Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Switching to two concussion grenades then.

@satkaz that will e an average negotiation with 2 boost due to your argument but with 1 setback due to paranoia.

@satkaz , this will be an average athletics with 2 boost to see how well you land if you plan to jump.

Okay, rolling.

Athletics [Falling] : 2eA+2eD+2eB 2 failures, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s.png d-f-th.png d-f-f.png b--.png b-a.png

Welp. Wasn't much of a paratrooper, but hey, at least I can still walk, right?

@satkaz , you may want to edit your post for you to grab the grenades before jumping out of the window. You also get 2 wounds and 1 strain for your troubles of effectively falling out of a window.

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@satkaz , you may want to edit your post for you to grab the grenades before jumping out of the window. You also get 2 wounds and 1 strain for your troubles of effectively falling out of a window.

Made the edits and got it.

Ok, well you're free to rejoin the group, and then all of you are free to head to the ambush zone (which I think @AdvocatXD has on a datapad), and prepare your ambush.

Ok guys, if you all want to make a post confirming you're ready to move to the next stage of your heist I will get the ic post for the setting up.

@Rabobankrider I'm ready.

I'm locked, loaded, and ready to go! Lets give them a surprise they will never forget. :ph34r:


@SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION , just need you to sort you're post and we're good to go :)

I'm beginning to worry that @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION may have become inactive, so I'm going to give him a few days before we carry on to see if he comes back on. Hopefully he will reaper, but if not I will make an adjustment. Hang tight guys.

13 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I'm beginning to worry that @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION may have become inactive, so I'm going to give him a few days before we carry on to see if he comes back on. Hopefully he will reaper , but if not I will make an adjustment. Hang tight guys.

Ok guys, @KungFuFerret has let me know that he is going to be dropping out of this campaign (although he will be in the others so no worries there). I will be treating his character as a background character like Jex until the time comes for them to leave the campaign. This does mean you guys are down one stealthy character, so it's something to consider for future xp investments. I think I'm going to give @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION till Thursday, and then I'm afraid that I'm going to have to declare him inactive to keep the campaign moving.

Alright guys, unfortunately I'm going to have to declare @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION as inactive and remove him from the campaign. I'm going to figure a way to work this for you lot, but the heist is still very doable without him being there, so don't worry too much about that.

Ok guys, time for you to set up for your big heist!

Hmm, let's see here:

-Trucks seemed to be funneled into an alleyway where they can't turn; they can only go backwards and forwards.

-Narrow alleyways that can fit people in.

-Height advantage with ladders abound on fire entrances.

-Entrance is a sharp corner, exit is a T-junction.

I'm thinking that we have Giz in the truck block the T-junction and hold the truck in front with the tractor beam. We use the alleyways that can fit people in as a way to hide, then we disable the truck that's at the end of the convoy first so that they can't back up.

After dealing with the guards, we have our backup load the materials on our truck while the rest watch for reinforcements and leave once we get our stuff.

Now the question is: do we want our better shots being up high to cover the rest or on the ground where they can help take over the trucks faster? Keep in mind that we can use the concussion grenades on possible guards towards the middle of the convoy. Maybe the ones on top should have said grenades?

Edited by satkaz

Usshkr should be ground level, a good shot he is not. If things go south he will crack some skulls but he's still too injured to be accurate. This old dog is gonna let the young broncos have the fun, unless we'll he needs to save them.

18 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Usshkr should be ground level, a good shot he is not. If things go south he will crack some skulls but he's still too injured to be accurate. This old dog is gonna let the young broncos have the fun, unless we'll he needs to save them.

Alright. Hmm, who else would be on the ground and who would be high up? I know Jace could do both, since he's a good shot and has somewhat decent melee if things get that close. Plus I don't mind taking a difficulty dice for engaged range fire.

I'm open minded to whatever we can make work now. If Giz drives, Shura initially scouts, Hetaera is distraction, it only leaves 3 to pre-setup for combat positions now. Because HU-1K wants to stay in the truck (NPC), the first heist plan probably doesn't fit the present party as nicely.

7 hours ago, Vergence said:

I'm open minded to whatever we can make work now. If Giz drives, Shura initially scouts, Hetaera is distraction, it only leaves 3 to pre-setup for combat positions now. Because HU-1K wants to stay in the truck (NPC), the first heist plan probably doesn't fit the present party as nicely.   

Hmm, guess Jace will be high up on the fire escapes then.

19 minutes ago, satkaz said:

Hmm, guess Jace will be high up on the fire escapes then.

Since you'll have grenades, maybe we should switch it up with the plan to @Shlambate taking out the driver (rather than us) because he's engaged combat focused (out of grenade blast range) and we focus on handling the passengers from above?