Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

@Shlambate , bear in mind if you are walking back, it's going to take you a bit of time to get back to meet up with the others (assuming that's your plan). Do the rest of you want to wait for him to open the crates or go ahead now?

I figured that's what would happen

@Rabobankrider can Usshkr visit the Cemetery?

You can, but ooc warning you will miss the last part of the session if you'r not back at the base. Having said that the end overlaps with the start of the next session so you won't miss it all.

9 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

You can, but ooc warning you will miss the last part of the session if you'r not back at the base. Having said that the end overlaps with the start of the next session so you won't miss it all.

Is there any healing between sessions? If not Usshkr won't be useful for a while. Because if the sessions are that close then he probably has no time to heal.

For this one there won't, but near the start of the next one there will be, so don't worry toooooo much.

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

For this one there won't, but near the start of the next one there will be, so don't worry toooooo much.

He will still be critted like 4 times? Unless that's going away.

Also let me know when Usshkr arrives at the Cemetery.

At the moment yeah, the fight between you and Hu1K may not have been the best idea before the heist. You can always look for a doctor or bacta tank later to try and sort yourself out if you want. I'll sort it in my next post.

20 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

At the moment yeah, the fight between you and Hu1K may not have been the best idea before the heist. You can always look for a doctor or bacta tank later to try and sort yourself out if you want. I'll sort it in my next post.

He Crit first, if it was good clean Just wounds fight we wouldn't have this problem! But we are here now.

I'll be trying to sort my ic post today or tomorrow. This session is wrapping up soon so I'm actually going to do xp now. You all get 20xp for your troubles, and anyone who hasn't can roll discipline for strain. There won't be time between this and the next session to recover a wound, but there will after the start of the next one if you choose to.

OOC you may want to begin considering what kind of criminal gang you're hoping to be long term. You don't need to tie yourselves down too much to one label or the other, but the question will be raised ic at some point or another.

What does the party want to do most? Heists? Assassination? Insurance fraud?

I'm good with whatever but Usshkr would prefer Hitmen as that's the best to acquire score.

20xp! Congenial & Dodge.

Ok guys, unfortunately @Vergence is having to leave us in this campaign, so I'm going to alter the ending of this session slightly accordingly in my next ic post. This does however leave us with only 5 players, so you guys do have a few options with what you want to do now that should be considered.

  1. Carry on as is. If you guys are still enjoying it there's no reason to stop now after all.
  2. Dissolve the campaign. If you guys aren't really feeling like this setting any more that's fair enough, you don't have to stick around if you're not having fun (rule 1 is have fun in all these things).
  3. Try a different setting. I have a number of ideas on the backburner at the moment that would focus on different eras and areas of the star wars universe, and if you guys still want to play but aren't as interested in this current setting, this is a definite option.

It's up to you guys what you want to do, so let me know what you think! :)

Well I Still want to play this setting is fine for me.

Not sure where we're heading, but Hetaera is along for the ride.

Edit: (I mean this in a positive way).

Edited by Edgehawk

Well what about we become like the Cooper gang and only steal from other master thieves? Usshkr still works as the muscle. Giz can be the getaway driver, and Hetaera will be the brains, can Jace also pickpocket? Or can Shura pickpocket we need Sly!

9 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Well what about we become like the Cooper gang and only steal from other master thieves? Usshkr still works as the muscle. Giz can be the getaway driver, and Hetaera will be the brains, can Jace also pickpocket? Or can Shura pickpocket we need Sly!

Hetaera can be Cunning , and has Street Smarts... but Shura would be the more Disciplined Leader. Jace might better serve as the Intelligence, with the Cool to pull it off.

Het will find her niche, gathering direct intelligence, serving as the distraction.. could probably even pick a pocket, if there was a good reason for it.

3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Hetaera can be Cunning , and has Street Smarts... but Shura would be the more Disciplined Leader. Jace might better serve as the Intelligence, with the Cool to pull it off.

Het will find her niche, gathering direct intelligence, serving as the distraction.. could probably even pick a pocket, if there was a good reason for it.

All I know is Usshkr is the muscle!

@AdvocatXD @satkaz @BeingofMortis what do you think?

I think that Leto was more of the Cool and Charm , and Jace is more of the Gunslinger since he has such a good shot. As for me being the Disciplined Leader, I can live with that.

Edited by AdvocatXD
16 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok guys, unfortunately @Vergence is having to leave us in this campaign, so I'm going to alter the ending of this session slightly accordingly in my next ic post. This does however leave us with only 5 players, so you guys do have a few options with what you want to do now that should be considered.

  1. Carry on as is. If you guys are still enjoying it there's no reason to stop now after all.
  2. Dissolve the campaign. If you guys aren't really feeling like this setting any more that's fair enough, you don't have to stick around if you're not having fun (rule 1 is have fun in all these things).
  3. Try a different setting. I have a number of ideas on the backburner at the moment that would focus on different eras and areas of the star wars universe, and if you guys still want to play but aren't as interested in this current setting, this is a definite option.

It's up to you guys what you want to do, so let me know what you think! :)

I'm fine with carrying on. I would like to see where this is going. :)

I just spent all 20xp on 2 super useful talents and a 2nd rank in Leadership. It'd be a complete and total bummer not to be able to use them. You can count me in for another session. ?

Edited by AdvocatXD

Ok awesome, I'll sort out the ic post later today. :)

@satkaz do we have your rifle?

Edit: if we are all on board with the Cooper gang style of play, would the name sake of our gang be our face or our leader? Since we kinda split Sly cooper into our two twileks. One leads and fights the other steals and charms.

Edited by Shlambate

And that is this session done! Bit of a cliff hanger, but I think it works. You guys can post your intros when you want :)