to do an easy streetwise to try and find a pharmacy, or do you have other plans before turning in for the night?

@TheMitchMan18 , I haven't heard anything from you regarding the campaign, so I am afraid I will be removing you from the active players.

Got meds! :P

Meds(streetwise) : 3eA+1eD 3 successes
a-s.png a-s.png a-s.png d--.png

@BeingofMortis ok!You know of a pharmacy maybe ten minutes walk in here. It's a small business in a residential area, nothing of real note (no security forces or anything like that, just a bog standard business). However it will be closing soon due to the time of day. If you rush you may make it, or if you guys are planning to break in that's not really a problem.

What do you guys want to do?

Sorry for this as I know everyone probably has much less free time than me, but is this game actually happening?

I mean, I'm still running it if that's the question, but it does seem to be dying on its **** a bit though. I'm not sure why though, are people just not enjoying the setting? Is it my gm stuff? Any feedback on what's going on would be helpful.

Sorry for the uncharacteristic absence of activity. I'll catch up and post Wednesday, if not before.

I've just been busy myself. Sorry for not posting.

No worries guys :)

@Edgehawk I'm fine with that use of a dp, that actually works pretty nicely.

Guys, I really do need you to make a decision about what you want to do.

16 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Guys, I really do need you to make a decision about what you want to do.

Can Hetaera make a Streetwise check to more precisely locate the spice chemist? Maybe return to where she first heard of it? Should I narrate first, or do you just want me to roll, and post after?

Average streetwise should do it.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Average streetwise should do it.

Frraaaak! I'll wait to spend the 3 Advantage, depending upon the circumstances, if that's okay?

Character Hetaera
Campaign Kings of Nar Shaddaa
Description Avg Streetwise (destiny flip, way I've been rolling)
Results 1eA+2eP+2eD : 3 failures, 3 advantage [1eA=-] [2eP=A/A, A] [2eD=F/F, F]
a--.png p-a-a.png p-a.png d-f-f.png d-f.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

Sorry for the delay, will be sorting posts tomorrow.

@Edgehawk , can you do me an easy charm check with a boost (the guy wants to deal so isn't being shy) please?

In the mean time @Shlambate , @satkaz , @AdvocatXD and @BeingofMortis what do you want to do? Or do you just want to have you character rest now (it is late evening).

@SithArissa depending on how @Edgehawk does you will have another thing to work with soon. :)

Rest as it gives me HP+1 due to racial trait.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , can you do me an easy charm check with a boost (the guy wants to deal so isn't being shy) please?

Kings of Nar Shaddaa
Description Easy Charm
Results 1eA+2eP+1eB+1eD : 1 success, 1 advantage [1eA=A] [2eP=S, A] [1eB=-] [1eD=Th]
a-a.png p-s.png p-a.png b--.png d-th.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

Ok @Shlambate assuming you're resting for the whole night you can recover the wounds as per the racial trait, and your strain from having a good nights rest.

@satkaz , @BeingofMortis , @AdvocatXD , what are you guys planning to do?

Just tell me how much.