Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Yeah, it's just a change of scene, but it helps to keep everyone involved I think. :)

@Edgehawk , I set aside a heavy blaster pistol for Shura but, I didn't know if your character would want one too? I also figured the vibrospear was a better fit for @Shlambate rather than a blaster. Just a reminder, @KungFuFerret there is a heavy blaster pistol available for Re'peek as well if you want it. @satkaz brought a crate which should basically have the gear we initially planned for the new emerging party members.

Edited by Vergence

Where I stole my bouncers from :P

On 4/2/2018 at 12:11 AM, Vergence said:

@Edgehawk , I set aside a heavy blaster pistol for Shura but, I didn't know if your character would want one too? I also figured the vibrospear was a better fit for @Shlambate rather than a blaster. Just a reminder, @KungFuFerret there is a heavy blaster pistol available for Re'peek as well if you want it. @satkaz brought a crate which should basically have the gear we initially planned for the new emerging party members.

Re'peek isn't really the shooty type, but he'll take the blaster, might come in handy at some point.

Sorry guys, work has taken a hold so I'm going to have to put my post on hold for a couple more days. I'll be back with you all asap.

Ok guys, at this stage it is really up to you guys to pitch the idea of the heist and begin your plan. That's the main objective for this part of the campaign.

This what I think The fight between the Wookiee and Usshkr looked like except he gets his arms ripped off instead of broken. Just thought I'd leave you guys a visual.

Usshkr would of course be Batman in this scenario, the fight starts at 1:05

@AdvocatXD don't forget when you have a chance to post you have the specific details of the couriers next route, so that is another option for you guys to work with. :)

I'm just going to have Jex pipe up every now and then to say what I imagine him saying. The planning details etc will still be down to you lot. :)

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I'm just going to have Jex pipe up every now and then to say what I imagine him saying. The planning details etc will still be down to you lot. :)

Would the group be able to perform a underworld or Streetwise check on the Faad Doos guy Shura mentioned?

You may indeed! That would be an average streetwise.

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

You may indeed! That would be an average streetwise.

Average Streetwise Faad Doos : 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
p-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

You would know Faad is a Duros pawn broker, low level stuff mostly. For advantage I'd say you know that he has ties to the Duros gang running your sector.

On 4/9/2018 at 5:22 PM, Rabobankrider said:

You would know Faad is a Duros pawn broker, low level stuff mostly. For advantage I'd say you know that he has ties to the Duros gang running your sector.

@Rabobankrider The papers provided say the courier service does the drop-off at Faad's, correct? Do the papers provide any other information such as what it's transporting or who from? Or who is the scheduled courier crew?

Edited by Vergence

The cargo of the manifesto would have been redacted, with has only occurred in previous records three of four times in total. In terms of who it's from it would be listed as an independent trader from off world, so whatever it is has been shipped in. The courier crew is listed as 'Tuckers crew', so you know that he will be present with whoever else he works with.

Leto will ask @Shlambate or @AdvocatXD if they’re familiar with the courier vehicle, as a heads up. Basically searching to see if we have to deal with vehicle scale weaponry against our pistols :P

Ok guys, unfortunately work has taken a bit of a bad turn, so I'm going to be very on and off in terms of activity for the time being. I'll try and get posts done a few times a week, but it's not going to be as frequent as before. Sorry for the inconvenience.

@BeingofMortis , @AdvocatXD , you guys want to add any other details? You've both got important parts of the plan. :)

Also guys, if you're all happy with your arrangement to bring the part together, now is the time to put together your official strategy. When that's ready we can get onto the heist itself. :)

That's all Usshkr Knows right @Rabobankrider

Yeah, most of the details for the upcoming delivery is in possession of @AdvocatXD

What else does Shura know? I thought I covered everything. :huh:

Could Leto do a Streetwise check on the courier route in the papers to find a quiet place to block their vehicle or just not be noticed?

3 minutes ago, Vergence said:

Could Leto do a Streetwise check on the courier route in the papers to find a quiet place to block their vehicle or just not be noticed?

If you do, Het can look through them with you, and provide a skilled assist.

37 minutes ago, AdvocatXD said:

What else does Shura know? I thought I covered everything. :huh:

If you had any details on typically how many personnel you’ve seen in the vehicle, make/model, or a compartment they’ve extracted goods from, that would be useful. It would help us figure out if it’s easier to just steal the vechile or have Re’peek break into a cargo hold and transfer the goods to our vehicle.

The attachments on the speeder truck are:

  • Smoke Generator - The concealment +3 setback dice while active 10 meters in diameter
  • Tactical tractor beam - Firing the beam is a ranged attack using the gunnery skill, and may target one ship at close range. If the attack hits, the attacking pilot must maneuver to maintain a lock and continue to follow the craft. Enemy craft caught in the tractor beam +2 setbacks to piloting and attacks/-1 strain to enemies that use accelerate or decelerate, drive, or punch it
  • slicing computer- Counts as slicer gear that can be used by a passenger. Add 1 automatic advantge to computer checks made to slice enemy ships' systyms
  • Whisperthrust Engines - Increase the difficulty to detect this vehical by 2 while it is travling speed 3 or lower.

I was thinking we could use the Whisperthrust Engines to conceal our approach from behind and use the tractor beam to make it harder to get away. What does every think about that. :D

Edited by BeingofMortis