Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

Sounds good, although you will need to replace Jex at some point skill wise, so simething to consider for the future.

Also, you're going to have to be pretty creative to disguise HU1K.

Yeah, Jex is just this heist. Part of the reason we are doing it. Help Jace & Jex get on their feet out here.

Mirialan tattoos for HU-1K, Boom! :lol:

31 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Sounds good, although you will need to replace Jex at some point skill wise, so simething to consider for the future.

Also, you're going to have to be pretty creative to disguise HU1K.

Easy make him a light post.

"Statement: This unit is a mail box. Statement: Any statements to the contrary will be taken as hostile action and any unit or organic meatbag who creates such a statement will be punished." No one will bother HU-1K then...

16 hours ago, Vergence said:

Maybe Leto and Jace focus on stunning the drivers? Maybe wait in the alleyways since that will be the direction the speeder will be facing.

That works for me.

16 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Sounds good, although you will need to replace Jex at some point skill wise, so simething to consider for the future.

Also, you're going to have to be pretty creative to disguise HU1K.

Lay down while holograms disguise him as a parked speeder?

XD if you guys get a shadow matrix thing one day I'll allow it.

The cheaper version of transformers, I like it. @satkaz


Ok, if you guys have your plan ready. I guess the next part is getting supplies and setting up the trap! When you're ready you can emote leaving the club with your next plan of action and I'll sort out the follow up.

@Vergence is the Plan done? It seems we don't got much more to talk about here.

I think we're good.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

@Vergence is the Plan done? It seems we don't got much more to talk about here.

If everybody is cool with the first draft, yeah!

@Rabobankrider , are you ok with the Tactical tractor beam? If so I'm ready for the next step! :D

@Edgehawk Usshkrs got nothing to say so unless Hetaera has things to Iron out He would suggest we move on.

@BeingofMortis I think it'll be fine for this one so you can proceed as is. :)

I will be away this weekend so I will sort the next stage of the session when I get back. In the mean time if you lot want to throw up some posts for leaving the club/dividing the prep work among yourselves I'll sort the next stage for Monday.

@Vergence I suggest that you close the meeting out and lead us to your base. I don't think we want to split up after this meeting? Do we?

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

@Vergence I suggest that you close the meeting out and lead us to your base. I don't think we want to split up after this meeting? Do we?

Yeah the hide-out sounds wise, @satkaz did you want to roleplay giving Shura the blaster, armored clothing, and Usshkr the vibrospear from the truck?

2 hours ago, Vergence said:

Yeah the hide-out sounds wise, @satkaz did you want to roleplay giving Shura the blaster, armored clothing, and Usshkr the vibrospear from the truck?

Yeah, sure.

When we get to choosing disguises, I think I'll have Shura disguise herself as a blue Nautolan. She could use blue face paint, headtail extensions, and Nautolan-sized eye contacts. I think she could pull it off. :D

Edited by AdvocatXD

Yeah, it might make HU-1K more convincing if Leto went Mirialan too. Hair spray dye his hair black, camo tech his skin green, and maybe Hetaera paint some tattoos over his face? Oh and of course, black ninja turtle bandit mask over his eyes :P

I was thinking about disguising Giz as a Jawa. :lol:

Usshkr Will disguise himself as a T-Rex. No one will see that coming.

1 minute ago, Shlambate said:

Usshkr Will disguise himself as a T-Rex. No one will see that coming.

My new arms are not what they use to be! :lol:

@Edgehawk @AdvocatXD Usshkr is assuming your characters relationship status, he doesn't actually know but he does notice that the two of you are closer than just friends so he assumes.

P.S. he hates being called incompetent so he snapped at Shura.

Edited by Shlambate

@Shlambate that Scorekeeper comment was suppose to be a good thing. For once, Shura is not goofing on Usshkr, she's complimenting him.

23 minutes ago, AdvocatXD said:

@Shlambate that Scorekeeper comment was suppose to be a good thing. For once, Shura is not goofing on Usshkr, she's complimenting him.

The Usskabob set him off he's a Cantankerous old man! He didn't really hear the Scorekeeper bit.

@AdvocatXD if you want I'll edit it so it looks like that's what he laser focused on!

Edited by Shlambate

:huh: To make things clear, Hettie and Shura have a sisterly relationship. They're not dating. Secondly, I think it's more likely for Usshkr to have a crush on Leto than for Shura and Hettie to be dating, since he's constantly staring at Leto and commenting how handsome he is. But Shura doesn't ever say anything like that. I just want to play the game, dude. :)

Edited by AdvocatXD