Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

3 hours ago, BeingofMortis said:

I was thinking we could use the Whisperthrust Engines to conceal our approach from behind and use the tractor beam to make it harder to get away. What does every think about that. :D

If Hetaera was wants to become the distraction, maybe damsel in distress act to lure somebody out, sneaking smog to block exit sounds solid. It would be ideal if the performers act also block the forward escape route too. We probably want to develop a plan that doesn’t require many PC’s in the vehicle since we are raiding probably 6 npcs and will need the man power acquiring the goods.

I was just about to chime in..

Usshkr will not approve of this plan his life debt cannot be risked by using her as bait.

@Edgehawk I like the plan but if I'm playing Usshkr right he will not approve of putting his protectee out in the open to shot at or mauled.

Edited by Shlambate

@Vergence , you can do an average streetwise, with a boost for being a local. Or you can do an average computers check if @AdvocatXD is willing to show you the data she 'found'.

Also @AdvocatXD , building on the suggestions from @Vergence , the data you found would show the usual employees being pretty low level thug types. Good for a scuffle but not much else, You'd also know the truck is a dull grey truck from the pre-clone wars era. Pretty old and very low key in appearance.

Also @BeingofMortis , I think a tractor beam might be a bit large for a truck, but I'll have to double check. I'll keep you posted when I get a chance to read up on it.

Usshkr isn't offering alternatives he's just offering Resistance to putting his protectee in danger.

If Shura is one of the guards who usually does the escort like Usshkr used to she can accompany the payload and we can have a woman on the inside. Maybe we can knock out a few of the guards that were with her and dress up as them. Then we ambush them and have the numbers advantage. This doesn't work if Shura Just guards the warehouse.

@Edgehawk , I think I';m actually going to have you do a leadership vs @Shlambate 's discipline check to see if you can convince him to let you go ahead with your plan.

18 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , I think I';m actually going to have you do a leadership vs @Shlambate 's discipline check to see if you can convince him to let you go ahead with your plan.

Should I make the opposed roll, or just roll my portion of it? @Shlambate And.. I won't use Destiny, if you don't.

2 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Should I make the opposed roll, or just roll my portion of it? @Shlambate And.. I won't use Destiny, if you don't.

I don't know but it sounds like Usshkr is Defense because he would be using coercion if it were the other way round.

Also @Rabobankrider would either party get boosts or upgrades? This is Usshkr's life debt, I'm not sure how much Hetaera wants to go and be bait but that could be a factor

Edited by Shlambate

@Edgehawk you roll your side for leadership. @Shlambate , you can roll your half with discipline. However I'd say if you want to bully her into not doing the plan you can do a coercion instead. That's really down to how you're wording it.

Campaign Kings of Nar Shaddaa
Description Leadership
Results 2eA+1eP : 4 successes [2eA=S, S] [1eP=S/S]
a-s.png a-s.png p-s-s.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

Ok @Shlambate , the Trando may not like it, but he would be able to see the reasoning and potential benefit of this plan, and would be more willing to listen to @Edgehawk over this one.

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok @Shlambate , the Trando may not like it, but he would be able to see the reasoning and potential benefit of this plan, and would be more willing to listen to @Edgehawk over this one.

Should Hetaera take Strain, for the 2 Threat?

Take an Usshkr will remember that.

Usshkr gets a boost to use against her on the next opposed check, whenever that happens.

To reflect this check you should probably make a post @Edgehawk I'll make one after that on your convincing of Usshkr.

19 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Usshkr isn't offering alternatives he's just offering Resistance to putting his protectee in danger.

If Shura is one of the guards who usually does the escort like Usshkr used to she can accompany the payload and we can have a woman on the inside. Maybe we can knock out a few of the guards that were with her and dress up as them. Then we ambush them and have the numbers advantage. This doesn't work if Shura Just guards the warehouse.

Sorry. Shura just guards the warehouse that receives courier shipments . That's how she got the data. Apologies for the slow responses. Busy month.

Edited by AdvocatXD
On 4/14/2018 at 6:45 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Also @BeingofMortis , I think a tractor beam might be a bit large for a truck, but I'll have to double check. I'll keep you posted when I get a chance to read up on it.

It's in Dangerous Covenants, page 62

1 H.P.

Edited by BeingofMortis
On 4/14/2018 at 9:26 PM, Vergence said:

What are the alternatives you guys suggesting then?

Average Streetwise + boost + Hetaera assist : 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD 4 successes
p-s-s.png a-s.png a--.png b--.png b-s-a.png d--.png d-th.png

@Rabobankrider was Leto able to find a decent spot and could you provide a description if possible?

Sure. What kind of spot are you looking for specifically to make your ambush?

@Rabobankrider Ideally somewhere remote with low or no traffic and could block to set a trap for the courier craft.

Edit: I think the speeder truck has 100 encumbrance @satkaz . Can the courier vehicle carry more than that?

Edited by Vergence

The courier vehicle would just be a standard truck with base stats. And in that case you would spot a part of the route that moves down a narrow road that runs through a residential area. You could effectively block the road with a truck parked sideways, and there is a few alleyways on either side of the road, but they're only big enough for people, not vehicles. It's usually quite a quiet area due to a lot of the buildings being empty after the Hutts damaged the local industry.

1 hour ago, Vergence said:

@Rabobankrider Ideally somewhere remote with low or no traffic and could block to set a trap for the courier craft.

Edit: I think the speeder truck has 100 encumbrance @satkaz . Can the courier vehicle carry more than that?

Ah, I forget Encumbrance and HP are two separate things.

Here is just a lose heist concept:

@AdvocatXD Scout on her swoop? Let us know when the speeder is coming and come in for backup once its spotted. Otherwise we can try to place a tagger on the vehicle and just track it.

@Edgehawk As inventive of a distraction as she wants to create by tempting npcs to leave/stop the vehicle. Example: Swoop trouble? Blocking the forward exit.

@satkaz Maybe Leto and Jace focus on stunning the drivers? Maybe wait in the alleyways since that will be the direction the speeder will be facing.

@SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION and @Shlambate focus on whoever comes out to assist the distraction and anymore passengers. If Jace and Leto are successful, we will also help provide backup.

@BeingofMortis Driver to block the exit, tactical tractor gunnery if it tries to escape, and get-away driver?

@Rabobankrider Jex can try to slice by jamming communication. If he fails no biggie.

@KungFuFerret Cracks into the speeder goods compartment, any skullduggery checks.

Doing all of this with disguises to mask our identities and once the combat threat is over, anybody can help transfer the goods over. Also as a player, I don't mind if Usshkr takes out the Wookiee or Tucker. Leto wouldn't care either but, he's very heist focused.

Edited by Vergence

Sounds good, although you will need to replace Jex at some point skill wise, so simething to consider for the future.

Also, you're going to have to be pretty creative to disguise HU1K.